Friday 30 September 2022

Tell them I love them but I want them to talk to Me.. BOOK OF TRUTH..


Tell them I love them but I want them to talk to Me

My dearly beloved daughter, this has been quite an extraordinary journey for you in such a short time. I realise that you are tired now. The speed at which these Messages have been received by you and published in so many languages, so quickly, shows you the urgency they represent. This also shows you the Divine guidance at work in its most perfect format.

These Messages, while full of My Teachings, are really being given to explain the importance of looking after your souls, in this life, while you can. Many people, when they read these Messages, especially those with little belief in God the Eternal Father, will be disturbed by them. Many will be converted. Some will be fearful for their future on this Earth and that of their families and friends.

If by opening their minds first to the fact that God really does Exist, then they will be ready for stage two. That’s when they will begin to wonder why such communication is taking place – why Jesus Christ, the only Son of God the Eternal Father, would take such extraordinary steps – they will come to the obvious conclusion.

It is because I love each and every one of you that I want to save you. I want to cherish you all and I must go to the most extraordinary lengths to bring you closer to My Heart.

I want to touch you in your hearts, so that a light will spark in your soul. There is nothing to fear in this world if you will trust in Me completely. I have wonderful plans for all of you who will come closer to My Sacred Heart. The most extraordinary Gifts await you. Have no fear of worldly unrest, for I will protect all those who believe in Me and will provide for your needs of the flesh. Trust in Me, the Lord of Mankind, sent yet again, to salvage you from eternal darkness.

Turn to Me as innocent children
No need to learn prayers if you are ignorant. Yes, they are helpful, but all I Am asking you to do is to speak with Me. In the way you would normally chat to a friend, relax, confide in Me. Ask Me for My help. My Mercy is full and overflowing just waiting to shower you with. If you only knew the Compassion I have for everyone on Earth. Even sinners. My children are My children even when sin stains their souls. I detest the sin but love the sinner.

So many of you are afraid to ask regularly for forgiveness. You must never worry – ever. If you are truly sorry you will be forgiven.

Sin, My children, will be a constant problem. Even My most devout followers sin, and sin over and over again. It is a fact. Once Satan was unleashed, sin became widespread. Many are too ashamed to turn to Me. They lower their heads and turn a blind eye when they have behaved badly. Too proud and embarrassed, they continue on as if it will be forgotten about.

What they do not understand is that dark attracts dark. So when you sin once, it is much easier to sin again. By blocking your conscience, the cycle then rotates around and around. Then the sinner will make every excuse to ignore the wrongdoing. They will keep falling further downwards in a spiral. This is because they don’t know how to ask for forgiveness. Because they have not understood the importance of humility, they find it impossible to turn to Me.

It is not complicated, you know, to ask Me for forgiveness. Never be fearful of Me. I await each of you who has the courage to condemn your own sins. When you get into this habit, some extraordinary Gifts are given to you. After confessing your sins, you will be in a state of grace. Then when you receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist you will feel a surging energy, which will surprise you. Then and only then will you find true peace.

Nothing will faze you. You will be strong, not only in your soul, – your mind will be calmer and more controlled. You will face life with a different and more positive outlook. Who would not want such a life?

Come back, children, to Me, during these times of sorrow in the world. Let Me show you the joy that is yours when you turn to Me.

Remember, I gave up My Life for you once. My Love knows no bounds. I will answer your call. All you have to do is ask.

Your precious loving Saviour
Jesus Christ.

Crusade Prayer (30) Prayer to avert war, famine and religious persecution

O, my Eternal Father, God the Creator of the Universe, in the Name of Your precious Son, I beg you to make us love You more.
Help us to be brave, fearless, and strong in the face of adversity. Accept our sacrifices, sufferings and trials as a gift before Your Throne to save Your children on earth.
Soften the hearts of unclean souls. Open their eyes to the Truth of Your Love, so that they can join with all of Your children in the Paradise on earth You have lovingly created for us, according to your Divine Will.

Thursday 29 September 2022

Warning to those who are involved with Satanic cults... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Warning to those who are involved with Satanic cults

My daughter, you are getting much stronger now, and through your obedience to My Most Holy Will, can alert the world now to what lies ahead.

