Thursday 30 June 2016

Changes to be introduced in the Church, which will contradict the Word of God

Changes to be introduced in the Church, which will contradict the Word of God

My dearly beloved daughter, it is I, Jesus Christ, Who came in the flesh.
My Most Holy Word must now be heard by My sacred servants everywhere. All My followers must share these Messages with My sacred servants of all Christian denominations. It is vital that they are encouraged to hear My Word at this crucial time, before they are torn asunder and split into two camps.
The work of the deceiver has infiltrated My Church on every level. Very soon now, slowly but surely, you will see Holy Masses being reduced. You will see the removal of special prayers and some of the Sacraments, such as Confession, begin to diminish. I call on My sacred servants now to listen to Me and pray for discernment.
It is I Who calls you now, so I can save your flock. It is I Who wants to open your hearts so you can plan for these end times, which will herald a brand new beginning for the world.
You will be asked to show allegiance to the false prophet very soon. See him for what he is and judge his works in order to see if they bear fruit. For the fruit that he and his slavish devotees will yield will be rotten to the core. One bite will destroy your allegiance to Me. Two or more bites will drive such a wedge between you and My Sacred Heart that you will find it almost impossible to enter My Father’s Kingdom.
Watch carefully now the changes you will see creeping in within your own ministry. Some of these adjustments will not seem to be a problem in the beginning. But as time moves on certain changes will be forced upon you and you will be made to swallow lies. The lies will come from Satan and will be dressed in sheep’s clothing.
For those pure of heart you will know instantly and will recognize the evil cunning in place, which is being designed to destroy My Church on Earth, from within its own corridors.
My Truth will cause gasps of indignity throughout the world when My priests will say surely this prophecy is a lie? The only lie that they will have to bear witness to will be the one they are forced to approve, which will be in direct opposition to My Sacred Scriptures given to mankind right from the start. Never allow yourselves to accept any other Truth other than that contained in the Holy Bible.
Many changes will be introduced, which will contradict the Word of My Eternal Father. These changes, My sacred servants, won’t be of divine origin and you must reject these untruths if you want to remain loyal to Me.
Wake up. Stand up to those lies you will have to face. Never accept them. My Eternal Father’s Word will never change. It can never be adjusted by mankind. Many of you will be so distraught that you will find yourselves isolated from your fellow sacred servants. Fear not, for there is only one side you can choose. That will be the side where I stand. There is no other side.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Wednesday 29 June 2016

The most important Event since My Resurrection

The most important Event since My Resurrection

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My intention to bring every man, woman and child into My New Paradise on Earth, for if just one soul is left behind it would break My Heart. This is why the number of messengers I now send into the world has increased. It is so they can spread My Holy Word to encourage conversion.
I do not send messengers to frighten My children. Instead, the role of My messengers is to prepare every person on this Earth, so that they are ready and worthy to live in this New Paradise.
My children, the times you are living in are not pleasant. Law and order have broken down. Greed has meant that your financial stability has been stolen from you. Self-glory and obsession with ambition has meant that your Faith has also been taken away from you.
Like a household where there is no parental control
You, My children, are like as in a household where there is no parental control. Like spoilt children, you are provided with all the material comforts you crave without having to earn them. You are provided with food, which you don’t have to toil for. Everything that dissatisfies you is replaced with yet another novelty, another stimulant. Yet, nothing satisfies for long. Then rows take place among the children, each seeking to control the other to get their own way. Physical warfare can then break out. But no one is in charge and so they hurt each other, sometimes with grave consequences.
This is how I view the world. My children are unhappy, lacking in spiritual comfort, but refuse to be guided by My Church. My Church today cannot control such an unruly population who do not find devotion to Me to be as stimulating as the creature comforts of the flesh.
War is destroying mankind and spiritual decline has created a vacuum in the world, which most of you, by now, feel the effects of in your hearts. Nothing is as it seems. Material glory glitters on the exterior, its light appealing to those starving for comfort, but there is nothing but darkness behind it.
I Am the Light that is missing in your lonely confusing and somewhat frightening lives. This is why the time is close for Me to step in and take charge. You, My children, must welcome this and prepare for My great Mercy.
You must pray for your brothers and sisters and look forward with open arms to welcome My intervention. Be positive. Be hopeful. Be confident that even the most hardened sinners will be relieved at the advent of this Great Event, the most important since My Resurrection.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Doubts make you stronger in your love for Me

