The announcement to herald My Second Coming, will be sudden
My dearly beloved daughter, I urge all of My followers to be strong at this time. My Holy Word, My Gift to humanity, given to you through these Messages, will be the subject of much criticism.
You must stay strong when My Word is torn apart and belittled. This will be very difficult, but you must endure this torment for it is only the beginning.
The enemy will rise and tear down My Messages, given to each of you so that souls can be saved.
He counts every soul he seduces and then takes them away from My Messages. He does this by tempting believers, first, so that they will not work with Me to salvage your brothers and sisters. He does not want you to pray to save their souls.
Any servant of My Church who forbids you to pray My Crusade Prayers needs your prayers. They cannot stop My prayers from being spread. When they do this they need your help. Sadly, many souls will be led away from My Mission, the last of its kind on earth.
These times will see the division in My Church getting bigger; one side suffering to protect My Gospel, the other trying to reinvent My Church, modernise My Teachings and bring obscene laws into My Church.
Stand up with courage and unite for this time is almost upon you and you will hear of these new practices, none of which adhere to My true Gospel, My Teachings or the Truth.
These trials will loom like great barricades. You, My disciples, will feel trapped. You will feel helpless and your tears will flow.
Your weakness will be your strength. It is through your suffering, when you witness this terrible scourging, that you will become strong.
For every trial you endure in My Name, I will make you even stronger. Persevere and I will bless you with the grace of strength, courage and conviction.
You are My army, My ray of light, in the world. Every attempt will be made to extinguish this light, but it will be useless.
The ray of your light, your love for Me, will be illuminated so that it will become like a beacon of light and then a great fire. This Fire of the Holy Spirit, which will grip each one of you, will spread its flames to every corner of the world.
It will be you, My precious army, who will do this. You will be guided by Heaven. You will march forward. You will trample over the evil army of poor souls who are being dictated to by Satan and they will be powerless against you.
Soon afterwards the Glory of My great announcement will manifest in the world.
The announcement to herald My Second Coming will be sudden. It will also be unexpected, although you have been well prepared. By then you will be bequeathed with the great Gift of Eternal Life.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (2) Prayer for Global Rulers
My Eternal Father, in the name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, I ask that you protect your children from the persecution, which is being plotted by global forces against innocent nations.
I pray for the forgiveness of sin of those souls who are the cause of this hardship, so that they may turn to You with humble and contrite hearts.
Please give Your tortured children the strength to withstand such suffering in atonement for the sins of the world, through Christ Our Lord.
My child, please pray for my lost children who increase in numbers every day. They do not, nor cannot, believe in my Son and turn the other way.
I pray for the forgiveness of sin of those souls who are the cause of this hardship, so that they may turn to You with humble and contrite hearts.
Please give Your tortured children the strength to withstand such suffering in atonement for the sins of the world, through Christ Our Lord.
Virgin Mary: I cry tears of blood for them and my Heart is heavy

I cry tears of blood for them and my Heart is heavy. How lost they are and how empty they feel.I pray that God, in His Mercy, will open their hardened hearts soon.
The Warning is close, my child. My children need to prepare. Those who shun these Holy Messages, from my Son and my Eternal Father, will have to answer to God.
Many have damaged this Mission and have encouraged souls to turn away. Many such souls have died since, in mortal sin. Were they to have accepted the prayers given to humanity, through the Crusade Prayers, they could have been saved.
Those who will not accept these Messages must not work with the evil one to undermine
the Word of God. You must pray for the help needed to find peace within you.

It has been prophesised, that the end time prophet would not be accepted, although, much conversion will be achieved, through the spread of the Word of God.
It will be at your peril to reject the help, which is being sent from Heaven, at this time, to help you save your souls.
Do not insult my Son, by failing to listen. You may turn a deaf ear when you have read these Messages from Heaven, but you must listen first.
Your free will means that you can choose which path you wish to walk.
Your free will does not mean you have the right to deliberately blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.
When the Warning takes place, you will be filled with the Light of Truth.Your soul will be illuminated and you will see what good deeds, and bad deeds, you conducted throughout your lives.
At that stage, many of you will embrace the Love of God. Sadly, many will be too stubborn to accept their wrongdoing. They will be cast away and will suffer terribly.
Be prepared at all times. Time is short.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of God
Mother of Salvation
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