Wednesday 31 January 2018

God the Father: Without Me you could not exist

God the Father: Without Me you could not exist

My dearest daughter, My children must know that there is only one God. Only one. Any other exists only in the minds of man. Any other god is an abomination in My Eyes and the man who succumbs to worshipping false gods, serves only the devil, who delights in man’s fall from Grace.
I Am the Beginning and the End. Nothing can prevail against Me. Even the demons and fallen angels, which I cast into the abyss, will never stand before Me and challenge Me, for they are without such power.
So many religions have been founded by fallible man, and this has caused much confusion. From the beginning I spoke with One Voice and, until the end, there can only be One Voice. The world is Mine for I created it. I created every living thing. I also created My Heavenly Hierarchy from which I threw out those angels who defied and betrayed Me. Many of these fallen angels communicate with My children who have created a new age form of spiritualism. I warn those of you who adore false gods, through the pursuit of such practices.  Such spiritualism will expose your souls to evil spirits whose only desire is to destroy your souls.
These false angels are demons, disguised as living spirits of the light, and they will seduce you into believing falsities. Every lie about My Heavenly Hierarchy will be fed to you so that you will place all your needs before Satan and evil spirits. All they do is savage your souls like wild beasts and then leave you empty and bereft of any love. At first, when you give yourself over to such idolatry, you will be given a false sense of peace. Demons can give such powers but they are short-lived. For once they gain access to your souls, they will torment you and goad you into demonic acts.
I Am all that was in the Beginning and I Am the End. All begins and ends with Me. When you place false gods before Me, and do this because of your selfish desire to seek pleasure, power and control of your destiny, you are guilty of breaking My First Commandment.
Without Me you could not exist. Without Me you have no future. Without My Son you cannot come to Me. Reject My only beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the True Messiah, and you reject Me.
The Truth was first given to the world when paganism was rife. The Truth was given to the world with the birth of My Son and generations were converted. The Truth is being given again to the world now, as the great apostasy strangles the souls of those who believe in My Son, and at a time when paganism is rife again. Just as it was in the beginning when I was rejected by ungrateful men so, too, will it be in the end, when men’s hearts will turn to stone and their souls, will be given away freely to the devil.  Then, the world as you know it, will be no more as the New Heaven and the New Earth merge as one. Finally, peace will reign again and I will unite those who choose to come with Me.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High

Crusade Prayer (50) Jesus, help me to know who You are

O dear Jesus, help me to know Who You are. Forgive me for not speaking with You, before now.
Help me to find peace in this life and be shown the Truth of Eternal Life.
Soothe my heart. Ease my worries. Give me peace. Open my heart, now, so that You can fill my soul with Your Love.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Virgin Mary: You must fight every law and every argument which promotes abortion

Virgin Mary: You must fight every law and every argument which promotes abortion

My beloved child

My child, when evil acts escalate, as in the way nations attempt to introduce abortion, the Holy Spirit descends upon God’s children, so that they can gain the courage to fight back.
Abortion is the gravest sin in the Eyes of my Father. No reason can be presented to Him, which can justify this vile act against the Creation of God.
Abortion is an affront to the Sacred Creation of humanity and brings with it a terrible punishment.
Every argument will be made to justify it amongst your nations, but nothing can make it ever acceptable to God. No one has the right to interfere with the Gift of Life, created by God, the Creator of all that is.Godsimage
Many poor souls believe that they show compassion when they condone abortion, but all they do is condone murder, which is a grave sin. You must fight every law and every argument, which promotes abortion and safeguard the life of God’s children, inside the wombs of their mothers. You must never feel fear when you proclaim the sacredness of life.
Pray, pray, pray for those souls who cannot accept the importance of life and the Sacred Act of God’s Creation. These souls need your prayers and patience. Show them you will not accept their demands to get you to condone the murder of an unborn child of God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Mother of Salvation: Faith is the foundation of the Church

Mother of Salvation: Faith is the foundation of the Church

My dear children, when you feel downhearted, discouraged and fearful because of the terrible injustices you witness, please ask for my powerful protection. I will intercede, on your behalf, and ask my Son to hear your pleas for peace and calm. He will fill you with the Graces needed to persevere and keep alive, within your soul, the flame of the Holy Spirit.
If you seek the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and my Son responds to your call, your faith in Him will be strengthened greatly. Once this happens, your faith will enable you to trust more in His Great Mercy.  Faith is the foundation of the Church, by which it can remain strong. Faith rids you of fear and despair. It will bring you comfort, peace and calm in turbulent times. It allows you to see things clearly as you are meant to, so as to protect yourselves from the persecution you have to face every day.
Those who are devoted to Jesus Christ will always have to endure the pain of His Suffering. This is something you have to accept when you follow in His Footsteps. When you accept this Cross you must then hand over your suffering to my Son, for the salvation of the souls of those who would never be able to enter my Son’s Kingdom, otherwise. Your sacrifice, while it may be difficult, brings great joy to my Son who weeps in great sorrow for those He will lose to the evil one on the last day.
Faith, hope and trust in my Son will alleviate your suffering and bring you peace and joy. It is when you receive these Blessings that you will know that you have crossed over every barrier, which separates you from God.  And, for that, you must be thankful – not sorrowful – for the Kingdom of God will be yours.
Go, my children, to love and serve my Son.
Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

