Sunday 29 March 2015

So many of you today have no idea, whatsoever, what it means to serve Me as a Christian
Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 @ 23:00
My dearly beloved daughter, let no man doubt, for one moment, that God would ever allow His children to fall away from
 Him, without doing all in His Power to save them.
You have been given so many Gifts, through the prophets, since the beginning. Many prophets repeated the same messages over
 and over again, and yet, many of them were either ignored or ridiculed. Many were persecuted and put to death. Why does the
 Word of God provoke such hatred? It is not the Word of God, which rankles the souls of the weak or those who have
 fallen far away from the Faith. No. It is how Satan responds when God raises His Hand in ready punishment of the evil
 one, that he attacks viciously. He knows that the Word of God, when given to His prophets, spreads so rapidly, by the
 Power of the Holy Spirit and when this happens, the power of the evil one is weakened, and therefore, his retaliation is
When the Holy Spirit is poured over the human race, in this way, the fallen angels will rise – swords ready to pierce every follower
 of Mine, in any way they can. You must accept such hatred for My Word and recognize it for what it is – an attempt to lead you
 away from the Truth. Every apostle of Mine, every prophet and sacred servant, who adheres to the Truth – the Holy Word of God,
 will be bitterly opposed, by the forces of evil. This has always been the case. You must, however, never allow hatred of Me, your
 beloved Jesus, to dampen your spirit, for it is at that very moment that I Am truly Present in your soul. Suffer in My Name and I
 will raise you up in glorious union with Me, in My Kingdom to come. Inflict suffering upon others, in My Name, no matter how
 justified you may believe this to be, and I will cut you away from Me for eternity.
My Warnings, given to you now, are to remind you of what I taught, when so many of you, today, have no idea, whatsoever, what
 it means to serve Me as a Christian.
Your Jesus

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