I wish to call upon all of God’s children in the United States of America

Just as it will be in other Christian countries, your faith will be attacked, and every attempt will be made to wipe out all traces of Me, your Jesus.
You must form as many Prayer Groups as you can, so that united through My Sacred Heart, you will be given the graces to withstand such persecution.
The Christian faith will be banned, in time, along with other religions, which honour My Father.
You, My beloved followers, will be protected from the Heavens, but you must pray for strength, for the shift of democracy is about to turn on its head, upside down.
As the greatest nation in the world to proclaim freedom, through democracy, you will soon be denied the right to be a Christian.
This right, although denied to you, will be seen as a democratic move. These new laws, soon to be introduced into your nation, will be seen as inclusive laws, so that everyone is protected, under a one-world religion.
These laws will desecrate My Holy Name, but I will not forsake you. I will give you all the help you need. All you need to do is ask Me.

They may close down, My children; tamper with My Sacraments, so that they are rendered useless; discourage My sacred servants and bully you, but it will be of no use. Their power will be no match for your simplicity of faith, humility of soul and love for Me, your Jesus.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Litany Prayer (2) For the Grace of Immunity
O Heavenly Father Most High,
I love You.
I honour You.
Lord Have Mercy.
Lord forgive us our trespasses.
I adore You.
I praise You.
I give You thanks for all Your special Graces.
I beg You for the Grace of Immunity for my beloved
(name all those in a list for the salvation of souls)
I offer You my loyalty at all times.
You O Most Heavenly Father,
Creator of all things,
Creator of the Universe,
Creator of humanity,
You are the source of all things.
You are the source of Love.
You are Love.
I love You.
I honour You.
I lay myself before You.
I beg for Mercy for all souls who don’t know You, who don’t honour You, who reject Your Hand of Mercy.
I give myself to You in mind, body and soul so that You can take them into Your Arms, safe from evil.
I ask You to open the Gate of Paradise so that all Your children can unite, at last, in the inheritance you have created for all of us.
I love You.
I honour You.
Lord Have Mercy.
Lord forgive us our trespasses.
I adore You.
I praise You.
I give You thanks for all Your special Graces.
I beg You for the Grace of Immunity for my beloved
(name all those in a list for the salvation of souls)
I offer You my loyalty at all times.
You O Most Heavenly Father,
Creator of all things,
Creator of the Universe,
Creator of humanity,
You are the source of all things.
You are the source of Love.
You are Love.
I love You.
I honour You.
I lay myself before You.
I beg for Mercy for all souls who don’t know You, who don’t honour You, who reject Your Hand of Mercy.
I give myself to You in mind, body and soul so that You can take them into Your Arms, safe from evil.
I ask You to open the Gate of Paradise so that all Your children can unite, at last, in the inheritance you have created for all of us.
You must not allow fear of the future to overwhelm you for that is not My desire
My dearly beloved daughter, so many people who accept My Messages worry unnecessarily about the future of the world. This is understandable.
They must never feel that they must drop everything and ignore their day-to-day lives, neglect their job, their family, or loved ones, in order to save souls.
I, your Jesus, will look after My own, always. You have nothing to fear from Me. All I ask is for your prayers to save souls.
You must not allow fear of the future to overwhelm you, for that is not My desire.
I do, however, expect your time in prayer and sacrifice, as I have instructed you in these Messages. Continue with your daily lives, although, My Holy Word will change the way in which you look at life, forever.
You will never feel the same about worldly goods; in the way you viewed them in the past. While they will continue to be part of your life, they will no longer be the master of your life.
You must remember that you cannot serve two masters, for there is one, and that is God.
I do not expect My disciples to renounce all to follow Me. I do not expect My followers to turn away from their daily responsibilities to follow My Messages. No, all I ask is your love. You must follow the Laws of God. Live out your lives according to My Teachings. Honour the Sacraments. Show love to each other, and pray for the souls of those who will not help themselves.
Go in peace, in the knowledge that My Mercy is great, and My Love for humanity will overcome the deeds of the beast, and the terrible suffering he inflicts in this world.
Be at peace. I bless you.
Your Jesus
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