Saturday 31 July 2021

Prepare always, every day, as if The Warning were tomorrow, for it will come upon you suddenly

Prepare always, every day, as if The Warning were tomorrow, for it will come upon you suddenly

DivnemercyMy dearly beloved daughter, hear Me now, as I speak of The Warning to come. Without My Intervention, most of the world would plunge into the abyss of the beast and would never see the Light of God. Without this Miracle, billions of souls would go to Hell. 

So then, I must remind you that you must prepare for this Event, for it will cause tremendous pain and suffering for many. It will be as if many have plunged into the lowest level of Purgatory, which purges the soul with a powerful heat and creates a terrible sense of remorse, which causes pain of the flesh.

Many souls will rejoice.

However, even those souls who are close to Me will also feel anguish when they have to face their wrongdoings before Me. The shame they will feel though will be quickly forgotten, as the Light of My Mercy will devour them and fill them with Graces.

The souls who do not know Me at all will be mesmerised and many will believe that they have died and are being judged by Me, on the last Day. They too will rejoice when the Truth is revealed to them. Then those poor wretched souls, who relish their sinful lives, will suffer greatly. Some will break down and lie at My Feet and protect their eyes from My Light, because the pain of standing before Me, alone and defenseless, will be too much for them to bear. They will not ask for My Mercy, for their hatred of Me runs deep.

Finally, the souls who have completely renounced Me and given themselves over in body and soul to the evil one will suffer a greater torment, as if they have crawled into the depths of Hell. Many will not be able to withstand My Presence and they will fall stone-dead before Me. Others will try to call out to Me, but they will be dragged away from Me by the evil one.

After this powerful Intervention by Me takes place, however, billions will be converted and they too will join with My Remnant Church, to endure penance for those souls who have completely cut themselves off from My Mercy, in order to help Me salvage their souls. Jesus-Christ-3109

All will be well, for in the end, I Am All-Merciful, All-Goodness, All-Love. Those who love Me will be given the Gift of My Love in abundance. My Love in them will ignite the Image of My Passion and this will encourage them to make great sacrifices in atonement for the sins of the lost souls who need My Mercy the most.

Prepare always, every day, as if The Warning were tomorrow, for it will come upon you suddenly.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (134) To believe in the Existence of God

For those who do not know my Son and who wish to be taken before the Throne of God, the Most High, recite this prayer:
O God the Most High, help me to believe in Your Existence. Cast all of my doubts aside. Open my eyes to the Truth of the life after this one and guide me towards the way to Eternal Life. Please let me feel Your Presence and grant me the Gift of true faith before the day I die. Amen.


Friday 30 July 2021

Mother of Salvation: I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation


Mother of Salvation: I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation

Featured Image -- 20711My child, I am the woman clothed with the sun and it is the sun, which represents the Light of God in the world. Without the sun, there is no Light. Without Light, there is no Life. Without God, there is only death.My role as the Mother of Salvation, where I will assist my Son in this His final Mission, His final Plan to complete His Father’s Covenant to bring salvation to every soul, means that I will do all that I can to bring Him the souls He so desires.

I wish it to be known that I have been appointed, not only the Queen of Heaven, but Queen over the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve nations will reign in the New Jerusalem. The twelve stars, on my crown, which were placed upon my head by my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, during my Coronation, signify this prophecy. Each of these stars represents the twelve nations, which will evolve on the Day of Judgment.

All souls, including those who will rise from the dead, as well as those who are alive in the world today and who remain in the Light of God, will make the transition into the New Heaven and the New Earth. They will join as one, in union with my Son, and they will be resurrected into perfect body and soul, just as it was when my Son rose from the dead. This state of perfection is the Greatest Gift from God and proves how merciful He is. This is the salvation, which my Son promised, when he endured His Agony on the Cross. And because of His great Love for humanity, He wishes to save every single soul and, especially, those who are lost to Him.

I now give all of you a special Gift, blessed by my Son, so that all souls will be granted immunity from the fires of Hell and be granted salvation. My Son desires that every soul be saved, no matter how grievous their sin. I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation. You must begin this immediately and continue it, as I instruct you to, to the end of time.

You must recite this Prayer for a full seven consecutive days during one calendar month, commencing on Mondays, in the morning time.

You must recite it three times during each of the seven days and on one of these days you must fast. By fasting you are requested to eat only one main meal during the day and then bread and water only at the other two meal times. 

