My child, My Son Jesus Christ prepares now to save as many of God’s children as possible before The Warning. For, after The Warning, not much time will remain before the Glorious Return of my Son.
I weep tears of sadness for priests, within the Catholic Church, who suffer terribly at this time.
These pure, lost and wandering servants, are caught in the middle of disruption, from which they cannot untangle.
Because of the sins of others, they suffer the torment of seeing allegiance to my beloved Son being thrown to one side.
Those wicked divisions, caused by Masonic groups, are deliberate. The sins of those guilty of offenses inflicted on innocent souls are being used, as an excuse, to change laws governing the Church.
Many are being misled out of a false sense of loyalty to God’s children.
How I suffer when I see the walls of the Catholic Church being taken apart, brick by brick, to make way for a new church.
The new church, which will emerge soon, will not be acceptable to my Son.
Instead it will abolish the Presence of the Holy Eucharist and my Son will suffer the pain of His Crucifixion once again.
The Sacrifice He made, to present the world with this Gift, will be ignored and rejected soon.
Instead, they, the new church, will not tell God’s children that The Eucharist is the True Presence of Jesus, my Son.
They will create a new interpretation of the Holy Eucharist and will fail to call down the Presence of my Son. The Food of Life will die. God’s children will not be nourished with the Real Body and Blood of my Son.
Their souls will become barren, empty of the Presence of my Son, and the Graces He bestows on those who receive Him.
There is a duty on the part of priests to defend the Holy Eucharist. They must be strong and never dilute this Precious and Holy Gift.
My Son loves the Catholic Church and knows how it suffers right now. He feels its pain.
My Immaculate Heart is torn in two, in pain, to witness this Sacred Temple being deliberately destroyed.
Pray, pray, pray to The Father in the Name of His beloved Son to show Mercy on those within the Holy See who want to divide the Church, and scatter God’s children into an abyss of desolation.
Please recite this Crusade Prayer (53) to pray for the Catholic Church
Crusade Prayer (53) Prayer for the Catholic Church “O God, the Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, I beg You, to give strength and the Graces needed to help priests withstand the persecution they endure. Help them to adhere to the Truth of the Teachings of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and to never waiver, weaken or submit to untruths about the Existence of The Holy Eucharist. Amen.”
Your loving Mother
Queen of the Earth
Mother of Salvation
Crusade Prayer (120) Stop the Spread of War
O my sweet Jesus, take away the wars, which destroy humanity.
Protect the innocents from suffering.
Protect the souls who try to bring true peace.
Open the hearts of those afflicted by the pain of war.
Protect the young and vulnerable.
Save all souls whose lives are destroyed by war.
Strengthen all of us, dear Jesus, who pray for the souls of all God‘s children and grant us the Grace to withstand the suffering, which may be given to us during times of strife.
We beg You to stop the spread of war and bring souls into the Sacred Refuge of Your Heart. Amen.
My dearly beloved daughter, more and more of those who know My Teachings are finally accepting that I Am now communicating with the world through these Messages, given to you.
The Power of the Holy Spirit will awaken those dead in the love for My Father, to savour the Word of His beloved Son.
I, Jesus Christ, wish to give you encouragement in the suffering and trials, which you may be experiencing.
This suffering will not last long.
My Love for you is so strong and My Mercy so great, that I will not allow you to suffer the torments inflicted on you, by those who wish to control your nations.
Already, the work of the Masonic groups in your world, is weakening.
Your prayers have mitigated their evil deeds and rendered them to be ineffective.
They will try to destroy your faith, but, you, My Remnant Church, will keep the Flame of Truth alight.
You must not fear, if you trust in Me.
Only by trusting in Me, your Jesus, can you feel at peace.
Please keep close to My Sacred Heart and do not allow fear to destroy your lives.
Once you love Me, and live life, as you know I expect you to, then, you must live your lives in love, prayer and contentment.
When you suffer, offer this up to Me and move on.
Do not allow anything to turn your heart away from Me.
Keep close to Me, and I will protect you, guide you, and lead you to safety.
Your beloved Jesus
Saviour of Mankind
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