Sunday 29 March 2015

Ecclesiastical masonry has now reached the greatest level of power within My Most Holy Church on Earth

My dearly beloved daughter, I must ask all of My sacred servants to watch out for the summons to attend retreats, which will be introduced to persuade them to agree to a new oath of allegiance, which will render useless – should they agree to do this – their most sacred vows, which they made to Me, Jesus Christ.
Ecclesiastical masonry has now reached the greatest level of power within My Most Holy Church on Earth and it will soon dictate its new liturgy, which will be in defiance of My Most Holy Will. Created by the enemies of God and disguised as a new adaptation to suit political powers, who want to ban Christianity, it will be presented so quickly that many within My Church will be astonished. They will be pained to see such an abomination, but the voices of My loyal servants will not be heard in public, for they, the Masons, control how this new liturgy will be perceived in every way. Every objection raised in dioceses throughout the world will be dismissed and cast aside. The excuse will be that the Church needs to recruit new young souls who have fallen away from it. By appealing to a secular world, they will say that this will convert more people through a new liturgy.
Oh how deceitful this abomination will be and how many will fall for the lies, which will lead so many away from the Truth. The Book of Truth was foretold to the prophet Daniel so that God’s children would never forget the Truth when they are drowning in the lies which will devour My Church on Earth.
Accept the Truth laid down by My Church on Earth. Do not accept the new laws, which you will be forced to accept in My Holy Name, which will amount to sacrilege.
Your Jesus

My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a number of years of desolation

My dearly beloved daughter, always remind those who believe in Me, but who have no idea that My Second Coming draws close, that they must always be alert to the signs which were prophesied in My Father’s Book, for the time which precedes the Great Day.
The great apostasy is the first sign. This is when belief in the Truth – the Word of God – disappears and when sin is glorified in every part of the world. The sign for when My Second Coming draws very close is when the great apostasy grips My Church on Earth from within. When you see those who say that they have been appointed by Me to lead My Church on Earth engage in the secular world in order to gain favour, you will know that the changes have begun.  When you see the Great Sacrifice – My Crucifixion – being debated and new meanings attached to My Eucharist, you will know that My Church will be cast into the desert.
By My Church, I refer to those who do not deviate from the Truth and who continue, as before, to accept the Word of God. My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a number of years of desolation. It will be trampled upon by the heathen and will suffer, but by My Grace, it will remain intact and those brave souls who refuse to desert Me will be given extraordinary Gifts by Me. As the abominable, so called ‘miracles’, healings and gestures of false humility and love for humanity are witnessed in the shell of My Church, the true miraculous interventions by Me will be seen.  I will, through My Crusade Prayer Groups, make known to those who scoff and mock them, the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Many miracles will be bestowed upon My Prayer Groups and those who recite the Prayers as a gift to help My beloved disciples cope with religious persecution.
The persecution I speak of is mainly a spiritual one. My true disciples, and I mean all Christians, of every denomination, everywhere, will watch in great sorrow when they have to bear witness to the great deceit, which will descend over the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church will embrace the secular world and will declare mortal sin to be no more.  Sin will not be acknowledged and in order to deceive the innocents, they will be told that it is not difficult to enter My Kingdom. Confessions will stop in the present format. People will be told to ask for redemption in their own way, and as such, many will not then bother to ask for My Forgiveness. They won’t do this because they will no longer accept that sin is caused deliberately and, because of this, that God will forgive all. This is the error which was foretold and which will lead millions into the fires of Hell and they will be led there by the false prophet and the antichrist.
Soon, all pagan feasts and festivals will be integrated within the Catholic Churches everywhere. Pagans and those who hate God will be invited onto the altars in front of the tabernacles. This feast will be declared to be the new form of Communion – all God’s children joining together in order to respect each other’s beliefs and human rights. You, My followers, will be asked to show respect for those who want to destroy My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. You will be accused of being anti-Christian if you do not embrace paganism. This is how you will all be fooled. This is how I, Jesus Christ, will be desecrated. They will do the same in schools, in order to banish Christianity. They will do the same in political circles, when everything to do with Me will be wiped out. No other religion will be targeted with such hatred. Christianity, because it is the Truth, will be destroyed.
What you do not realise is, that by becoming willing participants in this wicked desecration, that your souls will be darkened and in time you will forsake your own salvation.
Betray Me and I will forgive you. Deny Me and I will forgive you. But, when you desecrate Me and swear allegiance to the beast, you become completely separated from Me and you will find it impossible to accept My Mercy.
Your Jesus

God the Father: If I have to destroy cities to stop evil from spreading, then I will do this

My dearest daughter, My Hand of Justice has fallen over the world and I will punish those who hurt My children, in body and soul. You must fear My Wrath as well as accept My Mercy.
I will intervene in your nations in order to stop wars from escalating and if I have to destroy cities to stop evil from spreading, then I will do this. As the wickedness of man spreads like a virus, I will cut those souls in two and strike them down. How the evil sins of abortion, war, murder and the deceit of those who assist in the spread of sin sicken Me. They will pay the price for this now.
Those in political positions, who control the availability of abortion, will be the first to be punished. Await now as you will see how they will suffer for the atrocities which they condone before Me. Those groups, who plot the demise of the world’s population through abortion, will die in agony by My Hand. Justice will be served on them finally, as I will no longer allow them to inflict such wickedness on My children. Their arrogant claims, that they are acting in human interest, will be silenced, for they have cut themselves from Me and now they will have little time to redeem their souls.
Those given the responsibility of teaching My children the Truth of the Gospels will need to heed this Promise. I will raise you up when you tell the Truth, but I will throw you into the abyss, if and when you desecrate the Holy Eucharist.And while the liars will convince you of the need to change the Truth and persecute you, it will be nothing like the darkness, which I will cast over the entire Earth. Then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, but no one will hear you. You will no longer see, nor will you hear anything, but you will feel the pain of those souls whom you destroyed because of the apostasy, which you helped to fuel until it enveloped the souls of those sacred servants you instruct.
Fear My Wrath, for it will descend on you suddenly and by then it will be too late for you. You will never see My Face. I Am giving the leaders of all those who control My Churches on Earth this final warning.
Failure to defend the Word of God or to uphold the Holy Eucharist will result in death and despair. I will not allow you the time to destroy the souls who have been earmarked by My enemies.
Your Father
God the Most High

Mother of Salvation: Only a few will be brave enough to openly proclaim the Word of God during the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth

My child, the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth has well and truly commenced and all the signs have begun to be seen. Just as my Son was nailed to the Cross, only one of His apostles stayed with Him to the end and so too, will few of His disciples on Earth, dare to  be seen to defend His Mystical Body on Earth, as it is plundered, persecuted and then annihilated.
Very few of those who swore allegiance to my Son watched His scourging or walked alongside Him on the climb to Mount Calvary. I only had four loyal disciples – my cousin Mary; Martha; Mary Magdalene and John – to hold me up and help me in my agony as I had to witness my Son’s terrible torture. Many will follow my Son’s instructions, through these holy Messages for the world, but only a few will be brave enough to openly proclaim the Word of God during the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth.
My sorrow at this time is great as all that was foretold by me during the apparitions at La Salette and Fatima  are now unfolding before you all, but many of you are blind. Those of you who dedicated hours before me at my most holy shrines must come and ask me, your Mother, to open your eyes to the Truth. You must ask me to consecrate your hearts and souls to my Son, otherwise you too will deny Him.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Woe to those Christians who have deserted Me in favour of new age paganism

