Saturday 29 February 2020

The Love of God will shine down on all those who ask My Father to stop the antichrist from inflicting terrible suffering on humanity

The Love of God will shine down on all those who ask My Father to stop the antichrist from inflicting terrible suffering on humanity

My dearly beloved daughter for those among you, My followers, who worry about the times ahead you must know that all power lies in the Hands of My Eternal Father.
His only wish is to save all of His children from the clutches of the Beast.
Sadly the Beast, Satan, is dismissed by those non-believers as being a figment of the imagination.
He and his army of demons are everywhere, prompting God’s children to sin in their thoughts, actions and deeds every second of the day.
My Father not only wants to save the souls of every single one of His children, He wants to protect them from the persecution of the antichrist.
The power to avert, dilute and mitigate these trials lies in your hands, My followers.
Your prayers can alleviate much of this suffering which is being planned by Satan’s army in the years ahead.
Those who convert back to the ways of the Lord, God the Most High, will be given the graces to help stop much of this ugly and evil plan which is being prepared by this wicked group against their fellow brothers and sisters.
The Love of God will shine down on all those who ask My Father to stop the antichrist from inflicting terrible suffering on humanity.
You must pray hard that he is cut down along with the False Prophet quickly.
You, My followers, will be given special Crusade prayer litanies to break down and weaken his power.
These must be said daily after The Warning and, ideally, during Adoration of the Holy Eucharist.
These litanies, designed to destroy the antichrist and his army, will be a powerful force and if enough souls join in these prayers they will be instrumental in disrupting much of the plans being perpetrated by the antichrist and the False Prophet.
The first litany will be given to you shortly.
Stay strong and trust in My love for you for it is not My desire to see you suffer.
All I desire is the unification of all of humanity in the New Era of Peace which lies ahead.
This is all you need to focus on. All suffering will be wiped out and forgotten when this New Era unfolds.
Be patient. Trust in me and know that the love that My Eternal Father has for His children is insurmountable and beyond your comprehension.
Love and trust in His great love and know that the power of My Divine Mercy is so strong that when it envelopes the whole of humanity that billions will convert.
That will be when the power of the Holy Spirit, which will surge through the majority of the souls of God’s children, will become an intolerable burden for the antichrist.
He will find it difficult to penetrate the armour of God’s army.
This is why you must never give up hope. The battle for souls could be shortened and mitigated if enough souls convert and do I instruct them.
I love you all and I hope you trust in Me always.
Your Jesus

Friday 28 February 2020

You will win this battle for souls and it will not take long before the New World, without end, will emerge.

You will win this battle for souls and it will not take long before the New World, without end, will emerge.

My dearly beloved daughter many chosen souls are enduring a great suffering at this time as their hearts entwine with Mine because of the scourge of sin.
This unification of suffering, now being experienced by many visionaries, seers and victim souls is to salvage the souls of those who will die in mortal sin during The Warning.
It is a suffering like no other and will help defeat the enemy during The Warning.
My daughter you must continue to publish My messages although this is painful for you at this time.
The unrest in the world will escalate quickly and not only will wars emerge but the global bank will try to seize control over much of the world’s currencies.
Chaos will prevail and ecological disasters will rise as the Hand of My Father falls to punish humanity for their weakness and slavery to sin.
My followers your prayers have staved off many calamities which would have destroyed cities and nations.
You must never give up prayer. Perseverance and loyalty to Me, your Jesus, will ease the situation.
You must stay strong during this time of strife for very soon everything will change.
Despite the wickedness of Satan’s army, the growing faith of My Army will stand before them and stop them in their attempts to destroy My Church.
Never feel disillusioned with this work even when sometimes it seems hopeless. My Mercy is great. My love covers all of God’s children.
You will win this battle for souls and it will not take long before the New World, without end, will emerge.
This is your future, the future of the world which you must strive for. Satan’s day are almost over.
Rejoice because soon the suffering will have been forgotten.
Your Jesus

Thursday 27 February 2020

Virgin Mary: As the Mother of Salvation, my last title from Heaven, let me help you.

Virgin Mary: As the Mother of Salvation, my last title from Heaven, let me help you.

