These Messages and Prayers, Seal of The Living God, are Directly from The Holy Trinity and Our Lady Mother of Salvation in Heaven. They are being received by A Chosen Prophet Maria Divine Mercy for these times to call all souls to repentance before The Warning from God and afterwards the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
The latest message dates back to early March 2015.If and when we get news of prayers and messages we will immediately update.
My dearly beloved daughter, you must never forget that, despite My stern warnings to humanity, I hold a very special love in My Heart for all of My children.
It is necessary to purify the Earth now, for were I to return now it would not be fit for Me to walk upon it.
When mankind has been purified only those with love for Me and My Eternal Father will remain.
My chosen generation will be with Me for eternity. This Paradise will offer 1,000 years of peace, love and harmony.
After this period the second resurrection of the dead will take place.
Only then can Eternal Life be offered to all souls, with the Light of God shining through them.
Why do you hesitate, My daughter, don’t you know that these prophesies have been foretold?
Let no man misunderstand. You, children of this generation, will be given the Gift of living in the Paradise, even more beautiful than that prepared for Adam and Eve.
Age will be non-existent, as man will live in peace with families of generations.
So much love and enjoyment will be an everyday occurrence. Finally, you will be accorded true, lasting peace in your souls.
Why would this not be possible? This is the Earth that was planned by My Father, Whose Divine Will will, at last, finally be realised on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Rejoice all of you. The New Paradise is to be welcomed with excitement and anticipation.
There will be no death, no illness, no sin. You will be given the Gift of eternal happiness.
Pray for those who, through sin and disobedience, will forfeit any claim to their rightful inheritance, which was planned by My Eternal Father since the beginning of time.
Your beloved Jesus
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Crusade Prayer (103) To share the Cup of Suffering with Christ
Recite this, three times, when you can, but preferably during any time of fasting: I lay before You, dear Jesus, and at Your Feet to do what you will with me for the good of all. Let me share Your Cup of Suffering. Take this gift from me, so that You can save those poor souls who are lost and without hope. Take me, in body, so I can share Your Pain. Hold my heart in Your Sacred Hands and bring my soul in union with You. Through my gift of suffering, I allow Your Divine Presence to embrace my soul, so that you can redeem all sinners and unite all God‘s children forever and ever. Amen
My daughter, it is imperative that you remain silent as the persecution begins.
The Holy Word of My Eternal Father will be rejected, by those very sacred servants who claim to proclaim the Truth of His Most Holy Word.
The Catholic Church is the One True Church.
All churches will unite to become one Holy and ApostolicChurch at My Second Coming.
Until that happens every Word from My Father, given to a spiritually dry world, will be either, ignored, challenged or fiercely opposed.
Those who will fiercely oppose My Messages, given to you, the 7th messenger for the end times, will be divided into two camps.
Those who follow Satan through new age fortune telling and witchcraft.
The others will be those who are spiritually blind, but who believe they are divinely inspired with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Both will reject the Word of God, given to you through the Holy Trinity and My beloved Mother.
Even good priests, forbidden to publicly endorse these Messages, will feel it is justified to vilify My Holy Word for all the world to hear.
With little true humility in their hearts, they will set out to undermine this Call from Heaven, which is being given to help humanity.
These priests, clergy and other self-appointed apostles, who claim to know Me, will try to encourage souls to reject My Word.
They have no shame, for they will arrogantly pull My Book of Truth apart, as it is being revealed to all of mankind.
Then, they will shred the contents, with venom in their hearts.
They do not want to hear the Truth, for it will upset and rattle the cocoon of false security within which they wrap themselves.
Oh how they offend Me.
How much damage they will cause and yet, they do not realise this.
Pray that these souls, blind to the Truth, through the influence of the deceiver, will open their hearts and accept the Word of God as it is presented to them today.
They have no right to publicly dismiss these Messages without discerning them, with a clean soul, which must be humble in all things.
While God allows the sufferings experienced by His visionaries on Earth to ensure that souls are saved, He will not tolerate the abuse of His anointed prophets.
You, My daughter, are a prophet.
You accept suffering as a gift to me.
But, this is not about you, for you are nothing without Me and you know and accept this.
God, My Father, speaks to the world through His prophets.
It is His Word you reject, when you publicly slander His prophets.
For this is a sin in His Eyes.
Never reject the prophets of the Lord.
Never hurt or harm His prophets in any way.
Remain silent at all times if in doubt and pray for them.
Attack the true prophet and fire will pour forth upon you from the Heavens in punishment by the Hand of My Father.
No man will stop the Word of the Lord from being given to His children.
This is the promise made by My Father since the beginning.
Hear His Voice.
Accept that you are in the end times.
Pray that these Messages will be heard, so that all of God’s children will have Eternal Life.