Doubts make you stronger in your love for Me

Jesus-Christ-3109I come in the Name of Jesus, Who came in the flesh and was made man. My dearly beloved daughter, you are now so very close to My Heart, yet you can feel so far away. At times you think you have been separated from Me, when in fact, you have only drawn closer in union with Me.
So strong now, My daughter, I Am building your confidence, so that you can continue to proclaim My Word to mankind.This is a very important Mission. Because of the demons unleashed in their millions by Satan in these times, they are attacking you on every corner. The first people they will use will be believers who will queue up to throw the first stone at you.
As My great Act of Mercy for mankind gets closer, so too will the demons try to block out the Truth and prevent people, good people, from investing the time I need of them to save the souls of My children with no belief at all. Do not allow cruel slander, which is gathering momentum, to distract you from My Work.
Heed now My prophecy. For every man who repents at this time, three more souls can be saved per man. Think of it like this. The blessings bestowed on man who seeks forgiveness will be given to these people’s families. Every soul who prays to Me now and asks Me to save their closest family and friends will receive My Mercy in abundance.
Prayer is your salvation, My children. The more you pray, the more I will open your hearts and reveal My Truth. My favours have now been extended in a way not witnessed on this Earth before. However, I cannot pour out these powerful graces unless you ask for them.
My daughter, be advised that a viciousness, which will startle you, will now be seen in a mounting attack on these divine Messages. Ignore them. Close your eyes. Block your ears. Instead, pray that such souls will see enlightenment.
Doubts, My daughter, are trials experienced, not only by you, but, by My beloved followers. While they can be unsettling, they are allowed by Me to make you all stronger in your love for Me.
Relax now, My children. Accept My Word. Live your lives as I expect you to. Put your families first, before everything. They must never be neglected on My behalf. Pray now with quiet confidence and be assured that My prophecies will unfold at the Command of My Eternal Father. They will happen according to the perfect timing laid down by My Father.
Never forget, My children, that many secrets given to My visionaries and seers, foretelling future events to come, have been mitigated through prayer. Many, many ecological disasters have been averted because of the devotion shown to My Blessed Mother.
Her devotees have averted many earthquakes, floods and tsunamis because of their prayers. Prayer can be very powerful.
One person’s prayers and suffering can save a nation. Remember that.
I love all, My children. The power to save each other lays in your hands, children. Don’t forget what I have said before. Prayer is your armour against evil in this world. Prayer can mitigate global disasters. Keep praying for peace in your world. Pray, too, for an easy transition to the New Paradise on Earth, which awaits all My children who seek redemption.
Your beloved Jesus

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Virgin Mary: Pray for my protection all over the world

Virgin Mary: Pray for my protection all over the world

My child, you must ask my children to pray to me, so that I can cover them with my Most Holy Mantle in these times. The deceiver’s work is increasing and spreading like wildfire, the evil control you see all around you is being managed by him and his army of demons. They cause much suffering and pain in the world.Fatima
Praying my Most Holy Rosary will stop him from causing the damage he intends to inflict on this world.
Pray, my children, wherever you are, for my special protection against the evil one.
Pray to ease the suffering of my beloved Son, Who is in much need of your consolation. He needs your prayers, children, as He sets out to save mankind from their sinful and wayward lives, yet again.
Pray now as you have never prayed before.
Your Blessed Mother
Queen of Peace

Mother of Salvation: Introduce abortion in Ireland and you sever the link to my Heart

