Sunday 31 March 2024

God the Father: The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you.. BOOK OF TRUTH..


God the Father: The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you

FatherMy dearest daughter, I call on all My children to uphold the Name of My only Son, Jesus Christ, and show Him the honour, which has been accorded to Him amongst humanity.

My Angels in My Holy Kingdom, ring out and rejoice because of the Mercy, which is to be granted to all, through My Son.

This great Divine Gift will be used to vanquish the darkness, which covers the world. It will be by My Divine Intervention that I will be able to save most of My children.

This Christmas, a time of great rejoicing as you celebrate the birth of the Saviour I gave the world, is a turning point in the history of the human race.

As your Father, I bless you all and bestow, with a deep compassion, this great Gift of Mercy. I gather you, all of My Creation, so that I can cleanse you of every doubt, every sin and every blasphemy against the Laws of My Kingdom.

This great cleansing of the earth will take some time, but I will hasten these times of persecution.

Your suffering, by the hands of corrupt governments, who do not accept My Laws, will be difficult but will not last too long.

I will give all of My enemies time to open their eyes to the Truth of the glorious Paradise I have awaiting to unveil to the world.

Rejoice. Praise My Son, for it is because of Him, that I present the New Paradise where the Reign, promised to Him by Me, will evolve.

The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you.

My Power will be shown in all its strength and glory for the world to witness.

I Am the Beginning. I Am the End. My New Kingdom, the New Paradise, will finally replace the old. The earth was tarnished by the sin of Adam and Eve.

The perfect creation of man was destroyed when sin brought to an end the Gift of immortality. Soon I will reverse all that was sullied by the contamination caused by Satan and his demons. They will no longer be masters of temptation.

I will now send My Son to reclaim the Throne, which was created for Him.

The battle for this Throne is fierce, but My Power prevails and every miracle will be used to bring My Family back safely into the Divine Sacred Heart of My Son.

You are, My children, lost and in pain. Now I send My Son to begin the process to take you to your rightful home.

I love you, dearest children of Mine. I have never forsaken you, although you could be forgiven for believing this.

You are now being called. No man will be excluded from this announcement from Heaven.

Pray, children, that all will respond to My Son’s Mercy.

Your beloved Father
God the Most High

Crusade Prayer (50) Jesus, help me to know who You are

O dear Jesus, help me to know Who You are. Forgive me for not speaking with You, before now.
Help me to find peace in this life and be shown the Truth of Eternal Life.
Soothe my heart. Ease my worries. Give me peace. Open my heart, now, so that You can fill my soul with Your Love.

Saturday 30 March 2024

I died for you. Because of this you must trust Me now.. BOOK OF TRUTH.

I died for you. Because of this you must trust Me now

My dearly beloved daughter, I must warn you that criticism will mount against you and My Word, given to you at this time.

You must not allow distractions or doubts to stop you from imparting every single Word I give you. Man must never doubt the prophecies handed down since the day of Moses. Not one prophecy contains untruths.

Now as I reveal to the world the secrets and My plans for humanity, kept from you, up to now, do not turn away. For I present to you now many things still to come, which you, My disciples, must be informed of, so that you do not fail to prepare for My Glorious Return.

Let no one deny themselves the gift I bring of eternal life. Those amongst you, fortunate to enter the New Era when Heaven and Earth will become one, must follow the Path of Truth.

Now is the time for your faith in Me, your Saviour, to be truly challenged and tested. You will soon be bullied into rejecting My Messages. Every effort will be made to force you to reject My Word and to declare the Truth to be heresy.

Turn your minds now to My Birth. To the Teachings I gave humanity so that they could learn how to prepare their souls. To the Sacrifice made by My Death on the Cross to salvage souls.

I died for you. Because of this you must trust Me now.

I Am the Light, which shines down upon the path you must walk. On either side of this path, evil spirits will pull at you, torment you, try to get you to walk back the same way you came and into the darkness. They will do this through the taunts of others who will pull you apart because of your loyalty to these Messages.

You must stay in silent meditation, read My Word and feel My Presence. Allow My Holy Spirit to calm your heart and feel My Love envelop you. As your pain intensifies, because of this Mission, know that you are in full union with Me, your Jesus.

