Please pray for all Sacred Servants that have dedicated their lives to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Prophecies are coming true

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“Drafts part LVII: the danger of the schism.Oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio “of Fra Cristoforo
Date: 08/01/2018Author:anonimidellacroce201781 Comments
” Drafts part LVII: the danger of the schism. Oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio “of Fra Cristoforo
I state that what is reported in the drafts comes from a source very much in the Vatican circles. And he tells me how important he feels about what he succeeds in “capturing” all the entourage that hangs out daily in Santa Marta. So I report exclusively what is “confided” to me. And the public for duty of Truth. I can tell you that the source is worthy of trust. Proof of this is the fact that so many drafts have now become sadly realized. Those who have not yet had implications, it is not that they will not happen. It is only a matter of time. Because, as you will have understood, things in Santa Marta can change from one day to another. It depends on the moods. We are simple ambassadors. And as they say: ambasciator does not bring penalty.
Clarified this we arrive at the Spiffero. In terms of “reforms” Bergoglio has always had very clear ideas. From the first moment of his pontificate he beat the nail on: migrants, ecology, ecumenism. With the publication of Amoris Laetitia he then sealed his “relativism” in matters of morality. These points are now established in the neochiesa. Now in almost all the Parishes you do not hear about anything else. The faithful and children are taught nothing but the “verb” Bergoglio. Like an obsession.
But as we have seen in these times, not all have aligned. And among these there are also Bishops and Cardinals. This is the concern of Bergoglio. Those who “resist”. He can not stand it. He is stronger than him. Here then is what Santa Marta has been studying for a few months.
My source told me that a sort of “act of fidelity to the pope (obviously Omissis) and his magisterium” is under study. The small letters are desired.
This kind of “act of fidelity” will be required of all clerics of the Catholic Church, deacons, priests, bishops and cardinals. And it must be formally pronounced. In the various dioceses a day will be chosen in which all, bishop, priests and deacons will have to pronounce solemnly this formal act. Which means to promise “blind loyalty” to the “magisterium” and the teaching of Bergoglio. Of course it will be mandatory. Those who do not make this “promise” will have to consider themselves “suspended a divinis”.
If this draft were to happen (I hope not), we will be at the turn. And I believe that nobody will save us from the schism. Also because how can we lend loyalty to a heretical magisterium?
In my opinion there will be a rift never seen in the history of the Church. The Neighbor of Bergoglio, and those who will remain faithful to the Traditional Teaching of the Church. And hence the total confusion.
Regarding the times, the source has not been unbalanced. He told me about a few months. He told me that the text is being prepared.
I think it’s time to increase prayer. We strongly invoke the Madonna who can save us from this disaster. Let’s do Eucharistic adoration. Let us pray to the Apostles, the Martyrs, the Saints, the Souls of Purgatory, the Archangels, the Angels. Let’s move Heaven as much as possible. Because if such a thing happens, the battle will really be furious. We pray so much! Let us pray for one another, because none of us yields before the enemy. We also add fasting! At least who can do it!
It’s true. The Lord has told us that the gates of hell will not prevail. But he did not tell us there will be no battle. The battle will be there. And it will be the decisive one.
Fra Cristoforo
“Drafts part LVIII: in about a month the schism” of Fra Cristoforo
Date: 1/23/2018Author:anonimidellacroce201773 Comments
” Drafts part LVIII: in about a month the schism” of Fra Cristoforo
It will arrive sooner than we thought. Terrible news comes from Santa Marta.Bergoglio, who has touched his loss of popularity in these days of his trip to Chile and Peru, seeing the further failure of his wedding gossip in “airplane” has decided to play everything for everything. And in about a month will propose the famous “oath” to his magisterium, of which we had spoken before( scisma-di-fra-cristoforo / ). Schism motive. Because so many Priests will oppose.
This oath will be made before the diocesan bishops. Who will have the task of writing down who has been faithful or not. The priests who will not adapt will be suspended latae sententiae.
And here the schism will begin. Because as far as I know, not all Priests will be available to implement this oath.
Dark times are expected for the Catholic Church. We pray the Virgin Mary. And we make so much Eucharistic Adoration. Fra Cristoforo
Prophecies given to Maria Divine Mercy for these days, which can be found in the Book of Truth
These messages can also be found
They will be asked to pledge their allegiance, through a new oath, to remain faithful to the Church
My dearly beloved daughter, the plan by the false prophet to deceive the world’s clergy has begun.
Under the guise of a renewal and regeneration of the Catholic Church, all the clergy, within this Church, will be sent on retreats to encourage them to accept the new apostolate. These will become widespread and many will be told that the objective is to unite everyone in the world, in the name of justice. This new mission will, they will be told, embrace the world’s poor and strive to bring about unity.
They will be asked to pledge their allegiance, through a new oath, to remain faithful to the Church. They will not be asked to place their faith in Me or My Holy Word. Instead, they will swear allegiance to the new self-proclaimed leaders who have taken over the Chair of Peter.
Make no mistake that those who have been bestowed with the Gift of Holy Orders will be asked to participate in a falsity, where I, Jesus Christ, will not be at the forefront, though it will appear to be the case. Money will be a driving force and a new financial organization will be set up to control the seeking of funds to ensure that the world’s poor will benefit.
When you amend your Holy Orders, in any way, and then pledge your life to someone who breaks all ties with Me, you will no longer be fit to serve Me. Everything will be seen to be made simple in the Eyes of God. The plan will be to convince those sacred servants of Mine to take part, willingly, in the abomination, which will link society and a secular world with the Church, which was set up by Me, Jesus Christ.
