Tuesday 31 August 2021

You, My Two Witnesses on Earth, must stand your ground


You, My Two Witnesses on Earth, must stand your ground

Featured Image -- 22267My dearly beloved daughter, My enemies are not contained within the hierarchy of false religions. Many such souls know no better and they will accept Me when I make Myself known to them. It is those who will mastermind the greatest apostasy, from within the ranks of My Own Church on Earth, who are the most dangerous of all.

Not all, who come dressed as My servants, are of Me, but know this. My Hour is close and just prior to My Second Coming, the plague of apostasy will descend and devour My Church on Earth. Just as those wolves in sheep’s clothing, fool the world into believing that the House of God accepts any faith, including those which deny Me, Jesus Christ, they will convince you that this abomination will be the greatest evangelization the world will have ever seen. And in its wake will incur the Wrath of God. While the world and all its religions will be sucked into this new, false church, the way will be prepared for them to proudly groom the man of lawlessness.

While those of you who remain alert to My Warning and those who will defiantly hold true to My Word suffer, I will also give you the strength to endure this sorrowful event. Those imposters, who will have wangled their way into My Church, will have deceived many and they will continue to deceive millions, including all Christian faiths, as well as those who do not honour Me at all. All of these deceivers will spread heresy and in time, they will form one religion for the world. No other faith will be tolerated, other than the new false doctrine – the doctrine from Hell. Christians and Jews will be the two faiths from which the Remnant will be formed. 

When My Prophecies bring tears to your eyes, know that because I bless you, through this Mission, with nerves of steel and an iron determination, you will remain loyal to Me, your Jesus.

You, My Two Witnesses on Earth, must stand your ground. Resist any temptation to turn away from Me and persist in your love for Me at all times. My Remnant Church will be formed, both outside of this Mission, as well as from within it. Those of you who reject this Mission now, but who genuinely love Me, you too will be drawn into My Remnant Army on Earth. On the day that this happens, you will have realized that the Book of Truth was, indeed, a Gift from Heaven to help you in your final journey to My Kingdom and Eternal Life. Only then will you rejoice and be fearless, because you will have all the confidence needed to bring glory to God.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (165) For the Gift of Eternal Life

Jesus help me to believe in Your Existence.
Give me a sign so that my heart can respond to You.
Fill my empty soul with the Grace that I need to open my mind and my heart to Your Love.
Have Mercy on me, and cleanse my soul from every wrongdoing, that I have committed in my life.
Forgive me for rejecting You, but please fill me with the love that I need, to be made worthy of Eternal Life.
Help me to know You, to see Your Presence in other people and fill me with the Grace to recognise the Sign of God in every beautiful Gift, which You have given the human race.
Help me to understand Your Ways and save me from the separation and the pain of darkness that I feel in my soul. Amen.

Monday 30 August 2021

The ‘god’ they will proclaim, will not be My beloved Father


The ‘god’ they will proclaim, will not be My beloved Father

Jesus-Christ-3109My dearly beloved daughter, it has been foretold that humanity’s hatred for God will reach unprecedented proportions in the end times. People then will not be able to differentiate between good and evil. Much confusion will blight them and there will reign, within them, a darkness of the soul, which will bring them little peace.

God will be denied. I, His only Son, will be mocked and My Deity rejected. All who love Me will be tempted to turn away from all that I taught them. Every person who denies Me, will try to justify their reason for doing so. Their reasons will be this. “Jesus – they will say – is simply a figurehead, a prophet, sent to teach people the Truth.” They will soon believe that My Divinity was a lie and that only allegiance to God – a God of Goodness – is all that is needed, for all religions, so that they can be united as one.

The ‘god’ they will proclaim, will not be My beloved Father. Instead, they will idolize false spirits, disguised as angels of God. As the world rejoices, along with the Christians, who remain true to Me, and the Jews, who will remain loyal to My Father, the Time for My Second Coming will descend so suddenly that very few will be ready. Then the persecutors will be silenced, the wicked destroyed and those whose names are in the Book of the Living will unite and live a life of eternal glory.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (164) Prayer of Peace for Nations

O Jesus bring me peace.
Bring peace to my nation and all those countries torn asunder because of war and division.
Sow the seeds of peace amongst those hardened hearts who cause suffering to others in the name of justice.
Give all of God‘s children the Graces to receive Your Peace so that love and harmony can thrive; so that love for God will triumph over evil and that souls can be saved from the corruption of falsities, cruelty and evil ambition.
Let peace reign over all of those who devote their lives to the Truth of Your Holy Word and those who don‘t know You at all. Amen.

