Thursday 30 September 2021

They are Mine. I Am theirs. That will always be the case. I love them all. It is that simple


They are Mine. I Am theirs. That will always be the case. I love them all. It is that simple

the-crusade-of-prayer-english1-e1488633550494My dearly beloved daughter, I call on all of My followers, all over the world, to unite as one in Me, to pray for the souls of those who have separated from Me. I, especially, call out to My Crusade Prayer Groups, everywhere, and all those who responded to My Call, through the Book of Truth, to love one another as I love you. Put aside your differences – should they occur; ignore division, should it arise and pay no heed to the hatred that Satan and the souls he has deceived show towards you, for this is My last Mission in preparation for My Second Coming.

You must understand the purpose of My Plan to redeem the world, through the Book of Truth. It is to save all souls, everywhere, no matter who they are, what they believe in, how they sin, what they do to one another and whatever views they may hold. They are Mine. I Am theirs. That will always be the case. I love them all. It is that simple. It cannot be any other way.

Whenever you are persecuted in My Name, always rise above this and pray for the souls who curse you, for My Heart is breaking for them. I suffer terribly for such souls. Bring them to Me, so that they can open their hearts to My Love for them. Help Me to reach out to their sorrowful and broken souls and their hardened hearts, for without Me and without My Intervention, they will wither and die. That is not My Desire. Come, all of you. I call on those who are in Me and with Me. I call on those who do not know Me truly, but who think they do. I call on those who are disloyal to My Teachings. I call on those who reject this Mission and who declare it to be false. Do not forsake Me, for I have not forsaken you. Do not fear Me, for I Am not your enemy and I desire your soul, so that you can be part of Me and then you will find peace in your heart.

My Time is now, as I guide you, open your hearts and remind you of the Truth of My Word, which never changes. The Time for My Coming is close and it is important that you prepare your souls and those with whom you come into contact.jesus-christ-31091-e14586589237151

My arrival will be sudden and you will have no advance warning. Do not neglect your souls, as you will need to be ready to see the Light of My Face and so that you can remain standing before Me, if you want to enter My Kingdom.

I will always love you when you serve Me with all your heart. I will always love you when you reject Me, denounce My Mission or slander others in My Name, for you know not what you do. When the Day comes I will call out to you, one by one, and then take you into My Arms to give you the comfort you will need. For on that Day, I will unite all who love Me and I will declare the Gates to be opened to allow entry to all God’s children, from all over the world, including those who have died and who will rise again – as one in Me. Then the Will of My Father will be done, at last.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (19) Prayer for young people

Mother of Salvation, I ask you to pray for the mercy of young souls, who are in terrible darkness, so that they recognize your Beloved Son when He comes to redeem the whole of mankind.
Let not one soul fall by the wayside. Let not one soul reject His Great Mercy. I pray, Mother, that all are saved and ask you to cover these souls with your Holy Mantle to provide them the protection they need from the deceiver.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

By allowing themselves to be bullied by the heathen, they will become like heathen


By allowing themselves to be bullied by the heathen, they will become like heathen

Divine-Mercy-SundayMy dearly beloved daughter, it is My Desire that My followers, including Christians of all denominations, spend more time in My Company at this time. 

No matter how close you may believe you are to Me, every effort by the evil one will be made to tempt you into every type of iniquity. Not one amongst you is so strong in your faith that you can withstand the influence of the spirit of evil. You must strive to spend more time in prayer, daily, and use this time to build around you the armour needed to protect you, if you are to remain true to Me. Failure to speak with Me, through prayer and the Sacraments, will render you weak, make you unsure of your love for Me and then you will leave yourself open to doubts about My Teachings, My Promises and My Power. The trials you will face, brought about with the advent of terror to be inflicted upon true followers of Mine, who will remain fiercely loyal to the Holy Word of God, will be very difficult.

You have been given free will by God, as your natural birthright and yet, those imposters who will invade My Church will try to take it away from you. You will be forced to accept untruths, presented to you under the guise of new renditions of the Holy Gospels and should you dare to question these, you will be expelled in disgrace. So many of you, through cowardice, blindness and a misguided devotion to those you believe lead My flock, will find yourselves embracing false doctrine.

