I will salvage 5 billion souls because of this Mission.
Keep a copy of the Seal of the Living God close to you. Many people who may not be aware of this Mission may also receive the Protection of the Seal when you pray for them, as you recite this prayer.

Even when His first-born rejected His Love, My beloved Father drew up His Ten Commandments, to enable man to live by His Rules. Man’s desire must always be to serve His Master and to do this he must show love to his brothers and sisters. By observing the Laws of God, he will remain true to Him and become closer to Him. But, by rejecting the Ten Commandments, man puts a great distance between himself and God.

My Final Mission, to bring man the fruits of his salvation, has yielded many Gifts. I desire now that each of you recites from this day, and every day from now on, Crusade Prayer number (33) and that you keep a copy of the Seal of the Living God close to you. Many people who may not be aware of this Mission may also receive the Protection of the Seal when you pray for them, as you recite this prayer.
All of God’s children who have the Seal of the Living God will be immune to the troubles, which will come as the Great Tribulation unfolds. I ask that you do this today for I promise you great protection against the persecutors of the Christian Faith and the upheavals, which will be witnessed across the four corners of the earth. I ask that you do not allow fear of any kind to trouble your hearts. While I desire to save the whole world, out of My Mercy, I now declare that I will salvage five billion souls because of this Mission. I declare this to be one of the greatest Mercies that I have bequeathed to God’s children at any one time in the history of the world.
Know also, that I will curtail the suffering, which will be inflicted upon humanity by the beast, such is My Mercy. But first, God’s Punishment will be witnessed for this has been foretold, and it is a necessary part of the final purification of man.

The only sin, which cannot be forgiven, is the eternal sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Today is the day that I solemnly promise to bring humanity the love, peace and joy of My Kingdom through the salvation of five billion souls.
I love and cherish you all. There is nothing that I will not do for you, if it is the Will of God. All you must do is ask.
Your Jesus
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