Tuesday 30 January 2018

Mother of Salvation: Faith is the foundation of the Church

Mother of Salvation: Faith is the foundation of the Church

My dear children, when you feel downhearted, discouraged and fearful because of the terrible injustices you witness, please ask for my powerful protection. I will intercede, on your behalf, and ask my Son to hear your pleas for peace and calm. He will fill you with the Graces needed to persevere and keep alive, within your soul, the flame of the Holy Spirit.
If you seek the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and my Son responds to your call, your faith in Him will be strengthened greatly. Once this happens, your faith will enable you to trust more in His Great Mercy.  Faith is the foundation of the Church, by which it can remain strong. Faith rids you of fear and despair. It will bring you comfort, peace and calm in turbulent times. It allows you to see things clearly as you are meant to, so as to protect yourselves from the persecution you have to face every day.
Those who are devoted to Jesus Christ will always have to endure the pain of His Suffering. This is something you have to accept when you follow in His Footsteps. When you accept this Cross you must then hand over your suffering to my Son, for the salvation of the souls of those who would never be able to enter my Son’s Kingdom, otherwise. Your sacrifice, while it may be difficult, brings great joy to my Son who weeps in great sorrow for those He will lose to the evil one on the last day.
Faith, hope and trust in my Son will alleviate your suffering and bring you peace and joy. It is when you receive these Blessings that you will know that you have crossed over every barrier, which separates you from God.  And, for that, you must be thankful – not sorrowful – for the Kingdom of God will be yours.
Go, my children, to love and serve my Son.
Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

For Clergy:Crusade Prayer (49) Pledge of loyalty for Christian Clergy

O Jesus, I am Your humble servant and I pledge my love and loyalty to You.
I beg You to give me a sign of Your Calling.
Help me to open my eyes and witness Your Promise.
Bless me with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, so that I will not be deceived by those who claim to come in Your Name, but, who do not speak the Truth.
Show me the Truth. Allow me to feel Your Love, so that I can fulfill your Most Holy Will.
I ask You, with a humble heart, to show me the way in which I can help You to save the souls of humanity.

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