Sunday 22 January 2017

Mother of God: When God’s children are misled by lies, they will become separated from Him

Mother of God: When God’s children are misled by lies, they will become separated from Him

Fatima2My beloved child, let me bring you comfort at this time. Let me hold you close to me, so that I can give you strength as you continue to spread the Holy Word of God in these difficult times.
When those who persecuted my Son, and then murdered Him, were asked – “Why did you do this?” – they replied – “To uphold the Word of God.” When they were asked if God would condone the killing of another man, they argued that this was in accordance with Church Teachings. And so also will it be in the end times. People will twist the Teachings of God in order to justify their rejection of His Holy Word.
My Son gives the world these Messages so that you will uphold His Teachings. He does this so that no man will mistakenly reject His Holy Word, when the Teachings of His Holy Church on earth are tampered with and made unholy. The Word of God must never change, yet the prophecies have foretold of these very days when this will happen, when it will be done by the Church founded on the Rock of Peter.
My Son is the Word. The Word of God must be honoured by every child of God. When God’s children are misled by lies, they will become separated from Him. When you accept anything other than the Truth of God, when you accept sin, and then participate in it, you will drive a wedge between you and my Son.
Remember that I, the Mother of God, protect all of those who call on me. My protection is for all people, all religions. When you say my Holy Rosary daily, you are given every kind of protection and you will be able to uphold the Truth, the Holy Word of God.
Anyone in my Son’s Church on earth, who leads the people, who cannot recite the Holy Rosary before his congregation, does not come from God.
Your Mother
Mother of God
Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (83) For the Mitigation of Chastisements

O dear Father, God the Most High, we, your poor children, prostrate ourselves before Your Glorious Throne in Heaven.
We beg You to rid the world of evil.
We implore Your Mercy for the souls of those who cause terrible hardships to Your children on earth.
Please forgive them.
Please remove the antichrist, as soon as he makes himself known.
We ask You, dear Lord, to mitigate Your Hand of chastisement. Instead, we beg You to accept our prayers and our sufferings, to ease the suffering of Your children, at this time.
We trust You.
We honour You.
We thank You for the great sacrifice you made when you sent Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin.
We welcome Your Son, once again, as the Saviour of humanity. Please protect us. Keep us from harm. Help our families. Have Mercy on us.

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