Friday 31 March 2017

Mother of Salvation: My children everywhere – you must listen to me, your beloved Mother, at this time of sorrow

Mother of Salvation: My children everywhere – you must listen to me, your beloved Mother, at this time of sorrow

OLOSorrowsMy children everywhere – you must listen to me, your beloved Mother, at this time of sorrow. I call especially on those of you who have a great devotion to me, the Mother of God, as I comfort you at this time of great apostasy. You must accept this Intervention from Heaven with good grace and be thankful that because of the great Love of my beloved Father, that you have been given this great Gift.
When you believe that the grave wave of paganism, which will soon engulf my Son’s Church, all over the world, is beyond your endurance, then you must ask for my intercession.  Whatever happens, when you remain faithful to my Son, although every attempt will be made to distract you, all will be well. Never feel that it is hopeless, for the great Glory of my Son and the Will of God will soon be revealed.
No matter how many in the Church are led into grave error, the Word of God will spread like wildfire. The two witnesses to the Word of God – the true Christian Church and the House of Israel will stand the test of time. Fire will pour from their mouths in the form of the Holy Spirit.
In time, after the abomination of desolation has been revealed, those loyal to the Truth will rise and theirs will be the Kingdom of Christ. Lies will always be found out, though in the beginning, those of you who have been filled with the Gift of the Holy Spirit will suffer so much when you witness the terrible desecration in my Son’s Churches. The Truth will be seen and all of those who were misled in the beginning will, eventually, understand the evil, which will have been laid down before you.
You must only trust in my Son during this torturous journey, where you will be treated like a criminal for insisting on staying true to the Word of God. Please remember my Son’s Own journey to Calvary. Accept this cross, with love and dignity, as you are greatly pleasing to my Son when you carry His burden. Through your sacrifice and suffering, He will redeem the most unworthy of souls and then He will be able to unite all of God’s children.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

They will be asked to pledge their allegiance, through a new oath, to remain faithful to the Church

They will be asked to pledge their allegiance, through a new oath, to remain faithful to the Church

My dearly beloved daughter, the plan by the false prophet to deceive the world’s clergy has begun.
Under the guise of a renewal and regeneration of the Catholic Church, all the clergy, within this Church, will be sent on retreats to encourage them to accept the new apostolate. These will become widespread and many will be told that the objective is to unite everyone in the world, in the name of justice. This new mission will, they will be told, embrace the world’s poor and strive to bring about unity.
They will be asked to pledge their allegiance, through a new oath, to remain faithful to the Church. They will not be asked to place their faith in Me or My Holy Word. Instead, they will swear allegiance to the new self-proclaimed leaders who have taken over the Chair of Peter.
Make no mistake that those who have been bestowed with the Gift of Holy Orders will be asked to participate in a falsity, where I, Jesus Christ, will not be at the forefront, though it will appear to be the case. Money will be a driving force and a new financial organization will be set up to control the seeking of funds to ensure that the world’s poor will benefit.
When you amend your Holy Orders, in any way, and then pledge your life to someone who breaks all ties with Me, you will no longer be fit to serve Me. Everything will be seen to be made simple in the Eyes of God. The plan will be to convince those sacred servants of Mine to take part, willingly, in the abomination, which will link society and a secular world with the Church, which was set up by Me, Jesus Christ.
This is how I will be insulted. Every effort to embrace secularism will be applauded by non-believers and this will be seen to be a good thing, for the new, so-called modern society of today.
It will soon seem strange to Christians when they see members of the secular world embrace the Catholic Church, so enthusiastically. But many will brush off their doubts and dismiss their concerns, as they will fall for the great deceit. At the kernel of this plan to revolutionize the Church lies a hatred for Me and everything that I gave My Church. You must question everything in the days ahead. Demand answers when they change My Teachings and twist them to suit pagans. No disciple, appointed by Me, would ever be given the authority to do this, for it amounts to blasphemy.
Woe to those who allow My Holy Word to be tampered with and allow room to be set aside to show respect for those who deny Me.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (146) Protection against deception

Dear Mother of Salvation, protect me with the Grace of protection against deceptions, created by Satan to destroy the faith of Christians. Protect us against those who are the enemies of God. Keep us safe from lies and heresy, used to weaken our love for your Son. Open our eyes to untruths, deception and every attempt we may encounter to encourage us to deny the Truth. Amen.

