These Messages and Prayers, Seal of The Living God, are Directly from The Holy Trinity and Our Lady Mother of Salvation in Heaven. They are being received by A Chosen Prophet Maria Divine Mercy for these times to call all souls to repentance before The Warning from God and afterwards the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The latest message dates back to early March 2015.If and when we get news of prayers and messages we will immediately update.
To those who are none the wiser, this book will be claimed to be an important publication, which will unify the world. It will be seen to be the greatest source in bringing about world unity and it will encourage all those who read it to adapt to a new way of thinking; a new way of believing in yourself; of being kind to yourself; so that you can join, as one, with others who follow this path towards self-glorification.
This book will become a doctrine to unite all nations; all religions; all politics; all rules and economic views. It will be used to create a new one-world society, devoid of religions which honour my Son, Jesus Christ. It will be part of school curriculums and all governments will be encouraged to adapt its philosophy, as part of the constitutions of their countries.
The figure one will be used as a symbol in the new book and people will wear badges, in order to publicly declare their allegiance to this one-world alliance. All will be ready, so that when the antichrist rises, the book will be seen to play a part in his dictatorship. The book will endorse every false doctrine; every falsity in the Eyes of God; untruths and a dangerous philosophy, which will lead all those who accept its contents into grave error. People’s ability to discern right from wrong will be weakened because of it. Their morality will be called into question and paganism, disguised as a religion that welcomes all, will be cunningly woven into every paragraph.
Many people will want to buy this book, because it will be declared to be such an astonishing breakthrough in the world of politics. It will become a book, which promotes a form of communism, but it will be seen as something with a unique spirituality, which will touch the hearts of many. It will be everything that is the opposite to the True Word of God. It will be a book, which sets out to evangelise the world into believing in the importance of humanism. It will glorify mankind; man’s intelligence; man’s progress; man’s great scientific strength and the importance of controlling all countries in the same way.
All is being planned to ensure that the antichrist will be welcomed amid great celebrations. For make no mistake, this book will be masterminded by he who will declare himself king of the world. And all peoples will be excited about a new world; a new beginning and a new leader. In time, he will be welcomed into my Son’s Church with the book of heresy. And when he sits on the throne in the new temple, all will treat him as the Christ. Shortly afterwards, he will fool the world into believing that he is my Son, Jesus Christ.
That will be the time of a great many tears – tears, which will be spilt from Heaven because of the deceit, which will involve so many people. All these preparations have begun and so God also prepares to fight for those who fall under the influence of the antichrist. Prepare well, dear children, for you will need every help from Heaven to help sustain you during the times ahead.
Move forward with hope, because that period will be short, as God will not permit the beast to reign for any longer than is necessary, according to Holy Scripture. Trust, hope and be grateful for being given the Truth now, for this is how you will be able to prepare. Give thanks always to God for such Mercies, for He is so Generous that the more you call on Him, through His beloved Son, the more He will dilute the impact of such trials.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation.
My dearly beloved daughter, the Spirit of Truth, which prevails through My Church on Earth, must be sustained, nurtured and upheld, by those holy servants of Mine to whom I entrusted the care of all of God’s children.
The priests in My Church will soon face challenges, which will mean that many will find it very difficult to uphold My Word.
Everything that is not of Me will be presented to them by the traitors among them.
How I yearn to bring them comfort and how I will do all in My Power to fill their souls with the Fire of the Holy Spirit. I will do this so they will remain alert, calm and in no doubt, when they are asked to participate in doctrine, which will not be of Me. They must, as guardians of My Word, be prepared to remain loyal to Me.
But they will be persuaded to pursue a new interpretation of My Word and this will lead to grave error. Should they lead innocent souls and those who are devoted to Me into error and into committing blasphemy, they will be guilty of embracing the doctrines of Hell. For that, they will know what it is like to feel the Wrath of My Father.