Sunday 29 August 2021

God the Father: The Perfection of the lost Paradise will be renewed to its former Glory


God the Father: The Perfection of the lost Paradise will be renewed to its former Glory

Featured Image -- 29812My children, listen to Me, as I call to you and declare My deep and abiding Love for all of you. Amidst the trials, the sadness, the cruelty, the wickedness and indeed, the joy and peace, I am in Command of all. The time is ripe for the Purification to intensify, but nothing, only good, will come from these times. Think of these times as if a sick child is bedridden and struck with an illness, which renders him weak, powerless, lacking in energy, in nutrients and with a very high fever. He will not recover until the fever has dissipated and yet, it is the fever which rids him of the illness.

The Purification of man has been foretold and I allow it, so that I can rid humanity of the illness, which scourges the hearts and souls of those who do not know Me truly. The divisions in the world will increase, before they are finally exhausted. Wars, having erupted and destroyed, will disappear and peace will reign. The apostasy will envelop many souls, but afterwards most of My children will see the Truth and come running to Me, through the love they will experience for My beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

My Creation will become perfect, when Satan and every demon who infests the Earth have been banished. The Light will become brighter, the Perfection of the lost Paradise will be renewed to its former Glory and humanity will become One in Me.

My Promise to bring you back into the Paradise, which I created for each one of you, even before you took your first breath, is about to be witnessed. Each of you has been given this birthright. Prepare. You will be drawn into My Paradise through the love, which I will place in your hearts and by the Graces, which you will be granted in your souls. Not one soul amongst you will be able to say that I did not give you every chance, every sign, every reprieve. Pray that you will have the graciousness to accept the glorious life, which I have ready for you, of a world without end.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High.

Crusade Prayer (163) Rescue me from persecution

O Jesus preserve me from the pain of persecution in Your Name.
Endear me to Your Heart.
Rid me of pride, greed, malice, ego and hatred in my soul.
Help me to truly surrender to Your Mercy.
Take my fears away.
Help me to unburden my pain and take all persecution away from me, so that I can follow You like a little child, in the knowledge that all things are within Your Control.
Free me from the hatred shown by all those who proclaim to be Yours but who really deny You.
Let not their cutting tongues scourge me or their evil acts divert me from the Path of Truth.
Help me to focus only on Your Kingdom to come and to persevere, with dignity against any insults, which I may endure on Your behalf.
Bring me peace of mind, peace of heart, peace of soul. Amen.

Saturday 28 August 2021

Mother of Salvation: Love and only Love comes from God. Hatred only comes from Satan. There is no in-between


Mother of Salvation: Love and only Love comes from God. Hatred only comes from Satan. There is no in-between

FatimaMy child, there is much hatred against this Mission of Salvation, because the evil one does not want to lose one soul to God. When God speaks through a prophet, it creates outrage in Hell. Every effort is made by the evil one to silence the Word of God, in these circumstances. He, Satan, will do everything possible to poison people against anything which will save the souls of humanity. 

He will spread hatred until souls, who are filled with his hatred, will become willing agents of his, until they no longer control what they do. Filled with his outrage, they will find it impossible to feel love in their hearts for those they believe are their enemies. Then, they will begin to hate themselves and the more they sin against God, they will be filled with a terrible anguish.

Eventually, when hatred of this kind overtakes souls, they will be unable to free themselves from Satan. Much prayer is needed for such souls. If a soul blasphemes against God’s Word, they will be faced with a struggle against the beast, so fierce, that it will render it impossible to extradite themselves from his power. Their curse against God becomes their curse and nothing can be done for them, at that stage.

Souls, who are filled with hatred, do not speak the Word of God, for this cannot be. Hatred will never spill from the lips of those who truly love God. You must never underestimate the power of Satan, for he can trap any soul, no matter how good they are. At first, he, the evil one, will be very convincing when he fills the victim with his lies. He will even create a spiritual sense that it is I, the Mother of God, who is communicating to the soul. He will use the soul’s love of God to instill, within it, a sense of outrage against what the soul perceives to be an evil act, deed or word. He entraps the souls who can, at times, be loyal servants of God. But, once a soul allows the evil one to fill it with any form of hatred, he or she will find it impossible to become free of him.

this-is-my-commandment-that-ye-love-one-another-as-i-have-loved-you1Only prayer and great acts of penance and humility can drive him away. After a while, the soul will know that something is troubling it, when the anger, discomfort, anxiety and complete lack of peace, takes over the soul. The evil one will not rest, until the soul, finally, turns against God and blasphemes against Him.

