Sunday 30 April 2017

Prayer for non-believers who laugh, poke fun at or outwardly scorn those who pray

Prayer for non-believers who laugh, poke fun at or outwardly scorn those who pray
Sunday, November 21st, 2010 @ 01:30 am
My dear Lord I hold out my arms to ask You to take my beloved brother/sister into your tender arms. Bless them with your Sacred Blood and give them the grace needed to allow them to receive the Spirit of Your Love to lead them into eternal salvation.

I bring Gifts in stages, depending on the purity of the soul

I bring Gifts in stages, depending on the purity of the soul

My dearly beloved daughter, the Living God, present in humble souls, will become more pronounced as My New Gift is being poured over each of those alive in the world at this time.
I bring Gifts in stages, depending on the purity of the soul. My followers, in every church all over the world, will feel a rekindling of their love for Me as I envelop them with a greater understanding as to My Promise to Come again. My Gift will mean that they will be able to see, through the cobwebs of darkness, how the Truth begins to make sense. They will know now that I speak to them, because they will feel My Presence in their hearts. They will be blessed with knowledge, given to them by the Power of the Holy Spirit, to enable them to prepare adequately for My Second Coming.
My followers will be led by the Holy Spirit and they will not betray Me nor will they accept blasphemy, presented to them in My Name. This is why My Word will now spread more quickly and soon the Holy Spirit will create a longing in their souls for the Great Day when the final trumpet will peal out to announce My Coming.
Fear not, My beloved followers, I Am with you, though you suffer. Soon, you will grow in great numbers and this will give you the confidence to remain true to Me.
Your Jesus

No sacred servant of Mine can condemn anyone in My Name

No sacred servant of Mine can condemn anyone in My Name

My dearly beloved daughter, how few of those who believe in God, or who accept Me as the Son of Man, truly love Me. They say that they do, but many do not live according to My Teachings. You cannot say that you love Me and then condemn others. You cannot hurt another person, through harsh words and then say that you love Me, at the same time.
Who amongst you is free of sin? Which one of you exalts yourself before Me and then speaks cruelly against another? You will never be able to say you speak in My Name when you slander another. This is an affront to God and those of you who behave in this way offend Me. Those of you who speak evil of another, when you say you defend Me, only separate yourselves from Me. Yet you think that your actions are justified. When did you think that I would uphold such behavior and why do you believe that you have the authority to do these things?
When you are committed to My Service and then speak cruel words against any of God’s children, you commit a grave sin. No sacred servant of Mine can condemn anyone in My Name. You may be familiar with My Teachings – you may be knowledgeable about all that is contained in My Father’s Book, but when you slander another, in My Name, I will cast you away. It will take much penance on your part to seek My Favour again and even then, until you beg Me to forgive you, it will be a long time before you are fit to come before Me again.
Your Jesus

Litany Prayer (5) For the Salvation of Those in Mortal Sin

Jesus, save all sinners from the fires of Hell.
Forgive blackened souls.
Help them to see You.
Lift them out of darkness.
Open their eyes.
Open their hearts.
Show them the Truth.
Save them.
Help them to listen.
Rid them of pride, lust and envy.
Protect them from evil.
Hear their pleas for help.
Grasp their hands.
Pull them towards You.
Save them from the deception of Satan. Amen.

Mother of Salvation: Every single Sacrament will be changed beyond recognition

Mother of Salvation: Every single Sacrament will be changed beyond recognition

My child, when they placed the Crown of Thorns on the Sacred Head of my Son, it was not just to inflict terrible physical torture, it was to make a statement. It was done as a symbolic gesture. They were saying as they mocked Him that this Man, Who says He is Head of the Church and Who calls Himself the Messiah, will not be tolerated. They defile the Head of the Church when they Crowned Him and they will defile Him again during these times.
It will not suffice that they, the enemies of Christ, take over my Son’s Church from within – they will desecrate Him in many other ways. They will change the hosts for Holy Communion and the meaning of what the Holy Eucharist is. They will say that It, the Holy Eucharist, represents humanity and that it is a sign of a new communion – a gathering of all people as one in the Eyes of God. You, my children, will be told that you are all in communion with each other and that this is a cause for celebration.
The Holy Communion is the Body of Christ and is His Real Presence. It cannot be two different things. Yet, they will twist the meaning – all you will be left with, eventually, will be a piece of bread, for when they desecrate the altars and the Most Holy Host, my Son’s Presence will cease.
Every single Sacrament will be changed beyond recognition. So cunning will the enemies of my Son be, that the holy ceremonies will be seen to have changed only a little. The Sacrament of Confession will be abolished, for the beast does not want souls to be redeemed, because this would be a victory for my Son.
Children, you must keep asking me to intercede, so that the pain of these future events can be eased and the time cut short.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Litany Prayer (4) To Mitigate Punishment by God the Father