When I speak about sin, I have not revealed the vile sins, which are committed, which even regular sinners would find hard to fathom. The sickening practices conducted by so-called sophisticated western societies – behind closed doors – would shock you to the core.

The evil atrocities, where children are ritually murdered in deference to Satan, are a reality in the world today. But they are just some of the intensely evil acts, which are committed by man, influenced by Satan. Go this far, My children, and you will find it impossible to come back to Me. Other acts, which break My Heart, include the physical abuse, particularly of young innocent children.

Let Me spell out for you the kind of sins, which would greatly distress many of you, were I to describe them in detail. Satan’s followers, through their cults, are savage in their treatment of the human being, for whom they have no respect. Sacrifices, including human sacrifices, blasphemies, cursing and acts of desecration of Me, My Eternal Father and My beloved Mother, are regular rituals. So little shame have these satanic worshipers, that they flaunt their disrespect in public through music, the movies, TV and the arts. Those guilty of such sacrileges will face eternal damnation, where they will burn in Hell for eternity.

This is one of the last warnings you will receive from Me, your Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is also My final request of you to save yourselves while you can.

I, Jesus Christ, don’t make idle threats. I will do everything to save you. But beyond a certain point, there is nothing I can do to stop you seeking out the false solace you think you will be offered by the evil one. Unlock the satanic shackles, by which you are bound, and flee to Me now. I will save you, but you must ask Me to forgive you while you are alive in this life.

Remember, it is your choice, Heaven or Hell. You choose while you are still alive on this Earth, because you won’t be able to do this when you pass over into the next life.

Your ever-patient and loving Jesus Christ.

Crusade Prayer (29) Protect the practice of Christianity

O, my Lord, Jesus Christ, I beseech You to pour down your Holy Spirit over all of Your children.
I beg You to forgive those who have hatred in their souls for You.
I pray that atheists open up their hardened hearts during your Great Mercy and that Your children who love You can honour You with dignity to rise above all persecution.
Please fill all Your children with the gift of Your Spirit, so that they can rise with courage and lead your army into the final battle against Satan, his demons and all those souls who are slaves to his false promises.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

The Swords of Justice will fall now... BOOK OF TRUTH..

The Swords of Justice will fall now

DivnemercyHear Me now, My children, everywhere. The Swords of Justice will fall on those who fail to prepare adequately for The Warning.

My Flames of Divine Mercy, presented to the world to give each of you a taste of what the final day of Judgment will be like, is going to be misinterpreted by so many of you. This great day of The Warning draws closer by the month, so you must now put aside the time in preparing for My Divine Mercy.

Many, many souls will find it difficult to understand what this event really means. So many will, as a result, die of shock, which saddens Me, because for those who do not survive, it will be because of the sorry state of their souls. Catholics everywhere, seek Confession now, if you want to benefit from My Great Act of Love and Mercy.

Christians and other faiths, speak in silence, and tell God how remorseful you are, how much you regret your transgressions and ask Him to forgive you for your sins. Only those who are strong of heart in their love for Me and God the Almighty Father, will be prepared adequately. Others, because of their strength in mind and character will finally understand the Truth and accept Me with love in their hearts.

As for others, so harsh will the shock be, that when their souls are revealed to them in their darkness, they will drop dead. By then it will be too late to seek forgiveness. There will be no hope for them. Pray, pray, all of you, so that as many souls as possible will survive My great Act of Mercy.

Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ.

Crusade Prayer (28) Prayer for unification of all Christian Churches

O God of the Most High, we kneel before You to beg for the unification of all Your children in the fight to retain Your Christian Churches on earth.
Let not our differences divide us at this time of great apostasy in the world.
In our love for You, dear Father, we beseech You to give us the graces to love one another in the Name of Your beloved Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We adore You. We love You. We unite to fight for the strength to retain your Christian Churches on earth in the trials we may face in the years ahead.


Tuesday 27 September 2022

Sin will always be sin no matter how you justify it... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Sin will always be sin no matter how you justify it

My dearly beloved daughter, how I cry for all of My children who sin because they don’t understand My Teachings. Many of them are not aware they offend Me because either they have never been taught the Truth, or they have decided to defend their sins. Many of those who sin, try to justify their act because they listen to others who use tolerance as a guise to justify sin.

