God the Father: The land will be purified, just as My children will be cleansed of all iniquities

Fear not, My children, for these things must come to pass in order that My children are purified, so they can rejoice when the Day comes for the world without end to begin. My Promises have always been fulfilled and all will end well.
I desire that you beg for Mercy, for every single soul alive in the world, so that the human race can unite, as one, in My Eyes. Soon, the hatred, the evil and the injustices in the world will come to an abrupt end, and the Light of My Kingdom will shine down upon you. Peace will reign and love will fill the earth, as the New Paradise is unveiled in all its splendour. My Justice will eradicate all evil, and those who cling to the devil, despite My Intervention, will be cast away. Then, no more tears will be shed and the final part of My Covenant will be concluded.
My Time has dawned and My enemies will be struck down as I strive to set everything in its correct order, so that all will be ready.The land will be purified, just as My children will be cleansed of all iniquities, and I will raise up the meek, the humble and those with tender hearts, to take their places in the New Heaven and New Earth.
Never lose hope, for all Power is Mine. Come to Me, My little ones, and draw comfort from My unconditional Love for you. Trust in Me and all glory will be yours.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High
Crusade Prayer (62) For Lost and Helpless Sinners
O Jesus, help me for I am a sinner lost, helpless and in darkness.
I am weak and lack the courage to seek you out. Give me the strength to call you now so that I can break away from the darkness within my soul.
Bring me into your light, dear Jesus. Forgive me. Help me to become whole again and lead me to your love, peace and eternal Life.
I trust you completely and I ask you to take me in mind, body and soul as I surrender to your Divine Mercy.
I am weak and lack the courage to seek you out. Give me the strength to call you now so that I can break away from the darkness within my soul.
Bring me into your light, dear Jesus. Forgive me. Help me to become whole again and lead me to your love, peace and eternal Life.
I trust you completely and I ask you to take me in mind, body and soul as I surrender to your Divine Mercy.
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