I call on all of you to set up centres where you can ensure that My Messages are spread
My dearly beloved daughter the army has been formed and its ranks will spread across Christian countries as well as those run by Communists.
No country will be left untouched by My army, My Remnant Army.
There will be tiers within My army with ranks of every kind designed to ensure that My Mission to convert souls succeeds.
All those in My army, irrespective of the role they play, will have this in common with each other.
They will serve Me in humble servitude and their love for Me, their Jesus, will stay alight throughout the Mission.
The Torch of Flames, ignited by the Holy Spirit, will not flicker for this is a special Gift to strengthen My soldiers.
Remember this will be a war, a war to save the human race. A war, which My Father will ensure is won in the Name of God.

I call on all of you to set up centres where you can to ensure that My Messages are spread in whatever way you can.
Prayer is an important part of such centres because when you set up prayer groups you will strengthen the power of My army.
I will increase conversion as more prayer groups are established in My Holy Name.
Call these prayer groups Jesus to Mankind and leave the rest to Me.
My Holy Spirit will cover you in such groups and guide you every step of the way. I will give you further instructions soon.
Be at peace. I am happy that you, My beloved disciples have responded to My Call with such love and trust.
Your Jesus
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