Sin will always be sin in My Father’s Eyes, no matter how small the sin. Many of those who commit grievous sin, somehow always manage to defend their so-called ‘right to sin’ by blinding themselves to the evil that their sin represents.

My children are fortunate that I forgive them for their sins
If only My children everywhere knew of My Mercy, they would then realise how fortunate they are to be given this great Gift of forgiveness I offer them in this life. If they do not ask for forgiveness regularly, then their sins will lead them to continue to sin again and again. The more they sin the further they will remove themselves from Me and the harder it will be to come back to Me.

Listen to Me. My Mercy is there for all of you to benefit from. Accept this from Me now. Do not allow the world to trap you, by allowing yourself to fall prey to the temptations of sin. Once you sin you become trapped and won’t know where to turn. Sin makes you feel uncomfortable deep down and within you.

Tolerance is fashionable today
So many of My children keep shouting aloud of the need for ‘tolerance in society’. Tolerance is fashionable today in its loose term. It can be used to distort even the most gravest of sins. Tolerance is cleverly moulded, to defend every type of sin known to man in the world today. Everyone claims the right to tolerance. Whatever the sin, it will be promoted as a civil right in most instances. No matter how these sins are promoted as “being right” they will always be wrong. It is time that man faces the Truth, to become responsible again. To accept that the acts of sin they are partaking in are morally wrong; to treat their fellow human beings, including those children in the womb, as being equal in all things.

Pray hard for the graces to see the Truth for what it is.

And not the doctored version you choose to believe in because it suits your selfish goals. There is only one Truth. In your hearts, every single one of you knows the difference between right and wrong.

Accept this now, if you want Me to save you from the fires of Hell.

Your Saviour
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (27) Prayer for Peace in the World

O, my Jesus, I beg for Mercy for those afflicted by terrible wars.
I plead for peace to be instilled in those tortured nations who are blind to the Truth of Your Existence. Please cover these nations with the Power of the Holy Spirit so that they will stop their pursuit of power over innocent souls.
Have Mercy on all Your countries who are powerless against the evil atrocities, which cover the whole world.

Monday 26 September 2022

Dealing with Financial Hardship... BOOK OF TRUTH..

Dealing with Financial Hardship

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My wish that you now begin to fast, at least one day a week. For by doing so, you will greatly please Me. This sacrifice will strengthen your purity of soul and bring you closer to My Most Sacred Heart.

My children in the world face many challenges in these times, challenges, which they have never had to deal with before. The biggest challenge now is to deal with the way in which money is becoming scarce. This is very frightening for many who need this to keep their homes and feed their families. The second difficulty is the lack of any meaningful spiritual guidance in their lives, which had, up to now, been seen as important.

Lose your income and you lose your aspirations for luxury worldly goods. For what use is a luxury car when you cannot feed your family? What use is a beautiful dress when you cannot keep warm in a house you can’t afford to heat properly? It is only when My children find themselves bereft of the excesses to which they had become accustomed, that they understand the reality into which they have now been plunged.

Today your basic needs must be your priority.

After that, you need to ask yourself: What is important now? Once you are fed and clothed what then? One-upmanship is no longer relevant when you are striving to survive the basic elements. Envy of your neighbour’s wealth and status matters no more. It is only now that you will seek out the spiritual comforts that have been missing for so long in your lives.

In your quest to find comfort of mind, turn to Me and My Eternal Father, God the Creator of all things. Do not be tempted to seek remedies from spiritual healers unless they represent Me. Do not seek artificial solace in stimulants to ease your pain and sorrow. The only way you will become free of worry and anguish is when you turn to Me, Jesus Christ, your Saviour.

I Am waiting now. Ask me to help you and I will supply your basic needs. I will always provide you with what you want. But you must ask Me first. Never keep your worries to yourself. Share them with Me.

Hand Me over all your concerns. I will respond immediately; for this will fill Me with joy when you trust in Me completely.

I love you all.

Your devoted Saviour
Jesus Christ
King of Mercy and Compassion.

Crusade of Prayer (26) Pray the Rosary to help save your nation


In a message given to Maria Divine Mercy on Sunday 05 February 2012 Our Lady urged people to say her Holy Rosary to help save their nation.
“Never forget the importance of my most holy Rosary because when you say it every day you can help save your nation.
Satan’s power is weakened when you say my Rosary. He runs away in great pain and becomes powerless. It is most important, no matter what Christian faith you belong to, to say this at least once a day.

