Thursday 28 February 2019

Climatic Chaos will now be experienced by a number of countries. My Father is Angry

Climatic Chaos will now be experienced by a number of countries. My Father is Angry

My dearly beloved, call on all My prayer warriors to pray for the others – they include the non-believers and those ensnared in violence and hatred. They wander desperately trying to find love and peace in their lives and find it impossible. You must pray hard for these, because without your prayers they will plunge into the fires of Hell. Do not let this happen. If they can just be encouraged to walk a little towards Me and be prepared to listen to My Words, they will be given the graces so that I can take them in My Arms.
My daughter, the world must now sit and heed Me. Very soon they will witness a series of earthquakes and floods. Chaos will be experienced in a number of countries through climatic catastrophes. These are the punishments cast down by My Father on mankind. Sin will be punished, My daughter, and those countries, which are guilty of promoting abortion, will not escape the Hand of My Father, as it will fall. Prayer has averted many such acts of punishment, yet, man continues to sin and offend My Father with vile and disgusting acts by man against man, including innocent children in the womb.
I urge you to pray now for My children in the countries, which will not escape this punishment. My Father is Angry. He will no longer sit back and watch as man destroys mankind. The Earth would implode if man is not stopped. He, My beloved Father, will withhold much of this punishment until after The Warning.
After that, despite man’s conversion thereafter, man will still continue to turn back to sin. Punishments meted out are to show man how harsh My Father can be. He loves all His children, but He created this world and man will simply not be allowed to destroy it.
Pray now, My children, for all your brothers and sisters.
Jesus Christ
King of Mankind

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Message to the Clergy – do not allow bullying by secular societies

Message to the Clergy – do not allow bullying by secular societies

baptizeMy daughter, if only more priests and members of the Christian Church would open their minds and accept that I Am speaking to the world now through these Messages, then My Heart would be lighter.
It is My devout followers who hold the candle of light as they forge ahead to spread My warnings to the world, to encourage My children to redeem themselves in My Eyes. O how it saddens Me to see how closed the minds are of those sacred servants who profess to communicate My Word, My Teachings, to the world. They break My Heart, so hardened have their own hearts become.
My Teachings espouse the fact that Divine revelations do take place and have taken place since the beginning of time. Did they think that My Mother or I, would not communicate to My children over the centuries? They are happy to pay attention to the word of saints gone by, long after their messages were given to the world, but not so today. The difference during this time is that no time will be afforded to them, to enable them to digest these Messages after the event. Because time will be no more as you know it.
I call on you, My sacred servants and My Holy Vicar, to read My Words to mankind now. Never before have you needed My intervention in worldly events as you do now. Remember, that I rose from the dead and promised I would come back.
How prepared are you now?
How often do you remind My children of the need to redeem themselves in My Eyes?
How often are you willing to hear the sins of My children when you are so busy?divine-mercy-confession
The time is not being afforded to the hearing of Confessions. You have let me down, My sacred servants, and for that you offend Me greatly. To deny My children the right to the Sacraments is unforgivable. Wake up now and follow My instruction. Do your duty to My children as you promised Me through your sacred vows. Please do not turn your back on My Teachings.
Faith, and especially that of My beloved sacred servants, is weakening considerably. This is brought about by the curse of Satan, who has walked among your midst for some time, causing havoc within and outside of My Church. Remember this, My sacred servants. This is Satan at work. You must never give in to his torments so that you pull away from your duty to Mechristians-in-iraq
Hear Me now. Heed My warnings and prepare my flock, so that they can seek redemption for their sins now. Move then, so that My Church will continue to fight for the Truth of My Teachings and not allow the bullying from secular societies to push you into a corner cowering with fear. For if you do that, you will be succumbing to the temptations of the evil one whose lies have already destroyed much of My Church.
You are My lifeline, My sacred servants, and I need you now to help Me save My precious children, as they face the torments which twist their minds to the Truth of My Teachings and the Existence of My Eternal Father.
I call on you now to listen to Me when I call you.
Your beloved Teacher
Jesus Christ

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Many souls are perishing in Hell because of the sin of pornography