Thursday 30 March 2017

I will ensure that millions more hear My Words

I will ensure that millions more hear My Words

My dearly beloved daughter, My Love and My Compassion for all sinners has meant that I grant great Mercy on billions of souls. As of today, I will open their eyes to My Messages for humanity. I will ensure that millions more hear My Words, so that I can take many more lost souls into the New Paradise. All such souls, who would never accept these Messages because of their stubbornness, will now see them, for what they are – an Act of Mercy on My part, so that I can salvage their souls.
Priests, who had denounced My Messages and declared them to be the words of the devil will by then realise the terrible mistake they made, by denying souls the opportunity of listening to My Heavenly Voice.
Non-believers, who have struggled to find peace, will now be drawn to My Messages and soon they will seek comfort from Me. I Am waiting for them and as soon as they walk towards Me, I will fill them with a longing for My Love so that they will be powerless to ignore Me.
Believers in God the Almighty Father, who do not accept Me, His beloved Son, will feel a stirring within their souls. They will cry out for the Truth as they witness the ways in which the world will have changed beyond recognition.
Then, those who love Me and who remain staunch in their faith, but who fail to recognise Me when I Call out to their souls, will be overcome by the final realization, when My Divine Presence will be made known to them. I will rejoice when these, My followers, allow Me to guide them properly on the final journey.
I give the world these Gifts because I love everyone. Await this Gift with love and thanksgiving.
Your Jesus

My Second Coming cannot take place until the contamination of sin has been eradicated

My Second Coming cannot take place until the contamination of sin has been eradicated

battle-between-good-and-evilMy dearly beloved daughter, the renewal and purification of the Earth has now commenced as My Time draws near. My Second Coming cannot take place until the contamination of sin has been eradicated, through the cleansing needed on this Earth.
As the Earth will be purified, souls of every creed will be plunged into a renewal of the spirit and many will endure a terrible spiritual battle. They will not understand what they are enduring, but I will allow this because of My Mercy. In order to be fit to stand before Me and to be given Eternal Life in the New Paradise, souls must first be purified.
This purification will take place on Earth, for those who will live through the persecution of the antichrist, as well as for those who will live through the transition into the New Paradise. The Earth will, at the same time, commence its own renewal and all evil will be weeded out, stage by stage.
hand of god cloudBe thankful that My Father has not lost His Patience and that He does not punish His children, according to the severity of their sins. Be thankful also that He does not just turn His Back now and simply take those souls who truly love Him away from this Earth, which by its iniquity, disgusts Him.
My Father perseveres because His children are His Creation and He will not allow them to be taken by Satan. So jealous was Lucifer, that when My Father created man in His Own Likeness, he vowed to fight to the last day in order to turn man against his Creator.
My Father will intervene, out of Love, in order to render powerless the strength of Satan. Every attempt, of Satan’s version of the Triune God, comprising of the false prophet, the antichrist and the spirit of evil, will be thwarted. This battle will be ugly, unfair to many souls, who will be too weak to wrestle free from the grip of evil, but it will be won by Almighty God.
You must, all of you, turn to My Father and beg Him to salvage your souls and to protect you from following the beast on the road to perdition.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (145) Fill me with Your Gift of Love

Dearest Jesus, fill me, an empty vessel, with the Gift of Your Love. Flood my soul with Your Presence. Help me to love others as You love me. Help me to be a vessel of Your Peace, Your Calm and Your Mercy. Open my heart always to the plight of others and give me the Grace to forgive those who reject You and who trespass against me. Help me to proclaim Your Love through example, as You would do were You in my place. Amen.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

