Thursday 10 May 2018

You either love Me according to My Word or not at all

You either love Me according to My Word or not at all

My dearly beloved daughter, reason plays no part in the minds of those who will reject fiercely the Holy Word of God including those who are against Me anyway and those who do not remain loyal to the Word completely. You can only say you are of Me as one body – not part of your body. You cannot say you love me with just a part of you. You either love Me according to My Word or not at all.
When you betray Me you will do this by justifying your reasons when you accept lies about Who I Am, What I Am and What I said. You will, just as your ancestors before you did, throw Me out and  make false accusations against Me.
You will use My Word according to your own interpretation and then accuse the righteous of being uncharitable. You will scourge Me by your betrayal of My Body and inflict terrible pain and suffering upon those you accuse of heresy in My Holy Name.
Reason will be left to one side as you make every excuse to follow a path in the opposite direction to the one which was carved out for you by My Death on the Cross.
Satan is the great accuser of God’s children and, when present in the souls of those he infests, will make every accusation against God’s children in order to discredit My Word. He will deceive you to make you ignorant to the Love that God has for you.
He will destroy every ounce of faith you possess if you give in to him. He will take advantage of your free will – a God given right – and have you believe that you can live a life without God.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (117) For those who have sold their souls

Dearest Jesus, I consecrate the souls of (list them here) and all those who swapped their souls for the price of fame.
Rid them of their infestation. Turn them away from the threat of the Illuminati, who devour them.
Give them the courage to walk away from this wicked bondage without fear. Take them into Your Arms of Mercy and nurture them back to a State of Grace, so they are fit to stand before You.
By Your Divinity, help me through this prayer, for Satan‘s adopted souls, to prise them away from Masonry. Free them from the shackles which bind them and which result in a terrible torture in the chambers of Hell.
Help them, through the suffering of chosen souls, through my prayers and through Your Mercy, to be in the front line, ready to enter the Gates of the New Era of Peace — the New Paradise. I beg You to release them from captivity. Amen.

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