Many souls are perishing in Hell because of the sin of pornography

My dearly beloved daughter, hear My Most Holy Word as I warn mankind of the urgency to beg My Father for the forgiveness of their sins.
Time is short now, as The Warning is almost upon us. Never put off until tomorrow what you need to do today. Remorse for your sins is crucial, before you ask for your sins to be forgiven. For without genuine remorse it is useless.
So many blackened souls do I see in your world, My daughter. There is little Light and were you to witness the depths to which man has fallen, you would be shocked. So many millions of My children are plunging daily, into an abyss of sinful corruption, from which they will find it impossible to pull away unless you pray for them. They are blind to the Truth and even if they were to be shown My Light now, they would squirm and hide from Me. Pray for them.
My children who are guilty of hateful sin, enjoy the fact that their evil behaviour is applauded for its entertainment value. Pornography seeps into so many homes around the world, by TV channels, which present these evil atrocities as harmless, humorous fun – these same channels which refuse to speak My Name. Violence also is glamorized not only on TV, but in games, making them so acceptable that people now consider the act of violence a natural thing.
Satan’s demons, when they enter souls, begin to manifest in the human body so that their acts become clearly visible to My followers, who cringe in horror at what they have to bear witness to. The human body, infested with satanic demons will behave grotesquely. Their physical movements will be distorted and will emulate satanic messages used by the evil one to seduce like-minded weak people. Weak souls, empty of love for God, will be drawn towards them and will eventually emulate them so that they, too, will honour Satan and all he stands for in the way they too behave.
Children, can you not see how Satan works? My followers, you must tell those who do not understand how he works in the pornographic business. This is when Satan sets out to destroy souls and suck the participants into eternal fire. Those guilty of sexually deviant behaviour and those who flaunt their bodies in an obscene, immoral way will suffer excruciating pain for eternity.
Help save them now, children, for they have no idea how their immoral impurity disgusts Me. They are covered in darkness. Bring them to Me, so My Light can embrace them and save them from the fires of Hell.
Sins of the flesh are abhorrent to Me. So many souls are perishing in Hell because of the sin of pornography and sexually deviant acts. Let them know what their fate will be unless they show remorse.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Monday 25 February 2019

Those who proclaim My True Word through visionaries will be ridiculed

Those who proclaim My True Word through visionaries will be ridiculed

My dearly beloved daughter, Satan and his demons are trying to torment you now. You must acknowledge this fact and then turn your back. Do not respond, or engage, for when you respond you give the evil one more power over you. Ignore his taunts and hold My Hand as I stand beside you to protect you from such harm.
Tell My followers that as they take up My Chalice and march forward to spread the Truth of My return to Earth, that they too will suffer. They will be insulted, laughed at and made feel foolish as they speak in My Name. Tell them that when this happens that any doubts they may have had in relation to these Messages will disappear. My children, always understand that those who proclaim My True Word through genuine visionaries will suffer ridicule just as the chosen soul, whose role it is to impart My Divine Messages to the world, does. You, My army will be no different. This will be a difficult lesson for you to absorb. Know that you will always suffer in this life when you walk with Me. Know too that only then will you realise that you carry My Cross. For only then will you be qualified to speak My Word. No prophet, no apostle of Mine has found this road an easy one. You must pray for the strength to endure these trials, which will test your faith to extremes.
When you hold My Cross to ease My load, you will be laden with the burden. If you will trust in Me completely, enfold your arms in Mine, I will hold you to give you the strength you need for this journey. A journey so laden with thorns that your feet may bleed, yet your faith will be so strong that you will not be able to live your life without My pure Love.
You, My beloved children, are My precious army. One day you will line the pathways in Heaven in glorious wonder, where the angels will sing in praise of the Work you have carried out for Me in your lifetime on Earth. I reward all My devoted followers for their loyalty and unfaltering love for Me. You are blessed, My chosen souls, that you have been given the Gift to see the Truth when others simply turn their backs.
Remember, you are now being given the Gift of the Holy Spirit and as a result you will be unable to deny Me. This road, however, will be full of rocks that may hurt your feet, boulders which will trip you up and those who will stand defiantly to block your way by bullying you and threatening you to turn back the way you came.