Children, you must never engage with those who place doubts in your soul about the Perfection of God. When you engage with those who curse God, you will become contaminated. When you do this, you will also be filled with a hatred, which you will have never felt before. Then you will need great assistance and intervention, before you can be made worthy to stand in the Presence of God again.mary-world-rosary1

Ignore any form of hatred, for it could never come from God. There is only one source from which hatred evolves and that is Satan. Engage with Satan and those whose hearts he fills with hatred, then, this venom will spill into your soul.

Ignore this situation. Remain silent. Pray for those souls who hate others. You must recite my Holy Rosary to protect from this temptation.

I warn you of these things, as the power of Satan is so strong at this time, as he tries to steal the souls of all those people throughout the world who believe in my Son, Jesus Christ, and those who are loyal to me, His beloved Mother.

Please heed me, at this time, by reciting this Prayer to protect you from hatred.

Crusade Prayer (138) Protection from hatred

O Mother of Salvation, protect me from every kind of hatred. Help me to remain silent, when confronted by hatred. Keep me strong in my allegiance to Jesus Christ, when I am at my weakest. Seal my lips. Help me to turn my back on those who engage me with words, which deny the Teachings of your Son or those who taunt me because of my faith. Pray for these souls, dear Mother, so that they will renounce Satan and feel the peace of your love and the Reign of the Holy Spirit, within their souls. Amen.

Love and only Love comes from God. Hatred only comes from Satan. There is no in-between. No middle. You are either for my Son or against Him.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation.

Crusade Prayer (138) Protection from hatred

O Mother of Salvation, protect me from every kind of hatred. Help me to remain silent, when confronted by hatred. Keep me strong in my allegiance to Jesus Christ, when I am at my weakest. Seal my lips. Help me to turn my back on those who engage me with words, which deny the Teachings of your Son or those who taunt me because of my faith.
Pray for these souls, dear Mother, so that they will renounce Satan and feel the peace of your love and the Reign of the Holy Spirit, within their souls. Amen.

Crusade Prayer (162) To protect the weak and the innocent

O God, Father Almighty, please protect the weak and the innocent, who suffer at the hands of those with hatred in their hearts. Alleviate the suffering endured by Your poor helpless children.
Give them all the Graces they need to protect themselves from Your enemies. Fill them with courage, hope and charity, so that they can find it in their hearts to forgive those who torment them.
I ask You, dear Lord, my Eternal Father, to forgive those who defy the Law of Life and help them to see how much their actions offend You, so that they can amend their ways and seek solace in Your Arms. Amen.

Friday 27 August 2021

The world will bow, kneel on both knees and idolise the beast


The world will bow, kneel on both knees and idolise the beast

Featured Image -- 31392My dearly beloved daughter, I give to My Remnant Army and all those who never deviate from My Holy Word, authority over nations, when the apostasy blinds all in the name of unification.

You will be given great Favours, great Graces and the power to lead the faithful, the weak and those who become lost in a barren desert. You will become the True Spirit, the only remaining Remnant of the Spirit of the Lord in a church, which will be bereft of My Holy Presence. My Presence will reside only in those who will be given the authority to dictate the Word of God and lead thirsty souls to the Fountain of Life.

When the false messengers, who say they are receiving words and direction from Heaven, arise soon, they will become like princes on the throne, which will soon be unveiled in the new temple of abomination. This new ruling centre will be adorned with its own devoted servants, fortune-tellers and those who are filled with the spirit of darkness – all of whom will fawn over the antichrist.

The world will bow, kneel on both knees and idolise the beast. Not one ounce of pure love will remain in their hearts – but know this. When you cut your right arm off from God, you will, with your left hand, shake hands with the beast, who will pull you and engulf you into his wicked grip. When you open your soul to the evil one, he will enter it and he will never give you a moment of peace. Because of your free will, you will try to fight him, but you will not be strong enough.

On will forge My Remnant, fearless and marked with the Light of My Face, as they gather millions from the four corners of the Earth, to bring them the Truth. They will preach the Gospels, proclaim My Word and never deviate from the Truth. They will be scorned, mocked, persecuted, betrayed – even by those closest to them – and, yet, they will never take their eyes off Me.

The world will not welcome the Truth, when it has been indoctrinated with false piety and the gratification it will feel, because, by that stage, sin will be denied in all its forms.

In any war there can only be one victor. When man fights against God, he will always fail. When he sides with the deceiver, he will be cast out and never see the Light of My Face.

Pray, My beloved Remnant, for those who will be fooled by the antichrist. I desire that these souls are brought under My Protection. They will not seek Me out, but through your prayers, My Father will intercede, so that they can come under My Great Mercy.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (161) For confidence and peace

Jesus, I trust in You. Help me to love You more. Fill me with the confidence to surrender in full and final union with You. Help me to grow my trust in You during difficult times. Fill me with Your Peace.
I come to You, dear Jesus, as a child, free of all worldly ties; free of all conditions and I hand You over my will to do with it as You see fit for the sake of my own and that of other souls. Amen.

