Mother of Salvation: I will work closely with my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in His final act to salvage humanity

I will, as and from this day forward, do all that is required of me to respond to Him as He intervenes in the affairs of the world to reveal His Mercy.
The road to salvation is a very difficult one, as it is never easy to open the eyes of the blind to the Truth. There is nothing more frustrating to witness than those poor souls who cannot see because they refuse to. Man’s stubbornness is a great barrier and because of this great acts of prayer and sacrifice are required by all those who are blessed with the Light of God in their hearts. It will be your generosity of free will, as you bring my Son the gift He desires, which will enable the Holy Spirit to descend upon those souls who are in great need of my Son’s Mercy.
It can be a great challenge to proclaim the Truth, by your faith alone. But while many people are loyal to my Son they do not have the gift of insight. Blind faith in God is a great Gift and is given to those who are tender of heart and devoid of ego. Rise therefore, dear children, and prepare for the great battle for souls. It will be the greatest task even for the strongest amongst you.
Allow me, your Mother, to guide you in the times ahead, for I am your Advocate and Jesus Christ has given me great Graces so that I will be able to take you with me along the path to great glory.
Go in peace to love and serve God. For those who follow Him, as little children, every Protection will be accorded to you.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Crusade Prayer (1) My Gift to Jesus to Save Souls
My dearest Jesus, you who loves us so much, allow me, in my humble way to help save your precious souls.
Have mercy on all sinners, no matter how grievously they offend you. Allow me, through prayer and suffering, to help those souls who may not survive The Warning to seek a place beside you in your Kingdom. Hear my prayer, O sweet Jesus, to help you win over those souls you yearn for. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I pledge my allegiance to your most Holy Will at all times.
Have mercy on all sinners, no matter how grievously they offend you. Allow me, through prayer and suffering, to help those souls who may not survive The Warning to seek a place beside you in your Kingdom. Hear my prayer, O sweet Jesus, to help you win over those souls you yearn for. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I pledge my allegiance to your most Holy Will at all times.
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