My dearly beloved daughter, every living soul has a powerful instinct to seek out God in their lives. Those who find the Love of God in its most pure form are given this Gift because of their humility and acceptance of the fact that all Glory belongs to God.
Pagans, on the other hand, in their quest for spiritual peace, seek out the Creation of the True God, rather than their Creator. Instead of laying themselves before God, My Father, the Almighty, Creator of all things, they lie prostrate before false idols, including the wonders He created for the world – the Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars. They idolize these great wonders and then believe that by doing so, this gives them great powers. What they are seeking is a form of spiritual enlightenment, which they hope will bring them pleasure and peace. Many then, through meditation and yoga, open their minds and souls to allow the spirit of evil to corrupt them. They mistakenly believe that some other power, other than that which comes from God the Most High, can bring them the peace, which they crave.
Know now that there is only one God. Any other form of adulation amounts to paganism. It does not matter what they say or how they justify their actions, they are inviting Satan to invade their souls and once he gains access, he and the demons he sends will not leave those souls alone. They will torment these souls, fill them with lies and have them believe that they possess a gift. Some believe they can heal others, through practices such as Reiki, when what they do instead is infest others including the innocent. When pagans chant, to attract spiritual gifts, they say that this brings them peace. While many believe this, know that within a short period of time – once the spirit of evil has entered their minds – they will become agitated and no respite will they find. Every pleasure of the senses is constantly sought out by them and all they will receive in return will be a darkness of the soul.
Paganism brings a terrible disquiet and, in lands where the heathen cry out to the false gods, they incur the Wrath of My Father. Many such souls do not understand what they are doing, but recognise them by the ways in which they will adorn their bodies, as they consider themselves sacred vessels in the eyes of the false idols they claim to worship. Love, humility or personal sacrifice for the good of others, will be lacking, for they only worship the senses. They do not understand that their souls are a Gift from God and so they give them away in the pursuit of perfection, which can never be theirs.
During The Warning, I will awaken within these souls the Truth as to Who they belong to. Pray that they will accept My Hand of Mercy. Woe to those Christians who have deserted Me in favour of new age paganism. They are the ones who do not want My Mercy and would prefer to dabble in nonsense, because it feeds their egos when they believe that they have the power to control matters of spirituality. While they seek personal perfection in this way, they cut themselves completely from God. By doing so, they open the door to the evil one, who will seduce and hypnotise them through the appeal of superstitious promises, which lead to their souls becoming barren where the Love of God cannot thrive.
Your Jesus

So many have forgotten Me and in many instances take Me for granted

My dearly beloved daughter, how lonely I feel when so many, including those loyal to My Holy Word, spend so little of their time in My Company. How I yearn for their attention, even just for one moment in the day. So many have forgotten Me and in many instances take Me for granted. Don’t you know that by just speaking with Me, for only a short time, that I will pour My Graces over you? Those who comfort Me by talking with Me – in whatever way is easiest for them – gain an inner peace which cannot be found elsewhere in the world.
In your pursuit of pleasure, comforts and titillation, your bursts of satisfaction are short-lived. Nothing, including the greatest worldly treasures, will fulfill you. It is because of Me – My Great Mercy – that you have been granted the greatest treasure – the Gift of a life filled with great glory, wonderful surroundings, a perfect, beautiful body and the ability to feel a permanent love, which will overwhelm you, but will bring you immense happiness. This is Eternal Life and the time for Me to bring you over into My New Kingdom on Earth is close.
When you speak with Me and ask Me to prepare you for this Great Day, you will be ready, but it takes time to make the changes which are required of you for the Great Day of the Lord.
Like a bride and groom, you must have everything in place before the Day of the Great Blessing. You must prepare your family, your friends, your relatives, well in advance. Then on the Day, when I come to witness this Glorious Transition, you must be prepared in both body and soul, so that you are made worthy to enter the New Paradise.
For each day you spend, busy with the needs of others, you must save at least ten minutes of that day atoning for your sins. This is very important, for I love you and welcome you. To communicate with Me properly, you must always come before Me first as a humble servant. When you kneel before Me or simply communicate with Me in your heart, always begin by saying:
“Jesus forgive me, for I have sinned.”
After this, you will feel My Presence and I will live within your soul. The more often you turn to Me, the closer you will become. Soon, I will be like a friend you cannot live without. Then you will turn to Me for every little thing and I will be there. I will always ensure that those of you who spend time in My Company will be given great favours and My blessings will produce calmness of soul and peace of mind. Remember that I respond instantly to those who seek Me out.
Your Jesus

The four parts of the world I refer to are the four big empires – the US, Russia, Europe and China

My dearly beloved daughter, the four parts of the world I refer to are the four big empires – the US, Russia, Europe and China. All prophecies foretold will involve these powers, around which all the upheavals in religious and political structures will occur.
Syria and Egypt, through the unrest in their countries, will become the catalysts for a greater war, which will involve the four great powers. Each of these powers will be connected in order to create a unified regime, which will be used to control the global wealth and population.
The religious war will be central to this control and the appointed leaders in My Christian Churches will be overcome and destroyed in preparation for the beast, who will control all four empires. None of the rulers, who defy the Word of God or who try to destroy His children, will be given the authority by God to take, by force, those whose names are in the Book of the Living. And while I speak of Christians and the need for them to remain true to Me, I also refer to the Jews because their protector, Michael the Archangel, will watch over them and help them to withstand the persecution which they, as God’s chosen people, will also have to endure.
God’s Plan has been created and all the angels and saints in Heaven prepare now, to help Me in My Mission to unite all and protect those who love Me from the great deceit, which has been created to fool the world. Never before has the wickedness against God been so co-ordinated by the human race as it is today. Never before has mortal man been capable of inflicting so much suffering, through the seizure of power in order to control, as it has at this moment of time in history. The great persecution against God’s children, created by Satan with the willing support of evil, power hungry men and women, in positions of great power, is unfolding before your eyes. Yet, many of you cannot see because you have been fooled.
Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation for priests: To remain true to the Church of my Son on Earth you must be prepared to feed His flock

My child, many signs will be made known from the Heavens, upon the roofs of my Son’s Churches, when the final changes are made in the Liturgy of the Holy Mass. All those who keep their eyes open and their ears alert will witness the Anger of my Son in a way in which they cannot fail to notice.
My Son promised that He would make known His Anger when they, within His Church on Earth, crucify Him again by defiling His Body and Blood during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Thunder and lightning, followed by great storms, will sweep people off their feet. More floods will be witnessed, when the sins of man will be swept away as they begin to see punishments from God, which will pour down upon humanity.
Slaves to sin – even those who love my Son and who remain loyal to the Holy Mass – and so they will not know the difference when the abomination is presented. Remember, it is to commemorate the death of my Son that the Holy Mass is said and where the True Presence of my Son is made known. Soon, they will not acknowledge the Truth and the new mass will become a pagan ceremony. That day is still to come and it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly – so fast will the false prophet move.Now is the time for preparation. All those sacred servants, who are to remain loyal to the Most Holy Eucharist and who will adhere to the Holy Word of God, must begin their preparations now.
To remain true to the Church of my Son on Earth, you must be prepared to feed His flock with the Food of Life, that is His Holy Eucharist. This is the vow you made to Jesus Christ when you said you would serve Him and provide His Body and Blood, through the Holy Mass, to all those who seek salvation. This vow must be honoured until the last day.
Do not fear the times ahead, when the enemies of God will try to use His Holy Name to condone sin and make it acceptable to all; when they will deprive all of His Body and Blood. This will not matter if you continue to serve my Son in whatever way you can.
Go in peace in the hope that all of you who love my Son will be blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, so that you will be able to discern the Truth.
Your Blessed Mother
Mother of Salvation