O God the Most High.
We beg You for Mercy for the sins of Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of the earth.
We thank You for the Gift of human life.
We treasure the Gift of life.
We uphold the Gift of life.
We thank You for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We thank You for the Gift of Redemption.
We praise Your Divinity.
We surrender, completely, before You, so that Your Holy Will can be completed, on earth, as it is in Heaven.
We thank You for the Gift of the Illumination of Conscience.
We thank You for the promise of eternal life.
We welcome the New Paradise.
We beg You to save all souls, including those who torment You and those who are lost to You.
We thank You for the Love you show all Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of prophecy.
We thank You for the Gift of prayer.
We ask You to grant us peace and salvation.

Friday 28 April 2017


Clergy need to receive these Books 
And those people with no access to internet or computers.


 You need to start acquiring ALL 5 volumes. You are going to need them down the road more sooner than any of us would think. These books will guide and direct us when the truth will no longer preside within the Vatican. If you are truly a remnant army member you must have these books. Beyond praying these beautiful prayers daily, we MUST promote these books as well. They will become our lifeline. You will thank yourselves for doing so.

Mother of Salvation: A new, bitter world war will be declared

Mother of Salvation: A new, bitter world war will be declared

Fatima2My dear child, I must, on the instructions of my Son, Jesus Christ, reveal that the wars, which will unfold now, in the Middle East, will herald the great battle, as a new, bitter world war will be declared.
How this breaks the Sacred Heart of my poor suffering Son. The hatred, which infuses the hearts of those leaders, entrusted with the responsibility of running their countries, by ordinary people, will spread.
They will betray their own nations.
Millions will be killed and many nations will be involved. You must know that the souls of those who will be murdered and who are innocent of any crime will be saved by my Son.
The speed of these wars will escalate and no sooner will four parts of the world become involved than the Great War will be announced. Sadly, nuclear weapons will be used and many will suffer. It will be a frightening war, but it will not last long.
Pray, pray, pray for all the innocent souls and continue to recite my Most Holy Rosary, three times a day, in order to ease the suffering, which will result because of World War III.
Thank you, my child, for responding to my call. Know that there is great sadness in Heaven at this time and it is with a heavy heart that I bring you this difficult news.
Your Mother
Mother of Salvation

Mother of Salvation: The only way to Eternal Life is through my Son, Jesus Christ

Mother of Salvation: The only way to Eternal Life is through my Son, Jesus Christ

maryand-jesus-on-crossMy child, none of you must ever forget that my Son died in order to salvage humanity. He freed all souls from bondage to the beast. He gave all of you the Gift of Salvation and in order to receive Eternal Life, you must come to my Son and ask Him for this Great Gift.
The only way to Eternal Life is through my Son, Jesus Christ. Because He is so merciful, He allows everyone the chance to come to Him, by their own free will. He gave the world the Truth and, by His Gift of His death on the Cross, He opened the way for all to live in eternal peace and in His Paradise.
Many do not accept my Son nor do they believe in God. If you do not believe in God or accept the Gift of Salvation, then you separate yourself from God. Because of this Final Mission to save souls, including the souls of all sinners, as well as those who refuse to acknowledge the Existence of God, my Son will perform a Great Miracle.
During The Warning everyone will see the proof that they have a soul and many will be converted. Those who will not convert and who remain atheists cannot be given the Gift of Salvation, for they will refuse His Hand of Mercy. Those souls will reject Him in the most defiant way and nothing, but your prayers, can save them.
Those who refuse every attempt, every intervention and every Mercy, to bring them into the New Paradise, will be cast away. For theirs will not be the Kingdom of my Son, because my Father, Who bequeathed humanity with the Gift of free will, will never impose His Will over any of His children.
Pray, pray, pray that atheists will accept the Hand of Mercy, which my Son will extend to every single one of them. Remember to recite the Crusade Prayers to save these poor little souls. 
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Litany Prayer (3) Defend the Word of God