For Clergy:Crusade Prayer (49) Pledge of loyalty for Christian Clergy

O Jesus, I am Your humble servant and I pledge my love and loyalty to You.
I beg You to give me a sign of Your Calling.
Help me to open my eyes and witness Your Promise.
Bless me with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, so that I will not be deceived by those who claim to come in Your Name, but, who do not speak the Truth.
Show me the Truth. Allow me to feel Your Love, so that I can fulfill your Most Holy Will.
I ask You, with a humble heart, to show me the way in which I can help You to save the souls of humanity.

Monday 29 January 2018

Virgin Mary calls for day of prayer and fasting to prepare for The Warning

Virgin Mary calls for day of prayer and fasting to prepare for The Warning

This Message was received by Maria Divine Mercy, after two separate apparitions of the Virgin Mary – one, which took place at midnight, January 29 and the second at 13:00 hours, on Monday, January 30, 2012, during which, the Virgin Mother appeared very sorrowful throughout.
My child, while my Son comes now to cover the whole world with His Rays of Mercy, it is with a heavy Heart that I must tell you that many people will die during The Warning.
Pray, pray, pray for their souls.
You, my child, must ask all of the followers of these Divine Messages to allocate tomorrow, Tuesday, January 31, 2012, as a special day of prayer. On this day, you must recite the Most Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Prayer.
Where possible, everyone must try and fast during this day. In this way more souls, especially those in mortal sin at the time of death, can be saved by the Mercy of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
I cry tears of sorrow for those poor people who have no idea how much pain and anguish their sins cause my Son.
The joy of the Gift, that my Son now brings the world, is tinged with sadness for those who cannot be saved, by their own choice. The lies, which will spring and spread all over the world, by dark souls, after The Warning takes place, must be stopped through your prayers.
Pray that no one will deny my Son’s Divine Mercy during or after The Warning.
For every soul lost to such lies, is a soul that will be seized by the evil one. Spread conversion everywhere, children. Accept that I am the Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix, working closely with my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to save all souls from eternal ruination.
My love for you, children, is very strong. I plead for Mercy for each soul, every second of the day, by begging my Father for clemency.
But, children, you must help by joining with me in prayer and sacrifice to help all of God’s children enter the gates of the New Paradise.
Your heavenly Mother
Mother of Salvation

I pour great Graces over My Followers at this time

I pour great Graces over My Followers at this time

My dearly beloved daughter, I pour great Graces over My Followers at this, a time when they need it the most.
The Graces I pour over you, My followers, include the Gift of Insight to enable you to see the deceit, which blights the whole world. I also bequeath the Gift of Endurance, so that you will rise up against adversaries of Mine and continue to fight the fight so that Christianity survives. I give you also the Gift of Patience so that you will be able to continue to speak the Truth when you have to listen to falsities, which will be uttered by those followers of Mine, who will be led into error by My enemies.
Finally, I give you the Gift of Love, and when I fill you with this Gift, you will be able to deplete evil through your words, deeds and actions. Love for Me, means you will love even your enemies and by this Gift you will destroy hatred.
Go and accept My Gifts. All you have to do is say to Me
“Jesus give me the Gifts I need to remain true to You.
Your beloved Jesus
Jesus my love

Crusade Prayer (48) Prayer for the Grace to Proclaim the Second Coming of Christ

O my Jesus, grant me the grace to proclaim Your Holy Word to all of humanity, so that souls can be saved.
Pour Your Holy Spirit over me, Your humble servant, so that Your Holy Word can be heard and accepted, especially by those souls who need Your Mercy the most.
Help me to honour Your Holy Will, at all times, and never to insult or condemn those who refuse the Hand of Your Mercy.

New Jersey Book of Truth Seminar

Please RSVP to this wonderful event

NJ seminar

Saturday 27 January 2018

Mother of Salvation: Accept the Cross with dignity. Do not complain.

Mother of Salvation: Accept the Cross with dignity. Do not complain.