Many will betray Me by accepting falsities

My dearly beloved daughter, My Power will surge within the hearts of believers now as they, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, will feel a sense of calm despite the great apostasy, which they are beginning to witness in My Church.
I will, by the Power and the Glory of My beloved Father, give you, My cherished disciples, great strength and courage during these trials. You are being given these Gifts through the Crusade Prayers, because without them you would find it impossible to withstand the religious persecution, which lies ahead. You are being given these Gifts so that you can save the others, who will refuse My Call from Heaven and who will wander, innocently, into the lion’s den, where all Hell will break loose. Once, within the den of darkness, they will be swept up into pagan rituals. Their souls will be opened up to the spirit of evil and, within a very short period of time, they will become blind to the Truth – the Holy Word of God, laid down since the beginning.
Many will betray Me by accepting falsities. Yet, they were given the Truth by My death on the Cross. Many of My disciples, when I walked the Earth, betrayed Me on the days leading up to My Crucifixion. Imitating the Pharisees, they shouted these words: “Get away from me, You speak heresy. You mock the Pharisees, who speak in the Name of God. You are a liar and You speak evil. You are the son of Satan.”
Now that I prepare all of you for My Second Coming, you will spit out these very same accusations again. I come now, through these Divine Messages from Heaven, to bring you the Truth, although you know all about Me. I do this for the Truth will be abolished in My Church. You will soon accept lies in My Name and the Truth will be nowhere to be found.
Remember these Words. I come only to complete My Promise to My Father. I come to bring you the final salvation you were promised. Satan does not want this to happen, yet he cannot stop Me. But what he will do is to prevent many of God’s children from accepting My final Mercy. He will do this through the help of My enemies, whom he has now seduced within My Church on Earth.
Wake up those of you who are asleep. I will come like a thief in the night. Only those who are prepared will be saved.
Your Jesus

Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted

My dearly beloved daughter, much will happen in the world as the power of the false prophet rises and anyone who dares to challenge him will be ignored, even in the highest places within My Church.
Political disagreements will result in four parts of the Earth. Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted. As these empires increase in power, they will control many parts of the world, but not all, as this would not be permitted by My Father.
Each of these nations will fight amongst themselves, although they will claim to be working together. As mistrust builds, they will each try to outdo the other and then the fighting will bear forth. They will destroy many parts of their poor nations. The people over whom they will govern will have little power left, where democracy will hang like a thread. It is these innocent and suffering people who will be given the Protection of God if they have the Seal of the Living God.
Never underestimate this free Gift from God. The Seal of the Living God will protect you from physical and spiritual death during wars. Please get this to as many people as you can in every nation.
Egypt and Syria will be embroiled in a power struggle ,which will have repercussions for Israel. The enemies of the Jews are many. All wars which target and involve these two countries will result in a final battle, which will involve Israel and they will suffer the worst genocide witnessed since the Second World War.
The demise and rise of Jerusalem is foretold and these battles must take place before the prophecies are fulfilled.
Your Jesus

No man, no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, has the authority to rewrite the Word of God

My dearly beloved daughter, My poor sacred servants will, after the Liturgy has been tampered with and desecrated before Me, come running to Me in great sorrow. Only when that happens, will they realise that the Word of God is being made known through God’s prophet, and that it is the Truth. The Word of God is the Truth. It can only be the full Truth or not at all, if the prophecies given to God’s children are from Him.
Many will gather and unite to prepare to pay homage to Me, in the way which honours Me, for nothing will stand in their way to uphold My Holy Word; My Holy Sacraments; My Holy Mass and the Most Holy Eucharist. But even then, many will not see the errors, which are going to be presented to unsuspecting souls.
Only when the Church of God is declared to be in union with pagans, and their ludicrous practices, will more of My sacred servants truly understand what is happening. Only when the pagan symbols and satanic signs begin to be shown inside of, upon and at the exterior entrances to Christian Churches, will they run for their lives. There will be great fear in their hearts, because many of them, at that stage, will have nowhere to go, as they failed to prepare for this day. These will be the ones who will be hunted down because they did not respond to My Call. Their pride and their egos prevented them from recognizing My Voice. So many of My sacred servants will be caught unawares, and many will be powerless against the reign of the false prophet and his cohort, the antichrist. These two will be ruthless in their quest to control all nations and anyone who dares to stand in their way will be destroyed.
While those sacred servants within My Church on Earth will be trapped, unless they are prepared, it is the souls of the faithful, the loyal followers of Me, Jesus Christ, who will be misled into grave error, which causes Me such bitter sorrow. Many will be afraid to show disloyalty to the Church, even when My Teachings, My Holy Doctrine, and all the Sacraments have been altered. Let them know now that no man, no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, has the authority to rewrite the Word of God. When they do this, they have broken God’s Law. Only the Church of God, which remains faithful to My Teachings, is infallible. Once that bond – the bond where only the Truth is declared in My Name – is broken, they become separated from Me. I Am the Church. You, My followers, My sacred servants, are part of Me when you adhere to My Holy Doctrine.
The Church – My Church – will remain intact, for the Truth can never change. Those who separate from Me can not be part of My Church on Earth.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (122) For the consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

Dear Jesus I ask You to consecrate me, my family, friends and nation to the Protection of Your Precious Blood.
You died for me and Your wounds are my wounds as I gracefully accept the suffering, which I will endure in the lead up to Your Second Coming.
I suffer with You Dear Jesus as you try to gather all of God’s children into Your Heart, so that we will have eternal life.
Cover me and all those who need Your Protection with Your Precious Blood.

Recite this special Crusade Prayer to consecrate all those close to you so that I can cover them with My Precious Blood.