I must warn the world of the large number of false prophets, who at this time try to drown out My Voice

I must warn the world of the large number of false prophets, who at this time try to drown out My Voice

My dearly beloved daughter, I must warn the world of the large number of false prophets, who at this time try to drown out My Voice.
I have sent a number of prophets, all with different missions, to prepare God’s children. These Messages, regarding the end times, are the only authentic Messages of their kind, at this exact time, for I would never confuse God’s children.
These Messages must never be compared to others, which are being spread everywhere, right now, in order to contradict My Holy Word. There can only be one Book of Truth – only I, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, can reveal the contents.
Those of you who believe in Me can be so easily fooled. You must know that messages, which contradict these and where it is claimed that they come from God, that this is impossible.
Do you trust Me only a little? Or do you embrace Me as I desire you to, with a full and open heart? I Call out to you with love and concern. I do not try to appeal to your intelligence. I Call to you through your heart and I draw your soul to Me. When you feel My Presence in these Messages, then there is no need to seek endorsement or approval from anyone.
I Am as I Am. I stand before you, as it was meant to be, now. My Father would never permit Me to reveal the content of the Book of Revelation to anyone else but the seventh messenger, for this day has arrived.
Many authentic visionaries have given the world the Word of God in the past and suffered terribly for this. Many still receive consolation from Me and I will continue to communicate to them, for I need their suffering and prayers. They are My chosen souls and each has a role to play in saving other souls.
This Mission is the last. I instruct you to heed My Word, now, in the present. Only My Word, given to you through these Messages, will guide you through the persecution. With them, I bring you great Graces. You must never insult Me, by contaminating them, when you challenge My Word, when you compare My Messages with the fiction produced by false prophets.
You do not need anyone to guide you towards My Great Mercy. You must focus only on these Messages and remain loyal to My Teachings of old, now, for they are your saving grace.
Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: The antichrist, upon his announcement, will declare that he is a devout Christian

Mother of Salvation: The antichrist, upon his announcement, will declare that he is a devout Christian

