Wednesday 31 May 2017

Many will soon begin to use their knowledge of science to evaluate the Most Holy Gospels

Many will soon begin to use their knowledge of science to evaluate the Most Holy Gospels

My dearly beloved daughter, many will soon begin to use their knowledge of science to evaluate the Most Holy Gospels. Instead of declaring the Truth of My Word, which comes from the Wisdom of God, they will start to twist it so as to give it a more modern image.
All of My Words, contained in the Holy Gospel, will be interpreted differently. They will say My Word means something new, which will be more relevant in the world today. They will try to give examples as to how I would teach you, were I to walk the Earth at this time.
Gone will be the simplicity of the Word of God, which is for everyone. Those who are intelligent, knowledgeable and who are proud of man’s progress in the world of science, will then begin to make insulting statements.
The Church will embrace so-called new scientific discoveries, which will discredit what is contained in the Holy Bible. They will reveal what they say will be new evidence, which casts doubt as to how the world was created. They will then say that much of what is contained in the Bible are simply metaphors designed to create peace amongst men. They will use the message of humanism, love of one another, in terms of your ability to look after the poor, uneducated and needy, as a substitute for the Truth you were given in the Gospels. Then, the false new doctrines which will seem similar to the Truth, will be embraced by priests, and only those who remain firm to My Word will keep the Truth alive.
My beloved followers, when you find that very few will listen anymore to the Truth – the Word of God – then you must comfort each other. You must continue to remind those in My Churches, who will applaud the heresies, which will be introduced, of the Truth for many of them will be none the wiser. So far will they fall away from Me, that they will readily accept such changes. It will be much easier for those with little faith to accept the word of those who demand reformation, than to remain true to the Word of God.
The call for the first changes will be made soon. With a sweetness that will soothe and passionate talk about the need to rise up as one united world – to show love and tolerance for all – you will be led into the greatest error. Many will be shocked at how quickly My Church will seem to embrace the secular world. Many will be enthralled at the way in which different religions, pagans and heretics, will scramble to join this new, one world charitable church.
They will say: “At last a church which is tolerant has reached out to all.” No longer will they feel ashamed to show disobedience to God. Instead, they will proudly proclaim that their wretched sins are not only acceptable in the Eyes of God, but they are no longer deemed to be sins at all. This will create great rejoicing everywhere.
For the first time in history, those who lead My Church into error will be loved, adored and virtually no criticism leveled upon them.
The greatest heresy, not seen since My death on the Cross, will now devour My Church on Earth. They will fill My Churches with insulting pagan symbols and I will be nowhere to be seen. And while they fill the buildings, which they created to adore Me, My True Church, comprising of those who remain faithful to the Truth, will become the only True Temple of God, for they will never accept the desecration of My Body. Their faith will enable them to spread the Gospels and keep the Flame of the Holy Spirit alight.
Your Jesus

God the Father: No scientific evaluation will make sense when two suns are seen

God the Father: No scientific evaluation will make sense when two suns are seen

cross-sky-buchanan-michigan-3My dearest daughter, My Desire is to gather all of My children together, very soon, to witness My Promise. My Great Gift will come in the middle of the terrible spiritual persecution, when all that I Am will be denied. New gods, none of which exist, will be presented to the world. Covered with a glittering façade, they will be designed to stop all belief in My Existence. All of this heresy will extinguish the Light of God.
Soon, the stars will no longer shine with their great intensity. Soon, new, unexpected signs, which will defy all human understanding of science, will be shown by Me, to a disbelieving world, as the beginning of My Intervention is revealed. No scientific evaluation will make sense when two suns are seen. No definition, by man’s limited knowledge, will make sense. Yet, they will take every sign, given to the world from Heaven, and say that this other human life exists in the universe.
I Am the Creator of all life. I created man. I created the world. Never deny this, for when you do you will be following a false doctrine. Every intervention from Heaven – and there will be many – will be explained away. When you see these signs, know that the Day of the Second Coming is close.
I ask you, dear children, to never deny Me or to deny My Promise to bring the world the final peace and reconciliation, which is yours if you will accept it on My Terms and not your own. My Will is about to be accomplished at last. To prepare you, I will present to the world many miracles in the skies, in the universe and planetary system. When you witness these events, I want you to be joyful, for you will know then that I Am heralding the return of My Son to complete His Promise of eternal salvation.
Wipe the tears from your eyes. I know how difficult your trials will be. I refer to all of My Children, including believers and non-believers, as well as those guilty of terrible sin – none of you are excluded.  When you become reconciled to My Son, you will become part of Him and you will reign with Him in Paradise, forever.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High

