Tuesday 23 May 2017

June: Conversion of Souls Month

medal of salvationThe feast of the Mother of Salvation falls on the same day as Pentecost this year Sunday June 4th. I know many people will pray the novena in preparation for Pentecost.
May we also consider the novena given to us by Our Mother of Salvation as we prepare for her feast day. The Blessed Mother also asked for the month of June be dedicated to a Crusade of Prayer for the Conversion of the World.
I will share excerpts of messages and prayers given to us below 5/31/2012 https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2012/05/31/virgin-mary-june-crusade-of-conversion-month/
I urge you children to dedicate the month of June to the conversion of mankind and to ensure that they will seek salvation.
Call this month the Crusade of Conversion month and pray as one through prayer groups throughout the world. Here is the Crusade Prayer for the Crusade of Conversion
Crusade Prayer (58) Crusade of Conversion Prayer
O dear Jesus I call on you to embrace all God’s children and cover them with Your Precious Blood. Let each drop of Your Blood cover every soul to shield them from the evil one.
Open the hearts of all especially hardened souls and those who know You, but who are stained with the sin of pride, to fall down and beg for the light of Your Love to flood their souls.
Open their eyes to see the Truth so that the dawn of Your Divine Mercy will shower down upon them so they are covered with the Rays of Your Mercy.
Convert all souls through the graces I ask you for now Dear Jesus (personal intention here)
I beg you for Mercy and offer you this gift of fasting for one day Every week for this month of June in atonement for all sins. Amen.
pray_the_rosary2Children you must fast for one day each week in the month of June.
You must recite My Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily.
Doing this children you will save the souls of millions through the Mercy of My Son Jesus Christ. Your beloved Mother, Mother of Salvation
My dearly beloved daughter My followers must spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother.
This month is the time when ,through the Crusade of Conversion,  many people can receive the graces of instant conversion through the sacrifices made by those of you who respond to My Mother, the Mother of Salvation.
You need to be quiet this month.
Please, I urge you to visit your churches as much as you can to recite My Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 O’Clock.
Catholics please receive My Holy Eucharist every day if possible during this month.
For this month will be the time when the plans, silently underway to increase unrest in the Middle East, are being finalised.
I, the Mother of God, as Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix have been given the graces to destroy the serpent.

By asking me to help you I can offer you protection children from fear.
I can, with my son, give you the graces and the circle of protection which no fallen angel can penetrate.
Satan cannot harm or attack all those who say my Holy Rosary every day.
By reciting three or more Rosaries you can extend this protection for others. If even a hundred people could do this they could save their nation from the contamination spread by the evil one. You must gather together children and pray to protect yourselves.Sacred-and-Immaculate-Hearts
June4,2014 My dear children, salvation can only be bequeathed by my Son, Jesus Christ, to souls who accept His Divine Mercy. 
The Medal of Salvation, however, is an exceptional Gift from Heaven given to the world because of the great Love my Son has for all God’s children. Through the powers given to me, by the command of my Eternal Father, this Medal will be responsible for the salvation of billions of souls. This is made possible because once a soul accepts this Medal with an open heart it will result in conversion.
My role as Co-Redemptrix, in assisting my Son in His great plan to unite everyone and to bring them Eternal Life, has been established. As the Mother of Salvation, all powers assigned to me to crush the serpent’s head has meant that his power will diminish quickly. This is why he, the evil one, despises this Medal and he will use every soul he infests, to scream obscenities and fight it.
You must ignore the spirit of evil at all times and pray to me, your beloved Mother, on this special day, in the years ahead, for special Graces. I declare this day, June 04, 2014, as the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation. On this day, when you recite this prayer, I will intercede on behalf of all souls for the Gift of Salvation, especially for those who are in great spiritual darkness of the soul.
Featured Image -- 20711Crusade Prayer (154) Feast Day of Mother of Salvation Prayer:
O Mother of Salvation, I place before you today on this day, June 4th, the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation, the souls of the following (list names). 
Please give me and all those who honour you, dear Mother, and who distribute the Medal of Salvation, every protection from the evil one and all those who reject the Mercy of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and all the Gifts He bequeaths to humanity. 
Pray, dear Mother, that all souls will be granted the Gift of Eternal Salvation. Amen.
Children, remember what I have told you, always call on me, your Mother, to come to your aid in times of great need. I will always intercede, on your behalf, to bring you peace and comfort at all times in your quest to become close to my Son.
Today, the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation, will be the last day accorded to me, the Mother of God. Rejoice for all the angels and saints unite at this time, because of the souls who will now be protected from the evil one and whose fate will now rest with my Son.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

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