Lift your hand in gentle admonishment and say:“I will never deny the path of the Lord. Nor will I ever deny the Existence of Jesus Christ, Whom mankind has tried to destroy, not only during His suffering on the Cross, but afterwards too. I Am at one with Jesus Christ. I speak in His Name. I walk with Him. He lifts me up so that I too, in my humble way, might help open your heart to the pure Love He holds in His Heart for you and you alone.”

My precious army, rise now when I lead you along the bumpy but Divine pathway to the New Paradise on Earth that awaits you. Please ensure that you gather as many of My wandering children with you along the way, so that we can be united as one family.
Your loving Jesus
Redeemer and Leader of all Mankind

Sunday 24 February 2019

God the Father:”My Hand will fall with force on nations who legalize abortion”

August 29th.2011

God the Father:”My Hand will fall with force on nations who legalize abortion”

GodsimageI come in the Name of My Son, Jesus Christ. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, God of the Most High. I wish to give My children the world over this Message.
My Hand is being withheld from punishing man for the sins he commits, through the power of prayer. I will cast down a severe chastisement if man does not turn away from the sin of murder and abortion. Already you, My children, have seen My Anger through earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and other ecological turmoil.
I must chastise you, children, for you cannot avoid punishment for your offences against your fellow man.
The sins of abortion will be punished when My Hand will fall with force on those nations, which condone this abomination. You will not be allowed to murder My helpless Creation and should your governments continue to pass laws condoning this cowardly practice, you will see My Anger descends with such force that you will beg for the Mercy of life. Yet, you never stop to think of taking the life of the unborn.
Murder will no longer be tolerated by Me. You will be stopped and soon. Pray for the souls of these helpless beings and ask for redemption. Do not accept such laws, passed by your governments, run by heathens, who have no respect for life.
My punishment on countries guilty of legalizing abortion will wipe out nations. Your countries will divide into little pieces and fall into the ocean. Your vile clinics and hospitals, where you carry out these practices, will close and you, the guilty among you, will be cast into the fires of Hell for your heinous crimes.

My beloved child

I come to give you this Warning now. Never condone abortion. Put your foot down in your countries and fight to prevent this global genocide from continuing. If your governments continue to inflict their act of horror on My Creation, you will be dealt a powerful reprimand.
Heed now this, one of My most urgent Warnings to the human race. Take the life of My unborn and I will take yours. Pray hard, children, for the faith of all My children as they continue to ignore the Teachings given to you since the beginning of time.
God the Father

Choose people you know and come before My Father's Throne to save them

August 30th.2011

Choose people you know and come before My Father's Throne to save them

I need all of you, My followers, to keep praying for the blind souls who are lost.
maryand-jesus-on-crossMy dearly beloved daughter, My Heart is heaving with sorrow as I look at My precious children, who are oblivious to the changes which lie ahead.
I love them so much that I cry with a deep sadness when I see them wander around seeking Me out, but unable to do so. They know that there is a missing link in their lives, but cannot identify what it is. That link is love. I Am Love. I Am what they are looking for, but they don’t know where to look. Yet, I Am standing there waiting and waiting patiently for them to turn to Me.
So much time is being wasted, My daughter. My children look in all the wrong places, seeking out the contentment and peace that they crave. But they won’t be able to find this unless they acknowledge it will only be through humility that they will find this possible.
Until My children realize they cannot exist without love for My Father, God the Most High, they will die empty of love and peace in their hearts. I Am weary, My daughter. If only those who have shut Me out would turn to Me. If only they stopped their quest for power, money and glory, from earthly possessions then they would know the Truth.
I need all of you, My followers, to keep praying for the blind souls who are lost. Never give up, for your prayers will be brought before the Throne of My Father. Please recite the following:
“God the Most High, I come before Your Throne this week, to plead for the souls of my brothers and sisters who refuse to acknowledge Your Existence. I urge You to fill them with Your graces so that they will open their hearts to listen to Your Most Holy Word.”
Please choose those souls who are known to you and who do not want to know God The Father, and place their names before My Father.
Your gift of prayer will be rewarded with their salvation.
Go now, My army, and prepare for the next stage in this spiritual warfare against the evil one.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Saturday 23 February 2019

