Once you have Me, you have everything
Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 @ 20:14

frightened. And there are times when man despairs and all hope evaporates from his life. Then there are times of wretchedness
when man cuts himself off from those he loves – when he feels that life is just too difficult for him to endure. I say to those who
endure such pain to call Me and ask Me, your Jesus, to take away all your suffering. Offer Me all your trials, when they become
too much for you to bear. It is at that moment, when you surrender your terrible anguish, that I will lift the cloud which darkens
your soul and which confuses your mind.
Never give in to suffering. Never feel that everything is hopeless, because once you have Me, you have everything. I Am your crutch in this life and only I can help you. Man must always strive to survive, fight injustice, uphold virtue and never be afraid to
proclaim the Truth. But when that which you witness brings you great pain and suffering, because of injustices, only I can sustain
you during such tribulations.
Nothing the world has to offer can bring you true comfort in your times of need. Only I, Jesus Christ, can grant you the
peace of mind and the strength and courage to withstand hatred, injustice, persecution and isolation. I must be your first
choice in your time of need, when you must call out to Me. Only I will bring you calm, peace and freedom from anxiety, for I
Am Love and when love resides in your soul you can do anything.
Your Jesus
Love can defeat every affliction suffered by the human race
Monday, March 3rd, 2014 @ 23:37
My dearly beloved daughter, think of Me, with love in your heart, for it is only through Love do I communicate to the world,through the Book of Truth.
By the Command of My Father, I gather all of His precious children, as one with Him and in Him. It is Love, which permits
this Divine Intervention. My Father endures Pain, Anger, Impatience and Frustration, because of the stain of sin, which blights
the souls of each of His children. But it is His everlasting Love for all of you, which keeps the Light of God aglow on Earth.
Without this Light, there would be only darkness, not just of spirit, but on Earth itself. Daylight would not exist. The sun would not
shine, nor would the moon brighten the night. The stars would disappear. Yet, all of these Gifts remain in place because of the
Love of God. When this Love is reciprocated, it brings great joy to My Father, for He knows that once the spirit of love is
present in souls, it can overcome all darkness of the soul.
Love can defeat every affliction suffered by the human race. Love for one another will destroy evil. Love for God will destroy
Satan’s power over man. Loyalty to the Commandments of God will perfect the soul and, in turn, then save the human race from
banishment and separation from God.
When the Light of God is retained in your hearts and the Love of God for one another is present in your souls, then every evil can
and will be conquered. When you love God, you will feel a deep peace within you, for when you show your love for Him, He will fill
you with His Graces. You must always take comfort in the powerful Love, which God holds in His Heart for each of you. Whoever
you are, whatever grievance you may have caused Him and no matter how wicked your sins are, He will forgive you –
always. All you must do is to call on Him, by asking Me, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to intervene on your behalf
through reconciliation.
Come to Me with your prayer and say: “Jesus, take me under Your Refuge to my Father and bring me Eternal Salvation.”
When you come to Me, with true remorse in your soul, yours shall be the Kingdom of Heaven.
Your Jesus
Wars will escalate, until the Great War is declared
Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 @ 17:00
My dearly beloved daughter, it is important that people, the world over, turn and ask Me to protect them from the scourgeof war, at this time.
Wars will escalate, until the Great War is declared and then the greatest enemy, that is communism, will create great
turmoil amongst all nations.Power and a hunger for it, is born out of selfishness. Those who seek power will, in time, have
none, when they have to stand before Me. Those who persecute the weak and the vulnerable will suffer their own persecution,
thrice that which they inflicted on others.
These wars will end in turmoil. Lives will be lost, but then the war in the East will trigger an even bigger war. When this war
takes place, millions of lives will be lost. When all seems hopeless, the man of peace will appear and then the beginning of
the end will be witnessed.
My Life, My Presence, will ensure that hope, love and prayer will continue, so as to ease the pain of God’s children, during these
times. All wars, I assure you, will be short. All these terrible events will be short-lived, but know that when they take place, that the
timing of all that is meant to be will be in My Father’s Hands.
Your Jesus
I Am All-Merciful. I do not seek revenge
Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 @ 21:25
My dearly beloved daughter, remember that God always judges in favour of the oppressed. He will never exalt those who exaltthemselves. For every man that is exalted, the lowest of the low in your world will be exalted in My Kingdom. The oppressors in
your world will become the oppressed, on the Final Day of Judgement.
I Am All-Merciful. I do not seek revenge. I do not reprimand you by replicating the wrongs you did to others, the hatred you inflicted
on others or the harsh way you judged others. So great is My Love, that I will forgive you any sin, except eternal sin, which
curses the Word of God. I will always forgive you, no matter how you crucify Me or My servants, sent to redeem you. Not since
My Crucifixion has humanity witnessed My Intervention, like now, as I bring you the Book of Truth.
The time is near now, as I gather all nations for the final reunion. I will take those who are of Me, through their acts, their
words and their deeds, into a new beginning, which will become the new world, the New Paradise. My Kingdom will be yours. I
will gather My people, from every corner of the Earth. Some will be Mine, while the others will be punished for their wickedness.
Those who are called, as well as those of you who were chosen from the beginning of time, will be like lions.Courage will be
given to you from Heaven and you will need this if you are to overcome the hatred, which will be shown against you.
Please never fear My enemies. Ignore their venom. Their voices may roar and their screams may be deafening, but they
have no power over you. If you are truly Mine, then the fires of Hell will never prevail against you.
Your Jesus
Wrong will be seen as right and right will be seen as wrong
Thursday, March 6th, 2014 @ 13:45
My dearly beloved daughter, when people try to encourage others to sin, they do this in various ways, which may not seemapparent.
The temptation to sin is a seductive one and the victim will always find it difficult to pull away. In the case of theft, the sinner will be
attracted to the grand prize, which will be his, should he agree to steal. In the case of physical assault and bodily harm inflicted on
another, the victim will be seduced by hatred, presented to him as being a good thing. He will be convinced that he is simply
involved in a punishment, which is necessary, in the name of justice. In other cases, the victim will be drawn into committing sin
and will see nothing wrong with it, because the allure will be so attractive.
Sin and the temptation to engage in the act will always be presented as being a good thing, harmless, and in many cases will be
perceived as being right. Wrong will be seen as right and right will be seen as wrong. Every thing Satan is involved with, and
particularly when he tempts man, with every conceivable reason, to turn his back on God, will be back to front. Everywhere Satan
is present there will be confusion. Nothing will be as it should be. Nothing good can come from his infestation. Souls who
participate in his schemes will, during and after the sin has been committed, suffer from a deep unsettling conscience. The
important lesson here is to avoid situations where you are faced with temptation. To do this, you must pray for the strength to
remain in a state of Grace.
Let no man ever believe he has enough will power to withstand the pressures placed upon him by the spirit of evil. When
you believe this, you will fall suddenly and unexpectedly. You must remain alert, every minute of every day, for you never know
when the evil one is at work. He is very cunning and very careful. For many, they have no idea how Satan works, but one thing is
clear. He will bring you nothing but misery and sorrow. You must, therefore, pray each day the prayer to Saint Michael.