My dearly beloved daughter, I ask that you all recite this special Crusade Prayer to consecrate all those close to you, so that I can cover them with My Precious Blood.
Crusade Prayer (122) For the consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Dear Jesus, I ask You to consecrate me, my family, friends and nation to the Protection of Your Precious Blood.
You died for me and Your Wounds are my wounds as I gracefully accept the suffering, which I will endure in the lead up to Your Second Coming.
I suffer with You, dear Jesus, as You try to gather all of God’s children into Your Heart, so that we will have Eternal Life.
Cover me and all those who need Your Protection with Your Precious Blood.
All you need to do is trust Me and I will protect those who call on Me for the salvation of their own and other souls.
Go and prepare for the Day of the Judgement. I bless you all and I grant you the strength to continue with your devotion to My Crusade Prayers.
Your Jesus

At My Second Coming, I will judge every person who remains alive on the Earth at that time according to what they have done for the Glory of God

My dearly beloved daughter, when I said that I would come again to judge the living and the dead, I meant just that. The First Judgement must be fulfilled and by this, I mean that at My Second Coming I will judge every person who remains alive on the Earth at that time, according to what they have done for the Glory of God. My Judgement will be harsh, for My Mercy will have, by that stage, already been poured over the Earth.
Those amongst you who remain defiant to the end, through your rejection of Me – although the Truth will have been made known to you – will be cast away from Me. You will never accept My Mercy, no matter how I plead for your salvation. Your denial and hatred of Me will bring you eternal suffering and I will shed bitter and sorrowful tears for you. Oh how you will crave the comfort of Earth, though you wasted your time there in the wicked pursuit of sinful pleasures and power and where you oppressed others. Earth will seem like a long lost paradise when you scream for My Help in the depths of darkness.
Those amongst you who love Me, but whose souls have been blighted by sin, must have no fear for I will devour you with My Mercy when you ask for it. All sinners will be saved once they redeem themselves in My Eyes, no matter how grievous their sins are.
The living who are in My Favour will be lifted into My Glorious Paradise. They include every sinner, every creed, every race, who have called out to Me, their Saviour, the Son of man, and all those who ask Me to save them.
I will raise the dead, those who have been purified in the depths of Purgatory, as well as those who are awaiting, patiently, in Heaven, for the arrival of this Great Day. The rest will be banished.
Your time on Earth has been decided by My Father and this day is still unknown to Me, but I tell you this. You, of this generation, will be gathered and taken into My New Paradise when Heaven and Earth will become one. You have been given the time to prepare, so use it for good measure, so you can have Eternal Life and share it with your loved ones. I now ask you to consecrate every loved one, your family, your friends and your nations to Me, so that I can cover them with the Protection of My Precious Blood.
Your Jesus

I come for you to take you to My Father. I come to fulfill His Divine Will and to complete the Covenant

My dearly beloved daughter, when you find this Work difficult and hesitate to give the world bad news, you must understand that you are only the messenger. You are an instrument of the Holy God, the Most High and it is your duty to respond to His Call. Your obedience is essential and you must not fear the repercussions, which may befall you as a prophet of the Lord.
All events foretold have been laid down in the beginning and form part of God’s Plan to complete the Covenant to gather His children, finally, so that they can live in harmony in His Divine Will. The final battle between My Father’s hierarchy and the evil one means that many people, who leave themselves exposed, will become infested by sin and will turn against their brothers who remain loyal to God.
When the battle is being fought many wicked atrocities will be carried out, by the enemies of God, against His beloved children. But as I have told you before, they can only go so far, because they do not have the power to destroy humanity, although they believe that they do.
Take comfort, all of you, because My Father will intervene with the wicked actions of those who want to control all nations and He will strike them dead – those who dare to hurt His children. Many poor souls will suffer during such persecutions, but My Father is ever-merciful. His Power cannot be touched. His Hand is Almighty. He can, at any time, cast away His enemies. But the prophecies foretold, and which must take place before My Second Coming, are a reality. They will unfold in a way, which may not be obvious to all of you, but know this. Prayer is your weapon. Prayer will provide you with the armour you need to defeat the evil one. Prayer will dilute the impact of war, suffering and every kind of persecution inflicted upon the human race by the enemies of God. Prayer will save you and all those for whom you pray. Your prayers will destroy evil and when the Great Day comes you will cry tears of joy when you witness the New Generation, those billions of people who have been salvaged because of your response to My Call.
While My Messages bring a mixture of sadness, fear, frustration – they also bring hope because they create much conversion. My Father’s Plan is unknown to most of you. What you need to understand is this. His Plan will destroy all His enemies. By allowing all these trials to take place, He will free the human race, at last, from its bondage to sin. Be patient. Be calm. For soon joy, love and peace will finally be yours for eternity.
I come only because we are as one – one holy family in God’s Kingdom. I come for you to take you to My Father. I come to fulfill His Divine Will and to complete the Covenant. I come to bring you the Truth.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

God the Father: For those born into pagan families, through no fault of your own, I will grant you Mercy

My dearest daughter, the human race is, to a large extent, impervious to My Existence. So many know little about Me, their Father, their Creator. My sacred servants, including all those who believe in Me, the Creator of all that is, have failed to prepare humanity for the punishment which will face them if they do not acknowledge the error of their ways.
A desire to believe that ‘all will be well’ has meant that many of My children do not believe in the existence of Hell. This is a place where people who refuse My Mercy, My intervention to save souls, go. Mortal sin, unless it has been erased through reconciliation, will lead souls into the abyss of Hell. Those who may not be guilty of mortal sin, but who do not believe in Me and instead believe in an existence which has been created and fabricated in their minds by false idols, have much to fear.
Reject Me, your Creator, and you will turn yourselves against Me.  You will cut yourself off. Many of you, when the Truth of My Divinity is revealed to you, will fiercely oppose Me and nothing I do will save you from the fires of Hell. I can use every Divine Power, but I can never force you to accept My Mercy. Nothing, only the prayers of chosen souls, will help you. This means that you will never see My Face.Anyone who tells you it does not matter if you do not accept My Existence is lying. Only those who accept Me, and through the Mercy of My only Son, can enter My Kingdom. If you are a kind and loving soul and still reject Me – even when the Truth is made known to you – you, too, will also be cast away from Me. No Eternal Life will be yours.
I grant the Gift of Purification upon all of you now, but in particular to atheists and pagans. This Purification will be painful, but in many cases it will open their eyes to the Truth.  For those born into pagan families, through no fault of your own, I will grant you Mercy. But for those of you who were given the Gospels and who know about the Existence of the Triune God and who now reject Me, there is little hope for you, until you turn back and atone for your sins. Then you must beg for the salvation of your soul.
Your Father
God the Most High

Crusade Prayer (121) Allegiance to the Army of Jesus Christ

We stand united to Your Sacred Heart, dear Jesus.
We speak with authority the True Word of God.
We will walk to the ends of the Earth to spread the Truth.
We will never accept any new false doctrine in Your Name, other than that  You taught us Yourself.
We remain true, loyal and steadfast in our faith.
We will treat those who betray You with love and compassion, in the hope that they will come back to You.
We will be firm, but patient, with those who persecute us in Your Name.
We will walk victorious all the way to Your New Paradise.
We promise, that through our pain and suffering, we will bring You all those lost souls who are starved of Your Love.
Please accept our prayers for all sinners in the world so that we can become one family, united in love for You, in the New Era of Peace. Amen.