The priests who are Mine will need to renew their vows of love, charity and chastity, if they are to remain in a State of Grace, in order to serve Me as they have committed to do in My Name. Sadly, the power of evil, which will prevail against them, will be such that many will find the pressure exerted on them just too difficult to withstand.
Others will embrace the new doctrine and they will become part of the soon-to-be-declared new one world priesthood – where they will no longer serve the Triune God. They will then lead many souls into apostasy.
Only a few will remain faithful to Me and they will comfort those Christians who will never deviate from the Truth. The ones who betray Me will themselves be the victims of the antichrist and his army, who will persecute them in ways, which will mean that unless they make a pact with the beast, they will be discarded like criminals and be accused of crimes akin to treason.
The faithful will comfort each other and by My Grace they will be given the Gifts from God, needed to protect themselves against persecution, including the Seal of the Living God, which will enable them to overcome the opposition they will face when Christianity will be brutalized. Those who are for Me and in Me will feel great courage in their hearts, for they will be able to discern the Spirit of Truth from the spirit of evil. And all during this time, the faith of the clergy will be trampled upon by the greatest enemy of God ever to walk the Earth – the antichrist. He will seduce them and draw them into a great web of deceit and despair. His influence over them will be like a great darkness, which will descend over them and extinguish the Light of their souls and many will, after that, sell their souls to Satan.
All of these events sound as if there will be a great noise, like the clapping of thunder, but it is not how the beast will operate. No, his mission will be seen as a great evangelization of the world, which will manifest in many ways. It will be seen to be so appealing, that it will not only be those sacred servants, the luminaries of God, chosen to lead His people on Earth into holiness, who will fall victim to the deceit. The enemies of God will also embrace the new evangelical movement, which will be announced in stages and not with great fanfare, for that would only create too many questions.
New legislations will be introduced which will be seen to improve the lives of the world’s poor. Then the unification of countries will be created through their banks, businesses, alliances as comrades in the event of future wars, politics and finally, religion. The steps have already begun and the plan has been coordinated for over seven years and in great detail.
All I ask of you is to remain alert and to pray for all My priests, so that they will retain the Graces, which I bestow upon them in order to serve Me and so that they can retain the True Faith.
Only the Truth is everlasting.
Only the Truth of My Word will sustain life – life of the soul, as well as the life of this Earth.
Lies, presented as the Truth, come from Satan, who is doomed for eternity. Those who follow him, adapt his ways and become his servants, will plunge into darkness and place themselves in grave danger.
Only the Truth will save you. I Am the Truth. Follow only Me, for nothing else can bring you love, peace, eternal joy or happiness. Only by following Me and My Holy Word – as I gave it to the world, where it has not been tampered with – can you be saved.
Your Jesus.
I ask you, dear children, to pray for all those who devote their lives to God’s Call and for this Mission. This Prayer is to be said for all of God’s prophets, visionaries and holy servants, so that they continue to serve Him as He fulfills the Final Covenant.
Crusade Prayer (155) For Protection of the Mission of Salvation:
My beloved children, you must present your Prayers each day to my Son, for the protection of this Mission against the hatred of Satan. When you do this, every Blessing will be given to you.
To those of you who are able, please have Masses offered up, as often as you can, for God’s prophet Maria Divine Mercy and for all of God’s servants, so that through God’s Mercy, all souls will be united with Him in His Kingdom, forever.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation.
My dearly beloved daughter, how I long to reach out to those who have lost faith and those who no longer believe in Me, as well as the ignorant. These Messages are for the world – not just the elect, who greet Me with every honour and whose souls are filled with love for Me. I love everyone, but I rely on the faithful to spread the Word of God, so as to enkindle within those hardened closed hearts the fire of My Love.
If you love Me, you will do onto others all the good deeds that I taught you. You will treat others, as I have loved you. You will be patient with those who scorn you for wearing the badge of Christianity. You will embrace the weak: teach them My Love in all that you say and do. To be a Christian means to uphold My Word in every way.