Your Teacher
Redeemer of all Mankind
Jesus Christ
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Crusade Prayer (102) To sustain faith and belief in God‘s Message for the world
Dearest Jesus, when I am down, lift me up. When I doubt, enlighten me. When I am in sorrow, show me Your Love. When I criticise, help me to remain silent. When I judge another in public, seal my lips. When I utter blasphemies, in Your Name, redeem me and bring me back into Your protection. When I lack courage, give me the sword I need to do battle and save the souls You desire. When I resist Your Love help me to surrender and abandon myself, completely, within Your Loving care. When I wander away, help me to find the Path of Truth. When I question Your Word, give me the answers I seek. Help me to be patient, loving and kind, even to those who curse You. Help me to forgive those who offend me and give me the grace I need to follow You to the ends of the earth. Amen.
My daughter, to those of My children, called to proclaim My Holy Word, to prepare the Earth for the coming of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, I have this to say.
You, My children, who know Me, your beloved Father, must fight against the temptations placed before you every minute of the day.
You have been filled with the Holy Spirit, through a special blessing given to the world by My Son on 10th of May, 2011.
You must understand the responsibilities you now face.
Because you are joining as one Army, which will form the beginning of My Remnant Army on Earth, you will be attacked on all sides.
Your faith and allegiance to Me, your beloved Father and My precious Son, Jesus Christ, will be tested beyond your endurance.
You will, by following My Son, have to bear the weight of His Cross and this won’t be easy.
You will be filled with doubts, interior sufferings and trials and at times, you will want to turn your back.
Many people in whom you trust may try to discourage you.
You will be told that you are imagining things, that you suffer from delusions and then you will be mocked, sneered at and rejected.
You may even find that you will succumb to lies and deceit, which will be designed to persuade you to reject these Messages.
It will require tremendous faith and courage to take up your cross and follow My Son to help prepare humanity for His Glorious Return to Earth.
You will be tripped and traps will be set.
Never fall into the trap of being asked to judge people, if they don’t accept these Messages.
Never fight another, when defending My Holy Will.
Love each other.
Show patience to those who not only sneer and find fault with these Messages, but who pour scorn on you as a person.
Remain silent. Show patience. Show love to those who profess to speak in My Name.
Never judge another in My Name, for you do not have the authority.
Never slander another in My Name. When you do this you break My Commandments.
Pray for those who hurt you, even when it is in My Name.
Children, I need you to unite as one.
Throw all your differences aside.
The poor souls who need your attention are not those who are already converted, but those who do not know Me at all.
Pray now for all of My children who know nothing about Me.
Pray, too, for those who do know about Me, but who refuse to acknowledge Me, their Creator, their beloved Father, who loves them tenderly.
I wish to unite all of My children.
I urge you to drop all your weapons of fear, anger and impatience, and allow Me to take you on the journey to Paradise.
This journey will be torturous, but the love and peace you will find at the end will be the balm you so desperately need to calm your souls.
Calmness, children, is important.
Patience is needed.
Love for one another, including those who hurt or offend you, is essential in order to enter the Reign of My beloved Son, in the New Heaven and Earth, in the Paradise, I promised you so long ago.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High
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Crusade Prayer (101) Miracle Prayer to feel the Presence of Jesus
O Dear Almighty Father, Creator of all that is and will be, help all of us who can recognise the Presence of Your beloved Son in the Church today, to become very strong. Help me to overcome my fear, my loneliness and the rejection I suffer from my loved ones, as I follow Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Saviour. Please protect my loved ones from falling into the trap of believing in lies, which have been devised by Satan to destroy, divide and cause havoc amongst all God‘s children. Please help all those who follow the abomination in Your Church to be saved from the eternal fires of Hell. Amen.
My dearly beloved daughter, as the events of disruption in the world continue to increase the time is the drawing close for My Divine Mercy.
As the wars and unrest spread in every direction, the Faith of My Church will continue to weaken.
The schism in My Holy Church is about to develop quickly.
Priest against priest.Bishop against bishop.
The world is about to undergo the next stage of cleansing.
Anger against My Father will emerge in every country in the world.
My followers will now experience suffering for their faith in a way they have not experienced before.
The pain felt by those poor souls is a reflection of the Pain that I Am enduring right now.
All those in union with Me, their beloved Jesus, will know, without doubt in their souls, that My Holy Spirit now rests within them.
They will instantly know when they witness sin around them and how it pains Me.
When they see wars inflicted on the innocent they will feel My torment in every bone of their bodies.
When they see the sin of abortion paraded in front of them, as if it were of no consequence, they will be riddled with My Pain.
Sin is escalating. The Faith of My Church is dissipating.
The loyalty of My sacred servants is weakening.
Belief in My Teachings is being dismissed by My sacred servants, where My flock are told lies about the seriousness of sin.
Then there are My beloved priests, nuns and clergy, of all religious denominations, who believed in Me and My Eternal Father, Who are enduring the pain of having to witness the spread of sin like wildfire, which is engulfing nations, everywhere, at a ferocious speed.
