New names will be given to titles, which are associated with Me.

Just as I, Jesus Christ, prepare you through My Intervention so, too, does Satan prepare his army. Much planning has been undertaken for many years by My enemies who know the Truth but who have chosen to destroy My Plan of Salvation. Many have fallen including the elect and are devoted, instead, to the occult.
My enemies have created many elaborate plans, which include genocide of the innocents, without their knowledge. While many wicked acts are being orchestrated against the human race, because of greed and a desire to control, the most ambitious act will be seen when they finally seize control of My House.
Plans are underway to bring, to its knees, My Holy House. Preparations have been made for the beast to take up his position. To ensure that he will be welcomed by the world, a detailed plan, which will touch every aspect of global politics and religions, has been put in place. But, before the beast is crowned and takes his seat on his throne in My Church, there will take place, in secret, many acts of desecration on the altars of My Church.
Black masses will become rampant thereby giving great powers to Satan and his hierarchy. They will devour all that is Holy and will go to extraordinary lengths to destroy Christianity, in what will be the greatest deceit in the history of My Church on earth. They will do this by pretending to embrace Christianity. Nothing will be as it seems and only those who are blessed with the Gift of discernment, will see what is really happening.
Every sin will be adjudged to be acceptable. I, Jesus Christ, will be cursed but My Name will be used to condone the acceptance of mortal sin. The devil, through his faithful cohorts, will turn everything that comes from Me back to front. New names will be given to titles, which are associated with Me, and those who represent Me. Their former titles will be replaced with new ones, which the world will be told represent a new, innovative and caring approach to equality.
The sins of man will be elevated before My Eyes and placed before My Altars, as a gesture of defiance. Know that those who claim to come from Me are liars, if they do not uphold My Holy Word and if they refuse to proclaim the Truth. They are impostors. I Am to be mocked, not only through mere words, actions and changes in Holy Doctrine, but by carefully staged rituals, which will take place on My Altars.

The day will come when My Father will intervene and stop this final desecration. Attempts by My enemies, to inject life into their new pagan ceremonies, will be futile. They will present sophisticated and entertaining events of ‘worship to God’, but no good can come from it because the Flame of the Holy Spirit will be missing. Instead, all that will be seen will be the smoldering fumes of a fire that could not be lit. This is the smoke of Satan and it will choke God’s children.
Your Jesus
November 28,2014
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