Sunday 16 October 2016

A Protestant nation, Great Britain, will convert soon to My Ways

A Protestant nation, Great Britain, will convert soon to My Ways

My dearly beloved daughter I wish to reveal to you a miracle I have planned. A Protestant nation, Great Britain, will convert soon to My Ways, My Teachings and the Truth.
For so long this Christian country has adapted and amended the Laws of God to suit their proud ways. Once a great Christian country, they sinned throughout the centuries against the Laws of God and convinced themselves that they followed the Laws laid down by My Church on earth.
The prayers of the faithful among them and the love and loyalty shown by Christian leaders in Great Britain, in the face of adversity, has brought them closer to My Sacred Heart.
This country will be converted and the Truth will save millions.
The antichrist and his many followers have influenced many in power in this country but they will fail to steal God’s children.
My followers will unite through all churches throughout Britain and I will envelop them in My Holy Arms.
They will become a powerful force in My army and the plan to unite them has commenced.
Here is a special Crusade Prayer for God’s children in Britain

Crusade Prayer (77) For Great Britain
O Most Heavenly Father, God the Creator of man please hear my prayer. I beg You to save Britain from the clutches of evil and dictatorship.
I ask that You unite all of us, of all religions, creed and colour as one family in Your Eyes. Give us the strength to unite in defiance of any laws introduced to outlaw Your Teachings.
Give us the strength and the courage to never forsake You and to help save all of Your children through our prayers. Bring all of my brothers and sisters together in unity to pay homage to Your promise to bring us eternal life and entrance to Your Paradise. Amen.
To the children of Great Britain know that, soon, the conversion which will envelop your country will bring you great graces.
Then you will help lead My army along with other nations towards My Glorious Kingdom.
Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (163) Rescue me from persecution

O Jesus preserve me from the pain of persecution in Your Name.
Endear me to Your Heart.
Rid me of pride, greed, malice, ego and hatred in my soul.
Help me to truly surrender to Your Mercy.
Take my fears away.
Help me to unburden my pain and take all persecution away from me, so that I can follow You like a little child, in the knowledge that all things are within Your Control.
Free me from the hatred shown by all those who proclaim to be Yours but who really deny You.
Let not their cutting tongues scourge me or their evil acts divert me from the Path of Truth.
Help me to focus only on Your Kingdom to come and to persevere, with dignity against any insults, which I may endure on Your behalf.
Bring me peace of mind, peace of heart, peace of soul. Amen.

Warning to those elite global groups who, through their powerful alliance, plot to control all nations

My dearly beloved daughter this is a warning to those elite global groups who, through their powerful alliance, plot to control all nations.
You, whose god is Satan, know that your souls are blackened with the cloud of evil, which is infested in you by the evil one.
You are in great danger yet you choose to worship the devil who wants to steal your souls and torment you for eternity.
Your plans to dictate, rule, control and mastermind genocide against God’s children will not only be thwarted by the Hand of My Father but this evil will be turned upon you.
You will be severely punished for your wickedness.
The sins you are guilty of are abhorrent to Me and your hatred and contempt for those people, those whom you claim to serve in your governments, will destroy you for eternity.
The brief spell you will enjoy, when you seize the reins of power over nations and introduce a wicked dictatorship regime will bring you an eternal life of Hell.
You will be given many chances to turn your back on the evil group of elite powers. But be careful for you will only be given so much time.
Never underestimate the Power of God. Do not underestimate His Anger. For while a God of great Mercy, He, God, My Eternal Father, is also one to be feared.
His power is almighty. His power over Satan will culminate shortly and He will cast out the Beast and his cohorts into the lakes of fire.
You, too, will be cast into Hell should you continue to destroy God’s Creation, God’s children.
My Father will never forgive you if you step beyond the boundaries of His Great Mercy.
On the day I come to judge you will tremble with the deepest fear unknown to humanity.
On that day you will be accorded the punishment as in the way you treated your brothers and sisters, children of God.
Be warned. For the Anger of God is to be feared.
Your Jesus Video testimony from Rita :)

For more information about the Book of Truth, the Seal of The Living God, the Warning and the Second Coming of Jesus, Google search: “The Book of Truth PDF” ...

The prayers given are of Divine Origin, they are prayers having been received through the Holy Spirit and are presented here broken down to suggested daily prayer guides. As dictated to God's servant who goes by the name of Maria Divine Mercy. The…

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