Mother of Salvation: Introduce abortion in Ireland and you sever the link to my Heart

I am your beloved Mother, Queen of the Angels, the Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
O how I weep today, as Ireland, the country most dedicated to me, their beloved Mother, falls prey to the evil one.
Great darkness has descended over this nation. So many have lost their faith, just as so many have turned their hearts away from my beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
My children in Ireland have allowed the evil one to turn their hearts to stone.
Those who love my Son are in pain as they witness the secularism, which has taken control over this, once holy, country.
Attempts are now being made to introduce abortion and if this were to happen, it will deeply offend my Precious Son.
My children, should you introduce abortion in Ireland, you will sever the link that has brought you so close to my Heart.
So many people in Ireland now insult my Son through the disrespect they show Him. I also am no longer tolerated and my name is demeaned.
Children of Ireland, chosen as special souls to impart the Word of my Father, throughout the world, you must listen to me.
Pray, pray, pray that these plans to introduce abortion laws do not take place.
Should this happen, Ireland will lose much favour in my Father’s Kingdom.
The sin of abortion is the most grievous in the Eyes of my Father. It is the worst kind of genocide.
You must fight this evil, children. You must do it now or the last Divine link, which needs to be strengthened, will, instead, be weakened.
You must rise, children, and reclaim your Catholic and Christian Faiths, for they are being stolen from you.
Do not allow those in power to sneer at you when you proclaim the Holy Word of God.
This spirit of darkness has now, not only covered your country, but the Holy Shrines at which I am supposed to be revered.
I weep in sorrow as I see my beloved Ireland fall by the wayside.
Yet there is hope, children, but you must now join, in force, to protect your Faith.
Soon you will be forced to abandon, not only your Catholic Faith, but your Christian Faith.
Reclaim your country from socialism and secular dictatorships.
They will plead for the right of citizens, but will deny the very rights they claim to protect, including the right to pray.
They will force you to accept, in law, the right to murder children not yet born.
Remember, each soul was lovingly created by God, the Almighty Father.
Any man who chooses abortion or assists in the wicked act of abortion commits mortal sin.
Pray, pray, pray my Crusade Prayer for Ireland (32)
“O Mother of Salvation, pray for your children in Ireland to prevent the wicked act of abortion from being inflicted upon us. Protect this holy nation from sinking deeper into despair, from the darkness, which covers our country.
Rid us of the evil one, who wants to destroy your children yet to be born. Pray that those leaders will have the courage to listen to those who love your Son, so that they will follow the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Go now, my child, and tell my children in Ireland that they must be strong. They must stand up for what is right.
They must never be afraid to proclaim the Truth, the Holy Word of God, no matter how difficult this may be.
Your beloved Queen of Heaven
Mother of Salvation

God the Father: The antichrist and a New World Currency

God the Father: The antichrist and a New World Currency

My daughter, while the world may fear The Warning, they must accept that the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are upon us. The holy state of the Church is now at risk, as is the State of Israel. Prophecies will unfold, as the world will be controlled by the antichrist, who will attempt to control you through a New World Currency. When and if you are controlled in this way, you will be controlled in every other way.
The Warning will put a halt to this and other evil atrocities being planned by global forces, which are beyond the understanding of My children the world over. Innocent pawns in a game not of your making, you will be protected by My Hand of Justice.
Rise, My children, and fight this sequence of evil through prayer. The global control and persecution being plotted, right at this moment, can be averted through prayer. Not all of you can or will be saved, such is the grip the antichrist will hold over you.
My children, Satan will never win. He has not been accorded the power and as his grip begins to loosen, now he will drag as many souls as he can into the pits of Hell with him. I weep with deep sorrow for My beautiful Creation and those precious souls of Mine. Oh if they would only listen to the Truth.
Scientific evaluation is nonsense, for no science will substitute the reality of My Divine Kingdom. No one person on Earth can ever fathom the beauty and the miracle that awaits you all, for it is indescribable in human terms.
Soon you will understand the plans I have to salvage the world from the hands of the deceiver.
I love all of you and will protect My followers at every stage during any planned persecution.
Look towards Me. Open your arms and allow Me to hold and protect all of you.
My children who believe in Me have nothing to fear.
Your beloved Creator
God the Most High
God the Father

