Friday 30 November 2018

Reject the work of New Age Spiritualism

Reject the work of New Age Spiritualism

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am calling on all My followers to denounce the work of the New Age Movement, which has gripped the world.
Christianity has always been a prime target of Satan. Because he is so cunning he will constantly try to seduce those with empty and spiritually lost souls. He will always try to present his lies couched in what appears to be love. Then he will try to control My children’s minds using ancient pagan tactics designed to free their minds from the so-called stresses of modern living. Beware those of you who succumb to practices, which claim to bring your mental state into a stage of oblivion, in the name of meditation. Once you allow your mind to be controlled in this way Satan and his demons can move in so silently that you won’t realise it, so smooth will be the transition.
Avoid ancient spiritual practices including use of tarot cards
Many, many souls in the world are starving for spiritual guidance. In their quest to bring meaning into their lives, they are unwittingly allowing themselves to be sucked into practices which amount to paganism. Any false dogma, which entices you to believe that peace in your heart and soul can be achieved through ancient spiritual practices must be avoided at all times. Learn to recognise them for what they really are.
The use of crystals, meditation, reiki, yoga, tarot cards, belief in spirit guides, metaphysics and so-called faith healers are there to entice you to believe in an alternative superiour existence outside of that created by God the Eternal Father.
Warning about ascended masters
Many of you today, who are constantly searching out spiritual comfort in the practice of following your angels must also be alert to the fact that once the term ascended masters is mentioned you can be sure that these angels do not come from Heaven. Ascended masters, My children, are fallen angels and come from the dark. Yet you will be told and then be convinced that they come from the light. All of this pagan spiritualism, if you let it take over your lives, will eventually pull you downwards into the pits of darkness when you least expect it. Satan will be so careful as to how he presents these dark lies, because at all times you will be told, and you will believe, that these things are all good.
Most of these practices are presented as being good for your self-esteem, confidence, control over your life, all of which is a lie. Not only do these practices drive you away from the Truth, but they bring untold misery once the evil spirits enter your soul as a direct result of these practices.
Bible warns of dangers of magic
The Truth can never be tampered with. Teachings handed down to man in the Holy Bible warn mankind of the dangers of magic, fortune telling and the adulation of false gods. In today’s world, these practices are presented as harmless, but necessary, for your spiritual wellbeing. Because of the nature of gentle souls, many of them will be naturally drawn to new age practices because of the false façade of the love they exude. Nothing could be further from the Truth.
Warning about fanatical devotion to angels
Remember it is Satan and his fallen angels who have carefully and cunningly drawn you into these unsuspecting lies. For those of you who promote an almost fanatical devotion to angels, I have this to say. Why do you not proclaim the Word of God, My Eternal Father first? Isn’t this obsession with angels just another form of idolatry? Yes, by all means, pray for the help of the holy angels, however, always ask this question. Is your devotion to the angels at the expense of your love for Jesus Christ, the Son of God or God the Eternal Father? If so then you offend Me, your Divine Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Wake up now to the lies of so-called spiritualism. The angels you attract by participating in such practices will not come from Heaven or from the Light. They will seem to come from the Light but that is the deceit that Satan and his demons use to cleverly camouflage their actions.
Remember one final lesson. Dress up your pagan practices as much as you like to appear as if you are paying homage to the Divine Light of Heaven, but it will be a lie. The lie, and those you convince to follow this bizarre journey towards a so-called spiritual realm, outside that of My Father’s,
will bring you so close to Satan that beyond a certain point there will be no return.
The only Divine Realm of Love that exists outside of this Earth is Heaven. Anything else you have been told is untrue. Satan, however, wants you to believe that there is. The reality is that he is pulling all those unsuspecting and superstitious souls into the darkness of Hell with him and all the fallen angels, all in the name of false love.
Please remember that Love, True Love, can only come from God the Eternal Father.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Messages from THE BOOK OF TRUTH regarding CHRISTMAS December 22, 2017fatherofloveandmercy Below are a grouping of Messages from THE BOOK OF TRUTH regarding CHRISTMAS:

Oh what joy it would bring Me were they to turn to Me on Christmas Day

December 22, 2014 @ 8:45 pm from The Book of Truth
My dearly beloved daughter, this is a message for the world, for Christmas Day. As all of you celebrate My Birthday, allow Me to enter your heart on this special day for this day is Mine.
Invite Me into your home as a favoured guest and introduce Me to those amongst your family, friends and neighbours, who may have forgotten about Me. Christmas may be a celebration about Me, but I Am ignored amidst the great rejoicings, which take place. Allow mention of Me to gladden your hearts, to bring you joy and to bring you hope for the future – a future I secured for you from the day I was born.
 Remind those who no longer revere Me, of the Love that I have for them and how I long to be part of their lives again. Oh what joy it would bring Me were they to turn to Me on Christmas Day and ask Me to bring them My Peace and My Love. If they would come to Me on Christmas Day I would envelop them into the safety of My Divine Refuge and never let them separate from Me again.
Are-we-alll-gods-childrenMy beloved followers, you are My Family, and I am your family. Through My Mercy, I take you into the Bosom of My Beloved Father, Who loves you with the passion of a tender-hearted parent. Oh how He loves you and how much pleasure He feels when you acknowledge Me, and call on Me, for My Help.
You mean everything to Me and My Love for you is all encompassing, way beyond your comprehension.  It is therefore with a fiery compassion and fierce determination that I will fight for every one of you, to save you from the wickedness of My enemiesI guard your souls with great jealousy and will fight the good fight to bring you safe and sound into My Kingdom.
No matter how I am opposed; how much Christians have to suffer humiliation in My Name; however much seduction is placed before you by My adversary – I will win this battle for souls. That is a fact for nothing can stand between God and His children for He will not permit it. The man who does, will be toppled. Hatred will be destroyed and lies will be revealed for the shallowness upon which they were created. The Truth will stand the test of time.jesus-christ-31091-e14586589237151
I Am coming soon to unite God’s children –  His precious family. Lift your hearts, do not allow My foes to dampen your spirit and let hope be your only thought.  Have complete confidence in My Great Mercy and be ready to welcome Me, your Saviour and Redeemer, back into your lives.  Rejoice, for My Promises will bring with them a cause for the greatest joy. This Christmas will be joyful, for My Time is short.
Your Beloved Jesus
DEC 24 2010  Why I became Man
DEC 25 2010  Celebrating Christmas
Book of Truth      Prayers

Importance of fasting and self denial

Importance of fasting and self denial

My beloved daughter, you are finally realizing that without Me you are nothing. It is through My graces that you receive life in My Father’s Kingdom. Without My Presence in your life it will be barren and devoid of any real meaning. Oh how I wish all My children would understand the life that I can bring them, especially through the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. For it is only when you receive Me into your frail souls through the Divine Bread and Wine that you will truly feel My Love. This Love will strengthen you, not only in your soul, but in your mind. My Presence will lift you to become true followers of Mine.
A follower of Mine who does not receive Me regularly through this Most Holy Sacrament will be like a vessel that is only half full. You need My Body and Blood, which was shed for you all, to fill you with My True Presence. For without this you will be unable to find the real strength to proclaim My Glory fully.
Children, you must understand that belief in My Existence is just part of your spiritual journey. There is so much more you need to understand. It will only be through your denial of the pleasures of the flesh that you will truly be fulfilled. By virtue of the fact that Satan controls man through the temptations of the flesh so too should you deny him the access to those pleasures you may seek. Fasting is one of the most powerful ways to rid your soul of Satan and his demons. So few people in the world can commit to this sacrifice, yet it is so simple and does not damage your health.
One day of fasting a week will bring you special graces. By making small sacrifices in honour of Me, your Divine Saviour, you will not only save souls, but you will become closer to Me. Other sacrifices where you denounce worldly goods will also bring you closer to My Sacred Heart.
Life, My children, should not be all about the pursuit of material things, if they are surplus to your real needs. By accepting simple needs and by devoting your time to Me, you will experience true contentment. Not only that, but for the first time in your life you will know the meaning of true freedom. Remember, Satan controls man through the desires of the flesh including food, clothes, sex, homes, cars, holidays, luxury living, music, alcohol and idolatry of famous people. By accepting that these are simply illusions, you will then understand that your time on Earth should not be wasted with such useless pursuits.
Your time on Earth, children, is just part of your journey into eternity. Life of a different kind will continue for you after death. Irrespective as to whether people believe in God the Eternal Father or not, their soul will still exist after death. Seek now the Light so that your soul will experience true happiness for eternity and an exalted place in Paradise. To achieve this level of spiritual sanctity please make sacrifices of the flesh while are you are still alive on Earth. Offer, too, all your sufferings in your life for lost souls and you will reap the rewards waiting for you in the next life.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Thursday 29 November 2018