Thursday 26 August 2021

Mother of Salvation: The Truth will be twisted and the Word of God will be presented back to front


Mother of Salvation: The Truth will be twisted and the Word of God will be presented back to front

vierge-marie-mere-pretresMy child, please encourage all of God’s children to persevere during the trials, which are to come. So many challenges will face all Christians, who will have to witness the wicked apostasy which will be paraded before them by those they will seek guidance from, in order to live whole Christian lives.

Those who are to be appointed shortly, in the highest echelons of my Son’s Church on Earth, will not be from God. They will not serve my Son and will change many doctrines and laws within the Church. So quickly will they bring about such changes, with many new books, missals and letters being introduced, that you will know then that such works would have taken years to prepare. It would not be possible to introduce such radical changes in so many formats, were this not the case. This will be one of the first signs where you can be sure that this soon-to-be-introduced, twisted doctrine will have been created with great care.

Many people will not recognise these changes in the Church and those who do will applaud them, for they will assuage the guilt they will feel because of their sins. Finally, they will be relieved, for now it will mean that they will be able to openly proclaim their acceptance of all things which offend God. For, if the Church declares sin to be a natural thing and part of human nature, then this means, surely, that sin is no longer important. Then, by declaring the importance of looking after the world’s poor and hungry, they will deem themselves to be holy in God’s Eyes.

When my Son is denied publicly and when His Word is twisted, great care will be put into great public acts of charity. This will divert attention away from the reality. It will create diversion and finally the True Word of God will no longer be discussed. When all religions are brought under one roof and where the views of the heathen are treated with great respect, then people will be afraid to stand up and declare the Truth. If and when they dare to do this, they will be accused of blasphemy.

The day is quickly approaching when to declare yourself a true Christian and when you remind people of the Word of God, then you will be accused of heresy. The Truth will be twisted and the Word of God will be presented back to front. Nothing will be orderly. Nothing will make sense in the new rules soon to be introduced into the Church of my Son. It is important that no matter how unpopular you may become, you must always remain true to the Word of God.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation.

Crusade Prayer (160) Help me to love You more

O Jesus of mine, Saviour of the world, help me to love You more. Help me to grow in my love for You. Fill my heart with Your Love and Compassion, so that I can attain the Graces to love You in the way that You love me.
Fill my ungrateful soul with a deep and abiding love for You and all that You represent. By the Power of Your Graces help me to love my neighbour as You love every child of God and to show compassion to those who are in need of Your Love and who are without faith.
Unite me in union with You, so that I can lead the Christian life, which You taught us by Your example during Your Time on Earth. Amen.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Three out of four will deny Me


Three out of four will deny Me

My daughter, the time when all public acknowledgement as to Who I Am, will become but just a faint flicker in the wick of a candle, which has burned right down to the end, is almost upon you.

Those who say they are of Me will speak little of Me. Those who are loyal to Me will be shocked when they see so many who will deny Me. The time when the faithful will be separated from those who will be led into grave error is almost upon you. In those days ahead, the blind, the deaf and those who will have failed to remain alert to the True Word of God, will gather in their billions and accept a false doctrine – not of Me.

When you hear speak of the new renewal of the faith pledge, which will be a form of the Sacrament of Confirmation, know then that this will be manmade. It will be meaningless in My Eyes. It will be presented by the false prophet as part of his global plan to unite all religions in the world. My Divinity will be brushed to one side. My Word forgotten and buried, while My Teachings will be twisted, in order to coerce the faithful into accepting a new form of so-called evangelism.

My Word, however, will remain alive, because those who will remain in My Church, as it was set up from the beginning, will not deny Me. Three out of four will deny Me. Only My Remnant will cling to Me and keep My Word and many of them will be bewildered. Those poor souls, who will remain in My Church when it has been seized by the new doctrine, will not know where to turn. To them I say this. Be strong. Be firm. Do not deny Me. Pray for My Guidance and continue to serve Me, as you have always done. When you are asked to deny Me, by those who claim to be acting for the good of all – all religions – turn your back, for you will be asked to embrace paganism, which will be disguised as Christianity.

As these imposters, enemies of God, invade My Church, within its hierarchy, My Father will send down a terrible Chastisement. He will tilt the world and not one man, woman or child will be able to ignore these upheavals. When My enemies attack My Mystical Body, they will cause much damage, much confusion and lead many away from the Truth. But they will never destroy My Church, because My Remnant Army will never let go of the Truth or be forced to swear allegiance to Satan or his agents. 

