Prayer will, and can, save humanity

Choose the Crusade Prayers I give you and say them, so that you can focus on different requests during each prayer group. If, for example, you are praying the Crusade Prayer for the Grace of Immunity do this in a way, so that the prayer group, that day, can concentrate on a selection of Crusade Prayers, which calls on God’s protection for souls. Then on another day, focus on a selection of prayers, which are given to you for the protection of priests and clergy.
These Crusade Prayer groups, when formed all over the world, will become the armour necessary to defeat the enemy in more ways than you can believe possible.
I will continue to give you the Gifts of new prayers, which bring with them special miracles. Without such intervention I could not save the souls I so desire.
Go and plan your Crusade Prayer meetings based on the format given to you, but break them into parts, so that you can focus on special intentions. There is no need to recite all prayers together, although I urge that you do recite as many as possible during any one week.
You bring Me such joy and comfort, My precious followers. I grant you My blessings of strength and courage as you continue your quest to save souls. I love you.
Your Jesus
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