Monday 27 June 2016

Aftermath of The Warning

Aftermath of The Warning

My dearly beloved daughter, as The Warning draws closer please ask My beloved followers to pray and rejoice with thanks, for the great Mercy which My Eternal Father has granted to mankind.
It will be because of this Glorious Act of Pure Love that more of mankind can be saved, to enjoy the Era of Peace on Earth. Be thankful that you are living in these times, for millions of you will be saved, who otherwise would never have entered the Gates of Heaven.
The preparations are complete. Prepare your homes with blessed candles and a supply of water and food to last for a couple of weeks. The aftermath will be difficult but you must not be frightened.
Instead be relieved, for the suffering is to be offered in thanksgiving for the eternal life, which is now being afforded to My precious souls who embrace this great Gift.
Be at peace. Trust in Me, for remember, I Am your Saviour and offer those faithful souls protection at every moment. I walk with you. I guide you. I hold your hands with tender Love. You are Mine and I will never let you go from My Sacred Heart. You, My followers, are surrounded with the graces you need to survive The Warning.
Your beloved Jesus
Saviour and Redeemer of all of Mankind

My Word will spread in Australia and New Zealand

My Word will spread in Australia and New Zealand

My beloved disciples, how you bring tears of relief to My Sacred Eyes. Your beautiful Nations, full of rich abundant natural resources, are empty of soul.  The Nations of Australia and New Zealand are lush, on the one hand, because of the Gift My Father has bequeathed you, and on the other, they are barren.
I call on your Nations, now, to help Me to ignite your faith and spread My Holy Word, so that it will nurture the souls of all God’s children in your countries.
My Word will be spread in Australia, through this, My last, Mission to save souls on earth.
You, My daughter, will be given the Gift of the Holy Spirit in order to bring Me the souls I crave for. You, My followers, have a heavy load to bear, because the Word of God, is unknown to millions, among your nation. Very few churches, within the Christian community, are used in the way they should be. They are empty shells and I Am displeased at the weak faith, which exists amongst you. You have much to learn and much to gain, when you follow Me – by your own free will – on the Path of Truth.
My plan to prepare your souls and to request your help to save those souls, who do not believe in God, is great. My Mission is to call out to atheists and cover them with My Holy Spirit, so that My Voice is heard, quickly. Here is a special Crusade Prayer, for the Salvation of Australia and New Zealand.
Crusade Prayer (99) For the Salvation of Australia and New Zealand
O God, the Almighty Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, have Mercy on all of your children in Australia and New Zealand.
Forgive us our rejection of Your Holy Word.
Forgive us the sin of indifference.
Rid us of our pagan culture and cover us with the Graces we need to inspire hope, faith, and charity among our brothers and sisters.
We beg You for the Gift of Discernment and ask that You grant all of us the Blessings we need to ensure that only the Truth of Your Holy Word can be heard and that all souls are granted the keys to eternal life. Amen.
Very soon, My Holy Spirit will devour your souls and you will march forth with a calm confidence, as you declare the Truth to all of those you come into contact with.
Be thankful for this blessing, which I now cover your Nations with. I love you and I trust you will respond to My Call.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (99) For the Salvation of Australia and New Zealand

O God, the Almighty Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, have Mercy on all of your children in Australia and New Zealand.
Forgive us our rejection of Your Holy Word.
Forgive us the sin of indifference.
Rid us of our pagan culture and cover us with the Graces we need to inspire hope, faith, and charity among our brothers and sisters.
We beg You for the Gift of Discernment and ask that You grant all of us the Blessings we need to ensure that only the Truth of Your Holy Word can be heard and that all souls are granted the keys to eternal life. Amen.