The false doctrine, which will be introduced, will be carefully camouflaged with loving words. The way to recognise that it does not come from Me will be threefold.

It will place the needs of sinners first, by declaring that you must pray to elevate the rights of man to sin before the Lord.

Secondly, you will be asked to declare that sin is a natural thing and that you must never fear the future because of it – that God will never reject a sinner and that all of His children will enter Paradise.

Thirdly, you will be told that the Sacraments have to be adapted from their origins in Christianity to appeal to the heathen who deserve to have their human rights catered for in the Eyes of God.

When these things take place, it will mean just one thing.  Man will present, before the altars of My Churches, everywhere, his interpretation of what Rules laid down by God suit him and what do not. He will then expect God to bow to his demands. He will, in effect, dictate to God because he will believe himself to be greater than Me.

image-of-jesusI will cast these souls away from Me, for they will no longer be able to declare themselves to be Christians. By allowing themselves to be bullied by the heathen, they will become like heathen. There is no place in My Kingdom for those who do not give themselves to Me in the way I taught them, when I walked the Earth. You will find it difficult, in the years ahead, to remain loyal to My Teachings, because those who claim to represent Me will lead you into grave error, as foretold. Be careful.

Watch what you will be asked to accept, as a substitute for My Holy Word. Those with true discernment, given to them by the Power of the Holy Spirit, will know immediately when these things happen. Others will not be blessed, because they will not have paid attention to everything I taught them. They will find themselves in a very dark and lonely place, without My Presence to Light the way of the Truth.

That time is drawing very close.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (18) Stop the Anti-Christ & his group

O dear Jesus, save the world from the Anti-Christ.
Protect us from the wicked snares of Satan. Save the last remnants of your church from evil.
Give all your churches the strength and graces needed to defend ourselves against wars and persecution planned by Satan and his army of terrorists.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Every effort will be made by men of science to disprove the Existence of God over the next two years


Every effort will be made by men of science to disprove the Existence of God over the next two years

nativity_scene-e1513952373955.pngMy dearly beloved daughter, every effort will be made by men of science to disprove the Existence of God over the next two years. They will falsely claim that man can sustain life on other planets, apart from Earth. Earth is the only living part of the universe created by God for His children. But that is not the only reason that these claims will be made to prove that God does not Exist. They will proclaim man’s greatness; his intelligence and his advances in science, to dispel the notion that man was created by God. The greatest insult will be when they declare that man was created by a miracle of science. They will go to great lengths to prove that man is invincible and, yet, they will have no answer as to what happens after physical death of the body takes place, which every man has to face. This part will be ignored by those who lie and who deny God. 

They will ridicule anyone who declares a belief in the Existence of Heaven or in their True Creator, God the Most High. And all during these public declarations, against the Truth, not one word will be uttered by those who claim to lead My Church. In the final days, religion will become a pagan concept, when adulation of the Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars will become the substitutes, when they pay homage to God.

Most of the world will turn to paganism and bring death to their souls. Despite every Intervention by My Father, they will turn the other way.the-book-of-truth-volume-5

This is why My Father promised the world the Book of Truth, the unraveling of the Book of Revelation, to save your sorry souls. Man is stubborn. Man is proud, vain and the more advances he makes in science the less he knows and the more he removes himself from the Truth.

Heed now My Word, for soon all that I taught you will be gradually withdrawn, stage by stage, from My Churches on Earth. The Word will be taken away from you, but I will never desert you, for I will always remain with you, guiding you, teaching you and filling you with My Love. You will always be in My Heart and it will be because of your love for Me that I will be able to salvage those who are lost. You, My beloved followers, are My link to God’s children and through your prayers, I will strive to unite the world. This is why you must never despair, even when all seems hopeless.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (17) Mother of Salvation Prayer for Dark Souls

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Salvation and Mediatrix of all Graces, you who will participate in the salvation of humanity from the wickedness of Satan, pray for us.
Mother of Salvation, pray that all souls can be saved and accept the love and mercy shown by your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who comes once again to save humanity and to give us the chance of eternal salvation.

