The doors have been opened to allow the heathen to desecrate My Church

But you must never judge others in My Name. By this I mean judging those who reject Me, as well as, those who accept My Intervention. Not one amongst you has the right to declare another person to be evil or guilty of wrongdoing. Those of you who judge harshly – those people you believe to be wrong, guilty of wrongdoing or heresy – do not have this right. You must remain silent and pray for those you believe to be afflicted.
Only I, Jesus Christ, have the Power to Judge humanity.
When you demean another person in My Holy Name, you are guilty of sin and I will hold this against you. When you harm others by your tongue, I will silence you. When you hurt another person’s reputation, your own reputation will be questioned by others. Hypocrisy disgusts Me and when you are guilty of calumny, carried out in My Name, then you bring great shame, not only on yourselves, but upon My Holy Name.
Any man who inflicts pain upon another person and openly professes to speak in the Name of God, deceives only himself. Those who punish others and say that they are merely carrying out their orders, because of their dedication and devotion to God, are not of Me. Shame on you, for you do not know Me. And while you fight amongst yourselves – Christian against Christian – the pagans amongst you are invading My Church. The enemy works very cleverly. His cunning plan is to create discord within My Church and as true allegiance to Me weakens, the doors have been opened to allow the heathen to desecrate My Churches and the Holy Eucharist.
Shame on those of you who know the Truth – My Holy Word given to you in the most Holy Scriptures. Every sacrifice was made for you; the prophets of God sent to you were violated, persecuted and killed; the visionaries, seers and the saints – all revered, only after their deaths, but scourged by you when they imparted My Word and then My Own Sacrifice – when you crucified Me. Now what do you do? You allow those who worship false gods to pay homage to them upon My Altars, which are meant to honour Me. Would these pagans allow you to do the same in their temples?
History repeats itself. The heathen took over My Father’s Church and they were cast out. When you desecrate My Church and My Body, you are no longer fit to serve Me and I will cast out every sacred servant of Mine who betrays Me in this way. Your sins are blacker than those whom you serve in My Name, for you will carry with you the souls you take away from Me. It is time for you to choose. You either accept Me, Jesus Christ, as I Am and not what you want Me to be or you deny Me. There is nothing in between.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (149) To seek God‘s Love
O Jesus, fill me with the Love of God. Fill me with Your Divine Light and flood me with the love I need to spread the seed of God‘s Mercy amongst all nations.
Allow Your Divine Love to be spread by me amongst all those with whom I come into contact. Spread Your Love, so that it alights upon all souls, all faiths, all creeds, all nations — like a mist to enrapture all God‘s children in unity.
Help us to spread God‘s Love, so that It can and will conquer all evil in the world. Amen.
Allow Your Divine Love to be spread by me amongst all those with whom I come into contact. Spread Your Love, so that it alights upon all souls, all faiths, all creeds, all nations — like a mist to enrapture all God‘s children in unity.
Help us to spread God‘s Love, so that It can and will conquer all evil in the world. Amen.
Crusade Prayer (150) To save the souls of non-believers
Dear Jesus, I ask You to save all those who, through no fault of their own, refuse to acknowledge You. I offer to You my suffering to bring You the souls of those who reject You and for the Mercy You will pour out over the whole world. Have Mercy on their souls. Take them into Your Heavenly Refuge and forgive them their sins. Amen.
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