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May
God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into Hell Satan
and all the evil spirits who roam the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Satan and every demon, who roam the Earth, are working, very hard, to take you away from Me at this time – more than
any other time since I walked the Earth. You must keep your eyes on Me and listen to Me, so that I can continue to protect you.
Your Jesus
It is through the influence of the devil that you become unclean in My Eyes
Saturday, March 8th, 2014 @ 13:37
My dearly beloved daughter, the Power of the Holy Spirit is at its strongest at this time in the world, through theseMessages. As the hatred, which Satan has for humanity the world over, has become intense, so also has the Power of the Holy
Spirit increased and, with great strength, will strike out at the core of evil.
Always remember that the battle, which exists between God and Satan, is for the souls of man. And while every power and
Grace is poured over mankind by My Father – every wicked deed and act is perpetrated by the evil one over souls. Many people
are impervious to what is happening and sadly many give themselves willingly to Satan by opening up their souls and allowing
him to enter them.
It can take some time before Satan really manifests himself within souls and for those who continually seek reconciliation through
Me, Jesus Christ, they will be given the Graces to stand up to him, in order to protect themselves from succumbing to acts which
can lead to complete depravity. I urge all of you to pray for the souls who fall victim to Satan’s wicked schemes and
intent. Please recite this Prayer:
Crusade Prayer (139) For the strength to defeat evil
Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the devil. Cover me and all those who are weak and defenseless in his presence with Your
Precious Blood. Give me the courage to deny him and help me to avoid any attempt by him to engage me in any way, every day.
Please do not ignore My warning, about the dangers of engaging with the devil, by succumbing to his wicked
ways. When you emulate his traits, which include lying, self-indulgence, inflicting of pain on others and slandering your neighbor,
then you will know that he has devoured you and it will only be through Me, and the Graces I impart to you, that you will be able to
withdraw from the grip he will hold over you.
Always call out to Me, Jesus Christ, when you know in your heart that it is through the influence of the devil that you become
unclean in My Eyes.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God
Sunday, March 9th, 2014 @ 17:25
My children, you will always be under my protection when you call on me, the Mother of Salvation, throughout this Mission. I am aservant of God and my role is to serve my Son, Jesus Christ, and help Him in His quest for souls, which will cover the
whole Earth. Not one nation will be excluded by Him. My Son’s Plans, to prepare the world, include every race, nation, creed
and every man, woman and child will be aware that He is coming to help them. He does this because of the deep Love, which
God holds in His Heart for His children.
Many people, who do not practice any religion, will be unable to ignore the Intervention in the world by my Son, Jesus
Christ. They will be overcome and unable to comprehend, at first, the extraordinary spiritual experience they will feel, in
every fibre of their hearts and souls. What a joy The Warning will be for many people, as it will bring with it the proof of my
Son’s Existence. With this Gift, many will be filled with a peace they will have never felt before, as well as a great longing to be in
the company of Jesus.
While all doubts about the Existence of my Son will flee from the minds of those who are blind to the Truth of the Word of God –
for many, they will need spiritual direction once the Truth of The Warning is revealed. After The Warning will come a great desire
to give glory to God. This will be a period of great trials; because the enemies of God will do everything possible to convince the
world that The Warning – the Illumination of Conscience – did not take place.
When God humbles Himself to call out to His children and when He begs them to listen to Him, this is one of the greatest Acts of
Generosity on His part. Children, accept The Warning with good Grace, because for many it will be the lifeline they need to
live in the world without end. Never reject great acts or miracles from Heaven, for they are for the good of all, so that salvation
is granted to the masses and not just the few.
Always give thanks for my Son’s Great Mercy. You have heard how Generous He is and soon you will bear witness to the
extent of His Mercy, which will encompass the world.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
To demand the rights of Christians will be tantamount to breaking the law
Monday, March 10th, 2014 @ 15:30
My dearly beloved daughter, very soon you will hear a number of announcements by impostors, who have infiltrated MyHouse on Earth. The heresies which will come tumbling out of their mouths and by their acts will result in new laws, which defile
the Word of God and which will be forced upon all those who are faithful to the Word.
The Sacraments will become fewer and the number of Masses will slowly be withdrawn until they are rarely held. Every
excuse will be made, but all of this will hide the real reason behind their motives. You, My beloved followers, are witnessing
everything which My beloved Mother foretold at La Salette and Fatima. You must understand that the plan is to desecrate every
Church of God, before the antichrist sits on the throne in My Temple, in all his vile glory. Those who demand answers will be
ignored and later ridiculed for daring to question those who claim to lead My Church on Earth.
Every sin in the Eyes of God will eventually be dismissed. Not only will sin be rejected, but will be presented in every vile
form upon My Altar. The abolition of sin will be seen in the indoctrination of children’s education. Children, especially, will
be force-fed heresies. They will be told that if they do not accept these teachings that they will be guilty of judging harshly those,
who declare sin to be a good thing. Children will be instructed to never openly proclaim the Word of God in the presence of others
for fear of being accused of being anti-human rights.
Any attempt to promote morality, in any way, amongst the young, will be violently opposed and condemned. Christians, and those
who publicly declare their right to implement Christian Teachings will be beaten down and silenced. Their words will become
whispers and people will be ashamed to admit they are Christians. And while the rights of non-Christians will be upheld, it will be
the rights of atheists, which will be declared to be of paramount importance. As I have told you, hatred against Christians will
mount on the outside of My Church. Then, on the inside, it will be taken apart piece-by-piece until nothing is left but a shell. The
bricks and mortar will still be in place, but My Church on Earth, as you know it, will have changed beyond your understanding.
My people are My people – those who will uphold the Holy Word of God and who continue to avail of the Holy
Sacraments, which will be made available to you by My brave and courageous sacred servants, who will never desert
When you hear My Word – contained in the written Word and passed down for centuries in My Father’s Book – being questioned
and analysed, with a desire to rewrite It, then you must know this. I do not authorize such heresy. I condemn these traitors
because of the souls they will lead astray. You, too, must never listen to anyone who tells you to deny My Word.
Soon, you will see every law in your countries and churches change, to welcome every kind of sin and legislate for
this. Both sets of laws will blend together as one until, eventually, the Word of God will not be discussed or adhered to. To
demand the rights of Christians will be tantamount to breaking the law and will be punishable in many ways. For those of you who
do not believe that these things are possible, then, you will, sadly, witness these things in your own lifetime and as foretold.
How many of you will remain true to My Word? My Teachings? Not many. Yet, it is those who say that they honour Me now and
who are dedicated to My Church, who will be the first ones to turn their backs on the Truth.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: They will present a new red book, with the head of a goat embedded within its cover
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014 @ 20:39
My dear child, when I gave birth to my Son, this meant that I not only delivered the Son of man, the Saviour of the world, but alsobrought about a new beginning. The world was redeemed by the birth of my precious Son and mankind was given a very special
Gift. This Gift was rejected, but humanity still benefits today, because so many have accepted the Truth.