O dear Jesus, protect us from the lies, which offend God.
Protect us from Satan and his army
Help us to love You more.
Sustain us in our battle.
Defend us in our faith.
Lead us to Your refuge of safety.
Help us stand up and defend Your Holy Will.
Strengthen our resolve to be Your true disciples.
Give us courage.
Give us confidence.
Guide us on the path of Truth.
Defend us against the enemy.
Pour Your Graces of Protection over us.
Help us to avoid temptation.
Bring us closer to Your Sacred Heart.
Help us to remain loyal to You at all times.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Atheist’s Prayer Thursday, November 18th, 2010 @ 09:00 pm

Atheist’s Prayer
Thursday, November 18th, 2010 @ 09:00 pm
God, if You are the Truth reveal to me the sign of Your Love. Open my heart to receive guidance. If You Exist let me feel Your Love so I can see the Truth. Pray for me now

Show more reac

My Holy Word may not be changed or adapted so that it becomes something else

My Holy Word may not be changed or adapted so that it becomes something else

My dearly beloved daughter, while I continue to make every effort to reach out to the world, through these Messages – still many devout followers of Mine, fail to accept My Hand. These precious souls of Mine are vulnerable because many will fail to see the way in which their faith will be used to endorse the new, soon-to-be liturgy, which will fail to honor Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of man.
Many will assume, incorrectly, that the new liturgy and the new mass – although changed greatly – can do no harm. So many will quietly question some of the contents, as well as the format and find them strange. Yet very few will challenge them as they will believe that these are blessed by the Church and so therefore, they cannot be wrong. What they do not understand is that My Holy Word may not be changed or adapted so that it becomes something else. My Church is infallible, but should any so-called servant or leader in My Church twist the Word of God or rewrite the meaning of the Holy Eucharist, then they blaspheme against God. 
I was denied by humanity and crucified when they, including the leaders in God’s Temples, rejected the Truth. When anyone – no matter how high they stand amongst you – denies the Truth, they are guilty of heresy and do not come from Me. Yet, they would have you believe that the Truth is a lie. They will deny all that you have been taught by Me to live full Christian lives. They will spit at Me, but lead you along a path, which they will say leads you to Me, but it will not.
These things, foretold, will soon come to pass. Be prepared. When you see the signs, then know that these prophecies can only come from God.
Your Jesus

Litany Prayer (2) For the Grace of Immunity

O Heavenly Father Most High,
I love You.
I honour You.
Lord Have Mercy.
Lord forgive us our trespasses.
I adore You.
I praise You.
I give You thanks for all Your special Graces.
I beg You for the Grace of Immunity for my beloved
(name all those in a list for the salvation of souls)
I offer You my loyalty at all times.
You O Most Heavenly Father,
Creator of all things,
Creator of the Universe,
Creator of humanity,
You are the source of all things.
You are the source of Love.
You are Love.
I love You.
I honour You.
I lay myself before You.
I beg for Mercy for all souls who don’t know You, who don’t honour You, who reject Your Hand of Mercy.
I give myself to You in mind, body and soul so that You can take them into Your Arms, safe from evil.
I ask You to open the Gate of Paradise so that all Your children can unite, at last, in the inheritance you have created for all of us.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Prayer Expressing True Love for Jesus Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 @ 10:15 pm Jesus Your Will is all that matters. My free will is Yours. Do with it as You may.

Jesus Your Will is all that matters. My free will is Yours. Do with it as You may.