This is how I will be insulted. Every effort to embrace secularism will be applauded by non-believers and this will be seen to be a good thing, for the new, so-called modern society of today.
It will soon seem strange to Christians when they see members of the secular world embrace the Catholic Church, so enthusiastically. But many will brush off their doubts and dismiss their concerns, as they will fall for the great deceit. At the kernel of this plan to revolutionize the Church lies a hatred for Me and everything that I gave My Church. You must question everything in the days ahead. Demand answers when they change My Teachings and twist them to suit pagans. No disciple, appointed by Me, would ever be given the authority to do this, for it amounts to blasphemy.
Woe to those who allow My Holy Word to be tampered with and allow room to be set aside to show respect for those who deny Me. Your Jesus
The rest of My sacred servants will sign a pledge of allegiance to the new one world religion
My dearly beloved daughter, more of My sacred servants are, at last, responding to My Call, although by doing so it means a very lonely journey for them.
Their duty is to their superiors, for I have given My Church on Earth the authority to assert itself over all of God’s children. They, My sacred servants, must adhere to all instructions given to them by My Church, until the day My Sacraments are changed. Then, their duty will be to Me.
To those of My sacred servants who do not believe in the prophecies foretold, where My Church on Earth will be destroyed from within, you need to pray, so that I will keep you strong and loyal to My Teachings, until the day of darkness will wipe out all Presence of Me in the Holy Tabernacles around the world. For when that happens, your only duty will be to Me, Jesus Christ.
Do not let your hearts be troubled, because once you proclaim only the Truth of MyTeachings and administer the Sacraments in the ways in which you were taught, this will be your saving Grace.
If, and when, you are instructed to reject the Truth of My Church on Earth, then this is when you will have to discern.
This day has not yet come, but when you are asked by those within your highest ranks to discard the Holy Eucharist, you will know then that you were given the Truth.
When you are asked to accept certain doctrines, before that day comes, which you will know in your hearts could never be condoned by Me, you will realise the awful reality of the destruction, which faces the Church.
It will only be the brave and the courageous amongst you, who will stand up for the Truth when they try to make you accept pagan lies, who will remain loyal to Me. You will continue to administer the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, Confession, Confirmation, Marriage and Extreme Unction.
The rest of My sacred servants will sign a pledge of allegiance to the new one world religion. It will be then that you will be divided into two – those who follow the Truth and those who will accept laws, which amount to only one thing – the adulation of false gods and the condonement of sin.
Many of you will no longer honour Me. If you do not remain loyal to Me and feed My flock with lies, many will be lost to Me. Yet, when these souls realise that they have been deceived, I will show great Mercy. You, however, having been trained to understand My Teachings, to honour My Holy Word and administer the Most Holy Sacraments, will betray Me.
Your Jesus
A message for priests and all those sacred servants of Mine who have given their lives to My Sacred Service.
My dearly beloved daughter, this is a Message for priests and all those sacred servants of Mine who have given their lives to My Sacred Service.
My beloved servants, I desire that you obey the Laws of the Church and those to whom you must show obedience in My Holy Name.You must never desert your duties to the Church and you must continue to serve Me as always.
Please administer all the Sacraments, as before, but with even more diligence. Attend, as always, to your sacred duties. Your duty is to God’s children and you must guide your flock. Remain loyal to My Teachings at all times.
It will not be you, My precious servants, who will desert My Church on earth. It will not be through your doing that Laws within My Church will be changed in order to embrace new doctrines.
You will remain loyal to the services of My Church and conduct your duties until the terrible day. This will be the day when My Holy Mass will be changed beyond recognition. It will be the enemies of God, who have infiltrated My Church on earth, who will push you away from Me.
When they present the new Mass, you will be left with no choice then, for you will know that it will no longer offer the Most Holy Eucharist. It will be then that the Truth will finally be revealed to you, although you will be aware of the signs before then.
The signs will include strange new ways of adjusting prayers; Satan will no longer be denounced and the Sacraments will be tampered with in order to include other denominations. You will become uneasy, yet you will feel an obligation to remain loyal to My Church.
It will be then that the Existence of My Church on earth will be your only means of survival if you are to remain loyal to My Teachings. When My Teachings, My Sacraments and My Holy Mass are changed, you must not be deceived. If you do not adhere to My Laws, then you will betray Me.
For other Christian churches, I warn you that this infestation will spread also to your churches. In time, it will become difficult for you to honour My Teachings in the way they were given to the world. All Christians will suffer under the regime of the false prophet and his cohort, the antichrist, whose face will be beamed all over the world soon, as the most influential leader of all time. Your Jesus
Please pray for all Sacred Servants that have dedicated their lives to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Crusade Prayer (44) Strength to defend my faith against the False Prophet
Dear Jesus, give me the strength to focus on Your Teachings and to proclaim Your Holy Word at all times. Never allow me to be tempted to idolise the false prophet, who will try to present himself like You. Keep my love for You strong. Give me the Graces of Discernment, so that I will never deny the Truth contained in the Holy Bible, no matter how many lies are presented to me to encourage me to turn my back on Your True Word.
Crusade Prayer (59) A Pledge of Allegiance to the Divine Will
O God the Most High, O Heavenly Father, I pledge to You my firm allegiance to honor and obey You in all things united to Your Divine Will on earth. I, through the Sacred Blood of Your only beloved Son, the True Messiah, offer You my mind, my body and my soul on behalf of all souls so that we can unite, as one, in Your Heavenly Kingdom to come, so that Your Divine Will is done on earth, as it is in Heaven.
More prayers for priests
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