The birth of my Son heralded the birth of His Church on Earth, as both were borne of me, a mere handmaid of the Lord. It
will be me, the woman clothed with the sun, who will be banished by the serpent, along with my Son’s Church, into the
desert. Every trace of me, the Mother of God, will be wiped out. Apparitions, which are attributed to me, will be ridiculed
and people will be instructed, by the enemies in my Son’s Church, to reject all credence associated with them. Then, my
Son’s Church will be discarded, along with those who are true followers of Christ. The Holy Masses will cease and while all of
this is going on, the serpent will scatter his servants and they will claim their seats in every Christian church. Such will be the
magnitude of this takeover that many people, true believers, will be so astonished that they will be too frightened to stand up and
object to the desecration they will have to witness, for fear of their lives.
During this time, my Son’s Remnant will gather in every nation, the world over, and lead the lost and the bewildered, during this
terrible period of infestation. This Army will be given great power over evil, which will be witnessed in what once were the
Churches of my Son. They will, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, preach the Truth – the True Gospels – the True Word, given to
the world in the Holy Bible. The Bible will be challenged openly, by imposters in Christian churches and they will question every
Teaching, which warns of the danger of sin. They will twist its contents and they will present a new red book with the head of a
goat embedded within its cover, hidden inside the symbol of the cross.
To the outside world of unbelievers, this will appear to be a revolution and one, which will fascinate them and appeal to those who
reject the Existence of God. Great celebrations will begin in many nations. They will welcome the celebration of freedom, from all
moral obligations, in the name of global unity and a celebration of human rights.
The Light of my Son’s Presence will be held high, like a beacon, by those who will lead my Son’s Remnant Army. This Light will
continue to draw souls, everywhere, despite the spread of paganism across all churches, of every creed, with the exception of the
two witnesses – the Christians and the Jews, who remain true to God’s Will.
Then, when the Great Day dawns and after the three terrible days of darkness are over, a great Light will appear over the
Earth. This Light will surround my Son and the sun, which will be at its greatest strength, will descend over the world –
both at the same time. Not one person will fail to witness this supernatural spectacle. The roar of the announcement will be
heard by all through every form of communication known to man. Therefore, all will anticipate a great event, but they will not know
the time, the hour or the date. And then those, whose names are listed in the Book of the Living, will be gathered.
Pray, pray, pray that the world will not reject the preparation, which is needed before humanity can see the Light of my Son’s
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
My Tears will have ceased by then, but My Sadness will be never ending
Wednesday, March 12th, 2014 @ 21:08
My dearly beloved daughter, when a man separates from Me, I follow him to the ends of the Earth to draw him back to Me.He may insult Me, commit terrible atrocities and go as far as to idolize everything evil, including making himself a slave
of the devil, but I will never give up.
I will intervene in his life in many ways. I will introduce real love into his life; I will open his heart to love for other people; I will
tug at his conscience; I will allow him to suffer at the hands of others – only to make him humble and, therefore more open to Me,
Jesus Christ. I will let him see the simplicity of the world in all its glorious beauty, as created by My Father, to entice him away
from falsities, which blight his life. I will, through little children, show him the importance of putting the needs of those who rely on
him before his own. I will bring him laughter, show him great acts of kindness, through pure souls, and I will show him examples
of his own weakness, so that he knows that he is not greater than God. I may allow him to become ill, if it will make him surrender
to Me and, in such cases, then My Mercy will be at its greatest. For it is such souls who are most likely to turn to Me and then they
will and can be saved by Me.
How much effort is made by Me, your beloved Jesus Christ, to take each of you into the safety of My Arms – My Refuge.
And how many of you still turn the other way and ignore Me.
I intervene through messages, given to genuine seers and visionaries, and these have converted millions. I send signs; I pour
Graces from Heaven; I bring you Gifts through the Holy Sacraments and millions have converted. Sadly, not enough have turned
to Me and this is why I will not rest until every sign, every miracle, every Gift, every prophecy and every Intervention has been
exhausted, before I come to judge.
It will be a sad day if those who refuse My Gifts and My Intervention have to stand before Me on the Great Day and still
deny Me. Even then, when I give them the chance to put their pride to one side and come to Me, they will still refuse. By then,
there will be nothing more that I can do to bring them Eternal Life, as they will not welcome it. You may wonder why this is the
case and so I will explain.
When the devil tempts the soul, it takes some time before he gains a strong foothold within the person. But once he devours him,
he dictates every move that person makes – how he thinks, how he communicates with people, how he sins and the kind of sin
he wants that soul to indulge in. The greatest hold that Satan has over them is to convince them that God is evil. Satan will
convince the soul that he is God and that God is, in fact, the evil one. That is how these souls will be destroyed through the
devious cunning and manipulation of the devil. So dark will these souls become, that to stand in My Light will be excruciatingly
painful for them and they will hide their faces from Me. My Tears will have ceased by then, but My Sadness will be never ending.
Your Jesus
God the Father: For this is the final period – the final chapter in the fulfillment of My Holy Will
Thursday, March 13th, 2014 @ 20:45
My dearest daughter, My Protection is extended right now over all of My children in the world who love Me. I do this inabundance, because of the threats facing humanity during this time in history.
You, My children, must pray for every one of those who are lost to Me. I pine for them. I crave their love. I weep for them. I
wait for the day when they will understand My Covenant, created by Me in the beginning. For this is the final period – the final
chapter in the fulfillment of My Holy Will. It was by My Covenant that I gave man the time needed to come to his senses and to
recognise himself for what he is and what he is not. Man was created by My loving Hand, in My Own Image. I flooded his soul
with My Love, I gave him complete freedom, through My Gift of free will and free choice. I never wanted man to reciprocate his
love out of fear for Me. I only wanted him to love Me, just as I loved him. I created My Angels before man, to serve Me, but
because of My Love for them, they too, were given the Gift of free will.
It was because of the betrayal of Lucifer that man suffered. He, Lucifer, was loved and favoured by Me. He was bequeathed with
extraordinary gifts and powers and many Angels served under him. When I created man, Lucifer went into a jealous rage. He
could not bear that I would love My children to such a great extent and so he set out to separate Me from My children. He
tempted Adam and Eve and this meant that they, by their own free will, denied My Power and thought – just as Lucifer did – that
they could attain My Power and claim a piece of My Divinity.
Lucifer, along with his loyal angels – all of whom committed atrocities against My children – then and now – were cast into the
abyss for eternity. But because of their free will – given by Me freely and with Love to humanity, I never claimed it back. So I
created the Covenant to win back their souls, through My Plans to redeem them. They received huge favours from Me. I
sent prophets to warn them of the dangers of giving in to the temptation of the devil. I gave them the Ten Commandments to
guide them and to help them live according to My Will. I sent them My only Son, taken from My Own Flesh, to bring them
freedom from Hell. They would not accept this, but His death on the Cross was the turning point in My Plan of the Final
The Book of Truth is the last part of My Intervention, before the Final Day, when I bring all of My children together and
back to the Paradise, which I created for them in the first place. Those who listen to the Truth and who remain true to My
Holy Word, will find great favour with Me. Those who do not, will still find favour with Me, through the lives they lead, the love they
show others and their purity of soul. I will welcome them, once they acknowledge that they accept the Hand of Mercy, which will
be extended to them by My Son.