Fatima2My child, how Christians will suffer as the disease of sin engulfs the world everywhere in many guises.
There is an organized attempt being made to wipe out Christianity and this takes many forms. You will know that when Christians are denied the right to publicly declare their allegiance to God, that every other creed, not of God, will be permitted to do so. These other creeds will be given great support when they plead for justice, in the name of their rights as citizens. What this will do is to spread further the sins which are abhorrent to my Father.
People will be forced to accept sin in their countries and it will become an offense for Christians to object to these laws. Christians will be viewed as being uncharitable, right wing and out of touch with the human rights of others. Every trait, desirable in souls, as laid down by my Father, will be used as a front in their efforts to justify such wickedness in your nations.
When disease of the flesh grips a community, it kills many. But, after a time of great sorrow and many deaths, the remaining community becomes immune to the disease. Sin will cause disease of the flesh in many nations, as the judgements of the Seals are declared by the Saviour of humanity and poured down by the angels of the Lord. Many will be killed in atonement for the wickedness of man. This purification will continue until there will remain only those who are immune to death because of their love for God.
Christians will suffer greatly in a number of ways. Their faith will be taken away from them and in its place an abomination will be witnessed. Their pain, which has already begun, is the same as that experienced by my Son, at this time. Then, they will have to witness an astonishing sight, as the antichrist, upon his announcement, will declare that he is a devout Christian. He will use many extracts from the Bible in his speeches to the world. Weary Christians, who suffered up to this, will suddenly be relieved. At last, they will think, here is a man sent from Heaven in answer to their prayers. Out of his mouth will spill many sweet and comforting words and he will appear to be a godsend, in that he will be seen to amend the wrongs against Christians. He will carefully construct how he is perceived by Christians and especially Roman Catholics, for these will be his main target.
All will admire the antichrist and his so-called christian acts, gestures and his perceived love of Holy Scripture will make him instantly acceptable by many. He will draw all nations together and set about holding ceremonies for other religions and, in particular, pagan organizations, so that they can work together to bring about world peace. He will succeed in uniting countries, which had been enemies up till then. Silence will be heard in war torn countries and his image will appear everywhere.
His final, great achievement will be when he brings all those nations he unites, into the domain of the Catholic Church and all other Christian denominations.This unification will form the new, one world religion. From that day forth, Hell will break loose on Earth and the influence of demons will be at its greatest level since before the great flood.
People will be seen to adore God in the new, one world order church and appear to be devout in every way. Then outside of the churches they will indulge in sin openly, for no sin will shame them. Under the hypnotic direction of the false trinity – the trinity created by Satan – they will crave every kind of sin as a means to sustain their newfound appetite.
This wickedness will include sins of the flesh, where nakedness will be acceptable, as man will become involved in obscene sins of the flesh in public places. Murders will be common and committed by many, including children.
Satanic worship and black masses will take place in many Catholic Churches. Abortion will be seen as a solution for every kind of problem and will be permitted right up to the day of birth.
It will soon become a criminal offence to show any kind of allegiance to Jesus Christ. If you are seen with a true Cross you will find that you have committed an offense, because you will be breaking the law. The law in your lands will become a dual law – where politics and religion will be entwined in the new world order.
This persecution will mean that many, unknowingly, will adore the beast and become infested. So infested will they become that they will betray brother, sister, mother and father, to the authorities, if they should remain loyal to Christianity. Your only hope, children, is prayer to sustain you through this period.
I urge you to keep all holy objects, rosary beads, blessed candles, holy water, a copy of the Bible and the holy daily Missal along with the Crusade of Prayer book.
SealScapular_1You must keep the Seal of the Living God in your home and on you if possible.
My Medal of Salvation will convert those who wear it and they will be shown Mercy by my Son. I now request you, child, to have the Medal of Salvation produced now and a Scapular of the Seal of the Living God made.Featured Image -- 25015
This Message is a warning from Heaven of things to come. You must listen to me, the Mother of Salvation, as I must guide you to the Truth, so that you will remain truly faithful to my Son at all times.
Go in peace, children, and be calm as this trial will, because of the Mercy of God, be short. Trust in me, your Mother, as I will be with you always during your trials. You will never be alone.
Your Mother
Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (144) To protect the Christian Faith

O Mother of Salvation, please intercede on behalf of the souls of Christians all over the world.
Please help them to preserve their faith and to remain loyal to the Teachings of Jesus Christ. Pray that they will have the strength of mind and spirit to uphold their faith at all times.
Intercede, dear Mother, on their behalf, to open their eyes to the Truth and to give them the Grace to discern any false doctrine, presented to them in the Name of your Son.
Help them to remain true and loyal servants of God and to renounce evil and lies, even if they have to suffer pain and ridicule because of this.
O Mother of Salvation, protect all your children and pray that every Christian will follow the path of the Lord, until his dying breath. Amen.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