My Plans to redeem the world are being brought to fruition. All is in place now

My dearly beloved daughter, all of My Plans to redeem the world are being brought to fruition. All is in place. My Army is formed. They will now grow and expand everywhere, bringing along with them the many souls I yearn for. This Army has been given great Graces by Me and by the Power of the Holy Spirit they will keep the Flame of Christianity burning and they will carry the Torch of Truth until the Final Day. They will bring the Light of God into the darkest corner and they will open the eyes of millions to the True Word of God, as the apostasy devours My Church on Earth. I grant them this Crusade Prayer to help them pledge their allegiance to Me.
Crusade Prayer (121) Allegiance to the Army of Jesus Christ
We stand united to Your Sacred Heart, dear Jesus.
We speak with authority the True Word of God.
We will walk to the ends of the Earth to spread the Truth.
We will never accept any new false doctrine in Your Name, other than that You taught us Yourself.
We remain true, loyal and steadfast in our faith.
We will treat those who betray You with love and compassion, in the hope that they will come back to You.
We will be firm, but patient, with those who persecute us in Your Name.
We will walk victorious all the way to Your New Paradise.
We promise, that through our pain and suffering, we will bring You all those lost souls who are starved of Your Love.
Please accept our prayers for all sinners in the world, so that we can become one family, united in love for You, in the New Era of Peace. Amen.
Go, My Remnant Army, in the knowledge that you will be given all the help and Graces to succeed in this last Holy Mission on Earth, so that I can gather all of God’s children off the face of the Earth and bring them into My New Paradise.
Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: These Medals will convert all souls, who are open to the Mercy of my Son, Jesus Christ

O, my child, just as I loved my Son, from the moment I looked into His beautiful Face, so do I love all of God’s children as my very own.
I am the Mother of God, but I am also the Mother of all of God’s children, as I pledged to help them in their moment of final salvation. My Son, when He crowned me at my Coronation in Heaven, gave me the authority to become the Mother of the twelve tribes – the twelve nations in the New Jerusalem. Before that day dawns, I, as the Mother of Salvation, will seek out souls everywhere and draw them to my Son. I help Him in this onerous task and just as my Heart is entwined in His, it is also entwined within the hearts of those who truly love my Son.
As your Mother, I love all of God’s children. I feel the same love for each of you as any mother feels for her young. I see God’s children as if all of them were just little children. I feel their pain. I suffer with my Son when He looks upon sinners, who reject the Love He has for them. How He agonises over them and how many tears I now cry as I watch the wretchedness of man grow because of the spread of sin. Yet, there is still much love alive in the world. This love, when it is pure, will withstand the darkness and, like a beacon, it will attract souls towards it. This is the way God will work in order to enlighten humanity. He will use the love of those who love Him to bring Him the souls of the rest.
My duty is to offer as many sinners as possible the chance to save their souls. I do this through the apparitions, which are witnessed when I appear, in order to ignite the faith of sinners everywhere. I now do this by providing the Medal of Salvation. My child, as I have said, this Medal must be made available to the world through you and based on my instructions to you. These instructions are only being made known to you. These Medals will convert all souls who are open to the Mercy of my Son, Jesus Christ. This will then result in the salvation of millions.
Thank you, children, for opening up your hearts to me, your Mother and for showing obedience to my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind.
Your Mother
Mother of Salvation

The doctrine of darkness – the great apostasy which will spring from the loins in My Church – will descend like a great thick mist

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am the Voice in your midst, Who tries to make Myself heard among those leaders who spread apostasy and who rule in the four corners of the Earth.
The doctrine of darkness – the great apostasy, which will spring from the loins in My Church – will descend like a great thick mist upon all unsuspecting Christians very soon. The plan to suppress the Truth has begun and soon, twisted versions of My Holy Doctrine will become clear to many of you. But, while they will trade the Truth for lies, the Holy Spirit will rise against My enemies. My Light will still be visible amidst all the confusion, which the leaders of the greatest apostasy of all time will bring to bear on the world. They will not rest until the world become like heathen, with no love for Me, Jesus Christ.
The secular world will be deemed to be the just one, the one where each man will be encouraged to follow their own lusts and desires. Every attempt will be made to dampen the Presence of the Holy Spirit. They will deny My Suffering on the Cross and the significance of the need to earn salvation, though it be given to anyone who redeems himself to Me, and who asks for My Mercy. They will not just force feed God’s children with lies about Me and My Teachings, they will persecute those who question such lies.
Those who challenge the leader of My Church, from within, will be dealt with ruthlessly and not a shred of mercy will be shown. Those of you who accept false doctrines, from those who say they represent My Church, and know in your heart that they could not come from Me, then I will help you. I will comfort you as I guide you. You must never deny the Truth or give into those whose lust for power means that they will lie in My Name, if they can remain on favourable terms with My enemies. Your faith will be truly tested.
I come now to bring you the Truth, only because you will be denied the Truth. When this happens, you will not be allowed to declare the Truth to other souls who cannot survive without it.
Pray for the Mercy of your own souls and for those who will be led into grave error by My enemies.
Your Jesus

Those amongst you who suffer greatly and who may have lost all hope in life, know that you are in My Heart

My dearly beloved daughter, My Heart yearns for the world and everyone who lives in it and I promise you that I will do everything to unite all of you, God’s children, within My Heart.
I love every man, woman and child, no matter who they are – whether they are powerful, rich, influential, humble, poor or just simple people, living ordinary lives. All of you were chosen to be born by My Father, Who created you. Each soul has a purpose and every one of you is a cherished child of God.
Those amongst you, who suffer greatly and who may have lost all hope in life, know that you are in My Heart and that I feel your pain deeply. I suffer within you. You must never give up hope, because I have a place for you in My Paradise. When you give up hope, you are turning your back on your future, which is full of My Light. This future is My Gift to you and all is Mine. I will take away your worry. Just call to Me and say: “Jesus, take my terrible pain and suffering away and let me feel Your Love.” and I will lift your heavy burden instantly.
When you feel empty and believe that no one truly loves you, you must know that I Am there beside you, because I will always love you, no matter how far away you have strayed. When you believe that you have nothing to live for, then know that My New Paradise will give you Eternal Life. But you must persevere with your suffering in this life first. Yet, I will ease your suffering and all you have to do is ask Me to.
Many of you feel worthless, unloved, unsuccessful, unfulfilled and of little use. You feel like this because the world is obsessed with so-called success and ambitions. Only the few, the elite, seem to achieve such great heights. The pressures created by the world’s media to celebrate wealth and beauty only serve to destroy the confidence of ordinary man. It is not necessary to impress others. It is not necessary or desirable to impress Me with your so-called success. Work hard, by all means. Use the talents given to you by God, but use them in order to serve others and for the good of all. But know this. It is the weak, the humble of spirit and those with a simple love for Me, Jesus Christ, whom I will raise up to the greatest glory in My Kingdom. Those who suffer now will never suffer again in My New Paradise.
My Promise to come to gather you all will be fulfilled during My Second Coming. Look to this day with longing and joy, for it is not far away and then I will bring you the Gifts of love, joy, happiness and Eternal Life. Persevere and come close to Me. I Am with you. I will never desert you, but you must not separate yourself from Me because if you do, you will be lost to Me. Come, lay your head upon My Shoulder. Let Me comfort you. Let Me put an end to your sorrow. Let Me wipe your tears away. Let Me grant you My Peace.
I grant you a special Blessing now. Take it. Accept My Hand and all will be well. I love you.
Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: You will be mocked for failing to recognise the new interpretation of Catholicism