The final stage of the fulfillment of My Covenant will be a painful one. Because of the influence of Satan and his demons,
many people will be deceived into worshipping him and all his servants, who walk amongst you. I will tolerate the suffering of
souls and the hardships, which will be borne by many innocent people, but only for a short time. Then, I will wipe My enemies off
the face of the Earth. I promise you, dear children, that I will ease your pain, sorrow and fear, by bequeathing you powerful
Graces and Blessings. You will be protected by the circle of My Hierarchy of Angels.
To ask Me to dissolve your fear and sorrow and to grant you the freedom from persecution, please recite this prayer.
Crusade Prayer (140) Protection of Hierarchy of Angels:
Dearest Father, God of all Creation, God the Most High, grant me Grace and Protection through Your Hierarchy of Angels. Enable
me to focus on Your Love for each of Your children, no matter how they offend You. Help me to spread the news of the Final
Covenant to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, without fear in my heart. Grant me Your special Graces
and Blessings to rise above persecution, inflicted upon me by Satan, his demons and his agents on Earth. Never allow me to fear
Your enemies. Give me the strength to love my enemies and those who persecute me in the Name of God. Amen.
Children, you must remain strong at this time. Never listen to the hatred and venom, which will cover the Earth, because of the
infestation to come. When you ignore it, you can serve Me in the most beneficial manner, without any malice in your hearts.
Prepare for much anger is about to erupt in the world, which will be directed at Me, God the Most High and My beloved Son, Jesus
Christ. Pray for those who will be sucked into a vacuum of lies, which will bring nothing but sorrow for them.
Remain in Me, with Me and for Me.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High
It will only be when the Holy Eucharist is abolished completely that the antichrist will enter My Church
Saturday, March 15th, 2014 @ 20:10
My dearly beloved daughter, as the apostasy ripples through My Church, the greatest test of all, will be placed before allthose who serve Me, from within it. The crises within My Church on Earth will mean that many priests will suffer from a terrible
dilemma. The faith of many of them has already been shaken and they will have to choose whether or not they want to
accept a new substitute doctrine, which will replace the Word, or remain loyal to the True Faith.Even the most devout
amongst them will be overwhelmed by the loud voices of the imposters and they will begin to question the relevance of My
Teachings in the world today, where sin will no longer be declared to be of any significance.
The way is being prepared for the seeds to be sown and the son of Satan will soon be ready to embrace the new false church. My
Church will suffer a period of terrible darkness and My Crucifixion will be endured by every soul who remains loyal to
Me. My enemies will make sweeping and radical statements, demanding that everything, which is insulting to My Holy Name, be
declared acceptable in the eyes of My Church. Very few of the clergy will fight against the desecration because of the sin of
cowardice, but know this. If they partake in false sacrifices, false sacraments and false teachings, which they will then try to foist
upon My loyal followers, I will declare them to be no longer fit to stand before Me.
Much of the damage, which will be inflicted on the ordinary people, will be by the hands of those who have entered My Church by
false means. When they tell you that My Body means something other than My physical Body, know then that the holy
communion, which you will receive, will not be of Me. You must never allow them to change the meaning of the Holy
Eucharist. It will only be when the Holy Eucharist is abolished completely that the antichrist will enter My Church and
take over it. This is the day when you will know that the world of politics will merge with Christian churches everywhere and that I
will no longer be Present within them. My Church, however, can never die and so it will be My Remnant who will keep My Light
shining and My Presence alive and many will have to seek out hidden Churches and those sacred servants of Mine who, by the
Grace of God, manage to keep My Church intact.
Never assume that the son of Satan, the antichrist, will appear aggressively or as an evil dictator, for that will not be his
style. Instead, he will have many friends. He will be loved by many governments, as well as the enemies within My Church,
who will applaud his every move, vocally, until he is given an honorary position within My Church. Cardinals, bishops and other
members of My Church will speak of him constantly and praise him in their homilies. His power of seduction will be so great that it
will be hypnotic. He will, through the supernatural power of Satan, attract all those who make decisions within My Church, until in
time, they will bow before him as if he is Me.
It will be through ambitious members of the clergy, who will have fallen in their faith, but who still, nevertheless, have been blessed
with the Gift of Holy Orders, that the antichrist will gain extra power. He will draw from these poor misguided traitors of Mine, the
last segment of power from within My Church, until it is ready for him to enter it as its new leader. All during this period of
darkness, My enemies will, with a soothing and charming manner, have an extraordinary ability to present lies as being the Truth.
Only those who continue to pray for protection and who denounce Satan in every way they have been taught will be able to slip
away from the clutches of the antichrist.
Your Jesus
The Paradise, created by My Father for His children, is to be returned to them, finally, in all its original Glory
Sunday, March 16th, 2014 @ 18:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when the Word was made Flesh, through My birth, this meant that the Holy Word of Godmaterialized, as prophesied in My Father’s Book.
The Word of God is very clear and it does not change. It will last for eternity. Anyone who tears the Word of God apart and
amends it to suit himself, or others, is guilty of heresy. When I came into the world, God’s children – and especially His learned
servants in His Temples on Earth – knew the prophecies contained in My Father’s Book. It was no secret that My Father was
sending His Messiah to redeem mankind and this fact was taught in the temples and included in every reading of the Holy
Scriptures. Everything, which comes from My Father, is the Truth. He does not lie. The Word of God is cast in stone. What My
Father said in the beginning will happen. What He promised will be fulfilled, irrespective as to whether mankind is accepting of the
fact or not.
My Father gave the world His Word, then His Flesh, through My birth – His only Son Jesus Christ - and then promised man
Eternal Salvation. Every Word contained in the Holy Bible, as it was given in its original format, including the Book of Revelation,
is the Truth. Therefore, My Father’s Promise to the world that He would send His Son again – only this time to judge the
living and the dead – must never be rejected. The period before this Great Day will be a turbulent one and details of the
time leading up to My Second Coming are contained in the Book of Revelation, as dictated to John by the Angel of the
To say that you accept one part of My Father’s Book and not the other is to deny the Word of God. You cannot accept one part of
the Truth and declare the rest of the Word of God to be a lie. The Book of Truth was foretold to Daniel and then given in
parts to John the Evangelist. Much of what is contained in the Book of Revelation is still to unfold. Many people fear its
contents and, as such, will try to deny them, for the Truth is a bitter pill to swallow. And yet, the Truth, when it is accepted, is
something you can grasp much more easily because with it comes clarity. Clarity means that you can prepare more readily and
with peace in your soul and joy in your heart, because you know that I Am coming to renew the world. You will know that the
Paradise created by My Father, for His children, is to be returned to them, finally, in all its original Glory.
No man can truly understand the Book of Revelation, for not every event is recorded in detail or in sequence, nor is it
meant to be. But know this. You can be sure that this is the period when Satan’s reign dies and as he reaches the end, he will
inflict every punishment upon Me. He will do this by infiltrating My Church on Earth from within. He will steal souls from Me and
desecrate My Body, the Holy Eucharist. But I Am the Church and I will lead My people. Satan cannot destroy Me, for this is
impossible. He can, however, destroy many souls by deceiving them into believing that he is Me.