Featured Image -- 20711My child, the valley of tears flooding every nation in so many ways has been foretold many times.
Yet they have not listened to the warnings I gave to visionaries over the centuries.
Some of those who know the promises of the Lord, who said He would come again to rule in a world without end can recognise the signs.
Most people will not because they do not know the Gospels.
Children these times are very difficult and confusing. I, your beloved Mother, offer you protection against Satan if you would only ask me.
I have been accorded the power to crush him. If you invoke my help I can ease your torment.
My child his influence is becoming clear to many of you who open their eyes.
His wickedness has manifested in many of God’s children.
Murders, senseless killings, wars, greed, persecution, immorality and rampant sins which break every one of God’s Commandments, laid down by Moses, are there for all of you to see.
For those who have little faith and say what does it matter you must know the damage which Satan inflicts upon your soul.
He is like a disease which is difficult to cure. Once it grips you it leads to other diseases even worse than the first so that one cure is not enough.
He poisons the soul, the mind and the body so quickly that it is very difficult to disengage yourself.
Children, you do not realise how powerful and vindictive he is. Once he infests a soul he will not leave it alone so that the soul in question nearly loses his mind.
In some cases these souls no longer control their own impulses.
As the Mother of all of God’s children, I have the power to help salvage your soul.
As the Mother of Salvation, my last title from Heaven, let me help you.
You must say my Holy Rosary every day for protection and Satan will leave you and your loved ones alone.
Never underestimate this prayer for Satan’s power diminishes as soon as you say it.
Children the power of God is bequeathed to those who call on my Son, Jesus, to give you the strength to live through these times. It cannot be given to you unless you ask for it.
Here is the next Crusade Prayer you must recite in order to seek protection from Satan.
Crusade Prayer (68) Protect me from the influence of Satan
Mother of God, Mother of Salvation, Cover me with your most holy mantle and protect
My family from the influence of Satan and his fallen angels
Help me to trust in the Divine Mercy of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ,
at all times. Sustain me in my love for Him and never allow me to wander away from
The Truth of His teachings no matter how many temptations are placed before me.
Pray, pray, pray always for protection against the evil one for he causes terrible hurt, harm and misery in your lives.
If you do not ask you cannot receive these graces.
Trust in me, your Mother, at all times for it is my role to help my Son to salvage the souls of all of God’s children.
Your loving Mother
Queen of the Earth
Mother of Salvation

Wednesday 26 February 2020

The prophecies given to John, and not revealed up to now, are being presented at this time to wake up the world.

The prophecies given to John, and not revealed up to now, are being presented at this time to wake up the world.

My dearly beloved daughter the time is close for the final mysteries of God the Most High to be revealed to the whole world.
Your voice, My daughter, will finally complete God’s plan on earth to reveal the Truth of My Second Coming.
You, My daughter are the 7th Angel sent to prepare God’s children to renew their faith so that they can be saved.
As you reveal the secrets within the seven seals which I, Jesus the Lamb of God now open, you will infuriate many.
The wicked lies perpetrated by those who pretend to be servants of My Church will be exposed by the sound of your voice.
Every vile act committed by Satan’s followers who dare to declare themselves followers of Mine will be exposed. Every lie, laid bare, for all to see.
The new false Church, created by the antichrist, will be shown for what it is.
Every attempt made to deceive God’s children will be turned upside down as the battle to save humanity intensifies.
The blasphemies uttered by those who do not speak in My Holy Name will be witnessed by all, although many will not accept the Truth of God as it is being given to the world now.
The words, hidden for so long, and shut up until the end are now pouring from My lips.
No man will be excluded from the Truth. All will be shown the True Word as I prepare, once again, to save mankind from eternal damnation.
The prophecies given to John, and not revealed up to now, are being presented at this time to wake up the world.
The Gospels will once again, after so long, be spread throughout the world.
The blind will see again.
The dumb will speak with the truth, like honey, pouring from their lips.
The deaf will listen and the Truth will bring them the comfort missing for so long from their lives.
The apostasy will crack open and raw souls, starving for the Truth, will finally accept it with open arms.
The power of God will now manifest in every corner.
Be assured that the spawn of Satan and his followers will do everything they can to block the Book of Truth from being given to the world through the love of God.
They will be powerless against it, although it will not seem like that.
The Heavens await now for the time to bring together the whole of humanity for My Glorious Return.
Never forsake Me. Welcome Me as I prepare you for My Glorious Second Coming.
Bring your family with you and come into My arms as I prepare to wrap you into the protection of My special graces from Heaven.
I call out to all of you to recognise the last calling, through My 7th Messenger, given the authority to reveal the seven trumpets, the contents of the seventh seal, as the choir of angels prepare for the prophecies to unfold.
Your Jesus

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Love is a sign from God. No matter what religion or creed you follow love can only come from God