My army will swell to a group of over 20 million

My army will swell to a group of over 20 million

My dearly beloved daughter, the love I have for you and My followers surges through Me and brings Me such joy. How I love you all. Your dedication, humility, trust and pure love for Me, is getting stronger by the day. Can’t you feel this? This is My Gift to each and every one of you, My pure souls, who have been plucked from your daily lives to follow Me on the path to Paradise.
My children who have been awakened by the Holy Spirit, which was poured out over the world in May, will now feel a devotion to Me not known to many of them beforehand. I Am gathering My army quickly now and this will swell into a group of over 20 million souls soon. The larger the army, the more powerful will be the Holy Spirit in bringing My children together as one to fight the deceiver. My Divine guidance is now instilled in your souls whether you realise this or not. It is like, as if you have an internal switch. When My Love calls, you will respond naturally to convert others. This is the Power of the Holy Spirit and it is now being felt in every corner of the Earth.
All religions, all creeds, all races and all nations will respond to the Light of the Truth now. They are all so precious to My Eternal Father. He is now reaching out to every man, woman and child, so they will hear His call. Satan will be unable to withstand the prayers, which are recited by My followers. His grip will loosen, and soon. Prayer, and the faith of My followers, is making him furious. Because he is powerless in his attempts to place doubts in the minds of My faithful, he will switch his attention to weak sinners. These children are so confused already, and destroyed by mortal sin, that they will be drawn towards him. Because of the darkness of their souls, they will be unable to defend themselves. Pray hard that their souls can be saved.
This is an age where My Church, although facing extraordinary obstacles brought about by sin, will now be rebuilt by My followers on Earth. This will take time, but when it happens, My Church will return to its former Glory and will be renewed in strength.
It will, along with all My chosen people, merge into My Father’s GloriousKingdom. The sweetness of this event, when the world will be rid of Satan and all things evil, is to be welcomed children. This is the New Era of Peace that you have to look forward to on Earth.
Times may be difficult ahead of you, children. Focus on Me and you will survive. Then will come the peace you are waiting for.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Friday 22 February 2019

Prayer can avert disharmony in the world

Prayer can avert disharmony in the world

Divine-Mercy-SundayMy dearly beloved daughter, prayer and devotion to Me is like water given to a thirsty man. When you lack water your thirst will continue so that eventually without water you will die. For those who know Me, love Me and show devotion to Me, you must understand one thing. If you do not continue to receive My Body and pray to Me regularly, you will very quickly lose your desire for Me. Without this desire you will distance yourselves from Me, until your heads will be turned by the temptation of sin planted in your minds by Satan. Without Me, Truly Present in your lives, you are nothing, My children.
Be on your guard at all times. Prayer protects you from sin. Your devotion to Me may attract the deceiver, who will taunt you more often. However, without regular devotion to Me, you will walk aimlessly in this world.
Believers understand that prayer can avert much disharmony in the world. Already,

Pope Benedict xi

prayers said through this visionary and other seers, has eased the immediate dangers facing Pope Benedict, but not for too long. Prayer to My Blessed Mother can move mountains, dilute the impact of evil atrocities, including those foretold and convert sinners.
Remember this lesson, My daughter, prayer acts as your armour against the deceiver. You, most of all, must learn the necessity of regular prayer in your Mission. You need to spend more time in silent reflection with Me. For when you do not do this your discernment of My Messages becomes weakened and errors can occur. Be careful, My daughter, when referring to dates of the prophecies given to you. If I say months that could be anytime within a year. Never confuse human interpretation with those of the timelines given to you by Me. I have not given you any specific dates for events only guidelines. These prophecies will take place, but only by the Hand of My Eternal Father. Trust in Me more. Your prayers and those of My followers can help delay, or in some cases, avert disasters. Always remember that.
Pray, Pray, Pray. For when you do this from the heart, your prayers are heard. Pray especially for those world leaders whose lives will be ended soon through hateful evil acts. They and those with hardened hearts, guilty of the crime of inhumanity, need your prayers most of all. Always pray for sinners because I love all My children and I need your prayers to save them from the fires of Hell.
Your Ever-Merciful Jesus Christ