Mother of Salvation: These Medals will convert all souls, who are open to the Mercy of my Son, Jesus Christ

I am the Mother of God, but I am also the Mother of all of God’s children, as I pledged to help them in their moment of final salvation. My Son, when He crowned me at my Coronation in Heaven, gave me the authority to become the Mother of the twelve tribes – the twelve nations in the New Jerusalem.
Before that day dawns, I, as the Mother of Salvation, will seek out souls everywhere and draw them to my Son. I help Him in this onerous task and just as my Heart is entwined in His, it is also entwined within the hearts of those who truly love my Son.
As your Mother, I love all of God’s children. I feel the same love for each of you as any mother feels for her young. I see God’s children as if all of them were just little children. I feel their pain. I suffer with my Son when He looks upon sinners, who reject the Love He has for them. How He agonises over them and how many tears I now cry as I watch the wretchedness of man grow because of the spread of sin. Yet, there is still much love alive in the world. This love, when it is pure, will withstand the darkness and, like a beacon, it will attract souls towards it. This is the way God will work in order to enlighten humanity. He will use the love of those who love Him to bring Him the souls of the rest.

My child, as I have said, this Medal must be made available to the world through you and based on my instructions to you. These instructions are only being made known to you.
These Medals will convert all souls who are open to the Mercy of my Son, Jesus Christ. This will then result in the salvation of millions.
Thank you, children, for opening up your hearts to me, your Mother and for showing obedience to my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind.
Your Mother
Mother of Salvation

To order the medal of Salvation please visit this site:
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