Trust Me and I will open your eyes to the Truth of your glorious future

My dearly beloved daughter, I call out to all the young people in the world, of all creeds and all faiths.
I Am Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world and I will make Myself known to you, soon. Once this happens, during a supernatural event, which will be experienced all over the world at the same time, you will know the Truth.
You may not accept My Call to you now. You may not welcome Me in your day to day lives, but when you feel My Love, nothing else will matter to you again.
The time for the Second Coming is close. This event, when I come to bring Peace, as I herald in the New Paradise, will overwhelm you with a joy, which you have never before experienced. I will bring you a life beyond your dreams – a life which when glimpsed will be all that you desire.
The Second Coming is not to be feared, as it will be the most powerful, joyous occasion. This is My Promise. You must never worry or feel that life is over – that you will be denied the time you take for granted in the world – because life will only be beginning. This time there will be no torment, hurt, anger, hate or division. Only love will thrive and with it, a life of splendour, where you will live in great unity, in love and peace with your loved ones.
I Am preparing the world for this Great Event, which has been prophesised. In order to prepare – so that in the blink of an eye, the world will change for good – you must come to Me. To be given this life in the New Paradise, where you will retain a perfect body and soul, you must ask Me to cleanse your soul. In order for Me to do this, you must ask Me to forgive you your sins. It is this simple. I know you are a sinner. You know that you are a sinner, but this must never separate you from Me.
If you are troubled or fearful, then tell Me your worries and I will soothe your pain. Trust Me and I will open your eyes to the Truth of your glorious future. When the Earth is renewed and the Second Coming is announced, I will be waiting to greet you. I will always love you, because it was for you that I gave up My Body, when I allowed them to crucify Me. If I love you so much, then nothing should stand in your way to call on Me today.
I await your call.
Your Jesus
The Graces given to My Remnant Army will be subtle, but powerful and with the help of the Mother of Salvation, they will slaughter the beast and his cohorts.
Litany Prayer (4) To Mitigate Punishment by God the Father
O God the Most High.
We beg You for Mercy for the sins of Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of the earth.
We thank You for the Gift of human life.
We treasure the Gift of life.
We uphold the Gift of life.
We thank You for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We thank You for the Gift of Redemption.
We praise Your Divinity.
We surrender, completely, before You, so that Your Holy Will can be completed, on earth, as it is in Heaven.
We thank You for the Gift of the Illumination of Conscience.
We thank You for the promise of eternal life.
We welcome the New Paradise.
We beg You to save all souls, including those who torment You and those who are lost to You.
We thank You for the Love you show all Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of prophecy.
We thank You for the Gift of prayer.
We ask You to grant us peace and salvation.
We beg You for Mercy for the sins of Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of the earth.
We thank You for the Gift of human life.
We treasure the Gift of life.
We uphold the Gift of life.
We thank You for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We thank You for the Gift of Redemption.
We praise Your Divinity.
We surrender, completely, before You, so that Your Holy Will can be completed, on earth, as it is in Heaven.
We thank You for the Gift of the Illumination of Conscience.
We thank You for the promise of eternal life.
We welcome the New Paradise.
We beg You to save all souls, including those who torment You and those who are lost to You.
We thank You for the Love you show all Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of prophecy.
We thank You for the Gift of prayer.
We ask You to grant us peace and salvation.
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