Monday 27 September 2021

Oh woe to those chosen by the Lord to serve Him in the last days, for they will not be awake to My Call


Oh woe to those chosen by the Lord to serve Him in the last days, for they will not be awake to My Call

I love you Children Come back to me

My dearly beloved daughter, you must never take for granted My Words to you, for they are given to you as an Act of Great Mercy. They are not given to the world because man is worthy, but rather because he is starving of the Word. 

Every Gift given to man, through the intercession of My Mother, since My death on the Cross, was to help all sinners prepare for the Great Day. My Mother responded to the Divine Will of My Father when she gave birth to Me, the Saviour and Redeemer of the world. She, in turn, was appointed as the intercessor between man and the Divine Justice of God. It is her role to intercede on behalf of sinners, in order to warn them and to prepare them to receive Me, her Son, on the last Day.

lasalettecryingEvery single apparition of My beloved and Blessed Mother, which took place in the world, was by the Authority of My Father. All that she foretold will now come to pass and all that she declared has been forgotten by most of My sacred servants, who have chosen to ignore her warnings.

Oh woe to those chosen by the Lord to serve Him in the last days, for they will not be awake to My Call. Deaf and blind, they will follow a watered-down version of My Father’s Book and instead of the fruit they have been called to yield forth, nothing but rotten fruit will pour forth from their mouths. Haughty and arrogant, they have denied My Mother’s intercessions, her apparitions and her call to gather them, in order to bring them into the wisdom of the Heavenly Hierarchy, where Truth reigns as King. Truth has evaded them and, instead of prostrating themselves in naked humility before the Throne of God, they follow the rules of man – fallible man – who does not know the Truth of the Promises made by God to His people.

The world today may have made great advances in medicine, in technology and in knowledge, but they have traded in the wisdom of what is necessary to enter My Kingdom in exchange for money, wealth and power. All things of this world – money, power, possessions, positions of power in government – are nothing in My Eyes. I can wipe them away with just one swipe of My Hand. Respect for human knowledge and advances in science are worthless, for they do not come from you – they are talents given to man from God because of His Love for His children. Were He to take them away, along with all the material comforts you have, what then would you be left with? Nothing.

Those who know Me, truly, would care about nothing, because they know that when they are Mine, they will only gain relief when they trust in Me completely, because they know I would never leave them to fend for themselves. Why then do you seek out things that are not of Me – things that will never fulfil you? The more you reject Me and seek out empty promises, the more you will feel isolated, as the time comes for Me to divide the chaff from the wheat.

The only choice you can make is to become a true child of God, without Whom you are nothing. It is not who you are, what position you hold in this life, what part you play that counts. It is only because you are loved by God that you will be saved. No man is fit to stand before Me. No man is so pure of soul that he can attain sainthood. No one amongst you can be elevated to My Kingdom on your merits. It is only because of My Mercy that you will be made worthy to live Eternal Life.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (16) To accept graces offered during The Warning

O My Jesus, keep me strong during this trial of Your Great Mercy. Give me the graces needed to become little in Your Eyes. Open My eyes to the truth of Your promise of Eternal Salvation.
Forgive me my sins and show me Your Love and hand of friendship. Embrace me into the arms of the Holy Family, so that we can all become one again.
I love you, Jesus, and promise from this day forth that I will proclaim Your Holy Word without fear in my heart and with purity of soul forever and ever.

Sunday 26 September 2021

God the Father: Earthquakes will strike your cities


God the Father: Earthquakes will strike your cities

My dearest daughter, the time has come when man, having sinned and blemished himself in My Eyes, for so long, will now sink into the final depths of depravity, when he will strive to destroy all that is sacred of Mine. 

All life comes from Me. Life of the soul is Mine. Life of the flesh is also of Me. Let no man interfere with either – lest his own life be taken away by Me. Of that you can be sure. Every form of life, which has been brought forth by My Hand, will be killed at the hands of wicked men. They will take life away from those in the womb and declare this to be a form of human right.