Love is a sign from God. No matter what religion or creed you follow love can only come from God


jesus-my-love1My dearly beloved daughter I wish to discuss the importance of love and how, without love, the world could not survive.
God is love.  Love comes from God.
Where you find love  you instantly feel the presence of God.
Nearly everyone in the world feels love at some stage. Love frees the soul and its purity gives you a glimpse as to the depth of the love that God has for every single one of His children.
Love defeats death. Love defeats evil. Love is ever lasting.  It can never die for it comes from God and will last for eternity.
When love is attacked in this life by the evil one, who acts through souls, it suffers, withers and can be replaced by indifference or, at times, hatred.
It is only through love, especially for each other, that peace in the world can evolve.
Without love people would die and become barren.
When you love a child you are feeling the same kind of love that My Father holds in His Heart for each child born in the world through His creation.
Imagine a parent’s anguish when a child goes missing.
The grief, the worry and the anxiety are identical that felt by My Father when His children wander and become lost to the Truth of His existence.
Then imagine the horror which a parent has to endure if their child cannot be found.
What if they become lost forever? This is the heartbreak My Father endures when He loses His children.
Nothing consoles Him until He can find them again or when they turn and come running home to Him again.
The whole of creation was founded through the love of My Father.
His Love floods the Heavens and the earth and is intensely powerful.
All was created by His Divine Love and His generousity of heart so that he could share all the wonders of creation with His children.
His love for His children will never die.
His betrayal by Lucifer, to whom He gave everything, has meant that His love for humanity has not been reciprocated by much of mankind.
But as an ever loving Father, His love is so powerful that nothing can ever kill His love for His children.
His love means that every person has been given a second chance.
The Warning, a great Gift sanctioned by My Father, is a special calling from Heaven.
This calling, a great supernatural miracle, will give each of you the chance of being saved; of being called and of being given the key to open the door to the New Paradise on earth.
For those of you who accept the Key to Paradise you will, in effect, defeat the beast.
The world will be finally rid of evil, sin, suffering and every pain. Peace will reign.
Love for My Father will flourish finally and you will all live according to His Divine Will.
I love you child
Love is a sign from God. No matter what religion or creed you follow love can only come from God.
It is the light present in every soul, even those who are hardened sinners, for God does not extinguish his light ever.
Grasp it. Embrace it. Cling on to love for it will lead you to Him.
Love will save you from the dark.
Your Jesus

Monday 24 February 2020

The pact with Satan is almost over and two events must soon take place.

The pact with Satan is almost over and two events must soon take place.

My dearly beloved daughter many people do not really understand the mystery of My Second Coming.
My Second Coming is the fulfilment of a New Covenant.
It will be the creation of the perfect Paradise which was lovingly brought to fruition for Adam and Eve by My Beloved Father. At that time all things on earth were in perfect harmony and  according to the Will of God.
The time since My Crucifixion on earth has been painful for humanity because of the reign of Satan who has ruled the earth during this period.
The pact with Satan is almost over and two events must soon take place.
The redemption of the human race will occur during The Warning. From then onwards people, including those who are ignorant of the existence of God, will embrace the Truth.
Others who will respond slowly to this great miracle, when the proof will be presented to them, will convert in time. They too will seek forgiveness for their sinful lives.
Then comes the final stage, the sanctification – the final purification so that the whole of humanity is fit to enter the perfect Paradise.
This is the Paradise inhabited originally by Adam and Eve. It will only be then the Divine Will of My Father, where all people will love and respect the Will of My Father, is to be accomplished at last.
Before this all comes to pass there will be much opposition to the Will of My Father being finally realised.
God’s children will be pulled in every direction. Although the Holy Spirit will be poured out over the whole world during The Warning, every effort will be made by Satan to stop this global confession.
He, and his wicked followers, are also preparing for The Warning. Their goal is to convince everyone that it did not happen.
So many people will find it difficult to openly accept God’s love and the existence of the New Paradise as long as Satan walks the earth.
Freedom will only come when he is banished.
Sadly, those who will fail to see the Truth, and who will stubbornly refuse to accept God, will never see Paradise.
Please say this Crusade Prayer  to accept the Divine Will of My Father.
Crusade Prayer (69) Prayer to God the Father to accept His Divine Will
God the Almighty Father I accept Your Divine Will
Help Your children to accept it
Stop Satan from denying Your children’s right to their Father’s
Never let us give up the fight for our inheritance in Paradise
Hear our pleas to banish Satan and his fallen angels
I ask You Dear Father to cleanse the earth with Your Mercy and to
cover us with Your Holy Spirit
Lead us to form your most Holy army, laden with the power to banish the beast forever. Amen.
Go in peace.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (69) Prayer to God the Father to accept His Divine Will

God the Almighty Father I accept Your Divine Will Help Your children to accept it.
Stop Satan from denying Your children’s right to their Father’s Inheritance.
Never let us give up the fight for our inheritance in Paradise.
Hear our pleas to banish Satan and his fallen angels.
I ask You Dear Father to cleanse the earth with Your Mercy and to cover us with Your Holy Spirit.
Lead us to form your most Holy army, laden with the power to banish the beast forever.