Seal of the Living God Testimonies

A Testimony about the Seal Cards, some weeks after the Lindt Cafe Hostage Crisis, Sydney, 2014.
Since 2011, I’d been passing out Message printouts, Warning flyers & Seal Cards at every opportunity, especially on trips interstate.
In summer of 2014, my husband and I were travelling and stayed for a few nights with a married couple in Hornsby, north Sydney. During that time, they held their customary Friday night merry-making with friends around, music, food, drink & talk until late. One young man there was going to get married in a few weeks. He expressed significant anxiety and even a level of mild panic, especially in the light of the Lindt Cafe hostage crisis. A few times, he struggled to hide this emotion beneath his party demeanour, but didn’t seem consoled.
For hours during this party, I badly wanted to give Seal Cards to these people, but felt that, as a guest in their home, I’d make an unwelcome stir and panic with this material. So, I went to our guest bedroom, shut the door and prayed the Litany & Crusade prayers & Rosary and begged God to show me what to do.
After maybe an hour and a half, sounds of several men were moving down the hall as if to leave. I increased my prayers and stayed in my room, starting to feel a failure. I could hear them leaving through the front door, one at a time. I was most concerned but kept praying.
Within 15 seconds, I heard calling out. The young man had returned to the open front door. I came out of the room. When he saw me, he said, “Give them to me. Give them to me, please!”
I had the Seal Cards in my hand and gave him about five. He was consoled at last and left relieved. Prior to that, I hadn’t told him about the Seal Cards, nor about anything of the JTM things I’d brought.
Praise You, Jesus!
Praise You, Jesus!

July 2017 USA
My husband , son and I went to Florida to see my oldest daughter and my four grandchildren.Three days after arriving in Florida we get a frantic phone call from my daughter back home in New Jersey, she had struck a young boy on his bicycle with her car driving 45/50 miles per hour.
My daughter hit him so hard she knocked him completely out of his shoes,he flew up in the air and landed on the windshield of her car before falling to the ground.
My daughter was besides herself and found comfort in the arms of the witnesses who stopped to help.The young fourteen year old boy stood up and “refused” treatment at the scene. The young boy’s mother was a witness to the accident.
The mother had run out of gas and she phoned her son to get a gas can and go to the gas station and bring her enough gas to get to the closest gas station. The boy filled the red container and was traveling to the location where his mother was stranded.
The young boy was on the “wrong side of the road” he was “not” wearing a helmet and he crossed into the path on oncoming traffic and my daughter struck him.
My daughter had the Seal of the Living God in her car. I have retained the police report I will take a Seal to the boy and to his mother and explain the Seal of Protection that was at hand in this accident that could have been both very tragic for my daughter and this young boys family.
A few weeks after this accident another young boy was hit by a car,he too was knocked out of his shoes and landed on top of the car before falling to the ground and he was pronounced dead at the scene.
Thank you Jesus for saving both the boy and my daughter ,because she would never been able to live with the fact that she took a human life even if it was an accident.
God Bless
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