Thursday 14 December 2023

My Word is being digested quietly by My leading servants.. BOOK OF TRUTH..


My Word is being digested quietly by My leading servants

holyeucharistMy dearly beloved daughter My Church on Earth is, at last, recognising that I now communicate to the world through you, the seventh messenger.

My Word is being digested quietly by My leading servants who will not, however, publicly proclaim that these Words come from My Holy Lips.

They know that they come from Me and I have touched their hearts and lifted their souls so that they will now follow My lead.

So many sacred servants of Mine have now sought My Words to humanity at this time.

They need My special graces now, as without these they would be unable to lead My flock with real confidence.

My Holy Spirit is being poured over My loyal sacred servants so that they will find the strength to lead My Church through the thorny thick jungle, which lies ahead.

Never fear My beloved clergy for I will never desert you.image-of-jesus

You will feel My Presence in the times you face ahead when My Body, My Church, will be persecuted.

This Holy Presence will be your mainstay, as you will need all My help to sustain you in leading God’s children towards their rightful inheritance.

I accept that many of you will not speak out. I understand how difficult it will be for you to openly proclaim My Word given to you through My end time prophet.

But know this.

You have a responsibility to God’s children to lead and direct them to the Truth.

You must never accept lies in lieu of the Truth.

You know that the Truth of My Teachings is cast in stone.

My Teachings have, and never will, change.

My New Revelations, which are contained in the Seals in the Book of Revelation, will be made known to you shortly.

Trust in Me.

Accept that I speak with you now for I would never forsake you at this time.

My duty to My Father is to ensure that the world is prepared adequately for My Return to salvage every single child of God.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (119) To feel the Love of Jesus

Jesus help me, I am so confused.
My heart won‘t open to You.
My eyes can‘t see You.
My mind blocks You.
My mouth cannot utter words to comfort You.
My soul is clouded with darkness.
Please take pity on me, a poor sinner.
I am helpless, without Your Presence.
Fill me with Your Graces, so that I have the courage to reach out to You, to beg You for Mercy.
Help me, Your lost disciple, who loves You, but who no longer feels love stir in my heart, to see and accept the Truth. Amen.

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