Sunday 25 September 2022

Message of Warning to World Leaders... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Message of Warning to World Leaders

My daughter, countries all over the world are bubbling under the surface with unrest, both in terms of the hatred being shown by man to man, as well as pending ecological upheavals. This is where mother nature will unleash the unexpected soon, to show man that he is not, irrespective of his arrogant assertiveness, in control of anything.

Man has many lessons to learn. Constant efforts to gain power at the highest levels by those in authority is having an effect on the ordinary man who has to rely on those government and business leaders to look after his needs. The help needed by man will only be manifested when those leaders rule with true love in their hearts for their people. Sadly, greed and a lust for power means that this is not, in fact, the goal of many world leaders today.

God the Father will no longer tolerate your sinful deeds
My warning to those leaders all over the world, whoever you are, is this. Inflict unfair practices and hardships on your people and the Hand of My Eternal Father will fall swiftly on those countries and locations within which you reside. He will no longer tolerate your sinful deeds. Hide if you will, but it will be useless. Your weapons of destruction will be destroyed. Your treatment of your fellow citizens will create a situation, whether you like it or not, where you will have to answer to God the Eternal Father. Your moral responsibilities must be adhered to, because you will be judged by your actions eventually.

Lead your people with love, dignity and respect, for their physical and moral welfare. Deny your people the right to religious freedom, or inflict dictatorships of any kind, which forces them to stop or curtail their religious practices in the name of political unity, then you are doomed, not only will you suffer for your actions, but judgment will be harsh. Any of you, who swear allegiance to your people, in the Name of God the Eternal Father, and orchestrates unfair new laws, which deny them the right to food, shelter and religious freedom, will face the Wrath and the Hand of God the Father.

The world is suffering now in every country because of dictatorships, although not in places where you would assume to be the case. The world is also suffering from financial difficulties, which makes the vulnerable weaker. I say, now, to those leaders who have any sense of Christian duty, to fight for the right to allow My Teachings to influence your decisions, which will have a direct impact on My children everywhere.

For those of you, colluding in the corridors of power to suppress a multitude of countries in a controlled manner, which will affect nation after nation, and will lead to hardship everywhere, be aware that your actions will be punished. For God the Eternal Father, has been patient up to now in the hope that you would see the futility of your ways. Instead, you have pushed forward as an elite group, who considers itself more important than the rest of the human race. Your actions, be warned, will end in disaster. Your allegiance to wealth, dominance and greed, will leave you not just naked and vulnerable, but in a worse state than those you abuse through the misuse of power.

The time has come for the battle to rid the world of evil and the rule of Satan. God the Father is now about to unleash many earthquakes, tsunamis and floods in an effort to make you wake up. Your plots to overthrow world leaders, those in power of religious groups, and to introduce control measures, including a One World Currency, will not be ignored.

As you witness now these events unfolding, you will find them impossible to ignore. These events will shake your blind addiction to power. You will wake up to the error of your ways. And when you do, I will be standing – waiting. You will run to Me and ask, not only for forgiveness, but you will use your love of Me to make amends. You, My children, who have a deep underlying love for Me, are My biggest hope in defeating evil and unfair political corruption in the world now.

Pray for the graces to help you turn back to Me.

Prayer will, as I have said before, help dilute disasters in the world, as it now heads towards a series of climate related catastrophes, never witnessed by man since the days of Noah. The world, as you know it, will suffer so many events, all at once, that chaos and confusion will be the norm.

Why would you allow this to happen? I speak to those with huge political and financial clout, who are privy to what is happening behind closed doors. This is your last chance, given to you out of a sense of love and compassion to man everywhere, to turn now and stop your evil ways – or face the consequences.

Your Just Judge
Jesus Christ, King of Mercy

Crusade Prayer (25) For Protection of visionaries around the world

O, God of the Most High, I plead with You to offer protection to all Your holy messengers in the world.
I pray that they are protected from the hatred of others.
I ask that Your Most Holy Word is spread quickly all over the world.
Protect your messengers from slander, abuse, lies and every kind of danger.
Protect their families and cover them with the Holy Spirit, at all times, so that the Messages they give to the world are heeded with contrite and humble hearts.