This is the prayer you must say for each of the seven days.

medal of salvation

Crusade Prayer (130) Novena of Salvation Crusade Prayer: 
My beloved Mother of Salvation, please gain for all souls the Gift of Eternal Salvation through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.Through your intercession, I plead that you will pray to release all souls from bondage to Satan.Please ask your Son to show Mercy and forgiveness for those souls who reject Him, hurt Him with their indifference, and who adore false doctrine and false gods.
We beseech you, dear Mother, to beg for the graces to open the hearts of those souls who are most in need of your help. Amen.

My promise to assist my Son, Jesus Christ, in His Plan for humanity is to draw all of you, who recognise my role as Mediatrix of All Graces and Co-Redemptrix, together, so that the whole world can unite as one in union with Jesus Christ, your Saviour and Redeemer.

Go in peace. I will always pray for you, dear children, and I will always respond to your call to redeem mankind in the Eyes of God.

Your Mother, Mother of Salvation.

Special Crusade Prayer (133) A Call to return to God

Dear Jesus, forgive me, an estranged soul, who renounced You, because I was blind. Forgive me for substituting Your Love with useless things which mean nothing. Help me to pluck up the courage to walk by Your Side, to accept with gratitude, Your Love and Mercy. Help me to remain close to Your Sacred Heart and to never wander away from You again. Amen.





Thursday 29 July 2021

I will never walk in the flesh again


I will never walk in the flesh again

 Jesus-Christ-3109My dearly beloved daughter, all those who say they come in My Name and claim that they are preparing the way for the Lord will make themselves be heard in every part of the world – many voices, many prophets, many liars – all of them, without the Authority of God.

Be alert when you hear, especially, the prophet who tells you that he has a duty to prepare you for My Second Coming. When you hear of these things and when you are told that I will appear in the world, in both body and soul, know that this is not the Truth. I repeat again, My Warning to the world. I will never walk in the flesh again. I came, the first time, in the flesh, but when I come again I will come in exactly the same way in which I left the Earth – in the clouds. 

Soon you will be shown great acts, which will be deemed to be great works in the preparation for My Second Coming. A number of carefully staged miraculous cures will be presented to the world by those enemies of God who will say that they are of Me. Many will be so taken aback that they will fall for this wicked deceit. So many wonders, great acts – all deemed to be by the Hand of God – will convince even the skeptics that divine miracles have occurred. Great accolades will be showered down on those false representatives, who say they lead My people. Soon the world will openly declare that these imposters are living saints and it won’t be long before they introduce the antichrist.

baptizeAll of this preparation has been planned for seven years and the speed in which such radical changes are being introduced is no coincidence. My Second Coming will become a regular discussion point. All will be asked to prepare for this Great Event, but errors in Christian doctrine will be abundant. Only those with eyes opened, who can see the Truth and those who are not afraid of facing the Truth, will see through these falsities. And for them, this will present a very heavy burden. Amid all the shouting, the lavish praises, which will be heaped on those who have stolen the Seats of Wisdom, there will be little talk of My Holy Word. All that will be talked about will be the importance of good deeds. Not one word about the work required to seek salvation, according to the Word of God.

When the secular world, finally relents and joins forces with the false imposters, who will take over the Temple of God, the time will be soon for the greatest abomination to be witnessed. That will be when the temple has been created to become the seat of the antichrist. By then, those who will adore the antichrist will be numbered in their billions. Those who know the Truth won’t have much time to wait, however, for the reign of the beast will be very short. And then the trumpet will be heard. On that day these enemies of God will be thrown into the lake of fire, exactly as prophesied.jesus_scroll

Remember the prophecies.

They will happen just as they were foretold – those imposters, who say they come in My Name, will be loved, applauded and idolised. Those who do come in My Name will be despised and hated.

But from their mouths will come the Fire of the Spirit of Truth and by their suffering many others will be saved who would otherwise not have been.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (132) Renounce Satan, to protect this Mission

O Mother of Salvation, come to the aid of this Mission. Help us, God‘s Remnant Army, to renounce Satan. We beg you to crush the head of the beast with your heel and remove all obstacles in our Mission to save souls. Amen.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Woe to all of you imposters, for you do not come from Me


Woe to all of you imposters, for you do not come from Me

jesus_scrollMy dearly beloved daughter, know that every Word that comes from My Mouth comes from the Mouth of He Who sent Me. Every warning given to the world, through these Messages, comes from He Who is Almighty. I come in the Name of My Father and He sends Me to prepare the way to consecrate the Earth, before the great Day of My Second Coming.

