Even small prayer groups of Divine Mercy can save millions

Pray for all those in mortal sin, as a priority. They need your prayers, for many of them will drop stone dead from shock when they see the horror, as seen through My Eyes, of the sinful atrocities they have committed.
Praying The Divine Mercy can save millions even if it is only a small group of devout, loving followers.
I will not give you a date, My daughter, for this Great Event. But be assured the time is now upon the world, as the evil continues to grow unabated across the entire world, so too will the Hand of My Father now fall everywhere. He will not stand back and allow these evil sinners, in league with Satan, to destroy or infect My children any longer. Shame on those self-obsessed sinners, whom I still love despite the evil stain of their sin. I ask you to pray for the forgiveness of their sins, now.
As The Warning will now take place, so too will the ecological disasters befall mankind. Prayer is your only weapon now, My children, to save yourselves and mankind from the fires of Hell. Once The Warning is over, peace and joy will prevail. And then the persecution by the New World Alliance will commence. Their power will be weakened if enough of you spread conversion and pray hard.
Don’t be afraid, My beloved followers, you will work closely together to pray for the salvation of mankind. And you will save millions of souls in the process.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
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