Groups who will promote heresy against the Holy Bible will seek out those who will remain steadfast in the Faith

Satan, and every demon he has sent to destroy humanity, has created much division in the world. They are trying to bring nations and communities into dispute with one another. Terrorist attacks will become more rampant, but the most serious sign will be in the form of the persecution of Christians. Never before will Christians be demeaned – their right to religious freedom curtailed and their right to remain true to the Word be violated – as they will be now.
Christians will not only be targeted by My enemies, but they will also turn on each other. Groups who will promote heresy against the Holy Bible will seek out those who will remain steadfast in the Faith. They will publicly critise them, ridicule their loyalty to the Truth and seek out every sacred servant of Mine who dares to challenge their betrayal of Me, Jesus Christ.
The evil one fights Me, at this time, in a terrible rage, because he knows My Time is almost upon you. Recognise any form of persecution against you, as a Christian, a true visionary, prophet or sacred servant, for what it is. A vulgar and evil assault on Me, your beloved Jesus Christ. Remember, My beloved followers, you must not give in to persecution, because of your love for Me. Pray for those poor souls who have allowed evil to spill out of their mouths. Be patient and calm when you witness persecution against Christians, for only My Divinity is Eternal. Evil deeds, acts or heresy against Me, will vanish in an instant. And only those who are truly for Me will find peace and salvation.
Pray for your persecutors and your tormentors, for when you do, you dilute the power of the evil one.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (127) To save my soul and those of my loved ones
O Jesus, prepare me, so I can come before You without shame.
Help me and my loved ones (name them here…) to get ready to confess all our wrong doings. To admit our short-comings. To ask for the forgiveness of all sins. To show love to those we have wronged. To beg for Mercy for salvation. To humble ourselves before You, so that on the Day of the Great Illumination, my conscience and those of (name them here…) will be clear and that You will flood my soul with Your Divine Mercy. Amen.
Help me and my loved ones (name them here…) to get ready to confess all our wrong doings. To admit our short-comings. To ask for the forgiveness of all sins. To show love to those we have wronged. To beg for Mercy for salvation. To humble ourselves before You, so that on the Day of the Great Illumination, my conscience and those of (name them here…) will be clear and that You will flood my soul with Your Divine Mercy. Amen.
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