Crusade Prayer (30) Prayer to avert war, famine and religious persecution

O, my Eternal Father, God the Creator of the Universe, in the Name of Your precious Son, I beg you to make us love You more.
Help us to be brave, fearless, and strong in the face of adversity. Accept our sacrifices, sufferings and trials as a gift before Your Throne to save Your children on earth.
Soften the hearts of unclean souls. Open their eyes to the Truth of Your Love, so that they can join with all of Your children in the Paradise on earth You have lovingly created for us, according to your Divine Will.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Mother of Salvation: Salvation is yours only through reconciliation with God

Mother of Salvation: Salvation is yours only through reconciliation with God

La SaletteMy dear child, my role as Mother of Salvation is to remind you of all that I have told you down through the centuries. Love one another as my Son loves you. Show compassion for everyone and especially for those who persecute you. Listen to what I revealed to visionaries at La Salette and Fatima and study them in great detail. Very little of what I instructed was carried out by you. My warnings were dismissed and the consequences of ignoring what was given to you will now become a reality.
When Heaven reveals messages to humanity, it is like communicating to a large stone fortress. Some of my revelations seeped through and were followed. Many were simply discarded by those of little faith, and the fortress became impenetrable against the intervention from Heaven, given to you to increase your faith and to keep you safe in God’s Arms.
My role as Co-Redemptrix means that my power against the devil has been strengthened, in a way that has not been granted to me by God before. So now is the time when all devotion to me will be carefully dismissed, by the enemies of my Son. When veneration to me is rushed through and when the request to safeguard countries against Communism is twisted, then my wishes will not have been carried out. I will, from now on, be a rarity in the official patronage normally afforded me, the Mother of God, in my Son’s Churches on Earth.
My power against the beast will be avoided by the removal of my image, my Holy Rosary and other devotions to me from many Catholic Churches.
Then, the temples of God will remove all traces of my Son, Jesus Christ, in preparation for the beast, who will come and sit on the throne in the highest temple of God. Then the true meaning of reconciliation with Jesus Christ will be adapted when they will say that it is no longer necessary to ask God to forgive you for your sins, if you lead a good life. People will start to believe in their own views as to what makes them good in the Eyes of God. But you must never ever forget that salvation, a Gift to every single sinner in the world, can never become theirs unless they ask God to forgive them first. This is the kernel of the Covenant, which was gained for the human race by my Son’s death on the Cross. Jesus Christ won, for the world, the salvation from sin and the Gift of Eternal Life. In order to receive this Gift you must ask God to forgive you for your sins.
Salvation is yours, only through reconciliation with God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (29) Protect the practice of Christianity

O, my Lord, Jesus Christ, I beseech You to pour down your Holy Spirit over all of Your children.
I beg You to forgive those who have hatred in their souls for You.
I pray that atheists open up their hardened hearts during your Great Mercy and that Your children who love You can honour You with dignity to rise above all persecution.
Please fill all Your children with the gift of Your Spirit, so that they can rise with courage and lead your army into the final battle against Satan, his demons and all those souls who are slaves to his false promises.