GodsimageYou, My children, do not have the right to destroy the life of My children – either before or after they are born – and if you do, then you will suffer a terrible chastisementWithout reconciliation and a failure to repent for this sin of abomination, I will destroy you, as well as those countries, which encourage this evil. When you destroy your own life, you offend Me, for it does not belong to you and only I have the right to give life and take it away, in My Time. By tampering with life of the flesh, you interfere with My Divinity and I will never stand back and ignore such an affront to My Creation.

When the taking of life is not enough, man will deviously attack the life of the soul, by bringing death to My Holy Word, upon which he will trample until he grinds every part, so that it will become like gravel under his feet. Then man, arrogant and full of his own warped view of his abilities, will attempt to seek a new planet to find a new home for humanity, although this is impossible. The Gift of the very soil, upon which I placed humanity, will be deemed not to be sufficient for man’s needs. And so it will continue – this march towards self-destruction. Man will be the author of his own demise. He will systematically destroy all that is sacred to Me.

The Gift of life, given by Me to every creature of Mine, will be stolen from Me, by man, without a shred of remorse. He will condone every part of his murderous intent, by declaring the taking of life to be a good thing. Death, by abortion, is the greatest insult of all and I warn humanity that Justice will be Mine, for I will no longer allow you to curse Me in this way.

Earthquakes will strike your cities and for every nation that condones the taking of life, you will feel the wake of My Anger, as I strike your grievous and hateful hearts. Those who seek remorse for this wrongdoing will be spared, but know that not one nation amongst you will escape this chastisement. 

The death of My Church will not be tolerated, as man, along with the false leaders he will slavishly follow, will destroy the Sacraments and recreate them, so that they will disappear. I will pull down your temples and your churches as you continue your desecration of My Son’s Body. You scourged Him, mocked Him and persecuted His followers – until you savagely murdered Him, when you crucified Him. Still, you have not learned. Your lack of humble servitude, to He Who gave you life, brought you Redemption and Who now attempts to prepare you for the Great Day, disgusts Me.

I Am Sorrowful. I Am Saddened and I Am Angry, for you have finally succeeded in killing every form of life I gave you. I refer to both life of the flesh and life of the soul. The life I gave you is no longer enough, so I will take it back on the Last Day, from those of you who have thrown it back at Me. While your act of war against Me, the Creator of the World, of all that is, continues, I will only permit your wicked acts of destruction to last for a very short time.

I give you, now, the time to examine the sins of humanity against everything I hold sacred, so that you can atone for the sins of the world. The final battle has begun and much life – the Gift of life created by Me – will be destroyed by man. And for that I will punish the world.

Your Father

God the Most High.

Crusade Prayer (15) Thanks for gift of Divine Mercy

O my Heavenly Father, we honour you with a deep appreciation of the Sacrifice You made when you sent a Saviour into the world. We offer You, in joy and thanksgiving, our prayer in humble gratitude for the Gift you now give to Your children, the Gift of Divine Mercy.
Oh, God the Most High, make us worthy to accept this Great Mercy with gratitude.

Saturday 25 September 2021

Much of what humanity takes for granted will be turned upside down and inside out, but this is necessary


Much of what humanity takes for granted will be turned upside down and inside out, but this is necessary

three-angelsMy dearly beloved daughter, because of the tribulations, which the human race has to endure during the Purification, it would be a mistake to confuse the pain it will cause with that of hopelessness. 

Much of what humanity takes for granted will be turned upside down and inside out, but this is necessary.

When the Purification is exhausted, a new dawn will appear – suddenly and without warning – and the new world will be presented to God’s children.

I ask that, while much pain will be endured by those who love Me, as well as by those who don’t, not one man amongst you should ever believe that there is no hope. Instead, rejoice because only love, joy, peace and happiness lies ahead in My New Paradise. When the world is cleansed of sin and as many souls as possible are purified, then I will come as a Bridegroom ready to greet you. The Great and Glorious Day is to be anticipated with joy, excitement and longing, for My Heart will burst forth and unite with the whole world.

The New Beginning is within your grasp. Endure whatever pain and suffering you bear witness to now, for it will mean nothing when you come into My Light, when I will overwhelm you with the love and happiness, which you have awaited all your lives, but which you could not have truly grasped up to then.dmd-e1488719388931

Help Me to bring the souls who are lost to Me back into My Arms. Pray for each other. Be joyful. Be hopeful. Be at peace. Whatever lies ahead, know that My Love is more powerful than hatred. My Power is Almighty. My Mercy is endless. My Patience is great.