My child, my Heart is entwined with that of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, at this time of great sorrow when the persecution of all of God’s children is increasing.
Every person in the world, particularly those without money, influence or possessions, will suffer because of the greed of those who control many nations. My Work to help my Son achieve the final part of His Covenant to save humanity has begun to be seen in many ways. I will, by the Power of God, guide all of those who are distraught with grief, because of the suffering in their lives, into the Refuge of my Son’s Protection. Those who have to endure such poverty, such hunger, such anguish, such injustice – whatever it may be – will be comforted when you ask me to pray for you.
Those of you who have to suffer, because you bear witness to Jesus Christ, the Saviour of humanity, will be given extra strength at this time when you ask Me to help you. The greatest injustice within my Son’s Church will soon be witnessed, where both ordinary believers and sacred servants alike, will be accused of disobedience against the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
You will be asked to take an oath – to be recited like the Apostles Creed – to declare your allegiance to an altered form of worshipping God. By swearing, through this oath, not acknowledged in the Most Holy Bible, you will place your soul in great danger. The liturgy will be changed and new additions declared, while other parts, recited for many years, will no longer be made known. This wicked plan will be justified because they will take all the attributes associated with my Son and declare these to be the reason for such changes.
This is why those of you who are loyal to my Son will find it deeply disturbing and your souls will suffer greatly. And while you will continue to pay homage to my Son, you will be mocked for failing to recognise the new interpretation of Catholicism and Christianity. You must never lose courage, during these trials, because you are, dear children, favoured by God and He will remain with you right up to the end.
Never turn away from the Truth. Never believe anything, which did not come from God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

The more you are hated, My disciples, the more you are loved by God

My dearly beloved daughter, don’t you know that, as more of you follow My Messages, you will be tormented by those who wish to silence My Voice?
As this Mission continues, by the Command of My beloved Father, every effort will be made by those, especially in My Church on Earth who oppose these Holy Messages, to force you to stop following them. These objections will increase and every kind of twisted logic, arrogant denial of the Truth and falsified theology, will be used to drown out the Voice of God.
The more you are hated, My disciples, the more you are loved by God, because only those who follow Me and live their lives according to My Teachings will suffer in this way. If you are exalted, favoured and chosen by the world as a living saint, where no fault is found or the error of your ways publicly identified, then you are not chosen by God, for you defy what is expected of God’s servants. Without expressing the Truth and by twisting My Truth, in order to excel yourselves in the eyes of the world, you will be thrown to one side while I seek out My true servants. 
My true servants love Me and are moved by My Holy Spirit. Their sorrow, which is expressed in their eyes, because they suffer with Me, can be seen clearly by those who have been given the Gift of the Holy Spirit themselves. Never do these pure souls condemn others or try to block the Word of God, for they are incapable of doing this.
You must pray hard at this time – all of you – for these holy servants of Mine are under attack because of Me. I stand with them, but many will fall and crumble under the pressure to remain silent when they are forced to present to their flock the doctrine of lies to come.
Your Jesus

It is time that the Crusade Prayer Groups must be set up and spread across the world

My dearly beloved daughter, it is time that the Crusade Prayer Groups must be set up and spread across the world. These Prayers are given by the Power of God and great miracles are associated with them.
These Prayers will spread conversion, provide physical healing and dilute the impact of war, hunger and poverty. Today I bequeath to you a new Prayer which will help to reduce the terrible suffering which will be brought on by war.
Crusade Prayer (120) Stop the Spread of War
O my sweet Jesus, take away the wars, which destroy humanity.
Protect the innocents from suffering.
Protect the souls who try to bring true peace.
Open the hearts of those afflicted by the pain of war.
Protect the young and vulnerable.
Save all souls whose lives are destroyed by war.
Strengthen all of us, dear Jesus, who pray for the souls of all God’s children and grant us the Grace to withstand the suffering, which may be given to us during times of strife.
We beg You to stop the spread of war and bring souls into the Sacred Refuge of Your Heart.
Go, all of you who hear Me, and ask Me for the Graces you will need to endure My Pain at this time.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (120) Stop the Spread of War

O my sweet Jesus, take away the wars, which destroy humanity.
Protect the innocents from suffering.
Protect the souls who try to bring true peace.
Open the hearts of those afflicted by the pain of war.
Protect the young and vulnerable.
Save all souls whose lives are destroyed by war.
Strengthen all of us, dear Jesus, who pray for the souls of all God’s children and grant us the Grace to withstand the suffering, which may be given to us during times of strife.
We beg You to stop the spread of war and bring souls into the Sacred Refuge of Your Heart.

My Holy Word may not be changed or adapted so that it becomes something else

My dearly beloved daughter, while I continue to make every effort to reach out to the world, through these Messages – still many devout followers of Mine, fail to accept My Hand. These precious souls of Mine are vulnerable because many will fail to see the way in which their faith will be used to endorse the new, soon-to-be liturgy, which will fail to honor Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of man.
Many will assume, incorrectly, that the new liturgy and the new mass – although changed greatly – can do no harm. So many will quietly question some of the contents, as well as the format and find them strange. Yet very few will challenge them as they will believe that these are blessed by the Church and so therefore, they cannot be wrong. What they do not understand is that My Holy Word may not be changed or adapted so that it becomes something else. My Church is infallible, but should any so-called servant or leader in My Church twist the Word of God or rewrite the meaning of the Holy Eucharist, then they blaspheme against God. 
I was denied by humanity and crucified when they, including the leaders in God’s Temples, rejected the Truth. When anyone – no matter how high they stand amongst you – denies the Truth, they are guilty of heresy and do not come from Me. Yet, they would have you believe that the Truth is a lie. They will deny all that you have been taught by Me to live full Christian lives. They will spit at Me, but lead you along a path, which they will say leads you to Me, but it will not.
These things, foretold, will soon come to pass. Be prepared. When you see the signs, then know that these prophecies can only come from God.
Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: The only way to Eternal Life is through my Son, Jesus Christ

My child, none of you must ever forget that my Son died in order to salvage humanity. He freed all souls from bondage to the beast. He gave all of you the Gift of Salvation and in order to receive Eternal Life, you must come to my Son and ask Him for this Great Gift.
The only way to Eternal Life is through my Son, Jesus Christ. Because He is so merciful, He allows everyone the chance to come to Him, by their own free will. He gave the world the Truth and, by His Gift of His death on the Cross, He opened the way for all to live in eternal peace and in His Paradise.
Many do not accept my Son nor do they believe in God. If you do not believe in God or accept the Gift of Salvation, then you separate yourself from God. Because of this Final Mission to save souls, including the souls of all sinners, as well as those who refuse to acknowledge the Existence of God, my Son will perform a Great Miracle. During The Warning everyone will see the proof that they have a soul and many will be converted. Those who will not convert and who remain atheists cannot be given the Gift of Salvation, for they will refuse His Hand of Mercy. Those souls will reject Him in the most defiant way and nothing, but your prayers, can save them.
Those who refuse every attempt, every intervention and every Mercy, to bring them into the New Paradise, will be cast away. For theirs will not be the Kingdom of my Son, because my Father, Who bequeathed humanity with the Gift of free will, will never impose His Will over any of His children.
Pray, pray, pray that atheists will accept the Hand of Mercy, which my Son will extend to every single one of them. Remember to recite the Crusade Prayers to save these poor little souls. 
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Mother of Salvation: A new, bitter world war will be declared