Just as the world was prepared for My First Coming, so also is it now being prepared for My Second Coming. To those who
oppose Me, in My Efforts to save souls and who embrace My enemies, know this. You will never defeat the Power of God. You
will never destroy the Word. You will never desecrate My Body and be allowed to stay standing.
When the prophecies, which are contained in the Book of Revelation, unfold, you must never despair, for be assured that the Love
of God for His children means that He will deal with His enemies harshly and strive to bring all of His children, who recognise Me,
His only Son, into His Divine Haven of Peace. And while the enemies of God will steal the souls of many, through a veneer of
charm and deceit, many people will pour scorn on the True Word of God.
For those who are blessed with vision, fear not My enemies, but the Wrath of God, as it descends on those who try to steal the
souls of those who are none the wiser as to what is taking place.
God’s Love is Almighty and His Allegiance to the survival of every person is infinite. But His Punishment upon His enemies is as
fierce as it is final.
Your Jesus
It is far better to endure pain in My Name than to be glorified by sinners for doing wrong in My Eyes
Tuesday, March 18th, 2014 @ 16:20
My dearly beloved daughter, let no man be ashamed of the persecution he may face because he defends Me as a Christian. Youmust never fear persecution in My Holy Name, because when you find that you are criticised for speaking the Truth, know then
that you are a true servant of Mine.
Only those who are in Me and with Me suffer ridicule or hatred in My Name. Those of you who are truly Mine and when you
surrender your will so that it becomes Mine will suffer the most. You must always understand that when hatred against any
beloved follower of Mine is at its most intense, you can be sure that this is where My Presence is strongest. It is far better
to endure pain in My Name than to be glorified by sinners for doing wrong in My Eyes.
Dearest followers of Mine, let Me reassure you that My Hand is guiding you every day in this, My last Mission on Earth. My
Word will stir your souls and the souls of all those billions who will follow you – for soon the world will hear My
Voice. Let no obstacle stand in your way when you speak of Me; when you remind people of My Teachings and when you remind
My holy servants of their obligation to remain true to My Word, contained in the Holy Gospels.
When you are asked to denounce Me, whether through the Holy Eucharist or through an altered version of the Holy Bible, you
must refuse to do this, openly and without shame. You must defend the Word by refusing to accept lies in My Name. In order to
protect you from the persecutors, who will inflict outrages against My Church and all those who remain true to the Word
of God, please recite this Crusade Prayer.
Crusade Prayer (141) Protection against persecution
Dear Jesus, defend me in my battle to remain true to Your Word at any cost. Safeguard me against Your enemies. Protect
me from those who persecute me because of You.
Share in my pain. Ease my suffering. Raise me in the Light of Your Face, until the Day You come again to bring Eternal
Salvation to the world.
Forgive those who persecute me. Use my suffering to atone for their sins, so they can find peace in their hearts and
welcome You with remorse in their souls on the last Day. Amen.
Go and take comfort in the hope that I will take all My enemies and those who persecute any of you in My Name into the Refuge
of My Great Mercy.
Your Jesus
Those who curse Me will be cursed
Wednesday, March 19th, 2014 @ 16:05
My dearly beloved daughter, when I refer to My enemies, I always mean those who, through devious means, try to stealsouls from Me. I refer, in particular, to those who use the façade of holiness to deliberately mislead souls into sin. When
someone tries to seduce another soul into believing falsities about My Holy Word, given to the world through My Father’s Book,
then he is an enemy of Mine.
The most pain I endure is by the hands of those who profess to be devout followers of Mine and who boast of their
knowledge of Me. When these people try to hurt others and think nothing of admonishing them in My Name, then this is most
painful for Me. I find souls who are closed to Me and I draw them in many ways toward Me and I do not include only those who
are already part of My Church on Earth. I pursue, always, those who have scattered, who are lost and who cannot see, first. They
are the first souls I seek out and they are the ones who, in the wrong hands, can and will be misguided.
I ask you to always remember those nations, those religions, those without any belief in Me – always – in your prayers. Please
welcome them, just as I would. Never try to force your opinions upon them or bully them in My Name. Always reach out to them
with love and generosity, for they are just as important to Me as the most devout amongst you. No matter who you reach out to,
know that not one amongst you is more deserving than the other, because you are all sinners.
All God’s children will, in time, witness the final Truth of His Plan to fulfill His Covenant. Everyone will know the Truth and then
they will find it easier to accept My Hand of Mercy. On that Day people of all religions, creeds, colour and nationalities will see the
evidence of My Existence. Those who shed the barriers, which they placed between themselves and their Creator, will weep with
gratitude, because at last they will witness the Love of God. And, as you plan and prepare for the times ahead, know that no
matter what obstacles are placed before you in this march towards Eternal Salvation, that My enemies will be dealt with most
Those who curse Me will be cursed. Those who fight My Father’s Plan to save souls will be defeated. And those who
persecute God’s children and stand in the way of the Lord will, themselves, be persecuted by the servant to whom they
paid their allegiance. Nothing will stand in My Way, for it is impossible. By the Power of God, every enemy will be destroyed and
all those who proclaim the words, deeds and actions of the antichrist, will be cast away and God’s Kingdom will then be complete.
Your Jesus
There will rise a fearful army, the likes of which will never have been seen before
Thursday, March 20th, 2014 @ 21:42
My dearly beloved daughter, the world is on the brink of many wars and these will have many repercussions on the speed bywhich the Church will erupt. It will be during any final peace negotiations, which will take place after much carnage and
destruction, that many people will feel helpless, alone, fearful and without any real leadership. It will be because of the weak links
in the political world that the world will be at its most vulnerable. Because of this, there will rise a fearful army, the likes of
which will never have been seen before. As the world will fragment, so also will many churches. Then when all seems
hopeless, a unified group, consisting of political leaders and Christian Church leaders, will be created under a one-world
organization – out of which will sprout a new abomination – a new one-world religion.
All of these events will take place in stages. Your duty, My beloved followers, is to Me, as I guide you, for there is only one road
to peace and safety and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. I will guide you through the thorns, the pain and the horror of the
abomination of desolation. You will be safe when you cling to Me.
Be strong, My beloved daughter, during these difficult trials, for it will be through your strength and courage that I will be able to
show the Way of the Truth, when the world is turned inside out, because of the wickedness brought about by the love of power
and corruption, which will bring about these wars and then the Great War.
Move quickly and ensure that you dedicate your lives to prayers and for the protection of My Church on Earth. My Gifts
will protect each of you and I will always respond to those who seek Me out, in this time of great turmoil ahead. When
these events unfold, My Army on Earth will swell. Those who oppose this Mission will follow Me, for by then they will no longer
be able to deny the Truth – when they find that they, too, will suffer the persecution to be faced by Christians everywhere, when
they have to endure the reign of the Dragon. Their only hope will be to follow Me, their Jesus, at that stage, for only through Me
will they be able to come to My Father’s Kingdom.
Your Jesus
Once a soul is created by My Father, it will last for eternity
Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 @ 14:00
My dearly beloved daughter, death must never be feared, if you accept My death on the Cross. Death is only a passing momentfrom this world into the House of My Father’s Kingdom. To fear death is to deny My Mercy, for I will save every soul who
acknowledges Me and who asks Me to forgive him his sins.