Go in peace and serve Me, until the last day, for the following Day will be the beginning of the world which will have no end and where death will be no more.

I love and cherish all of you.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (14) Prayer to God the Father for protection against Nuclear War

O Almighty Father, God the Most High, please have Mercy on all sinners.
Open their hearts to accept salvation and to receive an abundance of graces.
Hear my pleas for my own family and ensure that each one will find favour in your loving Heart.
O Divine Heavenly Father, protect all Your children on earth from any nuclear war or other acts, which are being planned to destroy your children.
Keep us from all harm and protect us. Enlighten us so we can open our eyes, hear and accept the Truth of our salvation, without any fear in our souls.

Friday 24 September 2021

Mother of Salvation: All those of different faiths must begin also to recite my Holy Rosary, for it will bring each of you great protection


Mother of Salvation: All those of different faiths must begin also to recite my Holy Rosary, for it will bring each of you great protection

pray_the_rosary2My dearest children, I ask that you recite my Most Holy Rosary every day from now on to protect this Mission from satanic attacks. By reciting my Most Holy Rosary, each day, you will dilute the wickedness of Satan and those he influences, when he tries to take souls away from following this special Call from Heaven.

All those of different faiths must begin also to recite my Holy Rosary, for it will bring each of you great protection. The Most Holy Rosary is for everyone and those who want to benefit from my protection – the Gift I received from God to defend souls from the evil one.

So many of you, dear children, will be tormented unless you relent. Otherwise, you will pull away from this Mission. The enemies of God will use every power they can to stop you. They will pull at you, scream abuse at you and accuse you of evil things. Ignore this and allow me, your beloved Mother of Salvation, to give you comfort and provide you with all the protection you need.

During my Son’s Mission on Earth, He was betrayed in so many ways. They waited in villages for Him, with stones in their hands. When He walked by, with hundreds following Him, they hurled these stones at Him from behind shelters, so that no one would know who they were. They hated Him; reported Him to the Church authorities; spread wicked lies about Him and said He spoke with an evil tongue and blasphemed against God. Yet, not one of them could explain exactly how He was guilty of such things. They then spent much time urging His disciples to deny Him. Many of them did. Then, the Pharisees warned all those who worshipped in the temples that, should they continue to follow my Son, they would never be allowed inside the House of God again. And many of them stopped following my Son. These same souls cried bitter and sorrowful tears after my Son was crucified, for it was only then that they realized how they had wronged Him.

The same will be true of this Mission, which paves the way of the Lord and the Great Day for my Son’s Second Coming. Every effort will be made to weaken the Remnant Church. Every attempt will be made to weaken your resolve. Every plan will be created to encourage you to turn your backs on your own salvation and that of others.roman-catholic-quotes-3

You must never allow the spirit of evil to dampen your spirit, weaken your faith or encourage you to deny my Son. Never lose trust in my Son or His Promise to come again to bring man the New Beginning. He will never let you down. He understands how difficult it is for all of you, the pain which you endure, as well as the sacrifices you make for Him.

Remember, you are His and when you are truly part of Him and surrender to Him, you become part of His Light. The Light of God, present in souls, draws out the darkness, which is present in other souls. When Satan uses souls in this way, he will make his rage known and felt. When objections are raised against this Mission, which is blessed by God, they will never be rational or calm. The frenzy shown will be a clear sign as to how much this Mission is hated by Satan. That is why my Holy Rosary must be said, every day, by all of you, in order to protect this Mission.

Always trust in my instructions, because I have been told by my Son to help all of you to deal with the pressures you will have to endure on His behalf.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation.

Crusade Prayer (13) Prayer calling for Immunity

O Heavenly Father, through the love of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, whose passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy. Flood their souls, dear Father, with Your token of Love.
I plead with you, Heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation. Through Your Mercy allow them to be the first to enter the New Era of Peace on Earth.
* special graces will be given to each who pledges a full month of this prayer for the souls of your brothers and sisters.