If you praise false gods and ask for great wealth, riches and other gifts, purely to satisfy your lusts you will attract the Prince of Darkness

They do not believe in the True God, My Eternal Father.
They, in their billions, run around in confusion and chase down blind alleys seeking a god they can pay allegiance to.
The problem about the gods, the false gods they put on a pedestal, is that these idols are of their own making. Their own creation made to suit their interpretation of who God should be.
These gods, and My daughter they have created hundreds of them, are formed out of their own imaginations.
These same gods only serve one purpose and that is to massage the expectations, borne out of self-love, as to what their ideal god should be.
The gods they create are elaborate. They appeal to their sense of the divine right of their souls. These souls believe that their self-made gods promote their rights to wondrous things.
To those of you who do not accept the Truth, the Existence of the one True God, know this.
Only the True Creator of humanity can give you free will.
My Father will never force you or command you to do anything for this is impossible.
When you ask false gods to give you riches, make you successful or when you seek favours you are being selfish.
Only when you ask God to grant you gifts, according to His Holy Will, can you really communicate with the one True God.
If you praise false gods and ask for great wealth, riches and other gifts, purely to satisfy your lusts you will attract the Prince of Darkness.
He is waiting for the moment when he will grant you such favours. Do not open the door to the King of Lies for it will come at a great price.
He will exchange such worldly gifts in return for your soul.
Your Jesus
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