Once a soul is created by My Father, it will last for eternity. It will have Everlasting Life, if the soul will allow Me to claim it.
Otherwise, it will be lost to Satan should the soul deny Me, when it knows Who I Am.
The death of a soul on Earth is as natural as birth. When a soul leaves the body and comes to Me it will be filled with an
abundance of Graces and will be enveloped into My Father’s family – His Kingdom, which is filled with great love, joy
and happiness, which can never be attained on Earth. Many of you, who have experienced love, joy and happiness in your
lives, have only savoured a tiny morsel of what Everlasting Life tastes like. You must strive always, with joy in your hearts, for the
moment when you will enter My Father’s Kingdom, for it is to be welcomed – not feared.
If you have to face death or if a loved one has to face death then always turn to Me, your Jesus, for help. When you do I
will lift you in spirit, wipe away your tears, banish all fear from your hearts when you recite this prayer.
Crusade Prayer (142) Preparing for death
My dearest Jesus, forgive me my sins. Cleanse my soul and prepare me to enter Your Kingdom.
Grant me the Graces to prepare for my unification with You. Help me to overcome any fear.
Grant me the courage to prepare my mind and my soul, so that I am fit to stand before You.
I love You. I trust in You. I give You myself in body, mind and soul for eternity. Let Your Will be mine and release me from pain,
doubts or confusion. Amen.
I welcome all souls who recite this prayer, without exception. My Mercy is extended, especially, to souls who are facing death, but
who do not believe in Me, when they say this prayer three times a day, in their final days.
Your Jesus
What good is it to Me if a man is brought before Me dragging and kicking his heels? It is useless
Sunday, March 23rd, 2014 @ 11:30
My dearly beloved daughter, it is important to extend the love any of you has for your family, outside of your home. I urge all ofyou to view those you know, those you don’t, your enemies, as well as those close to you, just as you would if they were
your natural siblings. So many people have forgotten how to love others, just as I have loved you. It is not easy to love
strangers, but I say to you – be kind to others and show them respect, even if they reject you. Above all you must show them
charity. You must care for the needs of others, as if I have sent you to care for them directly.
When I gave you My Word, it was My Desire that all souls be saved. In order to be saved, you must not be selfish and attend only
to your own souls. You, My beloved followers, have a duty to share the Gifts I bring you now, through these Messages, to
others. Share My Love with others and especially your enemies. Pray for all those who need My Intervention. Treat them with
patience. When you give them My Gifts, My Prayers and the Seal of the Living God Protection, then you must withdraw
and allow them time to turn to Me.
I do not instruct you to force people to accept the Book of Truth. By their free will it will be their own choice as to whether or not
they wish to listen to Me. Assure those people that every Intervention will be made by Me, Jesus Christ, to win over their souls.
The weakest amongst them will respond, in some way, to My Call. Those who have hatred in their souls for Me will find, at some
stage, a softening of their hearts and they will not understand why this is. So you must always bring Me souls, through love and
What good is it to Me if a man is brought before Me dragging and kicking his heels? It is useless. The Crusade Prayers, which I
have given the world, are so powerful, that through God’s Love the souls of all those for whom you pray will be shown
great Love, Compassion and Mercy by Me. All you have to do is to give them the Prayers and then ask Me to draw these souls
to Myself. For I never reject the sinner who is in most need of My Mercy.
Your Jesus
God the Father: The famine, which will grip the world as the Third Seal is opened, will not be confined to the lack
of food
Monday, March 24th, 2014 @ 15:33
My dearest daughter, the famine, which will grip the world as the Third Seal is opened, will not be confined to the lack of food forthe body. The famine I speak of will be starvation of the spirit, as every trace of the Truth will be erased by the enemies
who infiltrate the Church, created on Earth by My Son, Jesus Christ, in union with His Body.
Soon, the Truth will become confusing and the Holy Spirit will be replaced by the spirit of evil. Those who will spread the
new form of false evangelisation will be responsible for withholding the Food of Life from My children. When you are starved of
the Truth, you will have little to nourish your soul and then, in time, you will fall into paganism. I Am intervening in every step of
the process by which you will be led into error. Every effort will be made by Me and I will, through My Son’s Mercy, bring many of
His sacred servants the Graces they need to discern Truth from fiction.
As I draw you away from the enemy, many of you will find it difficult to remain true to the Word of God. You will be tormented by
doubts, lack of courage to adhere to the Holy Word and a terror of being declared a traitor to the Church. The battle for
souls will be as intense, as it was during My Son’s Time on Earth. The greatest difficulty will be brought about because of the
failure on the part of My Son’s holy servants to detect deceit within their own ranks. And so, they will, because of their lukewarm
faith and lack of discernment, lead many of their fellow clergy into serious error, as foretold.
I declare to you that time is short. There will not be accorded to you the time needed to draw all of My children into the Merciful
Arms of My Son. To those of you who are privileged to have been given the Grace to acknowledge the Gift of the Book of
Truth, much will, therefore, be expected of you. Through your faith and trust in Me, your beloved Father, you will help to lead
My children back, so that they will readily accept the Intervention of The Warning, when My Son embraces the world within the
Rays of His Great Mercy.
Those times are upon you and it is time to take up your armour and fight for the True Word – the Truth – to be retained. Without
the Truth there is no life.
Your Father
God the Most High
Mother of Salvation: Ask me, your beloved Mother, to give you the strength to carry on and to protect the Mission of Salvation
Tuesday, March 25th, 2014 @ 15:30
My dear children, when God chose me as the Mother of His Only-Begotten Son, it was so that I could give glory to God by servingHim to deliver into the world the long-awaited Messiah. I was simply a humble servant then, just as I am now.
Always remember that when you serve God, in His Plan to bring Eternal Salvation to the world, you are simply His servant. To
serve God requires a deep sense of humility. It cannot be in any other way. This Mission, the final one sanctioned by my
Father in His Plan, to bring final salvation to His children, will draw millions of souls to serve Him. They will come from
every corner of the Earth. Many will not be conscious of their calling, until they pray the Crusade Prayers. It will be through the
recital of the Crusade Prayers that the Holy Spirit will enrapture these souls and then they will be ready to carry my Son’s Cross.
If you truly serve my Son and come to His aid, so He can bring salvation to every sinner, then you will have to accept the
weight of the Cross. When you serve my Son, but then later resent the suffering it will bring you, this will cause the barrier which
protects you from the evil one to break.
Satan will never bother those who follow false visionaries or their followers, because he knows that they bear no fruit. He will,
however, in the case of authentic missions, attack with severe cruelty. He will use weak souls, stricken with the sin of pride, to
assault true disciples of my Son. For those who respond to me, the Mother of Salvation, his hatred will be most evident when my
Medal of Salvation is made available all over the world.
