Crusade of Prayer groups
Much prayer is necessary to mitigate events from happening or to dilute the impact of coming chastisements.
Please help us to start prayer groups throughout the world by signing up with the contact sheet below.
Oct 23, 2011 My dearly beloved daughter, it must be known that I wish to form an army of Prayer Groups around the world. I will provide you, My army, with Prayers that will need to be recited to save souls. These Prayer Groups will expand and within its ranks will rise a veritable army of devoted followers to bring forth the Truth of My Divine Promise of Salvation for all.
These Groups will form the army as dictated by My beloved Father, which will tackle the darkness of evil caused by Satan and his believers and followers. 

May 16, 2012 My dearly beloved daughter, I must emphasise, to all those who believe in Me, that is important to pray for each of your nations.
To do this effectively you must set up Prayer Groups, devoted to “Jesus to Mankind”.
Use this group to recite all the Crusade Prayers given to you.
My daughter, Maria, will arrange to have those put up in a way which will allow you to print them off anywhere you are in the world.
Please spread My Holy Word to all members of the clergy. Some will reject My Messages.
Jan 17, 2013 My dearly beloved daughter, the Fire of the Holy Spirit has intensified amongst My Prayer Groups and they will now spread throughout the world, and multiply, one thousand-fold. The grace bestowed upon these Groups will enable them to set up quickly and grow just as I intended them to.

Feb 5, 2013 My children, you must seek out the comfort of each other, as you gather, at every corner of the earth, to form My Son’s Remnant Army.
Many will be lonely, in their quest to form prayer groups, and may feel that it is useless, at times. For each Prayer Group set up, to recite the Crusade Prayers, a special Grace will be given to you by my precious Son.
He is present in every group and He will make you aware of this. You will feel His Love and then you will witness the fruits, as they will pour forth and spread His Most Holy Word 

March 10,2013 While God is Almighty and His Glory will now be fully understood, when you bear witness to His Second Coming, you, His Remnant Army, must help Him in His plan to save humanity.
The Crusade Prayer Groups will save billions of souls and, therefore, you must spread and multiply. God’s Graces are being poured out over all of His Children who participate in these prayer groups. They will be the armour, which will shield mankind from the persecution planned by the anti-christ.
Sept 8, 2013 My dearly beloved daughter, it is time that the Crusade Prayer Groups must be set up and spread across the world. These Prayers are given by the Power of God and great miracles are associated with them.
These Prayers will spread conversion, provide physical healing and dilute the impact of war, hunger and poverty.

In this part of the webcast, we will mainly focus on:
• The prayers that have been given to Maria Divine Mercy
• The Crusade of Prayer groups
• What it means
• And how to set one up.
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