Never give up. Do not reject My Hand of Mercy. Allow Me to embrace you in order to give you the courage needed to continue on this journey with Me until the day I come to reward you.

Your beloved Jesus

For Clergy:Crusade Prayer (49) Pledge of loyalty for Christian Clergy

O Jesus, I am Your humble servant and I pledge my love and loyalty to You.
I beg You to give me a sign of Your Calling.
Help me to open my eyes and witness Your Promise.
Bless me with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, so that I will not be deceived by those who claim to come in Your Name, but, who do not speak the Truth.
Show me the Truth. Allow me to feel Your Love, so that I can fulfill your Most Holy Will.
I ask You, with a humble heart, to show me the way in which I can help You to save the souls of humanity.


Friday 29 March 2024

Satan will be bound during My Reign and will no longer deceive God’s children. BOOK OF TRUTH.


Satan will be bound during My Reign and will no longer deceive God’s children

My dearly beloved daughter, the world must know that the Era of Peace will be the culmination of My Promise, where I will Reign over the New Heavens and the New Earth. This will be a Spiritual Reign and My Church, the New Jerusalem, will be at peace and My Word will be heard amongst all nations.

Satan will be bound during My Reign and will no longer deceive God’s children. This Reign, will not be a symbolic one, but where the Tree of Life will breathe Love and Peace so that all those who are blessed to enjoy My New Paradise will not suffer death even when Satan will be released, albeit for a short time, at the end of this period.

My Plan is according to the Will of My Father and no man has the right to deny the Will of God.

Make no mistake, you must accept the Word of God which is contained in My Father’s Book because if you do not then you will be deceived as to the prophecies given to man since time began.

Follow only My Path. Accept My Promises. Do not doubt Me for you will insult Me. You either, accept Me as your Saviour and trust in Me completely, or not at all.

My Word is the Truth. The Truth will, when accepted by every living soul, be the key to freedom and to the Gates of My New Paradise.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (48) Prayer for the Grace to Proclaim the Second Coming of Christ

O my Jesus, grant me the grace to proclaim Your Holy Word to all of humanity, so that souls can be saved.
Pour Your Holy Spirit over me, Your humble servant, so that Your Holy Word can be heard and accepted, especially by those souls who need Your Mercy the most.
Help me to honour Your Holy Will, at all times, and never to insult or condemn those who refuse the Hand of Your Mercy.

Thursday 28 March 2024

My Flames of Mercy, like Tongues of Fire, will descend on every soul soon.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


My Flames of Mercy, like Tongues of Fire, will descend on every soul soon

mystery-rosary13My dearly beloved daughter, it is time for each of My followers to understand that My Mercy must be accepted without fear.

I am not coming to harm or judge God’s children during The Warning. I come only to prepare them by revealing to them the truth in their hearts.

Only by trusting in My Love and Divinity can you feel real joy and peace. If you allow fear to grip your heart, you will not be able to accept My Gift. Rejoice, for I love all of you.

The time to celebrate My Birth is important, as fewer and fewer nations tolerate My Name. When you celebrate My Birth, you acknowledge your own salvation.

I have given you the Gift of Freedom. Now share The Truth with others without fear in your hearts.

When the time comes for the whole world to witness the public event of My Second Coming, you will regret not having spread My Word to lost souls.

Please prepare your hearts and souls so that they can be cleansed in anticipation of My Promise to come again.

Use this time in prayer. Spend time with family and those close to you. Help those who are troubled in body and spirit.

My Flames of Mercy, like Tongues of Fire, will descend on every soul soon. You must not stop in fear or be worried. All I ask is that you are prepared at all times.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (47) Re-kindle your love for Jesus

Oh blessed Mother, Mother of Salvation for the whole world, pray that my love for Jesus can be re-kindled. Help me to feel the Flame of His Love, so that it fills my soul.
Help me to love Jesus more.
Pray that my faith, love and devotion for Him, become stronger.
Allay any doubts, which torment me, and help me to see clearly the Divine Light of the Truth, which radiates from your beloved Son, the Saviour of all humanity.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Please say My Divine Mercy and start My Novena on Good Friday.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


Please say My Divine Mercy and start My Novena on Good Friday

Featured Image -- 23696My dearly beloved daughter, the time is almost here for the world to reflect on My death on the Cross.

