Tuesday 11 April 2017

New Global Rosary across 98 nations up to Easter kicks off on our internet prayer group site

New Global Rosary across 98 nations up to Easter kicks off on our internet prayer group site

Dates are different for This Easter as this is from a few years ago but Please Pray now and forever

Fatima2Our Lady (message 9 March 20120) has requested that her Holy Rosary be recited daily between now and Easter with Friday’s designated as the day when all four mysteries of the Rosary are recited in order to mitigate war.
The Fridays designated for the longer version of the Rosary 
April  (Good Friday) and April (Friday before Divine Mercy Sunday and the 8th day of the Divine Mercy Novena.)
As a result Five Fridays of Prayer and Peace with recital of holy rosary between now and Easter is being organised on our internet prayer site http://www.internetgebetskreis.com/en/
The 2 highlights will be: Easter Weekend AND the Friday before Divine Mercy Sunday.
Our spiritual director Father Fr. R. will again celebrate on each Day of Prayer a Holy Mass for the same intentions.
However because of Good Friday he will celebrate the Holy Mass two days earlier, on Wednesday. We again invite all priests to join his invitation.
See info here: http://www.internetgebetskreis.com/en/
Already this site attracts people from 98 nations and is growing. Priests from all over the world are joining in and we urge priests to support this internet prayer group by visiting this link
Here is just one response from an American priest

25th February 2010
It is my desire to become one more member of the internet prayer group…my Name is “Fr. J.” an American Roman Catholic Priest located in USA…I came across Maria Divine Mercy apparitions about four months ago and I know that they are true because the last 30 years I have been investigating many past apparitions and these are but the culmination of them…I feel very blessed to have been given the grace to understand and believe them for the benefit of my eternal life and the salvation of many other souls.
May God continue to bless us with His everlasting Love for all- Fr. J.
Global prayer is powerful and the recital of the Holy Rosary, one of the most powerful prayers, can save nations from the brutality of war.
It is only a year since this site went live with a tiny number of people helping to manage it.
Yet volunteers from all over the world have managed to translate it into over 14 languages, set up prayer groups in every part of the world and an internet prayer group covering 98 nations, without any prompting whatsoever from us.
This has happened because of the gift of the Holy Spirit that Jesus told me was poured over over the world in May 2011 in connection with this mission.
My thanks to everyone for their support which is completely inspired by their love for Jesus.
Maria Divine Mercy

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