Information on the Remnant Army and Maria Divine Mercy Messages in languages of the world

It is time that the Crusade Prayer Groups must be set up and spread across the world

It is time that the Crusade Prayer Groups must be set up and spread across the world

christians-in-iraqMy dearly beloved daughter, it is time that the Crusade Prayer Groups must be set up and spread across the world. These Prayers are given by the Power of God and great miracles are associated with them.
These Prayers will spread conversion, provide physical healing and dilute the impact of war, hunger and poverty. Today I bequeath to you a new Prayer which will help to reduce the terrible suffering which will be brought on by war.
Crusade Prayer (120) Stop the Spread of War
O my sweet Jesus, take away the wars, which destroy humanity.
Protect the innocents from suffering.
Protect the souls who try to bring true peace.
Open the hearts of those afflicted by the pain of war.
Protect the young and vulnerable.
Save all souls whose lives are destroyed by war.
Strengthen all of us, dear Jesus, who pray for the souls of all God’s children and grant us the Grace to withstand the suffering, which may be given to us during times of strife.
We beg You to stop the spread of war and bring souls into the Sacred Refuge of Your Heart.
Go, all of you who hear Me, and ask Me for the Graces you will need to endure My Pain at this time.
Your Jesus

Jesus Your Will is all that matters. My free will is Yours. Do with it as You may.

My Holy Word may not be changed or adapted so that it becomes something else

My Holy Word may not be changed or adapted so that it becomes something else

My dearly beloved daughter, while I continue to make every effort to reach out to the world, through these Messages – still many devout followers of Mine, fail to accept My Hand. These precious souls of Mine are vulnerable because many will fail to see the way in which their faith will be used to endorse the new, soon-to-be liturgy, which will fail to honor Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of man.
Many will assume, incorrectly, that the new liturgy and the new mass – although changed greatly – can do no harm. So many will quietly question some of the contents, as well as the format and find them strange. Yet very few will challenge them as they will believe that these are blessed by the Church and so therefore, they cannot be wrong. What they do not understand is that My Holy Word may not be changed or adapted so that it becomes something else. My Church is infallible, but should any so-called servant or leader in My Church twist the Word of God or rewrite the meaning of the Holy Eucharist, then they blaspheme against God. 
I was denied by humanity and crucified when they, including the leaders in God’s Temples, rejected the Truth. When anyone – no matter how high they stand amongst you – denies the Truth, they are guilty of heresy and do not come from Me. Yet, they would have you believe that the Truth is a lie. They will deny all that you have been taught by Me to live full Christian lives. They will spit at Me, but lead you along a path, which they will say leads you to Me, but it will not.
These things, foretold, will soon come to pass. Be prepared. When you see the signs, then know that these prophecies can only come from God.
Your Jesus

Litany Prayer (1) Protection against the False Prophet

Dearest Jesus, save us from the deceit of the False Prophet.
Jesus, have Mercy on us.
Jesus, save us from the persecution.
Jesus, preserve us from the Anti-Christ.
Lord Have Mercy.
Christ Have Mercy.
Dearest Jesus, cover us with Your Precious Blood.
Dearest Jesus, open our eyes to the lies of the False Prophet.
Dearest Jesus, unite your Church.
Jesus, Protect our sacraments.
Jesus, don’t let the False Prophet divide your Church.
Dearest Jesus, help us to reject lies presented to us as the truth.
Jesus, give us Strength.
Jesus, give us Hope.
Jesus, flood our souls with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus, protect us from the Beast.
Jesus, give us the gift of discernment so we can follow the path of Your true Church at all times forever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday 25 April 2017


IRELAND BEWARE: Share this everywhere ! CITIZEN'S ASSEMBLY is a dark force to forever demoralize Ireland's stand as a world leader in anti-abortion. CITIZEN'S ASSEMBLY DOES NOT IN ANY WAY REPRESENT THE CITIZENS OF IRELAND ! DO NOT REPEAL the 8th amendment ! Foreign funding and in particular funding from the United States is being used to produce a referendum to repeal the Eight Amendment to the Irish Constitution. Private interests in the United States are, through spending millions promoting one side are distorting the democratic process and potentially changing the course of Ireland’s social history. May God continue blessing IRELAND. Thank You Lord ! SHARE THIS ! God bless Ireland !

Citizens’ Assembly recommends abortion to be allowed without restrictions up to 12 weeks