The Medal of Salvation will convert billions of souls and, therefore, every effort will be made by the evil one to stop
it. You will see through such attacks the sheer venom which will pour from the evil one and every agent of his, for he does not
want this Medal to be given to God’s children. Children, you must never bow to the pressures or the wickedness, which will
emanate from those who have fallen away from my Son. To do that is to give in to Satan. Instead, you must ask me, your
beloved Mother, to give you the strength to carry on and to protect the Mission of Salvation at this time of the anniversary of the
You must recite this Crusade Prayer (143) To protect the Mission of Salvation:
O Mother of Salvation, protect this Mission, a Gift from God, to bring Eternal Life to all of His children everywhere. Please
intervene, on our behalf, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to give us the courage to carry out our duties to serve God at all
times and especially when we suffer because of this. Help this Mission to convert billions of souls, in accordance with the Divine
Will of God and to turn those hearts of stone into loving servants of your Son. Give all of us who serve Jesus in this Mission the
strength to overcome the hatred and the persecution of the Cross and to welcome the suffering that comes with it, with a
generosity of heart and with full acceptance of what may come ahead. Amen.
My dear children, never allow fear of serving God to stand in the way of your proclaiming His Holy Word. Fear comes from Satan –
not God. Courage and strength, combined with humility and a desire to adhere to the Will of God, can only come from God.
I give thanks today, on this the anniversary of the Annunciation, to my beloved Father, God the Most High, for the Gift He gave the
world when He asked me to bear forth His dearly beloved Son in order to redeem humanity and to bring the world into His Eternal
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
They are Mine. I Am theirs. That will always be the case. I love them all. It is that simple
Wednesday, March 26th, 2014 @ 14:52
My dearly beloved daughter, I call on all of My followers, all over the world, to unite as one in Me, to pray for the souls ofthose who have separated from Me. I, especially, call out to My Crusade Prayer Groups, everywhere, and all those who
responded to My Call, through the Book of Truth, to love one another as I love you. Put aside your differences – should
they occur; ignore division, should it arise and pay no heed to the hatred that Satan and the souls he has deceived show towards
you, for this is My last Mission in preparation for My Second Coming.
You must understand the purpose of My Plan to redeem the world, through the Book of Truth. It is to save all souls,
everywhere, no matter who they are, what they believe in, how they sin, what they do to one another and whatever views they
may hold. They are Mine. I Am theirs. That will always be the case. I love them all. It is that simple. It cannot be any other way.
Whenever you are persecuted in My Name, always rise above this and pray for the souls who curse you, for My Heart is breaking
for them. I suffer terribly for such souls. Bring them to Me, so that they can open their hearts to My Love for them. Help Me to
reach out to their sorrowful and broken souls and their hardened hearts, for without Me and without My Intervention,
they will wither and die. That is not My Desire. Come, all of you. I call on those who are in Me and with Me. I call on those who
do not know Me truly, but who think they do. I call on those who are disloyal to My Teachings. I call on those who reject this
Mission and who declare it to be false. Do not forsake Me, for I have not forsaken you. Do not fear Me, for I Am not your enemy
and I desire your soul, so that you can be part of Me and then you will find peace in your heart.
My Time is now, as I guide you, open your hearts and remind you of the Truth of My Word, which never changes. The Time for My
Coming is close and it is important that you prepare your souls and those with whom you come into contact. My arrival will be
sudden and you will have no advance warning. Do not neglect your souls, as you will need to be ready to see the Light of My
Face and so that you can remain standing before Me, if you want to enter My Kingdom.
I will always love you when you serve Me with all your heart. I will always love you when you reject Me, denounce My Mission or
slander others in My Name, for you know not what you do. When the Day comes I will call out to you, one by one, and then take
you into My Arms to give you the comfort you will need. For on that Day, I will unite all who love Me and I will declare the Gates to
be opened to allow entry to all God’s children, from all over the world, including those who have died and who will rise again – as
one in Me. Then the Will of My Father will be done, at last.
Your Jesus
By allowing themselves to be bullied by the heathen, they will become like heathen
Thursday, March 27th, 2014 @ 14:30
My dearly beloved daughter, it is My Desire that My followers, including Christians of all denominations, spend more timein My Company at this time.
No matter how close you may believe you are to Me, every effort by the evil one will be made to tempt you into every type of
iniquity. Not one amongst you is so strong in your faith that you can withstand the influence of the spirit of evil. You must strive
to spend more time in prayer, daily, and use this time to build around you the armour needed to protect you, if you are to
remain true to Me. Failure to speak with Me, through prayer and the Sacraments, will render you weak, make you unsure
of your love for Me and then you will leave yourself open to doubts about My Teachings, My Promises and My
Power. The trials you will face, brought about with the advent of terror to be inflicted upon true followers of Mine, who will remain
fiercely loyal to the Holy Word of God, will be very difficult.
You have been given free will by God, as your natural birthright and yet, those imposters who will invade My Church will try to take
it away from you. You will be forced to accept untruths, presented to you under the guise of new renditions of the Holy
Gospels and should you dare to question these, you will be expelled in disgrace. So many of you, through cowardice,
blindness and a misguided devotion to those you believe lead My flock, will find yourselves embracing false doctrine.
The false doctrine, which will be introduced, will be carefully camouflaged with loving words. The way to recognise that it
does not come from Me will be threefold. It will place the needs of sinners first, by declaring that you must pray to elevate the
rights of man to sin before the Lord. Secondly, you will be asked to declare that sin is a natural thing and that you must never fear
the future because of it – that God will never reject a sinner and that all of His children will enter Paradise. Thirdly, you will be told
that the Sacraments have to be adapted from their origins in Christianity to appeal to the heathen who deserve to have their
human rights catered for in the Eyes of God. When these things take place, it will mean just one thing. Man will present, before
the altars of My Churches, everywhere, his interpretation of what Rules laid down by God suit him and what do not. He will then
expect God to bow to his demands. He will, in effect, dictate to God because he will believe himself to be greater than Me.
I will cast these souls away from Me, for they will no longer be able to declare themselves to be Christians. By allowing
themselves to be bullied by the heathen, they will become like heathen. There is no place in My Kingdom for those who do
not give themselves to Me in the way I taught them, when I walked the Earth. You will find it difficult, in the years ahead,
to remain loyal to My Teachings, because those who claim to represent Me will lead you into grave error, as foretold. Be
careful. Watch what you will be asked to accept, as a substitute for My Holy Word. Those with true discernment, given to them by
the Power of the Holy Spirit, will know immediately when these things happen. Others will not be blessed, because they will not
have paid attention to everything I taught them. They will find themselves in a very dark and lonely place, without My Presence to
Light the way of the Truth. That time is drawing very close.
Your Jesus
Every effort will be made by men of science to disprove the Existence of God over the next two years
Saturday, March 29th, 2014 @ 14:30
My dearly beloved daughter, every effort will be made by men of science to disprove the Existence of God over the next twoyears. They will falsely claim that man can sustain life on other planets, apart from Earth. Earth is the only living part of the
universe created by God for His children. But that is not the only reason that these claims will be made to prove that God does
not Exist. They will proclaim man’s greatness; his intelligence and his advances in science, to dispel the notion that man
was created by God. The greatest insult will be when they declare that man was created by a miracle of science. They will
go to great lengths to prove that man is invincible and, yet, they will have no answer as to what happens after physical death of
the body takes place, which every man has to face. This part will be ignored by those who lie and who deny God.