Monday 29 May 2017

My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals

My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals

My dearly beloved daughter, it is a mistake to believe that God would not mete out His Justice in the world at this time. My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals as the purification of the Earth begins.
The preparations are now underway and soon the enemies of God will be weeded out and punished, for they will never turn and ask for My Mercy. My Father’s Anger is great and woe to those who defy the Word of God, for they will be felled and trampled upon, as the final cleansing of the Earth will clash with the infestation of the evil one – all at the same time.
When you see nature’s elements react fiercely, you will know that the Hand of Justice has fallen. The pride of man, his self-obsession and his belief in his own flawed intelligence in spiritual matters, have brought upon the human race the outpouring of fire from the four bowls upon the four corners of the Earth.
You have ignored the warnings and so the battle to destroy sin has well and truly commenced.
Jesus Christ
Son of Man

Sunday 28 May 2017

The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin

The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin

I love you Children Come back to me

My dearly beloved daughter, as My Time approaches, many will be asleep, but those who are blessed with their eyes open to My Light, will know the signs. They will also be given the blessings to prepare and only those who cling to Me will be able to endure the changes.
The closer the Day of My Great Coming draws, the more people, who say they love God, will withdraw from Me. Even those who say they are holy and exalt themselves within the hierarchy of My Church on Earth, won’t be able to see the Truth. They will not see the Truth because they will be so busy attending to matters and ceremonies, which will be insulting to Me.
The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin. Beside it you will see a second sun. Then the weather will cause the world to shake and the changes will mean that many parts of the Earth will be destroyed.
These punishments – and there will be many – will strip humanity of its arrogance, so that souls will beg for the Mercy of God. Nothing else will stir the hearts of stone of those who have shut the Love of God out of their lives.
The sin of humanity will escalate quickly and the sin of idolatry will wrap itself threefold around the Earth. Paganism, dressed like royal monarchy, will infiltrate My Church on Earth. When the heathens embrace My Church, it will not be to adore God. When pagans, atheists and other non-believers, who outwardly reject the Existence of God, embrace My Church, it will not be to Me, Jesus Christ, they will bend their knee. When My Church declares that it welcomes all, do not be fooled. It will not mean they are welcoming pagans into My Church, so that they can bow before My Tabernacle. No, it will be to parade idolatry, caused by the sin of pride, before Me, to desecrate the Holy and Sacred Tabernacles. They will place pagan symbols on My Altars and demand that unsuspecting congregations bow and accept their fellow brothers and sisters, with grace and generosity. All will be asked to deny the Truth, so as to welcome false worshippers, who will trample on My Altars. Then, the Hand of God will fall.
Wars will spread; earthquakes will shake the four corners of the Earth and famine will grip mankind and every wicked gesture and insult made before God will result in a terrible chastisement. When those who accept My Mercy lead My Church – every demon will curse these children of God. To protect them, God will intervene and woe to those who spit in the Face of their Creator.
The time has come. Those who curse Me will suffer. Those who follow Me will live through this persecution, until the Day when I come to sweep them into My Merciful Arms. And then, only those who remain, because they refused My Hand of Mercy, will be given over to the beast they idolized and to whom they sought pleasure from.
So many people will reject Me, right up to the end. Two-thirds will spit at Me, fight My Intervention and scream every kind of obscenity at Me. As the Day draws closer and closer, the hatred against Me, will be witnessed for all to see. Even those who give the world the impression that they honour God will curse Me quietly.
The day when the deceit of the beast will be exposed for all to see will be a day no one will forget. For that day, as the world will see the imposter, the antichrist, rise with My Crown on his head – dressed in the robes of red – will be the day when fire will pour from his mouth. As the horror finally sinks in, fire will envelop him and he and all those who pledged allegiance to him will be cast into the abyss. And then I will come as I have told you. I will raise up My Church and bring the world together in union with the Holy Will of My Father and peace, at last, will reign.
All I have told you is true. All that will happen will happen as I have told you. It will happen quickly, for despite My Anger, which is caused by the hypocrisy and ungratefulness of man, I come only to bring this suffering, finally, to an end. I come to save all sinners, but many will not want to be saved.
Be strong, My beloved followers, for I will protect all sinners, who accept My Hand of Mercy during The Warning. So every child of God, believers and non-believers, will be included in this Great Intervention from Heaven. But after this time, the angel of God will divide the good from the wicked. The time is short.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (27) Prayer for Peace in the World

O, my Jesus, I beg for Mercy for those afflicted by terrible wars.
I plead for peace to be instilled in those tortured nations who are blind to the Truth of Your Existence. Please cover these nations with the Power of the Holy Spirit so that they will stop their pursuit of power over innocent souls.
Have Mercy on all Your countries who are powerless against the evil atrocities, which cover the whole world.