Only My Voice brings you the news as to what it is My Father wishes His children to know. These are the only Messages, which publicly declare the Truth of the unholy two, who will tear the world in two through the great apostasy. You will not hear the Truth anywhere else, in relation to My Second Coming, for not one amongst you has been given the Authority to speak to the whole world on behalf of the One Who created you.

As the true end time prophet reveals to you the Truth, so too will the counterfeit raise his voice, like a lamb who will speak as if it he speaks the True Word of God. Then as the king of the Earth – the evil one – fights against Heaven’s intervention, hundreds of false prophets will rise among you and they will never tell you the Truth. Their visions and their words, which spring from their own imaginations – and in many cases, from the spirit of evil – will reveal to you the good things you want to hear. They will soothe you when you need to be soothed, but they will mislead you. They will speak of peace, where there will be no peace – of Truth, when there will be heresy – of plentiful crops, when there will be famine. You will never hear the Truth, for these liars will not want to incur your wrath.

A picture of book of truth

The Truth prepares you to deal with the reality of difficult times, foretold in My Father’s Book. It is given to you to make you strong. But the false prophets, who roam among you, will confuse you and tell you that all things are good – when they are bad, and holy – when they are not. They will shield the wolves who want to devour the souls of God’s children. Their words of love and their quotes from Holy Scripture serve only to deceive you. Yet, many of you will embrace lies rather than face the Truth.

Woe to all of you imposters, for you do not come from Me. When you come to Me and say: “But, Jesus all we wanted to do was spread the Good News.” I will cast you out and you will be exiled. You have betrayed Me by lying about missions, which were never given to you. You are denying Me by contradicting Me and when you publicly declare My Word to be a lie.

Don’t ever attempt to stand in the way of God’s Ministry, for the Heavens will open and you will be the first to be struck down with the false prophet and the beast, on the last day. Punishment will befall all those who claim to come in My Name and who serve only one purpose. That is to tamper and interfere with the Word of God.

As the Battle of Armageddon moves closer and as this raging war is mounted by Satan’s army against God’s children, you must move aside, right now, for if you do not, you will face the Wrath of God and no Mercy will be shown to you or to those who swallow the lies which spew from your mouths, in order to defy the Truth.

Your Saviour

Jesus Christ.

Crusade Prayer (131) The Mercy Prayer

O my dear Mother of Salvation, please ask your Son, Jesus Christ, to grant Mercy to (name all here…) during The Warning and again on the final Day, before they come before your Son.
Please pray that each of them will be saved and enjoy the fruits of Eternal Life.
Protect them, every day, and take them to your Son, so that His Presence will be shown to them and that they will be granted peace of the spirit and attain great Graces. Amen.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Mother of Salvation: My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world


Mother of Salvation: My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world

lasalettecryingMy child, the world will witness the prophecies of La Salette as the enemies of God, dressed as wolves in sheeps clothing, will now stand up  proudly within my Son’s Church on Earth and begin to declare the heresies which I warned the world about. That time has arrived.

As foretold, the darkness has already descended upon the Church and this plan to devour the souls of the faithful will continue until the Body of my Son is desecrated in accordance with the plan of the antichrist.  What many people do not know is that the enemies of God, led by the antichrist – still to make himself known – believe in God. Not only do they believe in God, but because they detest everything to do with God, they will plot against His Plans to prepare the world for the Second Coming of my Son, Jesus Christ.

For every Word my Son declares, through these Messages, they will contradict Him by imitating what He says. If my Son says, prepare now through the Sacraments and prayer, they, His enemies, will make similar statements, but they will be different. The call to help humanity – the poor – the persecuted – will be their main focus, not the proclamation of the Word. They will not urge you to pray for your souls or for the salvation of other souls. No, instead, you will be asked to help these souls from a humanitarian perspective.

When you do not hear the call to save your souls, from those who claim to represent the Church of my Son, then you will know, within your hearts, that something is terribly wrong.

My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world, which will always exist until my Son reclaims His Rightful Throne, promised to Him by God the Most High. You must never forget the Word of God. All that matters now is to plead for the salvation of all souls – irrespective as to whether they are kings or paupers.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation.