My dear children, when you serve my Son in this life, it is fraught with difficulties. It is a simple task to follow Him in one way but, when you carry the Gift of the Holy Spirit within your soul, it will bring down, upon you, the wrath of the evil one and every enemy of my Son. This makes your journey along the Path of Truth extremely hard. At every turn, you will be opposed even if you remain silent in your adoration of my Son.
Many who truly love my Son cannot understand when they are bullied by others, for no obvious reason. Or, when they are falsely accused of wrong- doing. This is because the Holy Spirit is the real Presence of God and, therefore, this will never go unnoticed by the evil one, who will stop at nothing to cause you grief and distress. He, the evil one, will taunt you relentlessly and will do this either directly, or through the souls of those he manages to infest.
All of this pain, which you will not understand, is because of your devotion to Jesus Christ. Just as He endured ridicule, scorn and hatred so, too, will all those who serve Him. When you suffer in His Name on this earth you will, eventually, find lasting peace, love and joy in His Kingdom. Accept the Cross with dignity. Do not complain. Do not engage with those who show hatred towards you, lest your own hearts become filled with the same venom.
Hatred breeds hatred if you respond to it. Love, which comes from God, breeds love. Show love to your enemies; pray for them; pity them. When you do, Satan is powerless against you.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (47) Re-kindle your love for Jesus

Oh blessed Mother, Mother of Salvation for the whole world, pray that my love for Jesus can be re-kindled. Help me to feel the Flame of His Love, so that it fills my soul.
Help me to love Jesus more.
Pray that my faith, love and devotion for Him, become stronger.
Allay any doubts, which torment me, and help me to see clearly the Divine Light of the Truth, which radiates from your beloved Son, the Saviour of all humanity.

Friday 26 January 2018

Those who opposed My First Coming refused to accept the Will of God

Those who opposed My First Coming refused to accept the Will of God

My dearly beloved daughter, My Will is cast in stone and all those who truly love Me, will become entwined within the Divine Will of the Lord. Deny My Will and you cannot become Mine. Rise against Me and I will not allow you to enter My Kingdom, for only those who come to Me, in final surrender of their own free will can truly say that they are of Me. If you are not of Me, how can I win over your ungrateful hearts? Those of you who curse Me; pour scorn on those who uphold My Word; or try to interfere with the Holy Will of God will be thrown into the abyss, when every effort to save you has been exhausted.
When I was born, many of My enemies whose souls were infested by evil spirits, made the life of My Mother very difficult. Those who persecuted her during My Time on earth were unaware, in many cases, as to why they felt such hatred towards her. But suffer she did, in My Name. Those who opposed My First Coming, refused to accept the Will of God, which was to give them freedom from the shackles, which were locked around their ankles and placed there by demons.
I spent much of My Mission on earth casting out evil spirits in the souls of the afflicted, while also enlightening those who were ignorant of the Will of God.  Now as I prepare to come again, My Mission will be even more trying this time around.  To all of you with hardened hearts, who refuse to listen to Me, I say this. Unless you are truly devoted to me, through a life of prayer and devotion, you will not complete this journey to Eternal Life on your faith alone. You are not blessed with enough insight, or knowledge of My Word, to dismiss My Warning at this time.  Why do you pour scorn on Me now? What do you believe will make you worthy to stand before Me, when you ask Me for eternal life? I say to you that your obstinance blinds you to the truth of Divine Revelation, which you are witnessing through these, My Holy Messages for the world.
Ungrateful souls, you are lacking in the knowledge, which was painstakingly given to you in the most Holy Bible. For every lesson you were taught, you have learnt nothingYour pride and your quest for self-gratification, frustrates Me. Your eyes cannot see and you will, as a result, be unprepared for Me. For every slur you cast upon those who speak the Truth, and who uphold My Holy Word – despite opposition from you -you will have to face Me. I will ask you then to justify your words, your deeds and your actions against Me. You can never say that you are for Me when you fight Me, through My Word, given to you out of the Mercy of God, Who will never tire in His Quest to save your souls.
When you are given the Gift of private revelation you have the right to discern. But, you do not have authority to judge others or harm them, even if they do not come from Me. I, Jesus Christ, have made it known that man does not have the right to judge any soul. If you defy Me, and even if you feel grievance towards false prophets, I will judge you and punish you, just as you punished those you hated. You cannot hate another person in My Name. If you hate another person then you do this in the name of Satan. I will wash away your iniquity only when you come and beg Me to redeem you from such a sin. But many of you will never do this for you have placed yourselves above Me, and for this you will suffer.
Let not one man amongst you declare another soul to be of the evil one for he, Satan, delights in those who are guilty, of making this error. Not one of you is so clean of sin that you can make such a judgment.
He who is of Me and who really knows Me, would never scourge another soul in My Name.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (46) Free me from the chains of Satan

O Jesus, I am lost. I am confused and feel like a prisoner caught in a web I cannot escape from. I trust You, Jesus, to come to my aid and free me from the chains of Satan and his demons.
Help me for I am lost. I need Your Love to give me the strength to believe in You and trust in You, so that I can be saved from this evil and be shown the Light – so I can find peace, love and happiness at last.