Honour My Father

Honour My Father

My dearly beloved daughter, I have missed the time you promised Me yesterday. I realise that you lead a very busy life, but remember that I Am the Life Whom you must seek out above all your day-to-day activities.
Time for man to honestly reflect on his life
The time for mankind to reflect on his life, in a truly honest way, has come. All My children everywhere, in every corner of the world, must ask themselves this question.
Do they or do they not believe that God the Father, exists? As the end times foretold draw nearer and nearer, a number of choices will now have to be made.
Do you, My children, accept that God, My Eternal Father, created you? If you do, then answer the next question.
How much time do you spend thanking Him for the Gifts of life, your family and friends? The home you live in? The food you eat? If you don’t, you are not a follower of the Truth.
Show My Father respect
For those of you who do believe in God the Creator of all things, do you not know that prayer is vital if you are to benefit from the next glorious life He has planned for you? Speak to Him daily. Show Him the respect He deserves, because by not paying attention to Him, you offend Me. For all those devoted followers of Mine, I, your Divine Saviour, Jesus Christ, call on you now to understand how important it is to honour My Father. He is not being given the attention He deserves.
Many people have this image of God the Father, as being stern, frightening and angry. So in awe are you that you push Him to one side. If you knew how much He craves your love you would drop down on your knees this instant and beg Him to forgive you. Please pray to God the Father. He needs your love. He needs your devotion.
Prayer to My Father yields tremendous Mercy. When you ask My Father to protect you and to save you, in My Name, He rarely refuses your request according to His Most Holy Will. God, My Eternal Father is very Loving, Compassionate and allegiance to Him will bring the world great graces and salvation.
Pray to My Father to avert global disasters
Pray to My Father to avert global disasters on behalf of His beloved Son and He will hear your prayers. So very few Christians in the world especially call on Him for help anymore. He, Who so lovingly created man in His Image, has been forgotten about. Show Him the honour that is now required, to help alleviate the ecological catastrophes that will occur on Earth during the Great Tribulation.
My Father holds the world in His Hands. His children, however, no longer honour or adore Him. They are oblivious to the fact that while Satan continues to steal souls there is only one Power that will withstand eternity and that is the Power of God. In His Mercy He will hear your cries for help. Please call on Him now, especially in these times of great change.
Your beloved Saviour
The Son of God the Father Almighty
Jesus Christ

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Responsibility of Parents in the world today

Responsibility of Parents in the world today

My dearly beloved daughter, the world has now succumbed to the depths of utter despair in its lack of belief in the Existence of God the Father Almighty. Even little children now gleefully deny His Existence. Those empty, hardened souls insult not only My Eternal Father, but cause Me deep anguish.
So far have you fallen, children, that you have completely discarded all sense of the spirituality that you were born with. How far do you think your love of the world and its materialism will take you? For those of you engrossed in wealth and the comforts of all worldly attractions, you should know that they will soon be taken away from you as part of the Purification ahead.
Responsibility of parents
Why do you teach your children the importance of man-made materialism at the expense of their poor, little souls? Your primary aim is to teach your children the importance of creating and building wealth. You rarely teach them the morals they need to equip themselves with the responsibilities for adulthood, in relation to how they should show respect for others, to understand the importance of honesty and the need to show understanding towards their brothers and sisters. Unfortunately My children have completely lost their way on the spiritual path required for them to reach the ultimate destination. Have you no shame? When will you learn that your obsessive love of money and all that it offers will end in disaster? It will only be when you are stripped naked of these comforts you crave that you will realise how alone you are.
Listen to Me now while you can. Place your family’s needs first, for that is good. Provide for them. But please do not encourage your children to become slaves to wealth and a desire for fame, for you will be pushing them into the arms of Satan. Your children were born and given life by you physically, but they were Created by God the Eternal Father, when they were given their souls. By all means show responsibility as a parent by providing for your children’s physical needs. But remember that their souls need nourishment. Teach them the Truth of My Teachings and the importance of looking after their souls. Only then will you be giving your children the true nourishment in body and mind that they need to survive, so they can enjoy eternal life.
Your loving Divine Saviour
Jesus Christ

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Confusion about what My Second Coming will mean