Saturday 24 September 2022

I would like to thank those who help in spreading My Holy Word... BOOK OF TRUTH..


I would like to thank those who help in spreading My Holy Word

I come now to give courage to all those followers of mine, when having recognized My True Voice, responded with great works of generosity. For those of you who are giving freely of your time to promote and spread My Messages, I would like to thank you.

You, My precious children, bring great joy to My Sorrowful Heart at this time in history. You, My children, are brave, courageous and infused with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Your loyalty and gift to Me of your time and loving devotion to the Truth will yield great graces in the New Paradise I promised My children.

I will guide your hand during this Sacred Work and you will feel My Love. Never be fearful of proclaiming My Word, for every little effort made by anyone who promotes these Messages will be rewarded.

Go now, My precious, loyal followers. Spread My Holy Word and help your brothers and sisters who need direction.

Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (24) Plenary Indulgence for Absolution

O, My Jesus, You are the Light of the earth. You are the Flame that touches all souls. Your Mercy and Love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the Sacrifice You made by Your death on the Cross, yet we know that Your Love for us is greater than the love we hold for You.
Grant us, O Lord, the Gift of Humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we can march forth and lead Your army to proclaim the Truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth.
We honour You. We Praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to You to save souls.
We love You, Jesus. Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be.

Friday 23 September 2022

If you find it difficult to pray... BOOK OF TRUTH..


If you find it difficult to pray

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am happy today that so much work has been done to impart My Most Holy Word to the world, through your Work. You must never feel that you are not doing enough because of the amount of people who reject these Messages. For those of My children who do not accept My Word now, they will in time. Then they will be hungry to hear My Voice.

Stay focused on Me now. Don’t be led astray by those who pour scorn on these Messages. Never be discouraged, for those who are listening to My Word now are in fact spreading the Truth to others, out of their love for Me.

Conversion is a difficult challenge in a world so blind to the Truth of eternal life. Perseverance is needed, for with the help of the Holy Spirit, Whose Power is being felt now, everywhere, all around the world, My children will eventually come back to Me, but not all. For those who would prefer the artificial comforts offered to them through the deceiver, they will find it very difficult to reject the life they lead.

Pray for all of your family and friends now, so that you can all unite in your love for Me during The Warning. For, if you will accept this event as your route to freedom, you will be rewarded with My great Mercy.

Prayer is not easy for many of My children, who find the recital of long prayers repetitive and a little boring. If this is the way you pray and you are struggling, then just sit down quietly and communicate with Me in silence. Simply reflect on My Life on Earth. Remind yourself of the time I spent there and the lessons of love I gave to all of you. That’s enough.

Let yourself become quiet of mind and I will sit with you in contemplation. I walk with everyone. I Am present every minute of the day, no matter what you are doing. I Am never far away. Remember, that I Am your crutch in life. Lean on Me. Ask for My support, with sincerity, and I will hear your call. I never refuse your request if it is according to My Holy Will.

However, when you ask for favours, which are designed to bequeath you with worldly excesses, know that I will never bestow these. For I can never give you gifts, which I know are bad for your soul. My Gifts are given so that I can bring you closer to My Heart, for when that happens you will want for nothing more.

Your loving and devoted Saviour
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (23) Prayer for Pope Benedict’s safety

O, my Eternal Father, on behalf of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and the suffering He endured to save the world from sin, I pray, now, that you protect Your Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, Head of Your Church on earth, so that he too can help save Your children and all Your sacred servants from the scourge of Satan and his dominion of fallen angels who walk the earth stealing souls.
O, Father, protect Your Pope, so that Your children can be guided on the True Path towards your New Paradise on Earth.

Thursday 22 September 2022

The skies will open up during The Warning... BOOK OF TRUTH..


The skies will open up during The Warning

My dearly beloved daughter, you are suffering the torment that I endure for the sins of man. This is what it feels like. Now you are glimpsing just a tiny fraction of My suffering, which I face every minute of your day. There is nothing to fear, My daughter, about The Warning.