This is the time, during 2012, that I urgently need your prayers for those who will not recognise Me and for those who do not know about Me.

It will be up to you, My beloved followers, to help Me save those poor souls, whom I need to bring close to My Bosom, so that I can prepare them for My New Paradise.

Children, I need you to say My Divine Mercy Chaplet and commence the nine day Novena of the Divine Mercy, from Good Friday.

It is important that as many of you complete this Novena for other souls. You will receive great Graces and for this I will never forsake you. I will salvage your soul when you come before Me on the Day of Judgment.

You must never become tired of praying to save other souls. You are My Army and through the Graces I give you, you will work with Me to clean the Earth of sin, before My Second Coming.

Praying does not come easy to all of you. The best way is to unite yourself in My Sorrowful Passion, and meditate on My suffering and in particular, My Agony in the Garden. My Great Mercy is at its most potent then. It was precisely because of sinners, including those pagans who were never given a chance to know Me, whom I agonised over the most.

For those of you who love Me know this.

The more you trust in Me completely, the stronger is My Mercy. The more I can forgive. My Mercy is so powerful that it can wipe out the sins of all mankind.

Those who believe in Me, trust Me, can achieve great sanctity by helping to save the souls of their brothers and sisters, as a priority. They do this out of their love for Me for they know that this brings Me much consolation.

You, My pure and just followers, who love Me so much, know that it is through your generosity of heart, that I can save sinners.

Sinners, you must understand, are who I died for and are the ones I thirst for most of all. I show great compassion for sinners.

But, you, My followers, who are also sinners, must trust in Me completely. By doing this, I grant a number of special Graces.

The more you ask for My help, the more you receive. It is because of this bond that you and I hold between us, that you can help Me to save other souls from drowning in despair and hopelessness.

Remember the Power of My Divine Mercy Novena and the number of souls you will save for Me, this year.

Your beloved Jesus


Virgin Mary: All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin. BOOK OF TRUTH.


Virgin Mary: All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin

GodsimageMy dear child, the most sacred Creation of My beloved Father, the life of those babies in the womb, is to be destroyed a millionfold all over the world.

The evil one has influenced governments in all parts of the world to ensure that abortion is not only accepted, but that it will be seen as a good thing.

How many tears are now being spilled in Heaven! All the angels and saints bow their heads in sorrow.

God’s children will be destroyed in many numbers as the time for the Great Tribulation commences. Wars, famines, murders and suicides will increase. It is the sin of abortion, however, which incurs the Wrath of My Father more than almost any other sin.

Countries who condone abortion will suffer greatly by the Hand of God. Their countries will weep when their punishment is witnessed. All those responsible for the introduction of such a vile act will need much prayer.

My child, it is important that everyone recites My Holy Rosary every Friday until the last week in January 2013 to stop the spread of abortion.ABORTION-NORTHERN-IRELAND_800-e1449083028861

Every child murdered in the womb becomes an angel in My Father’s Kingdom. They pray, every day, for each mother who intervened knowingly and without hesitation to end the life of the child within her. Their prayers are being used to salvage the souls of their Mothers.

All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin.

Pray, pray, pray for these sinners as they are in great need of the Mercy of God.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (46) Free me from the chains of Satan

O Jesus, I am lost. I am confused and feel like a prisoner caught in a web I cannot escape from. I trust You, Jesus, to come to my aid and free me from the chains of Satan and his demons.
Help me for I am lost. I need Your Love to give me the strength to believe in You and trust in You, so that I can be saved from this evil and be shown the Light – so I can find peace, love and happiness at last.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally.. BOOK OF TRUTH..


The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally

meeting-jesus-in-heaven1My dearly beloved daughter, the day I come to reclaim My Inheritance, promised to Me by My Father, will be sudden.

While I prepare all of humanity for this great event, the day will come unexpectedly. The time for the beast to be cast into the abyss is near, and then the twelve nations will enjoy peace and unity.

