Saturday 17 September 2016

Jesus: Never falter. Never doubt My Hand of Protection.

Jesus: Never falter. Never doubt My Hand of Protection.

My dearly beloved daughter when My followers allow Me to flood their souls with My unconditional love I will ignite within them a strength that will startle them.
Come to Me like trusting children with a simple and open heart, with no expectations, and I will bring you a peace which you will not find anywhere else.
While I weep at the way in which evil and greed have gripped the world I am also full of joy because of the pure love My followers show to Me, their Jesus.
How they bring Me solace, comfort and how I wish I could wrap them in My Arms.
How I wish they could hear Me tell them how much I love them.
How I long for the day when I reach out My hand, grasp their hand in Mine and draw them into My New Kingdom when they will come home to Me at last.
That day is not far away. To all My followers you must listen to Me at this time. You must be strong and persevere during the trials ahead and never lose heart.
Walking along the path, carved out for you towards My Kingdom, will hurt you. Many of you will trip and stumble.
Some of you will run back the way you came.
Others will sit down, give up and remain stuck between the beginning of their journey and the gates to Eternal Life. So weak will their faith become because of the obstacles they will face.
The stronger ones will be fearless. They will want to forge ahead and charge with every ounce of energy into the New Era of Peace.
Nothing will stand in their way. They will know how to withstand the sufferings ahead. They will know how to fight the enemy. With little fear in their hearts they will listen to every instruction given to them by Me.
They must always strive to go back and carry those who are weaker. Those who are fearful. They must carry on their shoulders those who lack the will and the courage to stand up in My Name.
Those who refuse your help will be left behind and will become part of the Kingdom of the Beast from which there is no escape.
Never falter, Never doubt My Hand of Protection.
If you submit everything to My Holy Will I will look after everything.
Trust in Me. Follow Me.
The time is short yet the time is plentiful in which to prepare for the battle which lies ahead.
I love all of you. Never  forget the power of My Love.
Your beloved Saviour
King of Salvation
Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (134) To believe in the Existence of God

For those who do not know my Son and who wish to be taken before the Throne of God, the Most High, recite this prayer:
O God the Most High, help me to believe in Your Existence. Cast all of my doubts aside. Open my eyes to the Truth of the life after this one and guide me towards the way to Eternal Life. Please let me feel Your Presence and grant me the Gift of true faith before the day I die. Amen.

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