Do not cut off ties with those who hate you because of Me

I came to save you and I come again to complete My Plan of Salvation. I Am here to serve you. I come to draw you to Me and while I delight in your love for Me and the time you devote to Me, My intention is to do this in a way which does not cause you undue distress. While I welcome the time you give to Me and the prayers you offer up, you still have to live your lives in order to feed and clothe yourselves and your families. All I ask is that you live your lives in the way that is necessary in order to serve Me. And as your relationship with Me deepens, you will feel a compelling desire to speak with Me through your thoughts and words.
I ask that you treat others with the respect that you show Me. Do not argue or lose your temper with others over Me. Never justify the actions or words, however, of those who insult Me – just pray for them. As your love for Me grows, your relationship with Me will become more intimate. When that happens, that will be the time when you will draw down upon you the wrath of those whose faith is weak. Expect this to happen and do not be alarmed or distressed, for when you are in union with Me, then you will be hated for this. Be patient with these people. Be kind. Be polite. Do not bother to argue, for nothing you say will make a difference. Instead, show them the meaning of Christianity by responding to hatred with love.
Do not cut off ties with those who hate you because of Me. Instead, please pray for them. You must try to keep a balance in your life when you are in union with Me. While I desire your company I also desire that you love those who need Me, but who cannot see Me; who cannot find it in their hearts to accept Me or who have no concept of what Eternal Life means. Your duty is to Me and My Desire is that you use your time wisely to love these souls. Through your words, deeds, actions and prayers, you can and will bring Me these souls.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (146) Protection against deception
Dear Mother of Salvation, protect me with the Grace of protection against deceptions, created by Satan to destroy the faith of Christians. Protect us against those who are the enemies of God. Keep us safe from lies and heresy, used to weaken our love for your Son. Open our eyes to untruths, deception and every attempt we may encounter to encourage us to deny the Truth. Amen.
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