Confusion about what My Second Coming will mean

My dearly beloved daughter, many people wonder what The Second Coming really means, so let Me explain.
I came into the world the first time to redeem mankind from eternal darkness, so he could benefit from eternal life. God the Almighty Father, out of His Mercy, sent Me so that all His children would have life. For up to then, due to the sins of Adam and Eve, this would not have been possible. I come again, this time to reward all those who follow Me.
Much confusion exists in the world regarding this event. Many people believe that My Second Coming indicates that the end of the world has come. That is not the case, for instead, it will mean the end times when Satan and his followers, who create untold misery in the world, will be banished from Earth for 1,000 years.
About the New Paradise on Earth
This New Paradise I have promised will come about when Heaven and Earth merge to become one. This new life I bring to all My devoted followers is one of love and glory. You, My followers, will have to endure much suffering, however, while this transition takes place. To help prepare the world for this Great Event, I Am bringing a great Gift of My Mercy beforehand. The Great Warning, which will give each and every one of you the chance to see your sins and how they offend Me, will enable you to see the Truth. When you realise the stain of sin that exists within you, only then will you really understand the sorrow that I feel.
A glimpse of what will happen at the Final Judgment
By allowing you all to experience this great Act of My Mercy you will be given a true glimpse as to what will happen at the day of the Final Judgment. In this way you are being given a fair chance to turn back to Me once more. You see, I love all of you with such a deep and abiding passion that I will do everything possible to save you from the grip of the deceiver.
Be warned though, that Satan will now increase his activities through your brothers and sisters to persuade you to turn your back on Me, even after this Great Event takes place. You must now open your minds, leave all human reasoning aside to accept the truth of your existence on Earth. Every lie couched in scientific human logical thinking will be perpetrated to prevent you from accepting the Truth.
Satan does not want you, My children, to come to Me. His vice-like grip must be broken, but it can only be done with your help. Do not allow him to cloud your judgment with his lies. It will be very difficult for you to ignore his arguments, taunts and ridicule, for that is the way he works.
Satan will work through other people to discourage you
Many of you will not know that Satan is working like this through other people whose views you may respect. But this is just exactly how he works. He will communicate through those poor souls who are attracted to the dark. He will ensure that their minds are blocked to the Truth of My Glory and the eternal life that is yours by right. Never, ever let his influence affect your love for Me. And remember, because he will not win this battle, then those poor souls who follow him will be thrown into Hell with him. If you desire eternal life, then use this time on Earth to denounce Satan while you can.
I will rule the Earth for 1,000 years
My daughter, I will Rule the Earth for 1,000 years. Make no mistake, for I Am now in charge of events as they now unfold in the world. I have now prepared the way for My New Kingdom on Earth and that time is near, much closer than many realize. Rejoice, for this news will be welcomed by all. It will bring to an end all suffering in the world. It will ignite a fount of love and glory for all My children to share.
This New Paradise will be beyond your comprehension, but hear this. This new life will offer you, all of My devout followers, a life free from worry. You will want for nothing. All will be provided by Me. Each and every one of you who choose this GloriousKingdom will be astonished at the Precious Jewel that awaits you. Pray now, that your brothers and sisters open their eyes to the Truth of the promises I have made, so they too, can enter this New Life on Earth.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Monday 26 November 2018

Forgiveness the pathway to freedom

Forgiveness the pathway to freedom

My daughter, forgiveness is the pathway to freedom. When you forgive those who offend you or who have caused you hurt, you become free of spirit. That is when joy fills your soul. That too means that I Am present within you.
When you forgive others, this is a sign of love, not only for your neighbour, but love for Me your Divine Saviour. For those who do not believe Me, know that when they, too, forgive others I Am present and walk with them. Yet they have no idea that this is the case.
Forgiveness is love. My Love is endless. But I implore you, My children, to allow Me to forgive you for your sins. If you could only ask Me to do this, not only will you be free, but the love and the joy you will experience will surprise you.
This act of humility will allow you to communicate with love towards others. Your light will shine and will affect others in a special way, but neither you nor they will be aware of this. My Love, after the act of redemption takes place, will flood your soul. Your clean soul will be like a magnet, as it draws others towards you.
To forgive others is not easy, My children. Pride and a sense of self-worth prevent this great act of mercy taking place. This is the work of Satan; for he knows that lack of forgiveness leads to other more serious sins against God the Father. When you cannot forgive others, first of all, you build up a resentment, which when it festers, leads to hatred and even murder. In many cases it can lead to war.
If people everywhere forgave one another graciously, then hatred would not exist. Murder would be less frequent, and love – the love of God the Eternal Father, would spread.
Learn to forgive one another. Push pride aside and ask for My Mercy. For when you ask for something according to My Holy Will, you will be granted your request.
Your loving Saviour
King of Mercy, Jesus Christ