My dear child, I must, on the instructions of my Son, Jesus Christ, reveal that the wars, which will unfold now, in the Middle East, will herald the great battle, as a new, bitter world war will be declared.
How this breaks the Sacred Heart of my poor suffering Son. The hatred, which infuses the hearts of those leaders, entrusted with the responsibility of running their countries, by ordinary people, will spread. They will betray their own nations. Millions will be killed and many nations will be involved. You must know that the souls of those who will be murdered and who are innocent of any crime will be saved by my Son.
The speed of these wars will escalate and no sooner will four parts of the world become involved than the Great War will be announced. Sadly, nuclear weapons will be used and many will suffer. It will be a frightening war, but it will not last long.
Pray, pray, pray for all the innocent souls and continue to recite my Most Holy Rosary, three times a day, in order to ease the suffering, which will result because of World War III.
Thank you, my child, for responding to my call. Know that there is great sadness in Heaven at this time and it is with a heavy heart that I bring you this difficult news.
Your Mother
Mother of Salvation

No sacred servant of Mine can condemn anyone in My Name

My dearly beloved daughter, how few of those who believe in God, or who accept Me as the Son of Man, truly love Me. They say that they do, but many do not live according to My Teachings. You cannot say that you love Me and then condemn others. You cannot hurt another person, through harsh words and then say that you love Me, at the same time.
Who amongst you is free of sin? Which one of you exalts yourself before Me and then speaks cruelly against another? You will never be able to say you speak in My Name when you slander another. This is an affront to God and those of you who behave in this way offend Me. Those of you who speak evil of another, when you say you defend Me, only separate yourselves from Me. Yet you think that your actions are justified. When did you think that I would uphold such behavior and why do you believe that you have the authority to do these things?
When you are committed to My Service and then speak cruel words against any of God’s children, you commit a grave sin. No sacred servant of Mine can condemn anyone in My Name. You may be familiar with My Teachings – you may be knowledgeable about all that is contained in My Father’s Book, but when you slander another, in My Name, I will cast you away. It will take much penance on your part to seek My Favour again and even then, until you beg Me to forgive you, it will be a long time before you are fit to come before Me again.
Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: Every single Sacrament will be changed beyond recognition

My child, when they placed the Crown of Thorns on the Sacred Head of my Son, it was not just to inflict terrible physical torture, it was to make a statement. It was done as a symbolic gesture. They were saying as they mocked Him that this Man, Who says He is Head of the Church and Who calls Himself the Messiah, will not be tolerated. They defile the Head of the Church when they Crowned Him and they will defile Him again during these times.
It will not suffice that they, the enemies of Christ, take over my Son’s Church from within – they will desecrate Him in many other ways. They will change the hosts for Holy Communion and the meaning of what the Holy Eucharist is. They will say that It, the Holy Eucharist, represents humanity and that it is a sign of a new communion – a gathering of all people as one in the Eyes of God. You, my children, will be told that you are all in communion with each other and that this is a cause for celebration.
The Holy Communion is the Body of Christ and is His Real Presence. It cannot be two different things. Yet, they will twist the meaning – all you will be left with, eventually, will be a piece of bread, for when they desecrate the altars and the Most Holy Host, my Son’s Presence will cease.
Every single Sacrament will be changed beyond recognition. So cunning will the enemies of my Son be, that the holy ceremonies will be seen to have changed only a little. The Sacrament of Confession will be abolished, for the beast does not want souls to be redeemed, because this would be a victory for my Son.
Children, you must keep asking me to intercede, so that the pain of these future events can be eased and the time cut short.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

I bring Gifts in stages, depending on the purity of the soul

My dearly beloved daughter, the Living God, present in humble souls, will become more pronounced as My New Gift is being poured over each of those alive in the world at this time.
I bring Gifts in stages, depending on the purity of the soul. My followers, in every church all over the world, will feel a rekindling of their love for Me as I envelop them with a greater understanding as to My Promise to Come again. My Gift will mean that they will be able to see, through the cobwebs of darkness, how the Truth begins to make sense. They will know now that I speak to them, because they will feel My Presence in their hearts. They will be blessed with knowledge, given to them by the Power of the Holy Spirit, to enable them to prepare adequately for My Second Coming.
My followers will be led by the Holy Spirit and they will not betray Me nor will they accept blasphemy, presented to them in My Name. This is why My Word will now spread more quickly and soon the Holy Spirit will create a longing in their souls for the Great Day when the final trumpet will peal out to announce My Coming.
Fear not, My beloved followers, I Am with you, though you suffer. Soon, you will grow in great numbers and this will give you the confidence to remain true to Me.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (119) To feel the Love of Jesus

Jesus help me, I am so confused.
My heart won’t open to You.
My eyes can’t see You.
My mind blocks You.
My mouth cannot utter words to comfort You.
My soul is clouded with darkness.
Please take pity on me, a poor sinner.
I am helpless, without Your Presence.
Fill me with Your Graces, so that I have the courage
to reach out to You, to beg You for Mercy. 
Help me, Your lost disciple, who loves You, but who no longer feels love stir in my heart, to see and accept the Truth. Amen.

Your life is but just a fleeting moment in your entire lifetime. You are in exile

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My greatest desire to Call out to people all over the world, who have cut Me out of their lives, to come back to Me. Many souls, led by the idea that God may not in fact Exist, have decided to forget about Me, their beloved Jesus. I fret for these poor, confused people because I love them dearly and miss their company.
If you have wandered away from Me and find it difficult to reconcile your view of a modern fast-paced world with a simple belief in Me, Jesus Christ, then let Me help you to understand. You are separated from Me because of sin. When sin blights your soul, a darkness descends upon it and this makes it difficult to accept the Light of God. When this happens, your heart becomes hardened. And then your intellect becomes involved and this is when you will mistakenly believe that God could not Exist, because logic dictates that He can’t.
Your life is but just a fleeting moment in your entire lifetime. You are in exile. The Truth lies in the future, when you will finally come home to God in your natural state. I understand how hard it is for man to remain close to Me as he faces so many distractions, temptations and darkness on Earth.
When you feel you cannot feel My Presence or My Love, I want you to recite thisCrusade Prayer (119) To feel the Love of Jesus
Jesus help me, I am so confused.
My heart won’t open to You.
My eyes can’t see You.
My mind blocks You.
My mouth cannot utter words to comfort You.
My soul is clouded with darkness.
Please take pity on me, a poor sinner.
I am helpless, without Your Presence.
Fill me with Your Graces, so that I have the courage
to reach out to You, to beg You for Mercy. 
Help me, Your lost disciple, who loves You, but who no longer feels love stir in my heart, to see and accept the Truth. Amen.
It is not easy to be in union with Me. You must persevere until you feel My Presence in your soul. Call Me and I will run and embrace your poor wretched soul and take you, lead you and bring you to your eternal salvation. No matter what you have done, you must never be afraid to call to Me. I respond to every sinner, no matter who they are. Not one of you is without the stain of sin. I await your call.
Your Jesus

Medal of Salvation & Scapulars

The Medal of Salvation is in the process of being designed and will be published, for the first time , shortly on this website. This design has not been made public It will be made available throughout the world as soon as possible.  The Scapular which will feature the Seal of the Living God will also be made available shortly. Admin Team

Crusade Prayer (118) For the lost generation of young souls

Dear Jesus, I call out to Your Mercy for the lost generation of young souls.
For those who do not know You, cover them with the Gift of sight.
For those who do know You, but who ignore You, draw them back into Your Mercy.
Please give them the proof of Your Existence soon and guide them towards those who can help them and guide them towards the Truth.
Fill their minds and souls with the longing for You.
Help them to recognise the emptiness, which exists in them because they do not feel Your Presence. I beg You, dear Lord, not to forsake them and in Your Mercy grant them Eternal Life. Amen.