During this time the saints in Heaven, and all those who died in My Favour, will be raised with the righteous who will survive the Tribulation. All will be resurrected and be given the Gift of perfect bodies, which will overcome the death known to humanity since the sin of Adam. They will enjoy peace and prosperity under My Spiritual Reign until My Kingdom is handed over to My Father.

This will be the first resurrection and will be followed by a one thousand year reign of perfect harmony according to the Divine Will of My Father.

During this time, sinners who denied Me will suffer. The Second Resurrection is not known to mankind, nor have the details been revealed to anyone other than the prophets Daniel and John the Evangelist.

These secrets will be revealed, in time, for they are not for your knowing now.

The Power of God will be manifested when the battle to salvage souls will succeed.The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally. This is My Promise. I will fulfil the prophecies laid down by My Father.

Those among you who are confused, have no fear. All is now in My Holy Hands, but be assured all that matters is the forgiveness of sin. This will be when all of you ask Me for the Gift of Redemption. It is that simple.

Your love for Me will yield the Gift of Life. Death, as you know it, will have no control or hold over you again. Your future is something to welcome with joy in your hearts for it is the greatest Gift of God and only those deserving souls will be bequeathed with such wealth. Be at peace. Trust Me. Love Me. That is all that matters.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (45) Prayer to conquer negative thoughts

O Jesus, I know very little about You, but please help me to open my heart to allow You to come into my soul, so that You can heal me, comfort me, and fill me with Your Peace.
Help me to feel joy, to conquer all negative thoughts, and to learn the way to make me understand how to please You, so that I can enter Your New Paradise, where I can live a life of love, joy and wonder with You, forever and ever.

Monday 25 March 2024

I bring hope. I bring Mercy. I bring salvation.. BOOK OF TRUTH.

I bring hope. I bring Mercy. I bring salvation

DivnemercyMy dearly beloved daughter, it is important that My disciples do not cause fear in the hearts of their friends and families because of My Messages to you at this time.

I come to you all at this time to speak with you from Heaven in order to prepare you. I do this with love and joy in My Heart.

I come to help those who believe in Me so that they will be ready to accept Me in the state of grace needed to reign with Me in My Kingdom.

I come also to plead with those who cannot understand the meaning of God’s Creation, especially those souls who use human reasoning to define everything in their lives. They believe only in what they can see or touch. These same souls will accept lies from those they believe are to be respected in their societies and nations. How easily they are fooled by the lies of man and how weak they are in that they reject the Truth of their Creation.

My task is to help you all. Not to threaten, but to draw you closer to Me so that you will receive comfort.

My Kingdom is your home. You must not feel any pressure to reject your family, so that you can unite your heart with Mine. Instead bring to Me your family through your prayers. Many will hurt you when you proclaim the Truth of My Word. But that is okay. Do not challenge them and try to force them against their will.

I will take them into My Light of Protection when you recite Crusade Prayer (13) Prayer calling for immunity

I Am full of love for you. Those who believe in Me will be greatly comforted by My Second Coming. Those other souls can be saved by your prayers. This is why I prepare you now. It is to save all of you so that you can enjoy the New Heavens and the New Earth.

I bring hope. I bring Mercy. I bring salvation. I bring to a conclusion the final covenant, the final age, which will be the fulfilment of My Father’s Will.

agony_in_the_garden_s1Never fear Me for I Am your family, joined by My Flesh and Blood, by My Humanity, as well as by My Divinity.

Be at peace, My beloved followers. Rest on My Shoulder for My Love and Mercy is greater than any of you know. This is a time for rejoicing, not sorrow, for I have given you the Gift of Salvation. This Gift is for you as well as those who are lost. It is for everyone.

Your Beloved Jesus

Crusade Prayer (44) Strength to defend my faith against the False Prophet

Dear Jesus, give me the strength to focus on Your Teachings and to proclaim Your Holy Word at all times.
Never allow me to be tempted to idolise the false prophet, who will try to present himself like You.
Keep my love for You strong.
Give me the Graces of Discernment, so that I will never deny the Truth contained in the Holy Bible, no matter how many lies are presented to me to encourage me to turn my back on Your True Word.