No matter how difficult this is, you must stay strong and keep united in My Name.
Prayer is now needed and you must spend at least one hour a day doing this in order to mitigate events, which will now unfold in the world.
Christian churches are being targeted and tormented by secular groups.
They will seek to abolish all things, which honour Me, their Divine Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The hatred being instilled in their souls is by the hand of Satan.
Pray, pray now that those souls who inflict pain and suffering on God’s children can be saved.
Your Jesus
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Crusade Prayer (100) For the survival of Christianity
O dear Jesus, we beg You for the skills to survive the trials we now face, as the last True Pope finishes his Mission for You. Help us to sustain the terrible abuse we will now have to face because of the collapse of the Church, which we once knew. Never let us deviate from the Truth of Your Divine Word. Help us to remain silent when the attacks are placed upon our shoulders to entice us to turn our backs on You and the Sacraments you gave the world. Cover Your Army with the powerful Love we need, like a shield, to protect us against the false prophet and the antichrist. Help Your Church on earth to spread and multiply, so that they can adhere to the Truth and help you lead our brothers and sisters on the Path of Truth to prepare ourselves, adequately, for Your Second Coming. Amen.
This site is to assist all existing Crusade members and new comers to understanding the Mission of Salvation and its purpose and to assist in the formation of their Crusade Prayer Groups.
About the messages and prayers Featured This site is to assist all existing Crusade members and new comers to understanding the Mission of Salvation and its purpose and to assist in the formation of their Crusade Prayer Groups. You can easily search any message by topic. Type in the keywords in the...
My dearly beloved daughter, the timing of My Father’s Will is not for your knowing.
My followers must be patient, as everything in the world will evolve as prophesied in My Father’s Book.
All of this will be according to My Father’s timing and the effect that your prayers will have, in helping to avert global wars.
It is not long for all My Promises to be fulfilled.
You, My followers, must trust in Me, your beloved Jesus.
Pray for souls and leave everything in My Hands.
Never forget to pray to My Father, as often as you can, for the Seal of the Living God, in order to protect you and your families.
Crusade Prayer (33) to ask for the Seal of the Living God and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.
“O my God, my loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude, Your Divine Seal of Protection.
Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, my beloved Father.
I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. I love You, dear Father. I console You in these times, dear Father.
I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. Amen.”
Ensure also that you encourage others to pray the seven-day Crusade Prayer (24) to seek redemption for your sins.
“O my Jesus, You are the Light of the Earth. You are the Flame that touches all souls. Your Mercy and Love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the Sacrifice You made by Your death on the Cross. Yet we know that Your Love for us is greater than the love we hold for You. Grant us, O Lord, the Gift of humility so that we are deserving of Your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we can march forth and lead Your Army to proclaim the Truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the Glory of Your Second Coming on Earth.
We honour You. We praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to You to save souls. We love You, Jesus. Have Mercy on all Your children wherever they may be. Amen.”
To those who challenge this special Gift of prayer, in which I offer Total Absolution, you must know this.
I Am Jesus Christ, the Son of man and have been given the Authority to forgive all sins.
My sacred priests have also been given the power to forgive sin, through the holy Sacrament of Confession.
I request that you accept My Gift of Absolution, for the benefit of those who cannot receive the Sacrament of Confession or for those who are not members of the Roman Catholic Church.
Would you deny these precious souls the right to My Gift?
Why would you try to discourage those souls, who accept My Divine Word, from receiving Absolution? Would you rather they did not redeem themselves in My Eyes?
You must show love to your brothers and sisters and be happy that they are being given this special Gift by Me, their beloved Jesus.
Even if they never read My Messages given to you, My daughter, every sinner has the right to ask Me to forgive them once they show true remorse in their souls.
Open your hearts and pray for the Gift of humility.
Don’t you know that the Holy Spirit cannot and will not enter the souls of those with hardened hearts?
Your Divine Saviour
Jesus Christ
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Crusade Prayer (33) to ask for the Seal of the Living God and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.
“O my God, my loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude, Your Divine Seal of Protection.
Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, my beloved Father.
I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. I love You, dear Father. I console You in these times, dear Father.
I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. Amen.”
Ensure also that you encourage others to pray the seven-day Crusade Prayer (24) to seek redemption for your sins.
“O my Jesus, You are the Light of the Earth. You are the Flame that touches all souls. Your Mercy and Love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the Sacrifice You made by Your death on the Cross. Yet we know that Your Love for us is greater than the love we hold for You. Grant us, O Lord, the Gift of humility so that we are deserving of Your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we can march forth and lead Your Army to proclaim the Truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the Glory of Your Second Coming on Earth.
We honour You. We praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to You to save souls. We love You, Jesus. Have Mercy on all Your children wherever they may be. Amen.”