You must never forget that My Love is Divine. My Divinity is beyond reproach and that the Power of the Holy Spirit is invincible when it is Present in any Work that is Mine. My Works are powerful and will grow and spread like a strong gust of wind with a velocity that is beyond your understanding.
So when I make Myself known with My Word – My Messages to the world – if you embrace Me, I will show great Mercy to all who take up My Cup willingly. When you accept the Gifts I give to you and use them, as I desire you to, for the good of others, then great miracles of conversion will take place. My Love, when you accept it from Me, will spread to others. When others receive your love, they too will recognize where it comes from.
My Love, when instilled within your souls, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, will bring you to your knees before Me, weeping for joy. Make no mistake; you will recognize the Love of God instantly when it pierces your heart by the Power of the Paraclete. Then you will understand the Power of Love for I Am Love.
I Am the Power by which every demon, every fallen angel and Satan himself fall on the ground in agony, for they have no power over Me.
When you allow My Love to fill your souls, you too will have the power, within you, to defeat every kind of evil in the world. My Love destroys the power of Satan and all his demons. My Love will be your weapon against the wickedness, which you will have to face because you speak in My Name. Accept My Love and always love My enemies. Do not hate My enemies, for that is exactly what the evil one wants you to do, so that he can spread hatred. Love, when spread, breeds love within others just as hatred breeds doubt, fear and anger. Love is the only way to defeat hatred. Hatred cannot defeat Love if it comes from God.
I desire to give you this Crusade Prayer to protect you from hatred.
My dear followers, you will need My Protection more than ever as this Mission grows. My Love will always cover you and I will make Myself known to you through My Word, the Grace of the Holy Spirit and by the conversion, through prayer, which this Mission of Salvation will bring the world.
Never doubt My Divinity or the Power of God, for without Me you are nothing.
Your Jesus.
My dearly beloved daughter, people may ask why is it important that the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass be retained at all costs? The Mass is the focal point of My Presence – My True Presence in the world. My Presence brings both Life and Light. It will bring Life to the soul and fill it with a unique Grace. It will bring with it Light – My Light – which is more powerful than the sun. A glimmer of My Light is enough to light up a room that is in darkness. As long as My Holy Eucharist is held in great glory upon the altars of My Churches, there will be life. Without it there will be darkness. When I Am not Present, there is no Light. Without My Light there is nothing but darkness of the soul. No peace. No love. No hope. No Life.
Whatever new rules will be forced upon you in the name of evangelization and modernity, in My Name, know that if My Eucharist is no longer revered, as It should be and as It was meant to be, you can be sure that it will not be long before It will disappear altogether.
On the day that this happens there will be a darkness, which will descend upon the Earth. You will not see it, but you will feel it in the cold hearts of men, for by then humanity will have changed. Once My Presence diminishes, the gates of Hell will be opened and the antichrist will take My Place in My Church. It will be he who is not of Me, who will sit on the throne that is rightfully Mine. And it will be before him that My Church will lie prostrate at his feet. That will be the greatest betrayal of Me, your Jesus, since Judas handed Me over to My enemies to be crucified.
It is My Church, which will be persecuted first and those who are weak of faith will pay homage to the beast. It will be those men who will claim to represent My Church – who will crucify Me, once more. When the imposter declares that he is Me, the hours will begin to tick and then with a deafening sound of the skies parting and the peal of thunder, My Return will be made known. The world will then understand the Truth of My Promise to Return to reclaim My Kingdom, finally, and to bring unity to My Church, My True Church – those who remained loyal to Me, through all the trials and tribulations.
Nothing can prevail against My Church, for under My Leadership and direction It will remain impenetrable against the beast and all those traitors who will have betrayed Me for their own gain.
Hear now My Promise. All that I told you would happen will happen. All that I promised you will be fulfilled. All that is Mine is yours. You all belong to Me. Cling to Me for dear life, for without My Protection, you will fall into error and that would break My Heart. Never forsake Me, for he who hates you. I will never forsake you, because I love you too much. I pull you towards Me and still you withdraw. Why? What are you fearful of? Don’t you know you are of Me and that this is a natural birthright? Lean on Me, My beloved followers, for soon you will feel lost and will not know where to turn. And I will be waiting, to bring you My Love and offer you comfort.