God the Father: Children we are but just a short time away from the Great Day

God the Father: Children we are but just a short time away from the Great Day

My dearest daughter, while the world strives to make sense out of the despair they witness, know that all of these turmoils must take place, before I bring all those who love Me into My Place of Refuge. 
You will soon know Who I Am, children. Those of you who are unsure of Me will see the Truth at last and this will bring you great peace. The evil in the world increases now and the deceit descends. You must be strong, I plead with you, as I await now the day when the renewal will begin and all of My children will find solace on the Day, when My beloved Son declares Himself.
What you are witnessing is a battle between My Heavenly Hierarchy and Satan and all his demons. It is frightening and very upsetting for many of you, but know that I will intervene to ease your pain. Know that you are Mine and that I will bring peace to the world, when I have rid it of infestation.
Children, we are but just a short time away from the Great Day and while much still has to take place, where the Sacred Name of My Son will be torn apart, it will be swift. You must look now to the future, as it is a glittering jewel of such magnitude that on the Day when you enter the New Era of Peace, you will have forgotten the persecution inflicted upon the world by the evil one.
You must do as My Son instructs you. You must remain calm as the Seals are revealed to you, which are all for your own good and those whose souls I ask you to plead for My Mercy.
If you stay true to My Commandments and live your lives in union with My Son, you will be half way there. If you remain firm to the Sacraments and refuse to participate in pagan rituals, which honour the beast, then you will find much favour with Me.
Go and remember that I Am the Almighty One and that all Power is Mine. Soon, I will destroy the wicked and unveil My New Paradise to you. Be patient. Trust in Me. Follow My Son and accept the Gifts, which He and His beloved Mother, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, bring you, in the form of the Crusade Prayers and the Medal of Salvation.
seal smallFinally accept My Seal as one of the greatest Gifts I have given humanity since I gave them Life. I give Life again with My Special Graces when you hold close to you, the Seal of the Living God. All those with the Seal are granted a place in the New Paradise.
I love you, children, but I Am your Father and I must allow these trials, as they will help Me to weed out those who will never deviate from the side of the beast. The time I spend trying to win over their hearts creates a terrible and hateful battle, with millions of fallen angels and demons, even though it be just one soul.
Remain comforted in the knowledge that I bless all of you, who are pure and humble of heart. I love all of you, so you must never give up when all seems hopeless, for My Power means that the destruction of evil is under My Control. You must place all your trust in Me, especially at this time, when you feel that My Justice is harsh.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High

The Chaplet of The Divine Mercy: 1. Begin with the Sign of the Cross, 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and The Apostles Creed. 2. Then on the Our Father Beads say t...

This fire will also be cast down upon the enemies of the Earth and those who persecute these Two Witnesses

This fire will also be cast down upon the enemies of the Earth and those who persecute these Two Witnesses

Divine-Mercy-SundayMy dearly beloved daughter, you and all those who have been blessed with the Truth, must know that the wrath of Satan is increasing against this Mission. His daring interference has meant that he has now manifested physically before you, for the third time. He groans in pain, but cannot withstand My Light, which is present within you.
You must gain the strength you need, through the recital of theHoly Rosary, in order to prevent him from attacking you. Oh, if souls could witness what I permit you to endure for the sake of this Mission, they would faint with shock.
Those who insult Me during My preparation to save souls, will be cast aside as this battle intensifies, before the antichrist is presented to the world. When you become obedient and question nothing, which I demand of you, I can save more of you and pluck you from the grip of deceit, which will be planted within your minds by the evil one.
Don’t you trust Me to protect you? Don’t you know that when you accept the Graces I give, to help you withstand the pain of rejection, that they are meaningless if the receiving soul has reservations or doubts? I cannot fill you with the strength, the courage and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, if you cower and hide. You must be open to My Call, My Love, My Gifts.
The Seals contained within the Book of Revelation have already opened. Now that they have opened, fire will fight fire. As the fire of hatred erupts, when the beast prepares himself, fire will be poured over the Earth by My Father. This war will not just be a spiritual one. The Earth will be rocked, split and the fire will burn it, as My Father inflicts punishments, so that He can delay the actions of the evil group.
My Father’s Power is to be feared by those who follow, blindly, the lies, which are inflicted upon the world by the evil one. He will retaliate for every wicked act carried out by any of you – knowingly or unknowingly – when you pay homage to the enemy of God. The Power given to My Two Witnesses – the Christian Church and the House of Israel – will mean that fire will pour from their mouths, as they spread the Flames of the Holy Spirit. This fire will also be cast down upon the enemies of the Earth and those who persecute these Two Witnesses.
Do not underestimate the battle for souls, for it will be a terrifying one for those who deny the Word of God. Those who uphold it, will be protected, so that their proclamation of the Truth can be given to those who have no idea what has befallen humanity.
This is why you must accept My Graces, to give you the strength you need to fight in My Army, so that I can bring an end to the wickedness.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (143) To protect the Mission of Salvation