Saturday 27 May 2017

Never before will their faith be put to such a test

Never before will their faith be put to such a test

My dearly beloved daughter, the Light of God shines down upon all of His children, who are in union with Me, Jesus Christ, at this time. All of those Christians in the world who live by My Word, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will experience a spiritual suffering like no other, because of their belief in Me.
I refer to all Christians who live by the Truth, who behave as I have taught them and who follow My Teachings Word for Word.All those, including those who have never heard of these, My Messages for the world, will soon understand what it is like to live in Me and with Me.
Never before will their faith be put to such a test and sadly, many will be unable to withstand the pressures they will have to deal with, because of the hatred which will be shown to them. They will do all they can to remain true to the Holy Gospels, but by doing so they will attract terrible hatred and they will be called liars. It will not be long before all Christians, who will defiantly proclaim My Word, will be accused of being right-winged bullies, when the true culprits will be the ones who hurl the abuse at them.
I urge all of you to remain silent and to never respond to bullies who try to destroy your faith and love for Me. Those who will spit venom and scream at you need your prayers and forgiveness. By praying for such souls, you will destroy Satan’s influence and he will find it difficult to vent his anger at you.
Pray, pray, pray for all those who will be used as pawns in the bitter fight to dismantle My Church on Earth. Please recite this Crusade Prayer to withstand religious persecution.
Crusade Prayer (126) To withstand religious persecution:
Dear Jesus, help me to withstand any kind of persecution in Your Holy Name. Help those who fall into error, in the belief that they bear witness to Your Work. Open the eyes of all those who may be tempted to destroy others, through wicked acts, deeds or gestures. Protect me against the enemies of God, who will rise up to try and silence Your Word and who try to banish You. Help me to forgive those who betray You and give me the Grace to remain firm in my love for You. Help me to live the Truth, which You taught us and to remain under Your Protection, forever. Amen.
Go, all of you who truly love Me and follow everything I taught you. Love one another as I have told you. Never show hatred for others. Instead, pray for those who persecute you. Show love when hatred is shown to you, because this will be your weapon against the power of evil.
Your Jesus

New Crusade of Prayer (26) Virgin Mary urges all Christians to recite Holy Rosary to save nations

pray_the_rosary2In a message received by Maria Divine Mercy on Sunday 05 February 2012 Our Lady urges all of us – all Christians including non-Catholics – to say her Holy Rosary to help save nations and asked for us to pray for unity in the world.

Friday 26 May 2017

You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you

You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you

My dearly beloved daughter, by the Authority of My Father, God the Most High, I wish to inform all those who are suffering, in My Name, that the time is close for The Warning to take place.
Those of you, who have been given knowledge of this, My Great Day of Mercy, will see the signs shortly. You must confess your transgressions before Me, so that you will be adequately prepared for this event, which will shock the world.
I do this soon, so that I can save those people who have cut the umbilical cord, which ties them to Me, before it is too late. You must trust in Me and gather in prayer so that souls in darkness do not perish before I grant them immunity for their sins.
Look now into your hearts and souls and see them as I see you.
What do you see? Will you be able to stand before Me and say “Jesus, I do everything You desire of me to live the life which You expect me to.”? Will you say “Jesus, I offend You, because I cannot help it, so please have Mercy on my soul.”? Or will you say “Jesus I have sinned, but only because I need to defend myself.”?
You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you. I will show you your soul. You will see every stain upon it. You will relive the sin and then I will give you the time to ask Me to show you My Mercy. Not because you are entitled to My Mercy – but only because I decide to give you this Gift.
My Day will dawn, unexpectedly, through the signs which will be shown to you in advance.
I have spent three years trying to open your eyes to the Truth. Some of you have accepted it. Others have thrown it back in My Face. Now is the time of My Divine Mercy and only those who open their hearts to Me, and who accept Me, will be given the chance to redeem themselves.
Be thankful for My unconditional Love.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (25) For Protection of visionaries around the world

O, God of the Most High, I plead with You to offer protection to all Your holy messengers in the world.
I pray that they are protected from the hatred of others.
I ask that Your Most Holy Word is spread quickly all over the world.
Protect your messengers from slander, abuse, lies and every kind of danger.
Protect their families and cover them with the Holy Spirit, at all times, so that the Messages they give to the world are heeded with contrite and humble hearts.

Spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother. June 3, 2012fatherofloveandmercy sacrament holy eucharistMy dearly beloved daughter My followers must spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother. This month is the time when ,through the Crusade of Conversion, many people can receive the graces of instant conversion through the sacrifices made by those of you who respond to My Mother, the Mother of Salvation. You need to be quiet this month. Please, I urge you to visit your churches as much as you can to recite My Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 O’Clock. Catholics please receive My Holy Eucharist every day if possible during this month. For this month will be the time when the plans, silently underway to increase unrest in the Middle East, are being finalised. Be strong. Be patient. Be humble of heart. Submit your will to Me and offer your trials and sacrifices for the conversion of all sinners. Go in peace My beloved followers. My Holy Spirit is covering you all at this time as I beckon you to this special devotion. Your beloved Jesus

Spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother.

sacrament holy eucharistMy dearly beloved daughter My followers must spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother.
This month is the time when ,through the Crusade of Conversion,  many people can receive the graces of instant conversion through the sacrifices made by those of you who respond to My Mother, the Mother of Salvation.
You need to be quiet this month.
Please, I urge you to visit your churches as much as you can to recite My Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 O’Clock.
Catholics please receive My Holy Eucharist every day if possible during this month.
For this month will be the time when the plans, silently underway to increase unrest in the Middle East, are being finalised.
Be strong. Be patient. Be humble of heart.
Submit your will to Me and offer your trials and sacrifices for the conversion of all sinners.
Go in peace My beloved followers.
My Holy Spirit is covering you all at this time as I beckon you to this special devotion.
Your beloved Jesus

Thursday 25 May 2017

June 4th Feast day of Mother of Salvation

June 4th Feast day of Mother of Salvation

medal of salvationWednesday, June 4th, 2014 @ 14:13
My dear children, salvation can only be bequeathed by my Son, Jesus Christ, to souls who accept His Divine Mercy.
The Medal of Salvation, however, is an exceptional Gift from Heaven given to the world because of the great Love my Son has for all God’s children. Through the powers given to me, by the command of my Eternal Father, this Medal will be responsible for the salvation of billions of souls.
This is made possible because once a soul accepts this Medal with an open heart it will result in conversion.
My role as Co-Redemptrix, in assisting my Son in His great plan to unite everyone and to bring them Eternal Life, has been established. As the Mother of Salvation, all powers assigned to me to crush the serpent’s head has meant that his power will diminish quickly. This is why he, the evil one, despises this Medal and he will use every soul he infests, to scream obscenities and fight it.
You must ignore the spirit of evil at all times and pray to me, your beloved Mother, on this special day, in the years ahead, for special Graces.  I declare this day, June 04, 2014, as the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation. On this day, when you recite this prayer, I will intercede on behalf of all souls for the Gift of Salvation, especially for those who are in great spiritual darkness of the soul.
Crusade Prayer (154) Feast Day of Mother of Salvation Prayer:
O Mother of Salvation, I place before you today on this day, June 4th, the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation, the souls of the following (list names). Please give me and all those who honor you, dear Mother, and who distribute the Medal of Salvation, every protection from the evil one and all those who reject the Mercy of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and all the Gifts He bequeaths to humanity. Pray, dear Mother, that all souls will be granted the Gift of Eternal Salvation. Amen.
Children, remember what I have told you, always call on me, your Mother, to come to your aid in times of great need. I will always intercede, on your behalf, to bring you peace and comfort at all times in your quest to become close to my Son.
Today, the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation will be the last day accorded to me, the Mother of God.
Rejoice for all the angels and saints unite at this time, because of the souls who will now be protected from the evil one and whose fate will now rest with my Son.
Your beloved Mother, Mother of Salvation