My Words to you now will be heard once again on the Last Day. Remember them April 28, 2013

Watch now as those appointed false prophets, prepared by Satan, will soon be taken into the bosom of those who say that they are servants of God. Their prophecies, all of which deny the Truth, will be used to disgrace you. Let no man think, for one second, that My Messages, given to the world to prepare mankind for My Second Coming, will not be pulled asunder.
My daughter, these obstacles must be ignored by you. By your obedience, I will make you stronger, for time is not on your side to ensure that the Graces, I pour over humanity, are obtained by all.
My true prophets, for the most part, are ignorant of Holy Scripture or prophecies given to the world out of My Mercy. They do not need to quote extracts from the Holy Bible, because I do not ask them to do this. My Word is given as it is. My Holy Bible is Sacred. To extract sections out of it, in order to endorse any Divine Revelation, is not authorised. When a Message is given by Me, the prophet writes what I dictate, and is never asked to replicate extracts given to the world by My apostles.
I Am greater than all who serve Me. My Word is Sacred. My Gifts, to you, are given to prepare your souls and this is why all genuine prophets are given prayers which ignite the urge to unite to My Heart.
The persecution, which you will endure, will continue and get worse. And just as you think you cannot take any more, I will prove to the world My Divine Presence. Suffer, My little one, with dignity. Do not defend My Word, no matter how tempting this is, even when you are presented with evil lies.
Those who know Me will also know when words do not come from Me for I reside in their hearts. Yet, Satan is so cunning that he can imitate Me, with one exception. He can never acknowledge that I came in the flesh or that My Body is present in the Holy Eucharist.
My Spirit increases now and will continue to rise against the forces of evil. Every demon will be slayed by My Angels until not one is left on the final day.
My Words to you now will be heard, once again, on the Last Day. Remember them.
I Am the beginning and the end. I come, as promised to bring you Eternal Life. Rise, all of you who believe in Me and accept the Truth. Come to Me. Let the Will of My Father Reign upon the New Heaven and the New Earth. Rejoice, for I bring peace and unity to all those whose names are in the Book of the Living. My final Covenant has been fulfilled. My Reign has come. Rise and accept the Hand of God.
The day when you hear these words will be the day you will know the Truth.
Do not be fooled, for only God and the Gifts of Divine Revelation can bring to you the love, the peace, the joy and the conversion, which sweeps the world through these Messages. They are a Gift. They are meant to show you the true path to your rightful inheritance. Accept them with graciousness and thanksgiving in your soul.
Your Beloved Jesus
Saviour of Humanity
Crusade Prayer (158) Protect me from the one world religion
Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the new one world religion, which does not come from You. Sustain me on my journey to freedom, along the path to Your Holy Kingdom.
Keep me in union with You, whenever I am tormented and forced to swallow lies, which are spread by Your enemies to destroy souls.
Help me to withstand persecution, to remain firm to the True Word of God against false doctrines and other sacrileges, which I may be forced to accept.
Through the gift of my free will, take me into the Domain of Your Kingdom, to enable me to stand up and proclaim the Truth, when it will be declared to be a lie.
Never let me falter, hesitate or run away in fear, in the face of persecution. Help me to remain firm and steadfast to the Truth for as long as I live. Amen.
Keep me in union with You, whenever I am tormented and forced to swallow lies, which are spread by Your enemies to destroy souls.
Help me to withstand persecution, to remain firm to the True Word of God against false doctrines and other sacrileges, which I may be forced to accept.
Through the gift of my free will, take me into the Domain of Your Kingdom, to enable me to stand up and proclaim the Truth, when it will be declared to be a lie.
Never let me falter, hesitate or run away in fear, in the face of persecution. Help me to remain firm and steadfast to the Truth for as long as I live. Amen.
My dearly beloved daughter, you must move forward and concentrate on those poor souls who do not believe in God at all. I refer to those who have never been given the Truth about the Existence of God, their Creator.
There are billions of people who have no knowledge of the Holy Trinity because it was hidden from them. These are the souls who will be granted great Mercy by Me and they need to be made aware of these, My Messages to the world.
The other souls who concern Me are those who were lukewarm in their faith and who now refuse to accept the Truth of eternal life. Many people who are either unsure of their Creation, or the Existence of God, will soon be shown the Truth. Again I will show them great Mercy and My Love will touch their hearts and they will be saved.
But then there are those who will continue to resist My Intervention. They will fight any attempt to be given the Truth, and the proof they will be given of My Mercy will be thrown back in My Face. Again, I will intervene and continue to fight for their souls.
Finally, there are those who do know everything about Me and the fact that I Am the Messiah. No miracle or act of love will draw them to Me because they have abandoned themselves to Satan. These souls will be devoured by the beast and he will not let them go free because they do not see me as their Saviour. They still do not know the truth of the plan of the beast.
In order to save them, you, My beloved followers, must give Me your allegiance by committing their souls to Me during your prayers and when you receive the Holy Eucharist. You must offer them to Me every day and for every soul you dedicate to My Mercy, I will save a hundred more.
Do this every single day. At the end of every month you will be full of joy because you will know how many such souls have been given this Great Mercy. This is just another Gift I bless you with and the graces you will receive when you recite this Crusade Prayer will be in abundance.
Crusade Prayer (104) Free this soul from slavery
Dearest Jesus, I present to You the soul of my brother and sister, who has abandoned their soul to Satan. Take this soul and redeem it in Your Holy Eyes. Free this soul from slavery to the beast and bring it eternal salvation. Amen.
My Mercy will continue to be given to mankind, and especially, to every single soul who rejects the Word of God.
I bless you, My loyal disciples, and I continue to pour upon you the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Your Jesus
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