My Second Coming cannot take place until the contamination of sin has been eradicated

As the Earth will be purified, souls of every creed will be plunged into a renewal of the spirit and many will endure a terrible spiritual battle. They will not understand what they are enduring, but I will allow this because of My Mercy. In order to be fit to stand before Me and to be given Eternal Life in the New Paradise, souls must first be purified.
This purification will take place on Earth, for those who will live through the persecution of the antichrist, as well as for those who will live through the transition into the New Paradise. The Earth will, at the same time, commence its own renewal and all evil will be weeded out, stage by stage.

My Father perseveres because His children are His Creation and He will not allow them to be taken by Satan. So jealous was Lucifer, that when My Father created man in His Own Likeness, he vowed to fight to the last day in order to turn man against his Creator.
My Father will intervene, out of Love, in order to render powerless the strength of Satan. Every attempt, of Satan’s version of the Triune God, comprising of the false prophet, the antichrist and the spirit of evil, will be thwarted. This battle will be ugly, unfair to many souls, who will be too weak to wrestle free from the grip of evil, but it will be won by Almighty God.
You must, all of you, turn to My Father and beg Him to salvage your souls and to protect you from following the beast on the road to perdition.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (145) Fill me with Your Gift of Love
Dearest Jesus, fill me, an empty vessel, with the Gift of Your Love. Flood my soul with Your Presence. Help me to love others as You love me. Help me to be a vessel of Your Peace, Your Calm and Your Mercy. Open my heart always to the plight of others and give me the Grace to forgive those who reject You and who trespass against me. Help me to proclaim Your Love through example, as You would do were You in my place. Amen.
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