Great rejoicing will take place everywhere. This will last 100 days

I Call out to Jews, Muslims and Christians, as well as every other creed, to listen to Me now. Not one of you will be untouched by the wickedness of the antichrist. But if you prepare now, you will become immune to the suffering which he will inflict on the world, by taking the Seal of the Living God and keeping it in your homes.
When the Word of God, the True Word, is made known to you, you must stop and listen, for it will lead you to the Gates of the New Heaven and the New Earth. This New Paradise is awaiting and will become home to billions of souls, including those who await in the state of Purgatory and in Heaven. I will unite all those whose hearts are open to the Command of God, who will feel the Love of My Mercy.
Please do not fear this Day, as it will bring you great happiness, peace and joy. My Kingdom will astonish you, because of its astounding beauty. Many of you fear My Messages because you believe that the Second Coming means death – the end. But that would be an incorrect assumption.
Those of you who come to Me willingly, without any conditions, with humility and love, will not experience the pain of physical death. Instead, you will, in the blink of an eye, find yourself in your new surroundings. This will shock you at first and you will look around you quickly to find your loved ones. I will save so many souls that you will be with your families, including those who you love, who are already with Me in Heaven and those I will release from the fires of Purgatory.
Great rejoicing will take place everywhere. This will last 100 days. My New Paradise will have only one religion, the New Jerusalem, where I will be adored, daily. All will be in union with the Holy Will of My Father. There will be twelve nations, but only one language, for I will not permit division.
I will appoint leaders and in each nation there will be no shortage of food, water, homes or life. There will be no death, because I will give all those who enter, Eternal Life. All nations will work together to spread the Word of God, and happiness, which is impossible to attain on Earth today, will be one of the greatest Gifts I will present to you. You will be very much loved and you will love Me, just as I love you.
Many of you will meet generations of your families, going back centuries. Generations will continue and so you will see your sons and daughters marry and produce perfect children of God – each blessed with great Graces. There will be appointed, a Head of My Church and his name is Peter, for I promised that he would form My Church on Earth. And so, in the New Paradise he will head up My Church.
Oh if only I could show you what lies before you, you would cry tears of joy and fight your way to the Gates. So please, all of you, ignore attempts to stop you in your quest for Eternal Life. Ignore those who tell you that I do not Exist. Do not give credence to those who use My Holy Word to convince you that I do not speak to you now through these Messages.
You must fight for all of you to be given this glorious inheritance, for no man has the right to deny another this great inheritance, which belongs to every single one, no matter how blackened their souls may be. I Am giving you the tools to bring Me souls, everywhere, so that together we can destroy the work of Satan and move swiftly into the New World.
My peace be with you.
Your Jesus
Crusade Prayer (166) To mitigate the murder of innocents
Dearest Mother of Salvation, please present this, our plea to mitigate the murder of innocents, to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
We ask, that in His Mercy, He will remove the threat of genocide, persecution and terror against God‘s children, in every form.
Please, we implore you, dear Mother of Salvation, to hear our cries for love, unity and peace in this sorrowful world.
We ask that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, will protect all of us during these times of great pain and suffering on earth. Amen.
We ask, that in His Mercy, He will remove the threat of genocide, persecution and terror against God‘s children, in every form.
Please, we implore you, dear Mother of Salvation, to hear our cries for love, unity and peace in this sorrowful world.
We ask that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, will protect all of us during these times of great pain and suffering on earth. Amen.
God the Father: Fear you, those who stand up and curse My Son
My dearest daughter, I Am to bequeath a great Gift upon the world because of this My Most Holy Mission. I Am going to save 200 million souls, without hesitation, irrespective of how much they offend Me, and I will do this next week because of the suffering associated with this Mission.
My Act of Intervention is because of your request, My daughter, and I will continue to grant great Gifts as this Mission continues. Those who love Me will endure, with patience, the persecution they face and will continue to endure, because this is My Desire.
Those who persecute you, My dear little one, because you continue to proclaim the Holy Word of My Son, must know this. If you demonise My Son, I will punish you. If you demonise His Most Holy Word and then say that you are a child of God, I will cast you into the wilderness. Nothing will prevent My prophet from completing this Mission. Nothing. Try as you will, you will fail, for you will be fighting a war which you will never win.
My Almighty Power cannot be touched, tampered with or challenged. Challenge My Divine Intervention to save the world and you will feel My Wrath. You will be destroyed.
Fear you, those who stand up and curse My Son. Your pride and your disobedience will be your downfall. I have warned, through the prophets of old, the consequences of ignoring My Voice.
I now move forward to finalise the beginning of the final onslaught upon humanity. I have permitted the final battle to take place. I have given the evil one the last chance to infest those who are drawn to him. I do this so that by the Mercy of My Son, souls will defy the beast. They will do this because of their loyalty to My Son. Those, who do not know Me or My Son, will be given great Graces so that they will accept salvation. All salvation is by the Power of My Mercy. Only those stubborn hardened hearts will remain loyal to the beast. I will pull all the others towards Me. I will ensure that every chance will be given to every soul, so that they can redeem themselves, before My Son, before the final day.
This Final Mission has been created in Heaven since the beginning. All the angels and saints work in union to bring all of My children back to Me, their beloved Father. The final journey is now. All who walk with My Son, stay close to Him at this time. You will not be able to endure this painful journey unless you listen to what He tells you. Do not be swayed by those who will work day and night to force you to turn your back. If you allow this to happen you will find it very difficult to pick yourself up again.
You are nothing without My Son. You are nothing without Me. Until you surrender all and follow the Truth, you will never find it.
Attempt to prevent the Truth from being given to the world by Me, your Creator and I will strike you down and your weeping will be of no consolation. I will cast the proud and arrogant, who believe that they know more than Me, into the wilderness. You will not succeed when you defy My Word and deny My Presence when I try to save you.
Ungrateful man, you have little time left. By listening to Me, you can come to Me, but you can only do this when you crawl on your face and fall in humility before My Son.My Mission has reached a very dangerous phase as every effort will be made by those who are My enemies to tear it apart. This may seem to happen, but know that those enemies of Mine have very little time and soon, when My Patience has been expended, they will be no more, for they will never see My Face.
Your Father
God the Most High
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