Don’t you know that a whole generation of young people are removed from Me at this time

My dearly beloved daughter, as the anger rises against these, My Prophesies, given to the world to prepare all of you for My Second Coming, know this. This Mission has one goal. That is to save all souls – everyone alive in the world today. It does not matter how harsh the criticism leveled against you is, My daughter, because I will forge ahead, relentlessly, until My job is done. No man will stop Me from saving souls, for I will trample on those who dare to stand in My Way, so that I can save those souls who have fallen from My Favour.
Because of the paganism which sweeps the Earth and the weakness of faith, which exists amongst believers, don’t you know that a whole generation of young people are removed from Me at this time? My Mission focuses on such afflicted young souls, who in most cases were denied any knowledge of Me, Jesus Christ. Because there are so many, in every nation, I must reach out to them in whatever way is most likely to get their attention.
Remember, those Christians amongst you who have been fed the Word of God since you were young children are blessed. Because of this you have a duty to pray for the lost generation. Please, I ask you to pray for these young souls with this Crusade Prayer:
Crusade Prayer (118) For the lost generation of young souls
Dear Jesus, I call out to Your Mercy for the lost generation of young souls.
For those who do not know You, cover them with the Gift of sight.
For those who do know You, but who ignore You, draw them back into Your Mercy.
Please give them the proof of Your Existence soon and guide them towards those who can help them and guide them towards the Truth.
Fill their minds and souls with the longing for You.
Help them to recognise the emptiness, which exists in them because they do not feel Your Presence. I beg You, dear Lord, not to forsake them and in Your Mercy grant them Eternal Life. Amen.
How I long to reach out to these young children and wrap My Sacred Arms around them, so that I can whisper Words of comfort into their ears and give them peace of soul. They are Mine and without them the New Paradise would be empty of those I pine for the most. Help Me to save them.
Your Jesus

Do those of you who mock Me now, because you reject My Messages, really believe that I would divide My Church

My dearly beloved daughter, at last, you offer Me thanks for this very difficult Mission. I know how much pain it causes you to proclaim the Word of God, because it creates much anger amongst those who believe they are the elite.
My daughter, know that while I grant you favours, you will always walk alone and you will end up in the wilderness, just like the prophets before you. I will send some to help you, but you will always be isolated. But I will always keep you company, while the wolves will hunt you down.
Tell those who call themselves My true disciples, priests and sacred servants, amongst you, this. I will always hear the voices of the little, the weak, the humble and those pure of heart. Even if they are frightened of My Messages, I will always favour those who truly love Me. Who are these I speak of now? I refer to those who have never forgotten what I told them. Carry My Cross, follow Me, but be prepared, for when you declare the Word of God without malice, you will suffer My Pain. No matter how civilized you believe the world to be at this time, you will be hated when you stand up, defiantly, against those who hate Me. When they hate Me, they will crucify you.
I listen to the meek. I bless those who carry out My clear instructions to you, to love one another, no matter how they torment you. Those of you who reject Me, through these Messages, must never, because of your doubts, spread hatred against anyone in My Name. I, Jesus Christ, tell you now that the devil has come to declare this final assault on all of God’s children. Those of you who refuse to listen to Me, will fall for the charm of his devout servants.
Don’t you know that My Church will be attacked by Satan and that this has been foretold? My enemies will walk amongst you and, yet, you do not accept that I would allow this. Know that the Battle of Armageddon comprises of two sides. Those who believe in God and follow the Word of God and the evil one, his army and all those he deceives. Satan will deceive many in My Church and only those who remain alert and who watch out for doctrinal errors, will be able to withstand the seduction. The seduction is the most powerful tool used by the deceiver. He deceives by appearing to proclaim the Truth.
I urge those poor souls, those who love Me and who remain true to My Church on Earth, to listen. You must remain true to My Church and accept discipline, when your superiors remain true to what I gave the world, through My death on the Cross. The time for choice is close. The abomination has not happened yet, but when you see the errors, which go against My Teachings and My Gift of the Sacraments, walk away. That day is close. Then you must gather and continue to follow the Rules of My Church, as they were laid down before you by Peter.
Do those of you who mock Me now, because you reject My Messages, really believe that I would divide My Church and ask you to deny My Teachings? Wait until the day, when you are asked to swear allegiance to lies, in the Name of My Holy Church on Earth, before you dismiss My prophet. Only My Love for you is so strong do I not cast you aside and allow you to be devoured by demons.
Your Jesus

I chose twelve simple men, uneducated and ignorant of Holy Scripture, who were poor fishermen

My dearly beloved daughter, when I walked the Earth and entered the Temples of God, to reveal the Truth, I was treated, at first, with patience. Many priests were astonished by what I knew and by Me, the humble Son of a carpenter. So they listened, with attention, as I explained more of what was expected of them, as laid down in My Father’s Book.
I knew from the age of twelve what My Mission was and I began slowly, not revealing too much, before the time was right. I knew that I had to prepare the world for the Coming of the Messiah. I also knew, within a short period of time, that My Father’s Church on Earth, would deny Me and say that I was a fraud.
I chose twelve simple men, uneducated and ignorant of Holy Scripture, who were poor fishermen. Why did I do this? I knew that the knowledge I would give them would be accepted as it was. Without any previous knowledge of Holy Scripture, they would not, therefore, compare My Teachings with the Holy Scripture and try to find fault by examining them carefully. This would have meant that many of them would not have had the nerve to spread the Truth. They were sneered at by those in high places in the Church, who claimed that ignorant men were not worthy to be chosen by God, to spread His Holy Word, over them. Surely, with their education in matters of spirituality and position in the Church of God, that God would only choose  His Church to prophecise the Good Word. They failed to understand that God only chooses the humble and the ignorant, in this way, because they do not argue. They do not challenge and they have no fear of being rejected, for they know no better. God, remember, does not choose those who exalt themselves before others. This could never be.
This is why you, My daughter, are hated amongst My Church on Earth. This is why they pull My Messages apart and ridicule them. This is why they mock you, because you are not deemed worthy to spread My Holy Word. How they grieve Me. The hatred you will see will be influenced mainly by the Catholic Church. They will never accept that a prophet, who has no knowledge of the Most Holy Bible or My Teachings, can be sent. They will say that you spread heresy. They say this because they are so far removed from My Teachings that they have begun to believe in their own lies. Know that My prophet for the end times has been sent and not chosen, for this could not be, as this, the Last Mission, has been created by My Father Who only sends His own.
I warn those of you who mock Me, by making little of these Messages – My Holy Word, you must come to Me, now, in Holy Adoration, immediately, every single day, until you hear My Voice. Only then can I take you and show you what I need from you at this crucial time in your service to God.
Your Jesus

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