Many wars will now escalate and storms and earthquakes will mount, until the Roar of My Father’s Wrath is felt everywhere.

To those enemies of Mine, who walk amongst you and who mislead My Church, know this. I will never allow you to win over those souls for whom I gave up My Life. Your arrogance will be short-lived, your wicked acts stopped and your attempts to hurt the souls you have earmarked brought to an abrupt end. You will never rise up against the Word of God, without Divine Intervention brought down upon you. Your allegiance to the evil one will end in disaster for you and everyone you manage to deceive. When you try to advance towards the gates of Heaven to boast of your allegiance to Satan, you will be cut down, chained and cast into the abyss, without any Mercy shown to you.

Go now, all those of you who witness these things which are to come, and remain alert at all times. You must continue to serve Me, for there can only be one Master.

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (159) Plea for God‘s Love

O Mother of Salvation, I ask you to intercede on my behalf as I plead for God‘s Love. Fill my soul, an empty vessel, with the Love of God, so that when it is overflowing, it will spill over the souls for whom I struggle to show compassion.
By the Power of God, I ask that I am freed from any feelings of hatred I may harbor for those who betray your Son.
Humble me in spirit and fill me with generosity of soul so that I can follow the Teachings of Christ and spread His Love into every part of my life. Amen.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Much will be revealed to God’s children, before the Great Day of the Lord

Much will be revealed to God’s children, before the Great Day of the Lord

My dearly beloved daughter, when the prophets of old were called upon by God to proclaim the Truth, they were not – any of them – overly enthusiastic with the Chalice of the True Word of God given to them. It was so overwhelming for each of them – most of whom were not learned in the Words of Scripture – much of what was given to them did not make sense to them.

Yet the Power of the Holy Spirit drew them and this enabled them to speak the Word of God, exactly as it was given to them. Many cowered in fear. Some walked away. Those who walked away came back. When God sends a prophet, it means that something of great significance is planned by Him. Prophets, messengers from God, only reveal to the world that which is necessary for the salvation of souls.

My daughter, let it be known that this Mission will be the one when the Voice of God will be felt, as if it were like thunder, which will be felt in every part of the Earth. Much will be revealed to God’s children before the Great Day of the Lord dawns.

It is necessary that this happens, for were He not to warn humanity, then He would not fulfill His Promise made to the prophets – Moses, Daniel and John. When God makes a Promise it is always fulfilled.

Never fear a true prophet, for they speak the Words put into their mouths by God for your sake.

To hear the Word of God spoken today can cause fear. It can be overwhelming and cause a certain amount of anxiety. Yet, without the Word being revived, made to breathe again and live amongst you, you would find the gap – the distance between you and God – too wide. The gap closes now, as My Words, brought to you by My Father, will bring you comfort – more joy than sorrow, more courage than fear and more solace than weeping.

Listen carefully to this, My daughter. You must never try to push Me away when all I want to do is wrap all of you within My Sacred Arms and draw you into My Heart. My Word can be somber, My prophecies difficult to hear and the wicked deeds of man upsetting to witness, but never forget that all these things will pass. They will be forgotten. They will be of little consequence. For the world, the life ahead of you, will bring with it great joy and laughter, as the Love of God will be felt in every place, every home, every soul and every heart.

This is the final part of My Plan to salvage the Earth and every living creature. It will present many difficulties and trials. Man’s cruelty will be the most distressing of all to withstand and the rejection of Me, Jesus Christ, the final straw in the Eyes of My Father. Yet this final confrontation will not take long before man will be relieved of the terrible hatred, which exists in the world.

The Power of Heaven is not to be underestimated, because My Father’s Intervention will be too powerful for His enemies to withstand. So be at peace. Accept God’s Intervention – His Great Act of Love, given to you by the Word, which comes from the mouth of His prophets. All these things are to protect you, bring you closer to Me and create a New Beginning where there will be no end.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (158) Protect me from the one world religion

Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the new one world religion, which does not come from You. Sustain me on my journey to freedom, along the path to Your Holy Kingdom.
Keep me in union with You, whenever I am tormented and forced to swallow lies, which are spread by Your enemies to destroy souls.
Help me to withstand persecution, to remain firm to the True Word of God against false doctrines and other sacrileges, which I may be forced to accept.
Through the gift of my free will, take me into the Domain of Your Kingdom, to enable me to stand up and proclaim the Truth, when it will be declared to be a lie.
Never let me falter, hesitate or run away in fear, in the face of persecution. Help me to remain firm and steadfast to the Truth for as long as I live. Amen.