Come. Do not fear Me. I come only with love to bring you My Peace.
My Light brings you sight.
My Love brings you hope.
My Heart brings you comfort.
My Hands heal you.
My Eyes see you.
My Wounds draw you.
My Body feeds you.
My Pain is yours.
Your pain is Mine.
My Mercy will save you.
My Word is your path to My Kingdom.
Your Jesus.
My dearest daughter, My Desire is that each one of you respond to the Call of the Most Holy Trinity at this time. The Power of the Blessed Trinity is beyond the interference of man and by the Grace of My Love, I reach out to humanity to declare the Truth.
Be not afraid of your Father, for I Am yours and you are Mine. All Power is in My Hands and I make great exceptions in order to unite the world. Many souls are indifferent to Me. They shun Me, deny My Existence and insult My Divinity by placing false gods, made of molten gold, before Me. All that is made of clay will be replaced by a renewed existence. Nothing on this Earth is eternal. Everything turns back into dust. All that is eternal is not of your world. I created man in My Likeness.
I blew forth life and you were given breath and it is I Who will take it away. All begins and ends with Me and no man can or will dictate how I will unite My children. That task is Mine – not yours. My Plans to salvage souls – the good, the bad and the wretched, will not be destroyed. Damaged, perhaps, but never ruined, for all that I say will be and all that I desire will come to pass.
I know each of you, as you were born out of My Love. Whatever your circumstances, they evolved because of Divine Providence and there is a reason for everything.
Those of you who do not know Me – you are also Mine, for I created you.
You did not evolve from the species. To believe that, is to deceive yourself and serves only as a means, planted by the deceiver in your hearts, to deny Me. By denying Me, your Eternal Father, you deny Eternal Salvation. And by denying the Truth of My Existence, you will separate yourself from an existence of eternal glory.
All Mercy is Mine. I lavish My Mercy on those whose hearts are pure; who have love in their souls because they have allowed Me to enter into them. The main obstacle to receiving Eternal Life is the pride of humanity. Pride is the single biggest barrier to uniting yourself to Me. You may know Me, through My Son; understand My Word, but you do not practice what you have been taught. Love comes from Me. When there is pride in the soul, love dies within it and is replaced with hatred. Pride comes from Satan and it is abhorrent to Me, just as it is distressing.
Let Me love you by accepting My Word and the Gifts I gave the world through the biggest Sacrifice of My Son’s death on the Cross. I gave you life. I gave you Myself, through the Manifestation of My Son. I lowered Myself, in humility before you, in order to defeat the sin of pride. I taught you through the prophets. I gave you the Gift of free will but you abused it to satisfy your own lusts and desires. The Gift of free will has a dual purpose – to give you the freedom to choose, so that you do not come to Me out of fear, but out of love and to defeat the power of the devil. It is your free will that Satan covets most of all and he will use every deceit to get you to hand it over to him. When souls do this, through the sin of pride, new age practices and the occult, they become enslaved by the evil one. He will then manifest, within the souls who hand him over their free will, every single one of his traits.
You will know them by their behaviour. But the one sign that their free will has been given to the evil one is when these souls constantly seek to publicly mock My Son, Jesus Christ, and His Mother, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of the World. Satan despises both of them.
If, instead, you use the free will I gave you, for the good of your soul and to love one another, this is a powerful means by which to dilute the power of Satan. But, it is those souls who give to Me, through My Son, Jesus Christ, the gift of their free will, that give the most powerful gift of all. It will be through these souls that I will defeat the evil one and the means by which I can save the souls of those who have completely separated themselves from Me.
That is My Promise. I will save the souls of even the most hopeless cases because of the sacrifices of those who give Me this gift of their free will, through My Son, Jesus Christ.
Your Eternal Father
God the Most High.