They will ridicule anyone who declares a belief in the Existence of Heaven or in their True Creator, God the Most High. And all
during these public declarations, against the Truth, not one word will be uttered by those who claim to lead My
Church. In the final days, religion will become a pagan concept, when adulation of the Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars will
become the substitutes, when they pay homage to God.
Most of the world will turn to paganism and bring death to their souls. Despite every Intervention by My Father, they will turn the
other way. This is why My Father promised the world the Book of Truth, the unraveling of the Book of Revelation, to save your
sorry souls. Man is stubborn. Man is proud, vain and the more advances he makes in science the less he knows and the more he
removes himself from the Truth.
Heed now My Word, for soon all that I taught you will be gradually withdrawn, stage by stage, from My Churches on Earth. The
Word will be taken away from you, but I will never desert you, for I will always remain with you, guiding you, teaching you and
filling you with My Love. You will always be in My Heart and it will be because of your love for Me that I will be able to salvage
those who are lost. You, My beloved followers, are My link to God’s children and through your prayers, I will strive to
unite the world. This is why you must never despair, even when all seems hopeless.
Your Jesus
Oh woe to those chosen by the Lord to serve Him in the last days, for they will not be awake to My Call
Sunday, March 30th, 2014 @ 20:00
My dearly beloved daughter, you must never take for granted My Words to you, for they are given to you as an Act of GreatMercy. They are not given to the world because man is worthy, but rather because he is starving of the Word.
Every Gift given to man, through the intercession of My Mother, since My death on the Cross, was to help all sinners
prepare for the Great Day. My Mother responded to the Divine Will of My Father when she gave birth to Me, the Saviour and
Redeemer of the world. She, in turn, was appointed as the intercessor between man and the Divine Justice of God. It is her role
to intercede on behalf of sinners, in order to warn them and to prepare them to receive Me, her Son, on the last Day.
Every single apparition of My beloved and Blessed Mother, which took place in the world, was by the Authority of My
Father. All that she foretold will now come to pass and all that she declared has been forgotten by most of My sacred servants,
who have chosen to ignore her warnings.
Oh woe to those chosen by the Lord to serve Him in the last days, for they will not be awake to My Call. Deaf and blind, they will
follow a watered-down version of My Father’s Book and instead of the fruit they have been called to yield forth, nothing but rotten
fruit will pour forth from their mouths. Haughty and arrogant, they have denied My Mother’s intercessions, her apparitions and her
call to gather them, in order to bring them into the wisdom of the Heavenly Hierarchy, where Truth reigns as King. Truth has
evaded them and, instead of prostrating themselves in naked humility before the Throne of God, they follow the rules of man -
fallible man – who does not know the Truth of the Promises made by God to His people.
The world today may have made great advances in medicine, in technology and in knowledge, but they have traded in
the wisdom of what is necessary to enter My Kingdom in exchange for money, wealth and power. All things of this world –
money, power, possessions, positions of power in government – are nothing in My Eyes. I can wipe them away with just one
swipe of My Hand. Respect for human knowledge and advances in science are worthless, for they do not come from you
– they are talents given to man from God because of His Love for His children. Were He to take them away, along with all
the material comforts you have, what then would you be left with? Nothing.
Those who know Me, truly, would care about nothing, because they know that when they are Mine, they will only gain
relief when they trust in Me completely, because they know I would never leave them to fend for themselves. Why then do
you seek out things that are not of Me – things that will never fulfil you? The more you reject Me and seek out empty promises,
the more you will feel isolated, as the time comes for Me to divide the chaff from the wheat.
The only choice you can make is to become a true child of God, without Whom you are nothing. It is not who you are, what
position you hold in this life, what part you play that counts. It is only because you are loved by God that you will be saved. No
man is fit to stand before Me. No man is so pure of soul that he can attain sainthood. No one amongst you can be elevated to My
Kingdom on your merits. It is only because of My Mercy that you will be made worthy to live Eternal Life.
Your Jesus
God the Father: Earthquakes will strike your cities
Monday, March 31st, 2014 @ 14:00
My dearest daughter, the time has come when man, having sinned and blemished himself in My Eyes, for so long, will nowsink into the final depths of depravity, when he will strive to destroy all that is sacred of Mine.
All life comes from Me. Life of the soul is Mine. Life of the flesh is also of Me. Let no man interfere with either – lest his own life be
taken away by Me. Of that you can be sure. Every form of life, which has been brought forth by My Hand, will be killed at the
hands of wicked men. They will take life away from those in the womb and declare this to be a form of human right. You, My
children, do not have the right to destroy the life of My children – either before or after they are born – and if you do,
then you will suffer a terrible chastisement. Without reconciliation and a failure to repent for this sin of abomination, I
will destroy you, as well as those countries, which encourage this evil. When you destroy your own life, you offend Me, for it
does not belong to you and only I have the right to give life and take it away, in My Time. By tampering with life of the flesh, you
interfere with My Divinity and I will never stand back and ignore such an affront to My Creation.
When the taking of life is not enough, man will deviously attack the life of the soul, by bringing death to My Holy Word, upon which
he will trample until he grinds every part, so that it will become like gravel under his feet. Then man, arrogant and full of his
own warped view of his abilities, will attempt to seek a new planet to find a new home for humanity, although this is
impossible. The Gift of the very soil, upon which I placed humanity, will be deemed not to be sufficient for man’s needs. And so it
will continue – this march towards self-destruction. Man will be the author of his own demise. He will systematically destroy all
that is sacred to Me.
The Gift of life, given by Me to every creature of Mine, will be stolen from Me, by man, without a shred of remorse. He will condone
every part of his murderous intent, by declaring the taking of life to be a good thing. Death, by abortion, is the greatest insult of all
and I warn humanity that Justice will be Mine, for I will no longer allow you to curse Me in this way.
Earthquakes will strike your cities and for every nation that condones the taking of life, you will feel the wake of My Anger, as I
strike your grievous and hateful hearts. Those who seek remorse for this wrongdoing will be spared, but know that not
one nation amongst you will escape this chastisement.
The death of My Church will not be tolerated, as man, along with the false leaders he will slavishly follow, will destroy the
Sacraments and recreate them, so that they will disappear. I will pull down your temples and your churches as you continue your
desecration of My Son’s Body. You scourged Him, mocked Him and persecuted His followers – until you savagely murdered Him,
when you crucified Him. Still, you have not learned. Your lack of humble servitude, to He Who gave you life, brought you
Redemption and Who now attempts to prepare you for the Great Day, disgusts Me.
I Am Sorrowful. I Am Saddened and I Am Angry, for you have finally succeeded in killing every form of life I gave you. I
refer to both life of the flesh and life of the soul. The life I gave you is no longer enough, so I will take it back on the Last Day,
from those of you who have thrown it back at Me. While your act of war against Me, the Creator of the World, of all that is,
continues, I will only permit your wicked acts of destruction to last for a very short time.
I give you, now, the time to examine the sins of humanity against everything I hold sacred, so that you can atone for the sins of the
world. The final battle has begun and much life – the Gift of life created by Me – will be destroyed by man. And for that I will
punish the world.
Your Father
God the Most High
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