Crusade Prayer (130) Novena of Salvation Crusade Prayer

My beloved Mother of Salvation, please gain for all souls the Gift of Eternal Salvation through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Through your intercession, I plead that you will pray to release all souls from bondage to Satan.
Please ask your Son to show Mercy and forgiveness for those souls who reject Him, hurt Him with their indifference, and who adore false doctrine and false gods.
We beseech you, dear Mother, to beg for the graces to open the hearts of those souls who are most in need of your help. Amen.

For one week each month until the return of Jesus, commit to a 7-day novena:
– Recite Crusade Prayer #130 3 times per day for 7 days.
– The first Crusade Prayer #130 of your 7-day novena is to be recited on a Monday morning.
– Each seven day novena includes one fast day. Day of your choice. Day of fast = one full meal; bread and water are permitted at other two meals; no snacks.

Monday 26 July 2021

I Am, above all, a God of Great Mercy

I Am, above all, a God of Great Mercy

My dearly beloved daughter, I want all of you who love Me to know that I call you, at this time, to come to Me as little children and kneel before Me.  

Open your hearts and put your complete trust in Me. Then ask Me, through My Love for all of you, to show Mercy to those who will reject Me, during the Warning. Please pray for these poor lost souls who are so distant from Me, as they will find it extremely painful to show their face before My all-seeing Eyes, during the Illumination of Conscience.

I am wracked with pain every time I look upon those people who do not know Me or understand what will happen in the world, as My Time is almost upon them. It will be almost impossible to prepare these souls, for they will never open their ears to the True Word of God. And so, you must, through your prayers, beg for Mercy for them. I will shower them with Mercy, but it will be a tortuous task.

I call on the whole world to hear this Call today. My Time, the Time for God to finally make Himself known to the world, in the greatest manifestation since the moment My Heart stopped beating when I died on the Cross, is almost here.

When those of you who know of My Promise to come again come before Me, I urge you to please pray, not only for your own souls, but for the souls of the damned. Remember what I tell you now. On that day, I want you to ask Me:

“Jesus, I beg for Mercy for all those who reject You and who are in most need of Your help. Amen.”

When you ask Me to help others, I can pour down very special Graces, at that moment, on those whose destiny has been thwarted because of the deceit of the devil.

I Am, above all, a God of Great Mercy. Never forget how great My Mercy is, for there is always hope for those who have fallen away from Me. There is nothing I would not do to bring them into My Loving Arms. Help Me to save them.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (129) For the Gift of Love

O God, please fill me with Your Love.
Help me to share the Gift of Love with all those in need of Your Mercy.
Help me to love You more.
Help me to love all those in need of Your Love.
Help me to love Your enemies.
Allow the love You Bless me with to be used to engulf the hearts of everyone I come into contact with.
With the Love, which You infuse in my soul, help me to conquer all evil, convert souls and defeat the devil and all those wicked agents of his, who try to destroy the Truth of Your Holy Word. Amen.


Sunday 25 July 2021

Virgin Mary: I ask of all God’s children to, once again dedicate the month of August to save souls.


Virgin Mary: I ask of all God’s children to, once again dedicate the month of August to save souls.

Divine-Mercy-SundayMy child there is much change, much of which has been disclosed to you in the past, about to be witnessed in the world. There will be much destruction, much unrest and chastisements, all of which will come about because of the sin of humanity.

I ask of all God’s children to, once again, dedicate the month of August to save souls.

This is what you must do. Go to Mass every day and receive the Holy Eucharist.

Then every day at 3 o’clock say the Divine Mercy chaplet.

For those of you who can you should fast for one day a week.

My children will be shocked as these changes will come about but must never fear the Hand of my Father if you are loyal to the teachings of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

small seal of GodPlease keep the Seal of the Living God close to you in your homes in the coming months for much will unfold.

The Body of my Son, Jesus Christ, present in His Church on earth is being violated and will suffer terribly.

Many plans to topple my Son’s Church are already underway and very soon it will collapse.

Other events foretold will now be seen through ecological disasters as the Hand of my Father will fall in punishment on those nations whose sinful laws will no longer be tolerated.

Pray, pray, pray for souls at this time who may suffer during these events.

Use this month to pray for all souls who may perish in wars, earthquakes or in the forthcoming Confession, The Warning.

My heart is entwined with you children and, together, we must work hard to save souls.

By praying for the salvation of souls we are carrying out the Holy Will of my Father.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation