Sunday 17 December 2023

True love comes from God.. BOOK OF TRUTH..


True love comes from God.

jesus-my-love1My dearly beloved daughter when you doubt the Love of God you doubt the existence of true love. All you are left with is a flawed love.

True love comes from God. When a person does not love God enough they are incapable of loving another human being in the fullness of true love.

Only those with the fire of God’s Love in their souls can truly convey the true meaning of love in another person.

The same is true for those in a marriage that is blessed in My Church.

The Love of God, which will shine down upon the marriage of a man and a woman, who love each other, will infiltrate their souls if they love God with an abandonment, which is necessary to feel peace.

True love means peace. Without love there is no peace no matter how much you try to find it. Peace can only come about through the love of one person for another.

When love is missing in your life nothing is balanced and, in its place is a feeling of numbness.

To find love you must find room in your heart for God.this-is-my-commandment-that-ye-love-one-another-as-i-have-loved-you1

To find God you must accept Me, your Jesus, as His Beloved Son.

For, if you will allow Me, I will take you to Him.

When I do and when His Light invades your soul you will find it easy to love another person.

The Love of God, present in a soul, will open the heart of another.

Love shines through heartbreak, unrest and disruption in the world.  It is the only way to achieve peace, not only in your personal lives, but in the world around you.

Love brings peace but it must stem from a real love for God, your Creator.

Peace brings harmony.

Love is the lifeline of the human race and, without it, you are lost, lonely, hungry and you will never find peace.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (122) For the consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

Dear Jesus, I ask You to consecrate me, my family, friends and nation to the Protection of Your Precious Blood.
You died for me and Your wounds are my wounds as I gracefully accept the suffering, which I will endure in the lead up to Your Second Coming.
I suffer with You Dear Jesus as you try to gather all of God‘s children into Your Heart, so that we will have eternal life.
Cover me and all those who need Your Protection with Your Precious Blood. Amen.

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