I pine for them. Without them, I cannot feel whole

Every time you see a young child and feel My Love surge through your veins, this is My Love for them. When you see a teenager walking and laughing with his friends and feel a surge of maternal love for him, then know that this is the Love of God you are feeling. When you see older people and still feel this love, this again, is My Love you feel.
When you look at those souls who cause terrible grief upon others, through their wickedness, and you feel pity for them, know too, that this is My Love, which courses through you. Know that those who defy Me in every way, still fill Me with Love for them, for how could I deny them? They are Mine. I love them. I cry for them. I pine for them. I Am sick with worry for them. How they cause Me such terrible pain, but I will fight the evil one, right to the very last breath they take on this Earth, for these sorry souls.

How can I rest, My daughter, without the sweetness of their conversion? But, they must come to Me of their own free will. I can cover them with My Love and Graces. I can flood their souls with every Grace, but in order for them to accept such Gifts, they will have to succumb to My Holy Will and surrender to Me. I cannot use My Divinity to impose My Will on them, but what I can do, through My Father’s Generosity, is to take My chosen souls and ask them to take on My Pain, in return for these souls. This miraculous intervention will be one of the ways in which I can save most of humanity.
Pray, My beloved daughter, to Me, your Jesus, for the strength to give Me more suffering. If you accept this special request, I solemnly promise that I will save tens of millions more souls. Do not be frightened. You will be strong and you will do this with joy in your heart this time.
Go, My daughter, accept My Request. Do not fear it, for you will bring Me the greatest joy if you hand Me over these new trials. It will be I, Who will endure the pain, not you. Your pain will be brief, but by accepting it, I can achieve My desire to salvage My poor children, who are separated from Me.
Thank you for responding to My Call. Open your heart to My request and I will help you every step of the way. For you, this will be simply another trial and soon, easily forgotten. For Me, it means souls, who would have gone to Hell, will be Mine in My Kingdom.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (165) For the Gift of Eternal Life
Jesus help me to believe in Your Existence.
Give me a sign so that my heart can respond to You.
Fill my empty soul with the Grace that I need to open my mind and my heart to Your Love.
Have Mercy on me, and cleanse my soul from every wrongdoing, that I have committed in my life.
Forgive me for rejecting You, but please fill me with the love that I need, to be made worthy of Eternal Life.
Help me to know You, to see Your Presence in other people and fill me with the Grace to recognise the Sign of God in every beautiful Gift, which You have given the human race.
Help me to understand Your Ways and save me from the separation and the pain of darkness that I feel in my soul. Amen.
Give me a sign so that my heart can respond to You.
Fill my empty soul with the Grace that I need to open my mind and my heart to Your Love.
Have Mercy on me, and cleanse my soul from every wrongdoing, that I have committed in my life.
Forgive me for rejecting You, but please fill me with the love that I need, to be made worthy of Eternal Life.
Help me to know You, to see Your Presence in other people and fill me with the Grace to recognise the Sign of God in every beautiful Gift, which You have given the human race.
Help me to understand Your Ways and save me from the separation and the pain of darkness that I feel in my soul. Amen.
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