O Mother of Salvation, protect this Mission, a Gift from God, to bring Eternal Life to all of His children everywhere. Please intervene, on our behalf, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to give us the courage to carry out our duties to serve God at all times and especially when we suffer because of this. Help this Mission to convert billions of souls, in accordance with the Divine Will of God and to turn those hearts of stone into loving servants of your Son. Give all of us who serve Jesus in this Mission the strength to overcome the hatred and the persecution of the Cross and to welcome the suffering that comes with it, with a generosity of heart and with full acceptance of what may come ahead. Amen.

Monday 27 March 2017

God the Father: Fear you, those who stand up and curse My Son

God the Father: Fear you, those who stand up and curse My Son

My dearest daughter, I Am to bequeath a great Gift upon the world because of this My Most Holy Mission. I Am going to save 200 million souls, without hesitation, irrespective of how much they offend Me, and I will do this next week because of the suffering associated with this Mission.
My Act of Intervention is because of your request, My daughter, and I will continue to grant great Gifts as this Mission continues. Those who love Me will endure, with patience, the persecution they face and will continue to endure, because this is My Desire.
Those who persecute you, My dear little one, because you continue to proclaim the Holy Word of My Son, must know this. If you demonise My Son, I will punish you. If you demonise His Most Holy Word and then say that you are a child of God, I will cast you into the wilderness. Nothing will prevent My prophet from completing this Mission. Nothing. Try as you will, you will fail, for you will be fighting a war which you will never win.
My Almighty Power cannot be touched, tampered with or challenged. Challenge My Divine Intervention to save the world and you will feel My Wrath. You will be destroyed.
Fear you, those who stand up and curse My Son. Your pride and your disobedience will be your downfall. I have warned, through the prophets of old, the consequences of ignoring My Voice.
I now move forward to finalise the beginning of the final onslaught upon humanity. I have permitted the final battle to take place. I have given the evil one the last chance to infest those who are drawn to him. I do this so that by the Mercy of My Son, souls will defy the beast. They will do this because of their loyalty to My Son. Those, who do not know Me or My Son, will be given great Graces so that they will accept salvation. All salvation is by the Power of My Mercy. Only those stubborn hardened hearts will remain loyal to the beast. I will pull all the others towards Me. I will ensure that every chance will be given to every soul, so that they can redeem themselves, before My Son, before the final day.
This Final Mission has been created in Heaven since the beginning. All the angels and saints work in union to bring all of My children back to Me, their beloved Father. The final journey is now. All who walk with My Son, stay close to Him at this time. You will not be able to endure this painful journey unless you listen to what He tells you. Do not be swayed by those who will work day and night to force you to turn your back. If you allow this to happen you will find it very difficult to pick yourself up again.
You are nothing without My Son. You are nothing without Me. Until you surrender all and follow the Truth, you will never find it.
Attempt to prevent the Truth from being given to the world by Me, your Creator and I will strike you down and your weeping will be of no consolation. I will cast the proud and arrogant, who believe that they know more than Me, into the wilderness. You will not succeed when you defy My Word and deny My Presence when I try to save you.
Ungrateful man, you have little time left. By listening to Me, you can come to Me, but you can only do this when you crawl on your face and fall in humility before My Son. My Mission has reached a very dangerous phase as every effort will be made by those who are My enemies to tear it apart. This may seem to happen, but know that those enemies of Mine have very little time and soon, when My Patience has been expended, they will be no more, for they will never see My Face.
Your Father
God the Most High