The Warning will be a dramatic event
It will shock many people in the world, as it will be a dramatic event where the skies will open and the Flames of Mercy will shoot up across the world. For many people will not understand what is happening. So shocked will they be, they will mistakenly think that they are witnessing the end of the world.

Tell them to rejoice when they witness My Glory, for this, if you are properly prepared for it, will be the most spectacular example of My Mercy since the day of My Crucifixion. This, My children, will be your saving grace and will prevent those, who would otherwise have been condemned, from entering the depths of Hell.

All My children everywhere must warn lost souls as to what to expect. Urge them to seek reconciliation by confessing their sins now. It is important that as many people as possible are in a state of grace beforehand, as they may not survive this event due to shock. Far better to witness this Divine spectacular event first, rather than being unprepared at the final day of Judgment.

Keep strong, all of you. Rejoice if you are a devout follower, for you will be shown a glimpse of My Divine Presence, which your ancestors never saw during their lifetime. Pray for the rest of My children. Tell them the Truth now while you can. Ignore their scorn, for should they take action now by praying for the forgiveness of their sins, they will thank you after this Great Miracle takes place.

Go now in peace. Do not be fearful. Just pray for those souls with no faith, so they do not die in mortal sin.

Your Divine Saviour
Jesus Christ

For Clergy: Crusade Prayer (22) Catholic Priests uphold the teachings of the Church

O, My beloved Jesus, keep me strong and the flame of my love for You alight, every moment of my day.
Never allow this flame of love for You to flicker or die.
Never allow me to weaken in the presence of temptation.
Give me the graces needed to honour my vocation, my devotion, my loyalty and to uphold the Teachings of the Orthodox Catholic Church. I offer You my allegiance, at all times.
I pledge my commitment to fight in your army so that the Catholic Church can rise again in glory to welcome you, dear Jesus, when you come again.

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Why I communicate to the world in this way... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Why I communicate to the world in this way

My dearly beloved daughter, it is now time to reflect on My Sacred Messages and to ensure that as many sinners all over the world take heed of them.

Make no mistake, these Messages are being given to the world as a Gift to help save all of you, all of My children, and including those who follow different paths to God the Eternal Father.

People, especially Catholics, will be confused when I do not place them ahead of My other children of different creeds. My choice of Words are designed to be heard by all and not just the chosen few. My Love does not differentiate. For those who question the way in which I speak to mankind, through this messenger, hear Me now.

While you, My followers, understand that the Truth has never changed from the time of My Crucifixion, know then that I must extend My Love to all God’s children.

No one is better than the other.

My daughter, you must not respond or try to defend My Word when challenged to explain why I would speak in this way. My Word is Divine. It must not be changed or amended to suit those who consider themselves experts in theological law; for My Word will be given to the world in a language which will be clearly understood by mankind today. Many will ask why these Words do not use the same terminology or expressions used by My prophets and apostles of old and I will answer them now.

Remember My Teachings never change. No matter what language I use today to communicate in a modern way, the Truth remains the same, intact.

Be wary of visionaries or seers who claim that they are receiving messages from Me, who use ancient language or extracts from the Holy Bible; for this is not the way in which I would communicate to mankind today. Why would I do that? Would I not alienate a new generation, those who are ignorant of the language contained in My Father’s Holy Book?

Simplicity is the key, My children, when communicating My Most Holy Word. Remember, when teaching others of the Truth of My Existence, that simplicity in your approach is essential. If you do not do this, you will not reach those lost souls, because they will turn a deaf ear.

My Message of Love
The Message of My Love is very simple. I Am the Life that My children on Earth crave. Explain that I Am the Truth. Make this clear. Without Me there is no eternal life. Use the prophecies, which I reveal to this messenger, to gain the attention of non-believers. For this is why they are being given to the world. Not to frighten them, but to prove that I Am now communicating today in a way in which My Most Holy Word will not only be heard, but believed.

Your loving Saviour and Teacher
Jesus Christ, King of Mercy

Crusade Prayer (21) Thanksgiving to God the Father for the salvation of mankind

We praise you and thank you, O Holy God, the Almighty creator of mankind, for the love and compassion you have for humanity. We thank you for the gift of salvation you bestow on your poor children.
We beg you, O Lord, to save those who follow the evil one and that their hearts will be opened to the truth of their eternal life.